粥粥頌廣東粥專賣店 (景美總店) - Wenshan District

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 粥粥頌廣東粥專賣店 (景美總店)

地址 :

116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District, Jingwen St, 粥粥頌廣東粥專賣店 (景美總店) 101號之6號

電話 : 📞 +88978
網站 : https://facebook.com/%25E7%25B2%25A5%25E7%25B2%25A5%25E9%25A0%258C%25E5%25BB%25A3%25E6%259D%25B1%25E7%25B2%25A5%25E5%25B0%2588%25E8%25B3%25A3%25E5%25BA%2597%25E6%2599%25AF%25E7%25BE%258E%25E7%25B8%25BD%25E5%25BA%2597-325905630761494/%3Flocale2%3Dzh_TW
城市 : Jingwen St

116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District, Jingwen St, 粥粥頌廣東粥專賣店 (景美總店) 101號之6號
chi jia on Google

一顆星是給材料費,味道還算可以 服務人員態度差,老闆更是不知道在兇什麼?很大牌,空間就這麼小,有客人在老闆也超用力在甩隔壁桌椅子,本來覺得不錯但以後完全不想再來了 態度差不是一天兩天造成的,評論也不是個案,還沒進去老闆不知道朝客人兇什麼,內部空氣稍悶不流通僅有自己和家人,餐點未上,稍微露出鼻子呼吸不知道是什麼有什麼惹到店家,不知道老闆跟店員在客人即將吃的粥上方拼命交談比較扯還是客人還沒開始吃,戴口罩講悶漏出鼻子呼吸比較扯?不予置評,老實說店家桌子隔板也是小的可以,根本50分防疫,其實要做這種增加社區感染的防疫可以直接不開放內用比較好,保護自己也保護客人,店家活的很自由,生意興隆應該也不怕什麼評論,總之謝謝招待,長知識來增廣見聞了,大家都有尺,其他不再說,店家講給自己聽好了,謝謝。
One star is for the cost of materials, the taste is okay The attitude of the service staff is poor, and the boss doesn't know what's wrong? It's a big brand, and the space is so small. When there are guests at the boss, they are throwing the next table and chairs too hard. I thought it was good, but I don't want to come again in the future. The bad attitude is not caused by one or two days, and the comments are not an individual case. The boss doesn't know what to do with the guests before I go in. The air inside is a little stuffy and there is only myself and my family. What provokes the store, I don't know if the boss and the clerk are talking desperately over the porridge that the customer is about to eat, or if the customer has not started eating, wearing a mask and talking about stuffy nose and breathing is more ridiculous? No comment. To be honest, the store's table partitions are also small. It is basically 50 points for epidemic prevention. In fact, for this kind of epidemic prevention to increase community infection, it is better to not open it for internal use. It is better to protect yourself and customers. The store is very active. Freedom, business is booming and should not be afraid of any comments. In short, thank you for your hospitality. I have gained knowledge to increase knowledge. Everyone has a ruler.
Alex Lee on Google

6/12 星期日晚上點的粥吃起來很稀! 跟以往差很大…口感非常不OK 皮蛋也切的很大塊,感覺就是隨便煮煮 有沒有用心煮ㄧ看就知道了,建議加強員工訓練
朱崇華 on Google

珍廣粥在圖是本店招牌 一開始想說看起來稀稀的不像是粥 但皮蛋配海鮮真的搭到不行
Zhenguang porridge in the picture is our signature At first I wanted to say that it doesn’t look like porridge. But preserved eggs and seafood really don’t work well
Jun on Google

有些話可以好好講,就是不知道在兇什麼? 店家會說在忙的時候沒有注意到口氣,但事實是人少時也是這種態度,下方不少人反應了,回應完全避重就輕,絲毫不見反省之意。 然後,口口聲聲防疫為重,但在菸癮面前似乎顯得微不足道
Some things can be said well, but I don't know what's wrong? The store owner will say that he doesn't notice his tone when he is busy, but the fact is that this attitude is also true when there are few people. Many people below reacted. Then, it is said that epidemic prevention is the most important, but it seems insignificant in the face of smoking addiction
Ivy Hello on Google

Silver kiss porridge with preserved egg 90, tastes good, but too salty, I feel thirsty after a few bites, the bosses (one-year-old man, one-year-old daughter) are not very friendly, and the tone is not very good
Nicole Huang on Google

口味還可以 用餐環境空間比較小(大概4桌)算乾淨 珍寶粥還不錯,料蠻多的~ 粥夠細,花枝蠻嫩的, 價格才85元 (這裡感覺是學生天堂)
Taste ok The dining environment is relatively small (about 4 tables), which is considered clean Jumbo porridge is not bad, there are plenty of ingredients~ The porridge is thin enough and the flower branches are quite tender. The price is only 85 yuan (It feels like a student paradise here)
Jia Li on Google

位於景美夜市入口處前,對面就是臭豆腐名店,現場等候取餐的顧客頗多,慶幸有先電話預約。 供應品項的數量普通,基本款外還有韓國泡菜、海陸巧達這類比較花俏的商品,每個品項項下也都附有內容物說明,真是非常貼心阿!本次點了瘦皮粥及海陸巧達粥,外帶回家溫度剛好,不會燙口又有熱度。海陸巧達粥一打開就是濃郁厚實的起司味,直接將切達起司撒在粥的表面,第一次吃這麼華麗的粥品,舌頭有點無法招架,魚肉部分算是新鮮,使用台灣鯛,鮮度通過貓咪老師的鑑定,沒有問題。價位也相當實惠。
It is located in front of the entrance of Jingmei Night Market, opposite to the famous stinky tofu shop. There are many customers waiting to pick up the food on the spot. Fortunately, we have made an appointment by phone. The quantity of supply items is ordinary. Besides the basic items, there are more fancy items such as Korean kimchi and Hailu Qiaoda. Each item is also accompanied by a description of the contents, which is very considerate! This time I ordered thin Skin porridge and Hailu Qiaoda porridge, the temperature is just right to take home, not hot and hot. Hailu Qiaoda porridge has a rich and thick cheese flavor as soon as it is opened. Sprinkle the cheddar cheese directly on the surface of the porridge. It is the first time to eat such a gorgeous porridge. The freshness has been identified by the cat teacher, and there is no problem. The price is also quite affordable.
Bryan L Smith on Google

After reading some of the reviews, I was a little surprised. I’ve always found this a great “go to” place. They add plenty of flavor to every dish I’ve had. It’s hot and plentiful. The little bag of “youtiao” is nice. They have also been very kind to a foreigner who fumbles by with the language.

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