丞祖胡椒餅新竹北門店 - North District

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Contact 丞祖胡椒餅新竹北門店

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, North District, Beimen St, 81號丞祖胡椒餅新竹北門店

電話 : 📞 +88878
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/pages/biz/%25E6%2596%25B0%25E7%25AB%25B9%25E4%25B8%259E%25E7%25A5%2596%25E8%2583%25A1%25E6%25A4%2592%25E9%25A4%2585-164498467385242/
城市 : Beimen St

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, North District, Beimen St, 81號丞祖胡椒餅新竹北門店
小紅帽帽子戲法 on Google

宅配的胡椒餅也好方便豪好吃,每種口味各有千秋,辣妹我最喜歡有點微辣的泡菜猪了,拿來配啤酒也好棒棒的哦♡ 下次有機會要去店裡買!
The pepper cakes served at home are also very convenient and delicious. Each taste has its own advantages. I love the slightly spicy kimchi pig the most, spice girl. It is also great with beer ♡ Next time I have the opportunity to go to the store to buy it!
TC C on Google

起司豬肉$55 外帶時充滿著焦香炭燒味,外皮芝麻非常完美,內餡充滿起司且肉紮實,汁不至於爆,我覺得很棒,不會噴的滿身是?整體味道不會太重口味
Pork Cheese $55 When taking out, it is full of charcoal burnt flavor. The sesame on the outside is perfect. The filling is full of cheese and the meat is firm.
Angel Chine on Google

A 45 yuan pepper cake, the freshly baked pepper cake is fat and cute, the roasted skin is fragrant and crispy, and the taste is delicious. When you bite, be careful that the juice will be scalded~
Mio Wu on Google

福州人古早味胡椒餅,是我很喜歡吃的下午茶點心~這家傳承4代80年老店,真空宅配~加熱後居然跟現場剛出爐的一樣美味,讓人十分驚艷?!新一代年輕老闆加入泡菜、起司創新口味 ,讓口味上選擇更加多元~免排隊宅配到家,就可以輕鬆享用超人氣胡椒餅,吮指回味的好味道! Instagram:@mio_chan123
The Fuzhou people’s old-fashioned pepper cakes are the afternoon tea snacks I like very much~ This 4th generation 80-year old store, vacuum home delivery~ After heating, it is as delicious as the freshly baked on the spot. It is amazing ?! A new generation of young bosses adds kimchi and cheese innovative flavors to make the flavor choices more diverse-skip the line and deliver to home, you can easily enjoy the super-popular pepper cakes with a good aftertaste! Instagram: @mio_chan123
Wenwen吃美食 IG追蹤wenwen0821 on Google

全台宅配食記#丞祖胡椒餅 #wenwen吃美食 下午茶好點心推薦給大家?? 新竹80年老店的丞祖胡椒餅,現在在家也可以吃到囉!!!! 之前到新竹城隍廟總會去買個一兩顆來吃,這次知道他有了宅配服務,馬上下訂~~ 他們家總共有5種口味 (招牌胡椒餅/牛肉胡椒餅/起司豬肉胡椒餅/起司牛肉胡椒餅/泡菜豬肉胡椒餅 ) 每款都是獨立包裝,而且上面都有營養標示,打開後每顆口味上都會用不同的芝麻標註,讓你看外面就知道是什麼口味,很棒? 要吃之前請一定要放置完全退冰後,再放置預熱200度烤箱8~10分鐘,即可享用~~ ?#招牌胡椒蝦 $55元 經典的口味,烤箱烤出來之後,外殼很酥,跟在店內吃的口感相差不大,咬下去後裡面的皮很Q,麵皮很香 內餡是豬肉跟蔥,他的豬肉不像一般只用絞肉,他的還有加入豬肉塊,一次有兩種口感,另外再加入大量的蔥,吃起來鮮甜,超爆肉汁,好好吃~~~~ ?#牛肉胡椒餅 $60元 牛肉口味的用的是牛絞肉,餡料沒有豬肉那麼飽滿,但是味道也是蠻好的,牛肉沒有腥味,有用黑胡椒調味,鹹香鹹香的,也不錯!!! ?#起士豬肉胡椒餅 $65元 中西結合的概念,把牽絲的起士加到傳統小吃裡,整個起士的味道超濃郁,切開整個牽絲,非常療癒~~~ 味道上起士跟豬肉餡我覺得搭配的蠻好的,不會太搶掉對方的味道,反而有加乘的效果,不過吃一整顆真的會超級飽的啦!!!! ?#起士牛肉胡椒餅 $70元 這顆我就沒有加熱到太久,所以起士沒有那麼牽絲,有點可惜,建議大家要再多烤個5分鐘 牛肉跟起士本來就是百搭組合,這裡一樣不違和,口味上這款比較重一點,重口味的起士控這款你一定會喜歡~~~ ?#泡菜豬肉胡椒餅 $65元 第一次吃這口味的胡椒餅,把泡菜加進去,更多增添了泡菜的酸味,層次感更多了 除了豬肉的軟勁跟麵皮的Q勁,還多了泡菜的清脆,吃起來有趣度更加分~~~ 整體我覺得他們的冷凍胡椒餅真的超可以買的啦!!!有時候半夜想吃,根本找不到地方買,現在在家隨時想吃,烤起來就對了!!!!! ℹ️優惠購買資訊 現在全台宅配滿2000元免運, 另外香港的朋友想吃也有福啦!!!在『小台北台灣美食&LaLa香港百貨』也可以買到祖傳四代80年老店的丞祖胡椒餅喔!!!!
全台宅配食记#丞祖椒饼 #wenwen吃美食 Good afternoon tea and snacks are recommended to everyone?? The Chengzu pepper cakes from the 80-year-old store in Hsinchu can now be eaten at home!!!! I used to buy one or two at Hsinchu Chenghuang Temple before, and this time I knew he had a home delivery service, so I ordered it right away~~ They have a total of 5 flavors (signature pepper cake/beef pepper cake/cheese pork pepper cake/cheese beef pepper cake/kimchi pork pepper cake) Each is individually packaged and has nutrition labels on it. After opening, each flavor will be marked with a different sesame, so you can see what flavor it is from the outside, which is great? Before eating, be sure to place the ice completely removed, and then place it in the preheated oven at 200 degrees for 8~10 minutes, and you can enjoy it~~ ?# Signature Pepper Shrimp $55 The classic taste. After being baked in the oven, the crust is very crisp, and the taste is not much different from the taste eaten in the store. After biting down, the inside is very Q, and the dough is very fragrant. The stuffing is pork and green onions. Unlike ordinary pork, he uses only ground meat. He also adds pork cubes. It has two textures at a time. In addition, a lot of green onions are added. It tastes fresh and sweet. Super fried gravy. Eat~~~~ ?#Beef Pepper Cake $60 The beef flavor is ground beef. The filling is not as full as pork, but the taste is pretty good. The beef has no fishy taste. It is seasoned with black pepper and is salty and salty, which is not bad!!! ?#Cheese Pork Pepper Cake $65 The concept of the combination of Chinese and Western, adding silk-drawn cheese to traditional snacks, the whole cheese is super rich in flavor, cutting the whole pulled silk, it is very healing~~~ I think the cheese and pork fillings match well with each other in taste. It won't take away the taste of each other too much, but it has a multiplier effect. However, eating a whole one will really make you super filling!!!! ?#Cheese Beef Pepper Cake $70 I haven’t heated this one for too long, so the cheese doesn’t pull the wire so much. It’s a pity, I suggest you bake it for another 5 minutes. Beef and cheese are originally a versatile combination, here is the same, the taste is a bit heavier, and the cheese control with a heavy taste will you love it~~~ ?#Kimchi Pork Pepper Cake $65 It’s the first time to eat this flavored pepper cake, adding kimchi to it, adding more sourness and layering. In addition to the softness of the pork and the quality of the noodles, there is also the crispness of kimchi, which makes it more interesting to eat~~~ Overall, I think their frozen pepper cakes are really super buyable!!! Sometimes I want to eat it in the middle of the night and I can't find a place to buy it. Now I want to eat it at home anytime, just bake it!!!!! ℹ️Preferential purchase information Now the whole house in Taiwan is free for shipping with more than 2,000 yuan, and Hong Kong friends are also blessed if they want to eat!!! You can also buy Chengzu pepper cakes from a four-generation 80-year-old store at "Little Taipei Taiwan Food & LaLa Hong Kong Department Store"! !!!
黃尖尼 on Google

平常沒辦法常常從高雄到新竹吃丞祖胡椒餅,但是現在居然可以宅配冷凍到府享用,更誇張的是像現做的一樣好吃!而且飽滿夠味的好吃! 大人小孩都喜歡~
I usually can't eat Chengzu pepper cakes from Kaohsiung to Hsinchu often, but now it can be frozen and eaten at home. What's more exaggerated is that it is as delicious as freshly made! And full of flavor and delicious! Adults and children love it~
鳳梨蘋果汁 on Google

20220319 新竹市 丞祖胡椒餅 說到胡椒餅就想起約莫四年前在台北市當選務人員的回憶。 當時我在台北市士林區擔任三合一選舉的選務人員,從早上八點一路忙到深夜十二點半才終於停下來,酬勞除了固定的日薪以外,是一個胡椒餅加上一個橘子?。當時早已冷卻的胡椒餅,對於已經餓了超過十二個小時的肚皮,只有填飽肚子的空虛感覺而已。 而今天在新竹市北門街吃的祖丞胡椒餅翻新了我對胡椒餅的記憶。從餅皮說起,口感就帶有Q彈嚼勁,並且散發木炭香氣。我選的是豬肉口味,咬一口餅皮搭配多汁內餡,交映胡椒和木炭香氣,是我對新竹舊城的春日記憶。 老闆對於拍照的我很友善,邀約我拍攝一整盤待烤的生麵餅,往烤爐內窺伺,是像蜘蛛人一般牢牢吸附在烤爐內壁的生胡椒餅。 春日陽光和煦,春風微微,有機會走在新竹市的老街區,看看除了科學園區以外的老新竹,嚐嚐美味的祖丞胡椒餅。
20220319 Hsinchu City Chengzu Pepper Cake When it comes to pepper cakes, I think of memories of being an elected official in Taipei about four years ago. At that time, I was working as an electoral officer for the three-in-one election in Shilin District, Taipei City. I was busy all the way from 8:00 in the morning to 12:30 in the middle of the night and finally stopped. In addition to the fixed daily salary, I was paid a pepper cake plus An orange ?. The pepper cakes that had already cooled down at that time, to the belly that had been hungry for more than twelve hours, only felt the emptiness of filling the stomach. The Zucheng pepper cake I ate at Beimen Street in Hsinchu City today refreshed my memory of pepper cake. From the crust, the texture is chewy and charcoal. I chose the pork flavor. A bite of the crust is paired with a juicy filling, with the aroma of pepper and charcoal. It is my spring memory of the old city of Hsinchu. The boss was very kind to me who took pictures, and invited me to take a picture of a whole plate of raw dough cakes to be baked, and peeped into the oven. The spring sun is warm and the spring breeze is mild. I have the opportunity to walk in the old district of Hsinchu City, see the old Hsinchu city except the Science Park, and taste the delicious Zucheng pepper cake.
Diego Liu on Google

Cheap ingredient like. Not good taste compares to other similar store.

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