德來幼兒園 - Section 1

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 德來幼兒園

地址 :

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Section 1, Sanmin Rd, 2號德來幼兒園

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Sanmin Rd

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Section 1, Sanmin Rd, 2號德來幼兒園
Cliff Lin on Google

The teacher is really caring, that is, all kinds of information are not networked enough, and the parents will be a little tired~~
林兔兔 on Google

A school that values ​​character education! From the temperament of the teachers and the way of speaking, you can feel the positive impact of example teaching on the children:) And the fees are fair.
姜姜 on Google

畢業典禮傻眼了 下午4點半前要到校,這麼熱的天氣,五個班級一百多個學生加上家長、老師、來賓全擠在校園廣場舉辦,一個小朋友只保留一張給家長的椅子,其他人就只能站在旁邊看!中途要給小孩喝水還被老師阻止,然後⋯大家就這樣待到晚上7點半終於結束,又熱又餓又累的! 每個月費用收這麼多⋯租個場地很難嗎? 嗯⋯能檢討的地方太多了,徒有虛名的學校!
Graduation is dumbfounded I ’m going to school before 4:30 in the afternoon. In such a hot weather, more than one hundred students in five classes plus parents, teachers, and guests are crowded in the campus square. A child only keeps a chair for parents, others Can only stand and watch! It was stopped by the teacher to drink water for the children halfway through, and then everyone stayed like this until 7:30 pm and finally ended, it was hot, hungry and tired! Is it so difficult to charge so much for a month? Hmm, there are so many places to review, there are no-name schools!
Shaowei Lu on Google

Exalted, many systems require parental cooperation, management methods are very rigid, the system is more convenient to consider the management of the garden, the attitude of the teacher is relatively passive, and the communication between the teachers is relatively insufficient. It is more like a primary school. Kindergarten has many other better choices. Parents without support should be cautious.
路人 on Google

1)師資不足(有些班級一學期換了三次導師) 2)超收(教育局來查,小朋友還要躲起來) 3)打著蒙特梭利的名號,但許多老師不但沒有上過相關課程,還像市場大媽大呼小叫,小朋友只會有樣學樣,更別說什麼個性穩定 4)未就讀前的參觀只會帶你去看特定的地方及班級 5)就讀後的家長日,小朋友像猴子一樣,表演一些項目給家長看, 6)每年都要排隊,學校資訊非常封閉(不知道為什麼查不到什麼負評),加上蒙特梭利這四個字,讓大家趨之若鶩 7)巧立各種名目收費,基本上學費已經跟全美的差不多了 請三思!
1) Insufficient faculty (some classes changed three mentors in one semester) 2) Overcharge (Education Bureau to check, children have to hide) 3) Under the name of Montessori, many teachers not only have not taken relevant courses, but also yelled like market aunts. Children will only learn the same way, not to mention stable personality 4) A visit before going to school will only take you to a specific place and class 5) Parents day after school, children act like monkeys and perform some projects for parents, 6) Every year, the school information is very closed (I don't know why I can't find any negative reviews), and the four words Montessori make everyone eager. 7) All kinds of fees are set up, basically the tuition is almost the same as that in the United States Think twice!
小拉 on Google

要讓小孩就讀的家長們,現在的德來已經不是以前的德來了,請審慎評估,這間封閉的學校,評論也相對封閉,以下為就讀心得,供大家參考一下. 1.排隊進去真的後悔極了,四個學期換了五組老師(其中一個學期中又臨時換),這還不包含開學前15天介紹的老師,然後開學直接換人不會事先通知。 (每次換人都是換了才發張通知單告知家長) 2.校方規矩及要配合事項很多,沒有後援不要去。 3.老師素質參差不齊,四個學期只有一個有教學經驗,其他都是沒經驗或是助理老師 4.跟老師基本上沒有互動,老師也不會分享學生在校狀況,沒有每日聯絡簿,有問題每天固定時間15mins,可以打電話 5.不管校方做什麼調查(停課之類),最後還是依照學校想停課就停課 6.放學後只能就定位坐在地板上等家長接送(一人一個巧拼),不能移動不能玩不能說話,基本上跟當兵沒什麼差異 7.若班上有腸病毒的隔離,可能會安排在魚缸旁,沒有冷氣,只有蚊子,會這樣待一週
For parents who want their children to study, the current German student is no longer a former German student. Please evaluate carefully. This closed school has relatively closed comments. The following is the study experience for your reference. 1. I really regretted entering the line. I changed five groups of teachers in four semesters (one of them was temporarily changed during one semester). This does not include the teachers introduced 15 days before the start of the school. (Every time a substitution is made, a notice is issued to inform parents) 2. The school has a lot of rules and needs to cooperate, so don't go without support. 3. The quality of the teachers is uneven. Only one of the four semesters has teaching experience. The others are inexperienced or assistant teachers. 4. There is basically no interaction with the teacher, and the teacher will not share the status of the students at school. There is no daily contact book. If there is a problem, the fixed time is 15 minutes per day. You can call. 5. No matter what investigation the school does (class suspension, etc.), in the end, it will be suspended according to the school's wishes 6. After school, I can only sit and sit on the floor waiting for the parents to pick up and drop off (one person and one skillful fight). 7.If there is isolation of enterovirus in the class, it may be arranged next to the fish tank, there is no air-conditioning, only mosquitoes, and it will stay like this for a week
Shu-Yi Liu on Google

很棒的幼兒園~! 孩子在這邊上了一學期,學習成長非常多,而且品德上也變得更好了,是個很用心教孩子的學校! 學校資源與學習也都很多樣化,真心推薦!
Great kindergarten~! The children have been here for one semester, and they have grown up a lot, and their morals have also become better. It is a school that teaches children with great care! School resources and learning are also very diverse, I really recommend !
蔡宇涵 on Google

The teachers are very caring, uphold the philosophy and enthusiasm of education, value the development of children's moral and physical and mental development, and are truly a good school with heart!

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