姚燒鳥 - Section 3

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 姚燒鳥

地址 :

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Section 3, Minzu Rd, 52號姚燒鳥

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Minzu Rd

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Section 3, Minzu Rd, 52號姚燒鳥
藍天使 on Google

Watching online videos and special navigation to eat, the taste is not bad, I will eat again next time I travel to Tainan
Szuying on Google

適合跟朋友喝酒小聚的時候當配菜。當正餐吃絕對沒辦法。 雖然份量不大但便宜,我覺得價格沒問題。 冬天可以點上一碗排骨湯(但我沒點)。 這次選擇的是胡椒口味,越嚼越香,口味不錯。 豬肝軟嫩,帶牙套牙痛的朋友吃了驚艷。 點了豬肉串豬舌、青椒、豬腱、豬心、花枝,表現都不錯,中規中矩。 聽說難得在市區看到燒鳥,對燒鳥有興趣的朋友可以來吃吃看。
It is suitable as a side dish when having a drink with friends. There is absolutely no way to eat for dinner. Although the portion is small but cheap, I think the price is okay. You can order a bowl of rib soup in winter (but I didn't order it). This time I chose the pepper flavor, the more chewy, the more fragrant it tastes. The pig liver was soft and tender, and the friends with braces and toothaches were surprised. I ordered pork skewers, pork tongue, green pepper, pork tendon, pork heart, and flower sticks. The performance was good and quite satisfactory. I heard that it is rare to see roasted birds in the urban area. Friends who are interested in roasted birds can come and eat.
張誌嘉 on Google

Shan H on Google

老店了 懷念的滋味 坐在路邊吃點宵夜就是很台南 蜜汁口味真的蠻甜的XD 烤蝦很新鮮 烤小黃瓜也很好吃 我自己比較喜歡椒鹽口味
old shop the taste of nostalgia Sitting on the side of the road and eating a late night snack is very Tainan The honey juice tastes really sweet XD Grilled prawns are fresh Roasted gherkins are also delicious I prefer the salt and pepper flavor
Deno Yeh on Google

整體價格不會很貴, 除了燒鳥不建議。 整個串燒有分兩種口味,鹽烤跟醬汁。 我個人比較喜歡鹽烤的, 其中豬肝一定要點,蝦子也不錯~ 啤酒整體都不會很貴。 不理解為什麼客人可能那麼少。 營業到凌晨兩點,小喝的好地方~
陳英任 on Google

Cp值超級高 雞蛋豆腐好吃 豬肉稍柴但以薄片來烤口感尚可,碳香味十足 推薦豬心、豬肝和豬舌,沒有腥味又有嚼勁,美味
Avern Chiu on Google

I haven’t been here for a long time to eat. The CP value may not be so high if it’s a taste of the meal. But from the time when beer and beverages were taken from ice buckets a long time ago to now, this place has always been for me to chat with friends. It’s a good place to order some grilled shrimps, skewers in honey sauce sprinkled with spicy powder, and cold beer in summer. It’s common to chat for a few hours, but because it’s a semi-open space, it’s hard not to do so as long as someone smokes. Smell of smoke.
王紹宇sweet on Google

你還記得嗎? 小公園附近的一間老店,簡單的鐵皮屋有著大大的明顯招牌 這家在台南已有70年了 主要營業部份以燒烤為主,但種類並不多,這裡的只有胡椒鹽和蜜汁兩種任君選擇。 小孩子才做選擇,我兩種都要。 一串15元起跳的串燒,與三五好友海闊天空地大口吃、大口喝,非常過癮。更過癮的是,以前這裡的啤酒、飲料是放在一個裝滿冰塊的大型塑膠桶裡,想拿、想喝就得直接伸手到冰桶裡尋找,那種尋寶的感覺有趣之外、還無比冰涼暢
Do you remember? An old shop near the small park, a simple tin house with a big obvious sign This restaurant has been in Tainan for 70 years The main business part is mainly barbecue, but there are not many kinds. There are only two kinds of pepper salt and honey sauce for you to choose from. Only children make choices, I want both. A string of skewers starting at 15 yuan, eating and drinking with three or five friends is very enjoyable. What's even more enjoyable is that the beer and drinks here used to be placed in a large plastic bucket full of ice cubes. If you want to take it or drink it, you have to reach out to the ice bucket to find it. In addition to the feeling of treasure hunting, it is also interesting. extremely cool

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