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Contact 泰式幽靈串燒-永康店

地址 :

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Dongciao 1st Rd, 12-1號泰式幽靈串燒-永康店

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : https://iding.tw/stores/810a98fb/menu%3Fuuid%3Dc8808a
城市 : st Rd

710, Taiwan, Tainan City, Yongkang District, Dongciao 1st Rd, 12-1號泰式幽靈串燒-永康店
Sharon Chin on Google

我們自己默默慶生到一半, 店員忽然走過來放了這張菜單。 一看不得了,整個超驚喜又感動?。 謝謝❤️ 而且超特別的這道菜。 我們以為是臭豆腐。結果是甜點!!!! 很像甜甜圈的口感,搭配流沙,超好吃。超有創意!
We own half to silently birthday, The clerk came suddenly put this menu. A look incredible, the whole super surprised and touched ?. Thank you ❤️ And super special dish. We thought it was stinky. The result is dessert! ! ! ! Taste like donuts, with quicksand, super delicious. Super creative!
林芸安 on Google

食物蠻好吃的,尤其是芋絲肥腸還有臭豆腐炒四季 但四季豆炒的不是很甜美,有點生。 當天有兩三桌非常吵鬧,室內又密閉 導致聲音更無法接受的大聲 還有人在座位上嘔吐,廁所嘔吐,外面水溝蓋旁邊嘔吐…… 有點小失望,感覺這不是這家店該有的氣氛…
The food is quite delicious, especially the yam sausage and stinky tofu stir-fried four seasons But the fried string beans are not very sweet and a bit raw. Two or three tables were very noisy that day, and the room was closed, which made the sound unacceptably loud. Some people vomited in the seat, vomited in the toilet, and vomited next to the drain cover outside... A little disappointed, I feel that this is not the atmosphere this store should have...
GuanYuan Lin on Google

價格偏高,但是好吃。推薦臭豆腐四季豆,神奇組合。菜單綠咖哩錯字寫成緣咖哩,香辣濃 好吃。
The price is on the high side, but delicious. Recommend stinky tofu with green beans, a magical combination. The green curry on the menu was written as Yuan curry by a typo, which is spicy and delicious.
林佳潔 on Google

The newly discovered pocket shop, everything is delicious, especially the stinky tofu hot and sour soup, I really fell in love with it, the crispy fried pork skin like biscuits is also a must, and there is free ice cream inside!
Elaine Wu on Google

食物都很下飯,很推臭豆腐炒四季豆、綠咖哩! 店內冰淇淋(有泰奶、抹茶、榴蓮口味)吃到飽,泰國香米10元/人吃到飽!
The food is very tasty, especially the stinky tofu, stir-fried green beans, and green curry! In-store ice cream (available in Thai milk, matcha, and durian flavors) is all you can eat, and Thai fragrant rice is 10 yuan per person!
黃大方 on Google

Very Taiwanese and very general, the taste is salty and sweet, the price is expensive in terms of the portion, the overall taste is ok, there may be no one today, the dishes are crowded on the table, the food is very stressful, the waiter has been delivering the food all the time. Joe location, not very considerate service, there should be no next time.
黃品憲 on Google

餐廳系列(泰式) 酸辣湯大推 必點 另外臭豆腐四季豆也必點 炸豬皮的話見人見智 他的打拋豬有放綠辣椒 給過 綠咖哩沒啥印象 吃到後面已經吃不下了 白飯的話 10元可以無限續 還不錯 也不用收服務費 燒烤的話 沙爹還好 我覺得咖哩味沒到很濃 可能有因應台灣 口味做了變化 炸雞軟骨真的好吃 也推推
Restaurant Series (Thai) The hot and sour soup is a must-order. In addition, the stinky tofu and green beans must also order the fried pig skin. If you can see the wisdom, he has put green peppers on the green curry. If you can't eat rice later, you can eat it for 10 yuan. Unlimited refills are not bad, and there is no service charge for barbecue. Satay is fine. I think the curry flavor is not very strong. Maybe it has been changed according to the taste of Taiwan. The fried chicken cartilage is really delicious.
郭文宛 on Google

下班趕回家就來吃,生意還不錯,雖然沒客滿但他應該要再晚一點生意會好一點。 菜的口味還可以,沒有特別突出 魚餅有很重的香茅味,不喜歡的要注意⚠️ 炸?皮很唰嘴,適合下酒 牛勒串燒160偏貴 恩,串燒類的沒有驚艷 整體來說,偶爾吃就好 沒有推薦的理由
He came to eat as soon as he got home from get off work. The business was not bad. Although it was not full, he should have been a little later. The business would have been better. The taste of the food is ok, nothing special The fish cake has a strong lemongrass flavor, if you don't like it, pay attention⚠️ The fried ? skin is very sloppy, suitable for drinking Beef skewer 160 is expensive Well, the skewers are not amazing In general, it is good to eat occasionally No reason to recommend

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