米樂淇精緻西點麵包(高雄壽昌店) - Sanmin District

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Contact 米樂淇精緻西點麵包(高雄壽昌店)

地址 :

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Shouchang Rd, 197號米樂淇精緻西點麵包(高雄壽昌店)

電話 : 📞 +88798
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/melochi3905181/
城市 : Shouchang Rd

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Shouchang Rd, 197號米樂淇精緻西點麵包(高雄壽昌店)
禎禎禎禎禎 on Google

很便宜(說貴的,平常都吃什麼...) 這個蛋糕好像只要20-30元吧 算是cp值很高 感覺老闆很喜歡奶油 超多奶油類的小蛋糕 大泡芙兩個只要35元 裡面爆多奶油
Very cheap (say expensive, what do you usually eat ...) This cake seems to be only 20-30 yuan Can be regarded as a high cp value I feel the boss likes cream Super creamy small cakes Two puffs for only 35 yuan Creamy inside
陳姝蓉 on Google

I have eaten a bakery for more than 10 years. The bread ? and cakes are worth tasting ?
張海宇 on Google

Although the store is small, there are many types of bread and desserts, and the taste is also good.
羅樓伽 on Google

用點數換生日蛋糕加100元的布丁 跟店員要發票居然說你跟我們用點數換的是要開什麼發票?哈囉小姐100元不是錢嗎?逃漏稅~~~
Exchange points for birthday cake plus 100 yuan of pudding. Asking for an invoice from the clerk asked us what invoice did you want to exchange for points? Miss Hello, isn't 100 yuan money? Tax evasion~~~
郭上蓁 on Google

星期四晚上預訂一個星期六晚上要吃的蛋糕 水果有部份是不新鮮的,有點小失望, 能理解不是使用當天現切的水果! 所以希望貴店師傅製作蛋糕時, 能先把關試吃沒變質再擺上裝飾!
Book a cake for Saturday night on Thursday night Some of the fruit is not fresh, which is a little disappointing. Understand that it is not the use of freshly cut fruits on the day! So I hope that when your chef makes cakes, You can check it out and try it before putting it on for decoration!
BING WU on Google

Exquisite and small bakery, although the items are not many, they are all delicious
Shu Wen Chen on Google

結帳的店員態度差,我自己自備購物袋自己裝麵包, 結帳的店員從結帳開始一直跟其他店員說她要考機車駕照的事情, 其他店員開口提醒要她幫忙我將麵包裝袋, 結帳的店員斜眼看我一下的說:她自己都已經快裝好了。 連一顆星都不想給,但是要有一顆星才能評論。
The clerk at the checkout had a bad attitude. I brought my own shopping bag and filled my own bread. The clerk at the checkout has been telling the other clerk that she is going to test for a motorcycle driver’s license. The other clerk asked her to help me pack the noodles. The clerk at the checkout squinted at me and said: She has almost installed it herself. I don't even want to give a star, but I need a star to comment.
炳宏林 on Google

想找到傳統口味及創新的麵包來米樂淇就對了不論是傳統的花生口味紅豆口味奶酥口味應有盡有……因個人比較喜歡傳統口味吃了幾家還是這間比較道地比較實在也沒有高貴的價錢比起之前網路推薦的鳳山那家真的差~很大拿厚片吐司來比這價格只要70元黑糖80元沒記錯的話而鳳山那家盡然要價160元沒有錯重點還不好吃真的差太多了如果您喜歡傳統及其他口味這也有蛋糕造型也很多變化基本上預訂跟服務人員討論好就可以了比起ㄧ些知名品牌這家就實在多了又不是要送禮自家要吃還是實在經營比較好畢竟不拿荷包開玩笑 重點這服務態度很親切重點價格不貴值得推薦……
If you want to find traditional and innovative bread, come to Mi Leqi. Whether it’s the traditional peanut flavor, red bean flavor, soufflé flavours, everything...because I prefer traditional flavors, I have eaten a few, or this one is more authentic and not noble. The price is really worse than the Fengshan restaurant recommended on the Internet. It’s a lot more expensive than the price of a thick slice of toast. It’s only 70 yuan, and the price of brown sugar is 80 yuan. It’s not tasty. It’s too bad. If you like traditional and other flavors, there are also cake shapes and many changes. Basically, you can make a reservation and discuss with the service staff. Compared with some well-known brands, this one is really more and not necessary. It’s better to give gifts to eat at home, or it’s better to do business. After all, don’t joke about your purse. The key point is that the service attitude is very cordial, and the price is not expensive. It is recommended...

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