Cisian Junior High School

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Cisian Junior High School

地址 :

No. 110, Meishu East 3rd Rd, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 804

電話 : 📞 +88799
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Opening hours :
Wednesday 7AM–5PM
Thursday 7AM–5PM
Friday 7AM–5PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 7AM–5PM
Tuesday 7AM–5PM
城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 110, Meishu East 3rd Rd, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 804
Jin-Shiang Huang on Google

The school is conscientious. In recent years, the results of the annual examinations are better than the ones, but the students' academic pressure is also heavier.
wohin du on Google

Why is it a baseball team again?
金淳錡 on Google

It is not in line with the comments, and I think it is a good school with good quality. After the children start class, they only find that the teacher only wants to score and personal honor.
狗狗 on Google

Once you have read it, you will know that they are not stars at all. Some teachers are mixed, others are very good.
ten shou chang on Google

校長很認真 很努力 辦學,老師教學也很認真,學生有禮貌,沒有不良學生,環境很好,是一所值得肯定的模範學校。
The principal is very serious and works hard to run the school, and the teacher is also very serious in teaching. The students are polite, there are no bad students, and the environment is very good. It is a model school worthy of recognition.
Huang弘 on Google

A few days ago, I wandered past the old school of the Seven Sages to discover why a statue of Confucius was forgotten here? Why not take this statue of Confucius to the new campus? Take a look at the competitor Wufu Junior High School three or four decades ago. Today's Qixian is no longer the former Qixian. Why is it called Qixian since the new campus has been moved?
王保仁 on Google

高雄市國中明星學校,在美術館特區內,是一所舊學校新校區,戶口最少要寄超過6年才有辦法入學,高雄市總量管制的國中小學多達30所,但治學成績並非額滿主因。高雄市教育局主任秘書游淑惠表示,這些學校多是位於人口密集區段,就學人數也多,為了維持每個學生的活動空間才採取總量管制,會依據設籍滿6年、擁有自有房屋等條件,排序入學優先順序。 總量管制要點 ●定義 1.近5年之新生人數有增加趨勢,並超過現有校舍數量及班級規模者 2.學校班級數超過90班 ●新生入學排序 1.於學區設籍滿6年者 2.於學區有自有房屋者 3.公家宿舍配住於學區者 4.於學區租屋且有水電繳費紀錄者。 明星學區因為師資好、資源多,多數家長都希望讓孩子擠入就讀,不過除了入學門檻高,周邊建案的售價通常也因位於學區而水漲船高。此外,明星學區多位於市區精華區段,鄰近生活圈的物價通常也較高,須留意。 主要以鼓山區龍水里為主。
Kaohsiung City National Star School, in the Art Museum Special Zone, is an old school new campus. It takes at least 6 years for the hukou to be enrolled. There are as many as 30 schools in Kaohsiung’s total number of schools, but the academic scores are not Full of main reasons. Yu Shuhui, the director of the Kaohsiung City Education Bureau, said that most of these schools are located in densely populated areas and have a large number of students. In order to maintain the space for each student’s activities, the total amount of control is based on the fact that they have 6 years of self-owned housing. Wait for conditions to sort the enrollment priorities. Total control points ●Definition 1. The number of new students in the past 5 years has increased, and exceeds the number of existing school buildings and class size. 2. The number of school classes exceeds 90 classes. ●New students enrollment 1. Those who have a 6-year residence in the school district 2. Those who have their own homes in the school district 3. Those who live in the school district in the school district 4. Those who rent a house in the school district and have a water and electricity payment record. Because of the good teachers and resources, the star school district wants to let the children squeeze in, but in addition to the high entry threshold, the price of the surrounding construction is usually high because of the school district. In addition, the star school district is mostly located in the elite section of the city, and the price of the adjacent living circle is usually higher, so pay attention. Mainly in the Longshan area of ​​the drum mountain area.
妙妙 on Google

由於少子化與商圈轉移,為讓教育資源有效運用,昔日高雄「三五七」名校中的七賢國中,由前金區遷移至美術東三路,目前同樣是名星學校,但招收的是龍水里的學子。 以前七賢國中處於幸福川與愛河旁,現在的七賢國中則與美術園區為鄰,雖然沒有廣闊的校園與高大的老樹,但美術東二路與美術園區綠意盎然,屬於優質社區。校園內有很多籃球場,延續了過去七賢國中的籃球風,是不錯的名星學校。 人生與時俱進,有時迫於需要或為了尋求更美好的生活而遷移;校區亦復如是,基於需求消長,應運演替,一個階段接著一個階段,但不變的是:用心教學,培養國家未來的主人翁。
Due to the declining birthrate and the transfer of business districts, in order to make effective use of educational resources, Qixian Middle School, one of the famous schools in Kaohsiung's "Three-Five-Seven", was relocated from Qianjin District to East 3rd Road of Fine Arts. It is also a famous school now, but it recruits The students in the dragon water. In the past, the Seven Sages Middle School was next to Xingfu River and Love River. Now, the Seven Sages Middle School is adjacent to the Art Park. Although there is no vast campus or tall old trees, the East Second Road of Fine Arts and the Art Park are green and belong to high-quality communities. There are many basketball courts on the campus, which continues the basketball style of the Seven Sages in the past. It is a good star school. Life keeps pace with the times, and sometimes we move out of necessity or in search of a better life; the same is true for campuses, based on the ebb and flow of needs, the succession of operations, one stage after another, but the same thing is: teaching with heart, Cultivate the future masters of the country.

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