萊恩動物醫院 Lion Veterinary Clinic

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 萊恩動物醫院 Lion Veterinary Clinic

地址 :

363, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Gongguan Township, 玉泉356-1號萊恩動物醫院 Lion Veterinary Clinic

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/LionAnimalDoctor/
城市 : Gongguan Township

363, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Gongguan Township, 玉泉356-1號萊恩動物醫院 Lion Veterinary Clinic
陳韻如(PA Chen) on Google

The doctor is not only very patient with dogs but also very gentle! For the owner too! Ask a bunch of questions and answer them patiently! Medical expenses are also very reasonable and fair! Overall it was a very good consultation experience!
小巫WU on Google

因為公司附近野貓很多 最近觀察到其中一隻小貓尾巴有嚴重的傷口 想說送到醫院來處置看看 原本只是一時的善意 醫生卻跟我說了一堆照顧貓咪的知識 還有如何確保傷口不再惡化 . . 我這是要收編了嗎( ´▽` )ノ
Fuu on Google

連續兩次來都碰壁⋯⋯google map明明寫營業中 門口的時間表也是寫這個時間可以掛號 但鐵捲門是拉下來的 打電話沒通 如果營業時間跟google map或門口寫的有不同 可以盡快改嗎?這樣出門一趟什麼都沒做就又回家真的很不划算 我家寵物難抓又膽小 每次這樣抓都是一種折騰? (編輯) 謝謝院方回覆 以前曾經看過 最近想再帶去做健康檢查 覺得醫術方面沒有問題 只是對於營業時間覺得好像固定一點會比較好 當然可以理解醫生有私事 但是希望門口的白板上可以註明一下(去的時候有寫掛號時間 但沒有寫今天下午不看診之類的訊息 在我不知道fb會公告看診時間的前提下會讓我覺得很疑惑為什麼營業時間跟map不一樣) 然後針對fb有公布時間這件事 因為map上已經有寫營業時間 所以我就照著map的去看 也沒特別想到會有備註 再加上我幾乎不用fb 所以沒有用fb查過你們動物醫院 這點算是我的疏失 抱歉 因為第一次以為可能只是臨時有事 第二次也碰壁感覺就不太好 站在一個飼主的立場 我也不喜歡把寵物抓來抓去一直讓他受驚嚇所以當下口氣可能不是那麼好 不好意思
I have hit a wall twice in a row...Google map clearly states that the timetable at the door of the business is also written at this time. You can register at this time, but the iron rolling door is pulled down. If the business hours are different from those written on the google map or the door, you can do it as soon as possible. Change it? It's really uneconomical to go home without doing anything like this. My pets are hard to catch and timid. Every time I catch them like this, it's a toss.? (edit) Thank you for the hospital's reply. I have seen it before, and recently I want to take it for a health check. I feel that there is no problem in medical skills. I just think it would be better to fix the business hours. Of course, I can understand that the doctor has personal affairs, but I hope it can be marked on the whiteboard at the door (when I go there There is a registration time but no information such as not seeing the doctor this afternoon. I don't know that FB will announce the consultation time, which makes me wonder why the business hours are different from the map) Then, for the fact that fb has an announcement time, because the map has already written the business hours, I followed the map to see it, and I didn't think there would be any remarks. Plus I hardly use fb, so I didn't use fb to check your animal hospital. It's my fault. I'm sorry because the first time I thought it might be just a temporary thing. The second time I hit a wall, I don't feel very good. I don't like to grab pets and keep them frightened. not so good sorry
劉妡 on Google

醫生很有耐性,而且對病情的講解很詳細 也會告知家屬如何應對與照護。 收費很實惠,費用明細也很清楚。 家裡的貓,狗 都是在這治療。
The doctor is very patient and explained the condition in great detail Family members will also be informed about how to cope and care for them. The fees are very affordable and the cost details are very clear. The cats and dogs in the house are treated here.
黃鈴閔 on Google

詹智宇 on Google

Martin Lang on Google

Great vet.
momina syed on Google

The doctor is very communicative.He explained each and every step of the treatment and made sure we know everything.For Foreigners living in Miaoli he’s a blessing as he can speak English.We tried different veterinarians in Miaoli but could not communicate with them and they were not interested in explaining anything though we tried to speak to them in Chinese .After going to this hospital we are relieved to find a good veterinarian who can communicate with us and treat our pup well and handle him with care. Thank you so much Lion veterinary clinic ??

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