Luzhu District Squadron, Environmental Maintenance and Inspection Division, Taoyuan

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Contact Luzhu District Squadron, Environmental Maintenance and Inspection Division, Taoyuan

地址 :

No. 116, Section 2, Xinnan Rd, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 338

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Taoyuan City

No. 116, Section 2, Xinnan Rd, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 338
郭正明 on Google

柯木炎 on Google

人生但求滷肉飯 on Google

The team was quick and efficient.
chins king on Google

春節期䦡,知道您們很辛苦,但既然説9點閜始發車清運,8:50分就來收,是怎樣⋯⋯特地早 起,結果還是沒倒到垃圾,當下真的很賭爛
During the Spring Festival, I know that you are very hard, but since it is said that the truck will start at 9 o'clock and the truck will be cleared, it will be collected at 8:50. How is it... specially early? But I still didn’t get the garbage out. I’m really gambled right now.
呂世軒 on Google

Very funny~ Is it said that you can throw away trash every day? You don’t collect garbage every Wednesday and Sunday. There is no garbage truck to collect garbage. Naturally there will be more garbage. Of course, there will be more garbage on Thursday and Monday. What is this strange saying~ You can throw it away every day~ Then please garbage truck I must lose every day for attendance every day~ it just accords with the statement of your cleaning team members.
Yuting C 2320 on Google

因為疫情加上最近豬瘟的問題,所有清潔人員以及所有醫療相關人員辛苦了? 我們知道近期內丟垃圾會有些新準則需要遵守,但希望在我們丟垃圾被拒收當下詢問原因時,可以不要用責罵的方式,責罵無法讓我們也知曉並改善當下錯誤;詢問是希望能夠在規定內讓雙方都好,倒垃圾的也許是不太上網的老人家或外籍,對於電視網路的新增規定也無法像本地年輕人一樣得知,希望在面對態度好的外籍人士以及老人家請用正確的的服務態度予以回答;我們一樣是生活在台灣這個民主社會的人民,當下對方並沒有任何無理取鬧的行為或是使用大聲說話的方式詢問時,希望被平等對待,也希望我們能發揮該有的專業素養。 不是每個人都有看電視或上網的習慣,也不一定能在得空時段剛好看到相關報導內容,所以希望當社會大眾藉由打電話的方式詢問近期更改的相關規定時予以尊重並給予適當的協助,請勿像是聽到關鍵詞(越南、泰國⋯)後,使用不當語氣或著有違正常服務態度方式處理問題;謝謝各位
Because of the epidemic and the recent swine fever problem, all cleaning staff and all medical staff have worked hard ? We know that there will be some new standards for garbage disposal in the near future, but we hope that when we are rejected and asked about the reason, we can not use the method of scolding. Scolding will not let us also know and improve the current mistakes; the inquiry is to be able to The regulations are good for both parties. It may be the elderly or foreigners who do not use the Internet to take out the garbage. The new regulations on TV networks cannot be known like the local young people. I hope that foreigners and elderly people with good attitudes Answer with the correct attitude of service; we are also the people living in a democratic society like Taiwan, and when the other party does not make any unreasonable behavior or use loudly to ask questions, we hope to be treated equally and we also hope that we can play The professionalism that should be. Not everyone has the habit of watching TV or surfing the Internet, and they may not be able to see the relevant reports during the free time. Therefore, we hope that when the public asks about the recent changes by calling the relevant regulations, they will respect and give them appropriately. Please don’t use improper tone or a way that violates the normal service attitude to deal with the problem after hearing the key words (Vietnam, Thailand...); thank you everyone
Power on Google

Contact the Luzhu cleaning team to remove and transport large-scale furniture waste, the implementation efficiency is good, and the city landscape is better, which is greatly affirmed.
ya ya Cady on Google

I was really pissed off just now... The garbage truck just passed Nankan and I emptied the garbage.. Then the second recycling truck came and I was about to squat down to get my recycling bag, but he drove away quickly and then I Just chasing and shouting.. Then he said how can you suddenly run out.. so that he and the drivers will not see it.. I said that my garbage first was empty, how could it be they who suddenly ran out? I didn't look to the side at all...and I was ready 5 minutes earlier than usual...they came very early today, sometimes they could be 1 hour late, maybe there was a lot of garbage...but this reason made me very angry today ! Wrong me... Damn! It just opened quickly because no one took out the garbage! If you didn't see me, you said that you didn't see it and said that I ran out of nowhere and made me mad ?

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