Qinzi Park

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Qinzi Park

地址 :

No. 16, Bamboo 2nd Rd, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300

城市 : Hsinchu City

No. 16, Bamboo 2nd Rd, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300
Kitty Hsu on Google

There are basketball courts, in-line rounds, some slides, rocking horses and other recreational facilities ~ children like it very much ~ very comfortable and good place to take pictures~
Ting Han Shen on Google

林心妤 on Google

It is suitable even for small children under one year old. The grass is thick and soft to walk on. It is not afraid of falling. There are slopes with different slopes for children to play.
Kuo-Chun Chao on Google

Plastic turf, children should pay attention to safety if they chase in this area. Street lights, cement seats next to it, the planning area is not spacious enough. Parents need to pay attention to the safety of children when playing!
許家瑋 on Google

竹科人下班之餘的好公園 在這邊有小孩的嬉戲聲 快樂的童年回憶 撫慰異鄉遊子繁雜的心境 高工時高壓力的竹科生活 偶爾下班來這裡打打球 放放空 吃吃東西小野餐 也是非常不錯的選擇 簡簡單單的遊走 靜靜的思考 明天晨會要如何面對老闆 當中的箇中滋味 人情冷暖 同事間的愛恨情仇 可以在這小小公園 獲得暫時的解放 在夜晚有一個好眠 公園裡面有附設網球場 還有一些小朋友的遊樂區 與靜心湖連成一線 出入口附近有一家心波 是一家賣輕食的地方 不妨逛完公園去吃個小點心 滿足自己的口腹之慾
A good park for Bamboo people after get off work There are children playing here happy childhood memories Soothe the complicated mood of the foreigner Bamboo family life with high working hours and high pressure Occasionally come here to play after get off work, let it go eat a little picnic Also a very good choice simple walk think quietly How to face the boss tomorrow morning The taste in the middle human affection Love and hatred among colleagues in this little park get temporary liberation have a good night's sleep There are tennis courts in the park There are also play areas for children In line with Jingxin Lake There is a heart wave near the entrance It's a light food place Why don't you go for a snack after walking around the park? Satisfy your appetite
Patrick Wu on Google

散步,可以一路走到靜心湖相當不錯。 遊玩,有溜冰場、籃球場、遊戲區等。 麻雀雖小五臟俱全的公園。
Taking a walk, you can walk all the way to Jingxin Lake is quite good. There are ice skating rinks, basketball courts, game areas, etc. Although the sparrow is small, it is a well-appointed park.
Hsinyi Huang on Google

適合2~6歲的小孩放電,公園內遊具不多,大約5~8人共同使用感覺是比較剛好的人數。 設施是新的概念做的,感覺像兩座鯨魚造型的小坡,頭部位置是溜滑梯,身體部位有像背鰭的拱形彎管,三歲的弟弟喜歡在其中跑來跑去,大座的尾部還有高高低低的爬杆,五歲姐姐喜歡,弟弟腿短一點,比較吃力。 大魚身體中段有最近常見的涵洞,直徑約1M 適合幼稚園鑽來鑽去的高度,兩側魚鰭位置有繩索,兩魚之間還有攀爬網。 整體來說是很有彈性玩法的公園,旁邊還有可以跑的腹地,依小孩遊玩人數可以玩1~2小時左右,旁邊是三福宮,有蹲式馬桶跟小便斗各一可以使用。
It is suitable for children aged 2 to 6 to discharge. There are not many play equipment in the park. About 5 to 8 people feel that it is a good number of people to use together. The facility is made of a new concept, it feels like a small slope in the shape of two whales, the head position is a slide, and the body part has an arched bend like a dorsal fin. There are also high and low climbing poles at the rear of the car. The five-year-old sister likes it, and the younger brother has shorter legs, which is more difficult. There is the most common culvert in the middle of the big fish, with a diameter of about 1M The height is suitable for kindergartens to drill around. There are ropes on both sides of the fins, and there are climbing nets between the two fish. On the whole, it is a park with very flexible gameplay. There is also a hinterland next to it. Depending on the number of children, you can play for about 1 to 2 hours. Next to it is the Sanfu Palace. There are squat toilets and urinals that can be used.
Jamesbon L on Google

Good place for kids

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