東門正德宮 - Lane 75

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Contact 東門正德宮

地址 :

100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Lane 75, Linyi St, 13號東門正德宮

網站 : https://tudigong.business.site/
城市 : Linyi St

100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Lane 75, Linyi St, 13號東門正德宮
Thomas Yeh on Google

東門正德宮應該是當地的土地公,廟宇設在信愛公園邊邊,所佔的面積,就小小的公園而言,大約有四分之一左右。 廟宇管理者很認真,似乎人緣也很好,逢人都會打招呼,記得一位女信眾說要點燈,其中一位管理的女士就驅前協助,看到有好幾位民眾在廟內燒香,向神明祝禱,比較特別的是,廟的旁邊的燒金紙的爐子,確實是有焚燒金紙,這是我最近在台北市區內看到的,而且似乎是沒有裝置煙塵控制設備的(市民大道旁的中崙福成宮,還有延吉街的福興宮(離光復南路不遠)就裝設了除煙設備;而南京東路四段52巷的福安宮基本上是讓爐子停止運作,只有在很偶然的情況下會允許信眾燒金紙)。或許空氣污染不嚴重,才沒被要求。 我看地圖,附近應該有座清水祖師廟,按圖索驥,找不著,詢問路旁的店家,說神明已經被移入正德宮裡面了,我重回正德宮,詢問,確實是如此,廟方說因為原來的那個廟址乏人照顧,就把神明請來,我進去參觀,果然看到清水祖師的神像,有容乃大,眾多神明匯聚,保佑大眾。
The Dongmen Zhengde Palace should be the local land public. The temple is located on the edge of Xin'ai Park. The area occupied is about one-fourth for a small park. The temple managers are very serious. It seems that the popularity is also very good. Everyone will say hello. I remember a female believer saying the main light. One of the women who managed it helped the former and saw several people burning incense in the temple. Praying, more specifically, the burning of gold paper next to the temple is indeed burning gold paper, which I recently saw in downtown Taipei, and it seems that there is no smoke control equipment (beside the public road) The Zhonglun Fucheng Palace, and the Fuxing Palace on Yanji Street (not far from Guangfu South Road) installed smoke removal equipment; and the Fu'an Palace on the 52nd section of the 4th section of Nanjing East Road basically stopped the operation of the furnace. In the case of the case, the letter will be allowed to burn gold paper). Perhaps the air pollution is not serious and it is not required. I look at the map. There should be a Qingshui Zu Shi Temple nearby. According to the map, I can't find it. I ask the store next to the road and say that the god has been moved into the Zhengde Palace. I went back to Zhengde Palace and asked, it is true. The temple said that because When the original site of the temple was left unattended, I invited the gods. I went in and visited. I saw the statue of the Qingshui founder. There was a greatness of the gods, and many gods gathered to protect the public.
ririric8 on Google

Encounter during a walk. Very kind explanation, I was very impressed! First time in Taiwan, a very nice experience! Also, when I go to Taiwan, I want to go to worship.
劉景華 on Google

The Lord worships the gods Fudezheng, Shimizu ancestor, and the god of wealth and wealth, and there are four furnaces.
Utux S on Google

The famous local public temple in the east gate, the temple staff are kind, the main god is the god of Ford, the god of wealth, the god of wealth, the fairy in the golden clothes, the fairy in the green clothes, and the tiger. On the second or sixteenth day of the Lunar New Year or the birthday of the land, the incense is at its peak. Regardless of twisting incense or sincerity, you can feel at ease and peaceful.
Demon Shih on Google

當地人跟附近上班族都會去拜的土地公,神明有:福德正神、清水祖師、文財神、金衣仙女、綠衣仙女、虎爺公。 不會拜的會可以請教廟方,廟方會熱心指導,另外聽說土地公喜歡吃花生跟仙草蜜,虎爺喜歡吃雞蛋,仙女喜歡化妝品。
The local people and the nearby office workers will go to worship the land god, the gods are: the god of good fortune, the ancestor of water, the god of wealth, the fairy in gold, the fairy in green, and the father of tiger. If you don’t know how to worship, you can ask the temple officials, who will be enthusiastic to guide them. In addition, I heard that the land master likes to eat peanuts and fairy grass honey, the tiger master likes eggs, and the fairy likes cosmetics.
楊逢元 on Google

Very special Di Gong Temple, next to the old Dongmen Market, and close to the Yongkang business district, come here to stroll and eat and worship Di Gong. Not only Fude Zhengshen sat in the town, but also worshipped the founder of Qingshui and the God of Wealth. There are also fairies in gold and green clothes nearby; don't forget to worship the lovely Tiger Lord under the seat of God.
yung jie chau on Google

Pleasant worship experience, located next to the small park in Dongmen Market, as soon as you pass by, you will know that it is a nearby religious center. It mainly worships the Lord of Earth, as well as gods such as the God of Wealth, the ancestor of Qingshui, and the most special one is the golden/green fairy. It is a good place worth visiting nearby Yongkang business district or Dongmen market to pray for safety.
jong jiang on Google

The temple of local protector.

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