艾鍗學院-嵌入式軟韌體訓練中心【工程師培訓】 - Section 1

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Contact 艾鍗學院-嵌入式軟韌體訓練中心【工程師培訓】

地址 :

100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Section 1, Chongqing S Rd, 143號艾鍗學院-嵌入式軟韌體訓練中心【工程師培訓】4樓

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : https://www.ittraining.com.tw/
城市 : Chongqing S Rd

100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Section 1, Chongqing S Rd, 143號艾鍗學院-嵌入式軟韌體訓練中心【工程師培訓】4樓
simon5470 on Google

PCB Layout 老師上課方式只是一昧照著課本念,完全沒有一套自己的系統,讓我們覺得完全沒有學到東西,而且浪費時間,我們每個學員幾乎都是在職人員,真心期待來這裡學習我們所想要的課程,甚至不辭辛勞要從外縣市搭2小時的車才會到達,就知道大家對學習的熱切期盼,但是看到這種教學品質真讓我們非常灰心,而艾鍗補習班的處理態度更是讓人火大及失望,一昧的很官方式的回覆,根本不重視學員的反應,教育是良心事業,補習班有責任義務做好教學品質把關,汰除不適任的老師,讓想要學東西的學員不會當冤大頭!
The PCB Layout teacher’s teaching method is just based on the textbook. There is no system of our own. It makes us feel that we have not learned anything at all and waste time. Almost all of our students are working staff. We sincerely look forward to coming here to learn from us. The courses that I want, even a 2-hour bus ride from other counties or cities, will arrive. You know that everyone is eager to learn, but seeing this quality of teaching really makes us very discouraged, and Ai Wei tutors The handling attitude of the class is even more irritating and disappointing. The response is in an ignorant and very official way. It does not pay attention to the reaction of the students at all. Education is a career of conscience. The cram school has the responsibility to ensure the quality of teaching and eliminate unsuitable ones. Teacher, so that students who want to learn will not be taken advantage of!
ha na on Google

Ai Wei's teachers are very kind and teach very well! I love Joseph???? and other teachers are also super cute?? Thank you teachers, for your hard work ❤️❤️❤️
jp6 jp6 on Google

誠心不建議大家來白花錢,不是說這邊上的不好,應該這麼說吧~ 如果要來上課CP值比較OK只有平日班,假日班貴到不行而且學得太少不夠深入。如果真的想學習,我建議是以這邊的課表到udemy去買線上課,除了可以重複看以外,品質也有保障。 我先說說為什麼我覺得是白花錢吧~因為你必須準備4~8萬來上課(這些錢可以買一大堆線上課,讓你看不完),再來你必須連續上課至少3個月左右(你基本上沒有時間複習)。雖然,這邊的老師們都非常得不錯,不論是教電路的盧明智老師、或是教軟體的Joseph都非常認真盡責,但是我們報名的是平日班的工程師培訓班,說難聽一點這邊的工程師培訓班教學太淺 太弱了。基本上就是甚麼都教,但甚麼都不夠深入,最後做的專題也就是七拼八湊的搞個東西出來,而請來面試的廠商素質都不怎麼樣,不是嫌棄我們學員能力不夠,就是很高傲,不然就是薪資爛到爆,如果不選擇艾締推薦的廠商而上104去投履歷,那下場就是 根本無法去面試,或是 進公司不到3個月就被辭職或離職,絕大部分就是因為專業度不夠。到頭來,很多人都陷入了回去做本行的困境,而且還白白浪費4~8萬+3-4個月的時間,所以我覺得根本不划算。再說了,我完全不覺得這短短的3個月足夠培育出一個業界用得上的工程師(你當那些大學讀4年的 或是 研究所2-3年拚個半死的人是傻子嗎?),如果真的要成為能夠銜接上職場的工程師至少要培育半年以上,而且要專注在同一個專業領域,例如說:要寫C就完全練習與教學C到底,並學習MCU的應用+基本電路的培育,剩下的就是把所有的重心放在C語言的程式邏輯的培養,而不是一下子C+一下子PYTHON+一下子電路+一下子LINUX+一下子MCU+一下子AI…這樣根本學不到東西,就是走馬看花、蜻蜓點水的學,最後下場就是面試的時候就被狠狠的打槍,然後進公司一下子就被離職,根本沒有意義。
I sincerely don't recommend that you spend money for nothing. It's not that the students here are not good, so let's say it~ If you want to come to class, the CP value is relatively OK, only the weekday class, the holiday class is too expensive and the study is too little and not deep enough. If you really want to learn, I suggest buying online lessons from Udemy based on the schedule here. In addition to repeating it, the quality is guaranteed. Let me first talk about why I think it is a waste of money~ because you have to prepare 40,000 to 80,000 to take classes (the money can buy a lot of online courses, so you can’t finish them), and then you must take at least 3 consecutive classes About a month (you basically don't have time to review). Although the teachers here are very good, whether it is Mr. Lu Mingzhi, who teaches circuits, or Joseph, who teaches software, are very conscientious and conscientious, but we signed up for the engineer training class of the weekday class, which is a bit awkward. The teaching of the engineer training class is too shallow and too weak. Basically, everything is taught, but nothing is in-depth enough. The final topic is a piece of cake, and the quality of the vendors invited to the interview is not very good. It is not that our students are not capable enough, or they are very good. Arrogant, otherwise the salary is too bad. If you don’t choose the manufacturer recommended by Ai Di and go to 104 to vote for your resume, you will end up being unable to go to the interview at all, or you will be resigned or resigned less than 3 months after joining the company. It is because of insufficient professionalism. In the end, many people are stuck in the predicament of going back to the industry, and they have wasted 40,000 to 80,000 + 3-4 months of time, so I don't think it is worthwhile. Besides, I don't think these short three months are enough to cultivate an engineer who can be used in the industry (Are you a fool when you are a four-year college student or a 2-3 year graduate student who is half dead? ), if you really want to become an engineer who can connect to the workplace, you must cultivate for at least half a year, and you must focus on the same professional field, for example: to write C, you must practice and teach C to the end, and learn the application of MCU + basic circuit The rest is to put all the focus on the cultivation of the programming logic of the C language, rather than all of a sudden C + all of a sudden PYTHON + all of a sudden circuit + all of a sudden LINUX + all of the MCU + all of the AI... so you can't learn anything at all. It's just sloppy learning, and the end of the game is to be shot severely during the interview, and then to be resigned after entering the company, which is meaningless.
Booker Lin on Google

這邊的老師都很專業, 而且有問必答, 教材也都很完整, 很推薦有一定相關基礎想要轉職的人來上課, 沒有基礎的如果夠認真, 教的技能很完整, 絕對能學到不少東西 但是最好還是先有點想法, 然後對資訊產業或是物聯網產品、AI等等充滿想像力的, 那來學會學得很快, 帶著想要完成否些事情的態度來學的, 更推薦來上課, 一定會有收穫。
The teachers here are very professional, And answer all questions, The teaching materials are also very complete, It is highly recommended that people who have a certain relevant foundation and want to change jobs come to the class. If there is no foundation, if you are serious enough, The skills taught are complete, Can definitely learn a lot But it’s better to have some ideas first, Then they are imaginative about the information industry or Internet of Things products, AI, etc., Then come to learn to learn quickly, Learned with an attitude of wanting to accomplish something, I even recommend coming to class, There will be gains.
游宜芳 on Google

老師們的實力都很不錯~ 雖然短短3個月沒辦法學到很厲害,如果對某方面有興趣想學得更深入了話,去詢問老師,老師們都不藏私的教額外的內容!
The teachers are very good~ Although there is no way to learn very well in just 3 months, if you are interested in a certain aspect and want to learn more deeply, ask the teacher, the teacher does not hide the private teaching additional content!
見證者 on Google

I clearly left phone number A, but you don't know where phone number B has been calling to harass my family; I don't even send mailboxes!!
Shawn J. Shane Chiu on Google

Excellence IT insitiute in Taiwan
Boddy on Google

I love Joseph?

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