清臺灣巡撫衙門舊址碑 - Section 1

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100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Section 1, Wuchang St, 65號清臺灣巡撫衙門舊址碑號

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100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Section 1, Wuchang St, 65號清臺灣巡撫衙門舊址碑號
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清朝光緒十三年台灣建省,劉銘傳為第一任巡撫,除於今延平南路、武昌街口附近蓋巡撫衙門(像今天的總統府)外,並另於今中山堂附近蓋布政使司衙門(像今天的行政院),是當時全台最高行政機關,主要掌管錢糧、兵馬、民政等事務,其長官就叫布政使,俗稱「方伯」。 --------------------------------------- 臺灣巡撫衙門為清朝臺灣地位最高的衙署,與鄰近的欽差行臺遙遙相望。原址位於今中山堂左側、孫中山銅像後方、臺北市政府警察局附近設有「清臺灣巡撫衙門舊址」石碑。 依據舊址石碑內文的記載,劉銘傳任臺灣巡撫時期選定在北移後的臺灣府(今臺中市)橋仔頭建造臺灣省城,完工前劉銘傳續留臺北延平南路、武昌街口所建之巡撫衙門,故延平南路舊稱為撫臺街,以至於日治時期建於延平南路上的「大和町洋樓」被後世冠上臺北撫台街洋樓。後繼任巡撫邵友濂將省會由建造中的省城移往臺北府,於承恩門內構築巡撫衙門,耗資57,653銀元,歷經兩年方告落成內,分文武兩部,規模宏偉,為臺灣官廳之冠。 -- 維基百科
Taiwan was established as a province in the thirteenth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. Liu Mingchuan was the first governor. In addition to building the governor’s Yamen (like today’s Presidential Office) near Yanping South Road and Wuchang Street, he also built the government envoy Siyamen near Zhongshan Hall. Like today’s Executive Yuan), it was the highest administrative organ in Taiwan at that time. It was mainly in charge of money, food, military, and civil affairs. Its chief was called the chief ambassador, commonly known as "Fang Bo." --------------------------------------- The governor's office of Taiwan was the highest-ranking government office in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, facing the neighboring imperial mission station. The original site is located on the left side of today's Zhongshan Hall, behind the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen, and near the Taipei City Government Police Station. According to the records of the stone stele at the old site, Liu Mingchuan chose to build the provincial capital of Taiwan at Qiaozaitou, which was moved to the north during the period of Taiwan governor (now Taichung City). Before completion, Liu Mingchuan continued to stay as governor built at the intersection of Yanping South Road and Wuchang Street in Taipei. Yamen, so Yanping South Road was formerly known as Futai Street, so that the "Daihe Town Mansion" built on Yanping South Road during the Japanese Occupation Period was crowned as Taipei's Futai Street Mansion by later generations. Later governor Shao Youlian moved the provincial capital from the provincial capital under construction to Taipei Prefecture. The governor’s office was built in Chengenmen at a cost of 57,653 silver dollars. After two years of completion, it was divided into two civil and military departments. It was a magnificent official office in Taiwan. Of the crown. -- Wikipedia
楊大麥 on Google

歷史巡禮,清臺灣巡撫衙門舊址碑,恭敬地看了碑文,歷史睡了,時間醒著。 維基百科:臺灣巡撫衙門 臺灣巡撫衙門為清朝臺灣地位最高的衙署,與鄰近的臺灣布政使司衙門遙遙相望。原址位於今中山堂左側、孫中山銅像後方、臺北市政府警察局附近設有「清臺灣巡撫衙門舊址」石碑。 清朝臺灣建省後歷任巡撫 (台灣建省僅十年)。 劉銘傳(第一任巡撫):1885年9月10日 – 1891年2月27日 沈應奎(以臺灣布政使代巡撫):1891年4月28日 – 1891年10月15日 邵友濂(第二任巡撫):1891年10月16日–1894年9月15日 唐景崧(第三任、末任巡撫):1894年9月16日 – 1895年3月23日
History Tour, Qing Dynasty Taiwan Governor Yamen old site stele, respectfully read the inscription, history asleep, time awake. Wikipedia: Taiwan Governor Yamen Taiwan ’s governor ’s office is the highest-ranking office in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, and it faces the neighboring Taiwan ’s administrative bureau chief, Shi Yamen. The original site is located on the left side of today's Zhongshan Hall, behind the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen, and near the Taipei City Government Police Station is the "Qing Taiwan Governor Yamen Old Site" stone monument. Former governors of Taiwan after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty (Only ten years since Taiwan was established). Liu Mingchuan (the first governor): September 10, 1885 – February 27, 1891 Shen Yingkui (represented by the governor of Taiwan as governor): April 28, 1891 – October 15, 1891 Shao Youlian (second governor): October 16, 1891 – September 15, 1894 Tang Jingsong (third and last governor): September 16, 1894 – March 23, 1895
Yule Show on Google

[臺灣紀遊]出生的地方第卅二 五十多年前,好嚇人,已經五十多年了,我出生北京西路的一家醫院,雖然那家醫院衹是在一條衖堂裡,但却是上海有名的第六人民醫院,如今那個地方成了上海市兒童醫院的一個分院——上海市兒童保健所。 我的父親,他也出生在上海,有個有趣的故事。那就是我的祖父,業餘喜歡醫學,中西貫通,他閱讀過大量的醫學書籍,有些我小時還見過,那種繁體竪排半文半白紙質發褐的大部頭書。在我的祖母懷了我父親之後,我在祖父購置了整套的婦科接生醫療器具,心心念念地打算做一回業餘接生醫生…… 好在到了關鍵時間,當傭人找到老爺說奶奶要「發動」時,我祖父的第一反應就是打電話通知醫院做好準備,然後與司機一起把祖母送到醫院去……一秒鐘都沒猶豫,可惜了我祖母提心吊膽的九個多月。 我的祖父也是出生在上海的,但我不知道他到底出生在上海的哪裡,估計我父親也不知道,是在家裡呢?還是在醫院裡? 大家最喜歡說上海人的一句話是「往上數幾代,有哪個是上海人?」,這句話,也成了《愛情神話》中的一段。不過,我是連着三代上海人的上海人。 然而,我的曾祖父,他沒有出生在上海,我不但知道他出生的在哪個城市,我甚至知道他出生在哪一個具體的位置。 我在臺北,先是去了中正堂。中正堂佔地很大,整個園區東、南、北三面用藍琉璃瓦頂的白牆圍起,牆上有窗,形狀各不相同,一如蘇州園林之「移步換景」之意。圍牆轉角處,都有角亭,又北設大忠門,南設大孝門,皆三孔牌樓式建築,上覆同色琉璃瓦。西邊無墻,接紀念廣場,下有車行隧道,以避免車道隔斷中正堂與紀念廣場。 圍墻的正中,就是中正堂,無論从哪一面走進去,都要走不少路。中正堂是一個有點象天壇圓頂式的八角頂方形建築,,重檐藍色琉璃瓦頂,白色方形大樓的底,是座龐大的難看建築,好在我去的時候,整個建築被腳手架圍了起來,也就不至於那麼難看了。整個建築建在高起的平臺上,四面皆有御路,當中有巨大的青天白日國徽。 中正堂,自然是紀念中正的,藍白組合的設計,就是喻意着青天白日之意,可是陳水扁在位時,不但將「中正堂」的牌匾拿了下來,換上了「國立臺灣民主紀念館」,還把中正銅像搬走了,整條御路也被野百合圖樣帆布覆蓋。西廣場是開放式無墻的廣場,入口處有五孔牌樓一座,原來上面是「大中至正」四字,也被換成了「自由廣場」四字,名字則从「中正紀念廣場」改成了「自由廣場」。 一年以後,馬英九於2007年5月上臺,8月就廢止了相關事項,又於翌年正式掛回中正堂牌匾。 可是2018年5月,蔡政府促成了「促進轉型正義委員會」,該委員會在2021年9月,提出轉型方案,預計將中正紀念堂改為「反省威權歷史公園」。 真是有夠折騰的! 从中正堂往西,沿貴陽路走,經過外交部和介壽公園,後者有臺北二二八紀念碑和白色恐怖政治受難者紀念碑,然後沿着重慶南路一段往北走,經過總統府,再沿着寶慶路往西走,到延平南路往北走到底,就是中山堂。 這個中山堂可不得了,當時叫做臺北公會堂,1945年日軍向二戰同盟國投降儀式就在這裡舉行(臺灣戰區),1954年的《中美共同防禦條約》也是在這裡簽的。 中山堂是日本人建的,他們在1932年把臺灣巡撫衙門給拆了,把中山堂建在這裡,如今在中山堂左側、孫中山銅像後方,有一塊「清臺灣巡撫衙門舊址」的石碑。 我找到了我曾祖父的出生地,噢,不對,出生點,他就是在這個位置上出生的。 1891年5月9日,清光緒十七年,邵友濂从湖南巡撫兼湖南提督調任台灣巡撫,將前任劉傳銘開始在彰化縣橋仔頭新置在建的臺灣府搬到了臺北市,臺北成為省會,同時奏請朝庭,在這裡建造了臺灣巡撫衙門,耗資57653銀元,成為臺灣官廳之冠。就是這次搬動,奠定了日後臺灣重北輕南的發展方向,直到現在。 其中的原因其實很簡單,邵友濂家在上海,臺北離上海比彰化要近得多了。邵友濂是餘姚人,為什麼家在上海?因為他曾經做過上海道(蘇松太道)道臺嘛!就把家安在上海了。他在做上海道臺時,做過最影響歷史的一件事,就是幫着後來成為姻親的李鴻章把紅頂商人胡雪巖給擠垮了,當時李鴻章為了打擊接近左宗棠的胡雪巖,就向邵友濂表示「白銀更勝白米,錢根即是命根」,於是邵友濂遲撥胡雪巖的餉款二十日,使得胡雪巖資金鏈斷裂,最終造成了1883年的金融風潮,是19世紀中國影響最大的一次。 他做過的官可不少,除了上海道臺、臺灣巡撫、湖南巡撫兼提督外,還做過河南按察使,做過出使俄羅斯的欽差大臣和出使日本的全權大臣。他官至正一品,真正的一品大員了,比他父親邵燦的从一品漕運總督,又高了一級了。 對了,他還不止做過一任臺灣的第一把手,而是兩任,在臺灣還是福建省轄的時候,他做過臺灣布政使,所以做臺灣巡撫時,是陞了官故地重遊了。 至今臺灣還有一塊他寫的匾,是「俎豆同榮」四個字,目前保存於桃園市大溪區的忠魂堂,用以表彰原(住民)漢(人)衝突的陣亡者,希望原住民與閩客漢人能夠消除敵意、和平共處。 這和我的曾祖父有什麼關係?因為他就是邵友濂的兒子,傳說他是出生在臺北的,按年代推算,應該邵友濂在臺灣布政使任上生的,那時沒有西式醫院,自然是生在家裡的——也就是臺灣布政使司,也就是後來的臺灣巡撫衙門。
[Taiwan Jiyou] The place of birth No. 32 More than 50 years ago, it was scary. It has been more than 50 years. I was born in a hospital on Beijing West Road. Although the hospital was only in a hall, it was the famous Sixth People's Hospital in Shanghai. The place became a branch of Shanghai Children's Hospital - Shanghai Children's Health Center. My father, who was also born in Shanghai, has an interesting story. That is my grandfather. He likes medicine in his spare time, and he has a combination of Chinese and Western. He has read a lot of medical books, some of which I have seen when I was a child. After my grandmother became pregnant with my father, I purchased a complete set of medical equipment for gynecological birth delivery from my grandfather, and I was thinking of becoming an amateur birth doctor... Fortunately, at the critical time, when the servant found the master and said that grandma was going to "start", my grandfather's first reaction was to call the hospital to get ready, and then take the grandmother to the hospital with the driver... It didn't take a second. Hesitating, it's a pity that my grandmother was worried for more than nine months. My grandfather was also born in Shanghai, but I don't know where he was born in Shanghai, and I guess my father doesn't know either. Was it at home? Still in the hospital? Everyone's favorite saying about Shanghai people is "A few generations back, who is a Shanghainese?" This sentence has also become a paragraph in "Myth of Love". However, I am a Shanghainese with three generations of Shanghainese. However, my great-grandfather, he was not born in Shanghai, I not only know which city he was born in, I even know which specific location he was born in. I was in Taipei and first went to Chung Cheng Tang. Zhongzheng Hall occupies a large area. The east, south and north sides of the entire park are surrounded by white walls with blue glazed tile roofs. There are windows on the walls, and the shapes are different. At the corners of the wall, there are corner pavilions, Dazhong Gate in the north and Daxiao Gate in the south, all three-hole archway-style buildings covered with glazed tiles of the same color. There is no wall on the west side, connected to the Memorial Square, and there is a tunnel for vehicles to avoid the lane separating the Zhongzheng Hall and the Memorial Square. The middle of the wall is the Zhongzheng Hall. No matter which side you walk in, you have to walk a lot. Zhongzheng Hall is a square building with an octagonal top that is a bit like the dome of the Temple of Heaven. It has a blue glazed tile roof with double eaves and a white square building at the bottom. It is a huge and unsightly building. Fortunately, when I went, the whole building was surrounded by scaffolding. Get up, it won't be so ugly. The entire building is built on a raised platform, with imperial roads on all sides and a huge national emblem of the blue sky and white sun. Zhongzheng Hall is naturally a commemoration of Chiang Kai-shek. The design of the blue and white combination is a metaphor for the blue sky and white sun. However, when Chen Shui-bian was in power, he not only took down the plaque of "Zhongzheng Hall", but replaced it with "National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall". , also removed the bronze statue of Zhongzheng, and the entire imperial road was also covered with wild lily pattern canvas. The West Square is an open square without walls. There is a five-hole archway at the entrance. It used to have the words "Dazhongzhizheng" on it, but it was also replaced by the four words "Freedom Square", and the name was changed from "Chiang Zheng Memorial Square". Changed to "Freedom Square". A year later, Ma Ying-jeou came to power in May 2007. In August, the relevant matters were abolished, and the plaque was officially put back on the Zhongzheng Hall in the following year. However, in May 2018, the Tsai government facilitated the "Committee for Promoting Transitional Justice." In September 2021, the committee proposed a transformation plan, which is expected to change the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall into a "Reflection on Authoritarian History Park". It's quite frustrating! Go west from Zhongzheng Hall, walk along Guiyang Road, pass the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Jie Shou Park, the latter has the Taipei 228 Memorial and the White Terrorist Political Victims Memorial, then walk north along a section of Chongqing South Road, pass the Presidential Palace, and then follow Go west on Baoqing Road, and go north to Yanping South Road to the end, which is Zhongshan Hall. This Zhongshan Hall is incredible. It was called the Taipei Public Hall at the time. The surrender ceremony of the Japanese army to the Allies in World War II was held here in 1945 (Taiwan Theater), and the "Sino-US Mutual Defense Treaty" in 1954 was also signed here. The Zhongshan Hall was built by the Japanese. They demolished the Taiwan Governor's Yamen in 1932 and built the Zhongshan Hall here. Today, on the left side of the Zhongshan Hall and behind the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen, there is a stone tablet "the former site of the Qing Taiwan Governor's Yamen". I found my great-grandfather's birthplace, oh no, the birthplace, that's where he was born. On May 9, 1891, the seventeenth year of Emperor Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty, Shao Youlian was transferred from Hunan Governor and Hunan Admiral to Taiwan Governor, and moved the Taiwan House that Liu Chuanming started to build in Qiaozaitou, Changhua County to Taipei City, and Taipei became the provincial capital. At the same time, he invited the court to build the Taiwan Governor's Yamen here, costing 57,653 silver dollars, becoming the crown of Taiwan's official halls. It was this move that laid the foundation for Taiwan's future development direction of emphasizing the North over the South, until now. The reason is actually very simple. Shao Youlian's home is in Shanghai, and Taipei is much closer to Shanghai than Changhua. Shao Youlian is from Yuyao, why is his home in Shanghai? Because he once did the Shanghai Dao (Su Song Tai Dao) Taoist platform! I settled my home in Shanghai. When he was a Shanghai Taoist, he did one of the most influential things in history. He helped Li Hongzhang, who later became an in-law, to crush Hu Xueyan, a businessman with a red top Said that "silver is better than white rice, and the root of money is the root of life", so Shao Youlian delayed the payment of Hu Xueyan's payment by 20 days, which broke Hu Xueyan's capital chain, and finally caused the financial turmoil of 1883, which was the most influential time in China in the 19th century. In addition to Shanghai Daotai, Taiwan governor, Hunan governor and admiral, he has also served as an inspector in Henan, an imperial envoy to Russia, and a plenipotentiary minister to Japan. He was a first-rank official, a true first-rank officer, and he was one more level higher than his father Shao Can's first-rank water transport governor. By the way, he has not only served as the number one leader of Taiwan, but two. When Taiwan was still under the jurisdiction of Fujian Province, he served as Taiwan's political envoy, so when he became Taiwan's governor, he was promoted to official position and revisited his old place. . To this day, there is still a plaque written by him in Taiwan, with the words "Zhudou Tongrong", which is currently preserved in the Zhonghun Hall in Daxi District, Taoyuan City, to honor the victims of the original (resident) Han (human) conflict. Hope Aboriginal people and Hokkien Han people can eliminate hostility and coexist peacefully. What does this have to do with my great grandfather? Because he is Shao Youlian's son, it is said that he was born in Taipei. According to the chronology, Shao Youlian should have been born in Taiwan's chief envoy. At that time, there was no western-style hospital, so he was naturally born at home - that is, the Taiwan chief envoy. , that is, the later Taiwan Governor Yamen.
Glen Lin on Google

historical spot
Elida Peterson on Google

Anthony on Google

nice area to walk around
Joyce Sanches on Google

There is nothing. Just a place. Can't really see something significant.
Nicole Wang on Google

A monument of the Taiwan governor's Office during the Qing rule, though comes with some histories of the site, but that's it. The area bears a lot more history than what says on the monument, and I wish it could be told better through these sites.

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