令和產後護理之家 台北市月子中心 | 月子中心 | 台北市產後護理之家 - Section 2

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 令和產後護理之家 台北市月子中心 | 月子中心 | 台北市產後護理之家

地址 :

10057, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Lane 79, Section 2, Xinyi Rd, 19號令和產後護理之家 台北市月子中心 | 月子中心 | 台北市產後護理之家

電話 : 📞 +88988
網站 : https://www.linghocare.com/
城市 : Xinyi Rd

10057, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Lane 79, Section 2, Xinyi Rd, 19號令和產後護理之家 台北市月子中心 | 月子中心 | 台北市產後護理之家
王志冰 on Google

年初在懷孕三個月下訂時,就已經幾乎滿房,可見熱門的程度。我們喜歡的優點是離家近,環境明亮整潔 入住後,感受到客服人員的貼心的服務,打理每位產婦的各種需求,館內有許多實用的課程與服務也會協助安排與提醒。嬰兒室的每一位護理師很專業也很溫柔的教導媽媽們正確的哺育知識,不只照顧寶寶也關心產婦每日的身體狀況。 這裡學到很多有助益的育兒知識與方式,對於新手媽媽而言,無不是一個好的起點。在入住的這段期間我感到相當愉悅,令人非常安心。
At the beginning of the year, when I booked in three months of pregnancy, the room was almost full, which shows the popularity. What we like is the closeness to home and the bright and clean environment After checking in, I felt the attentive service of the customer service staff, who took care of the various needs of each mother. There are many practical courses and services in the library, which will also assist in arranging and reminding. Every nurse in the baby room is very professional and gentle to teach mothers the correct nursing knowledge, not only to take care of the baby but also to care about the daily physical condition of the mother. Learn a lot of helpful parenting knowledge and methods here, and it is a good starting point for new mothers. During my stay I felt quite happy and very reassuring.
chu joy on Google

還好有選擇令和,可以讓產婦好好休息,隨時想自己顧小孩就跟嬰兒室說,累了就隨時推回嬰兒室請護理人員顧 ,超適合新手爸媽,如果有問題趕緊打電話到嬰兒室求救真的很方便 vip房的採光真的很棒,23天都待在房間內也不會感覺到心情悶,還有tokuyo按摩椅每天使用讓肌肉都放鬆了,先生還按到睡著呢! 月子餐有兩家可以輪流替換,但也吃膩了,實在太養生?,還好附近周圍機能很方便,可以請先生去買點心 令和還有附機械式停車場,一般台北市都要另外收費 已經要退房了,我們實在很不想回家啊!想念專業護理師顧小孩的日子
Fortunately, there is a choice order, which allows the mother to have a good rest. Whenever you want to take care of the child by yourself, tell the nursery. When you are tired, you can push back to the nursery and ask the nursing staff to take care of it. It's really convenient to ask for help in the baby room The lighting in the vip room is really good. I stayed in the room for 23 days without feeling bored. The use of the tokuyo massage chair every day relaxes my muscles, and my husband is still asleep! There are two confinement meals that can be replaced in turn, but I am tired of eating. It is too healthy. Fortunately, the nearby functions are very convenient. You can ask your husband to buy snacks. Reihe also has a mechanical parking lot. Generally, Taipei City has to charge extra We are already checking out, we really don't want to go home! Missing the days of professional nurses taking care of children
Vivian Lee on Google

入住22天,因遇疫情臨時換月中,生產前一天才確認月中,也來不及現場實際場刊,住過7坪&10坪,房間來說,不推7坪,空間真的太小,廁所洗手台旁邊沒有置物檯,東西要拿來拿去,行李箱無法一直打開平放、冰箱擺放位置不好開,既然要住就對自己好一點吧。 隔音部分沒有聽到外面施工,但隔壁大孩子的哭聲或走廊的聲音倒是蠻清晰的⋯ 實測網速約50mb,追劇會有點卡卡,也不用幻想連線打2K。 客服素質不一,有些同仁事情處理能力偏弱,較沒效率,偏像標準上下班的公務員。 最擔心的問題-機械式停車位,當時再三確認尺寸,就怕Camry 油電車停不進來,當時客服確認可以,實際卻不行,還要臨時去外面找車位,幾經波折,我們要一直主動追解決方法,才終於提供一處較遠的露天車位,走路約要8分鐘,且周邊停車環境不優,大車真要來試停。 打掃大姐們服務不錯。 護理師們優質沒話說,真的是強在這,效率好、專業,完全加分,每班護理師至少都有一位很資深的護理師,尤其祈云姐,讓我印象深刻,高效率、專業、暖心⋯真的很感謝有遇到她,當然也很感謝其他護理師們,也真的非常棒! 餐點ok-月芽口味到位,但每餐菜的道數較禾善食少。 總之仍是感謝令和人員們這期間的協助~
Staying for 22 days, due to the epidemic situation, the middle of the month was temporarily changed, and the middle of the month was confirmed the day before the production, and it was too late for the actual on-site publication. There is no shelf next to the sink, and things have to be brought around. The suitcase can't be opened and laid flat all the time, and the refrigerator is not well placed. Since you want to live, be kind to yourself. The sound insulation part did not hear the construction outside, but the cry of the elder child next door or the sound of the corridor was quite clear... The actual measured network speed is about 50mb, and it will be a bit tricky to chase dramas, and there is no need to imagine connecting to 2K. The quality of customer service varies. Some colleagues are weak in handling things and are less efficient, like civil servants with standard commuting. The most worrying problem-mechanical parking space. At that time, I confirmed the size again and again, I was afraid that the Camry gas tram would not come in. At that time, the customer service confirmed that it was possible, but it was not possible. I had to go outside to find a parking space temporarily. After many twists and turns, we have to actively pursue it. I finally provided a distant open-air parking space. It took about 8 minutes to walk, and the surrounding parking environment was not good, so the big car really wanted to try to park. The cleaning ladies did a good job. There is nothing to say about the quality of the nursing therapists. They are really strong here. They are efficient and professional, and they are full of extra points. Each class of nursing therapists has at least one very senior nursing therapist, especially Sister Qiyun, who impressed me deeply. Professional, warmhearted... I am really grateful to have met her, and of course I am also very grateful to the other nurses, she is really great! The meal is ok-Yueya tastes in place, but the number of dishes per meal is less than that of Heshanshi. Anyway, thanks to the Reiwa staff for their assistance during this period~
Hsiao-Yun on Google

懷孕期間評估後就決定把坐月子這件大事交給令和,還記得離院後第一天入住真心感動:熱茶、月子餐的迎賓讓我感到心裡暖和~ 房間內裝潢溫馨簡單大方,傢俱擺飾都很舒適,備有奇哥溫奶器、小獅王奶瓶消毒鍋、電動擠奶器、哺乳衣...等,非常方便齊全。 護理人員每天都會定時幫忙量血壓,測宮縮位置,關心每位媽媽產後身體與心理上的不適,給予更多關懷與協助。 嬰兒室乾淨明亮隨時可以看寶寶狀況,對於餵養照顧不懂提出任何問題,護理師也都親切回覆給予協助,教導實戰經驗提升新手爸媽的信心! 不定時也會舉辦媽媽教室課程做交流,更是獲益良多!! 館內還有SPA按摩、薑汁洗髮等服務,可以讓產後媽媽得到徹底的放鬆。 令和的地點位於捷運東門站步行約5分鐘,開車也非常便利,附近生活機能完整,有時想放鬆也能到東門市場逛街,吃點美食小吃喔! 這次入住的經驗很不錯,未來若還有需要還是會選擇令和!感謝令和產後護理之家所有人員與給予的照顧,謝謝您們!
After the evaluation during pregnancy, I decided to hand over the important event of confinement to Linghe. I still remember the first day after leaving the hospital. I was really touched: the welcome of hot tea and confinement meal made my heart warm~ The interior decoration of the room is warm, simple and generous, and the furniture is very comfortable. It is equipped with a Chico milk warmer, a small lion king milk bottle sterilizer, an electric milking machine, nursing clothes, etc. It is very convenient and complete. Nursing staff will regularly help measure blood pressure every day, measure the position of uterine contractions, care about each mother's postpartum physical and psychological discomfort, and provide more care and assistance. The baby room is clean and bright, and you can check the baby's condition at any time. If you ask any questions about feeding and care, the nurses will kindly reply and provide assistance, and teach practical experience to enhance the confidence of novice parents! From time to time, we will also hold mother's classroom courses for communication, which is even more beneficial! ! There are also SPA massage, ginger shampoo and other services in the museum, which can make postpartum mothers feel completely relaxed. The location of Linghe is about 5 minutes walk from the MRT Dongmen Station. It is also very convenient to drive. The nearby life functions are complete. The experience of staying this time was very good. If there is still a need in the future, I will choose Reiwa! Thank you to all the staff and care of Linghe Postnatal Care Home, thank you!
Yiting Cheng on Google

很喜歡令和,令和是去年新開幕的產後護理之家,總共只有14間房間,獨棟設計,出入人員都會管控不會複雜,設備也都很新穎,不會有奇怪裝潢的味道,房間提供的東西很多,舉凡哺乳衣、溫奶器、冰箱、奶瓶消毒烘乾鍋、恆溫電熱水瓶、大風草包、吹風機、電動擠乳器等都會幫你準備,房間內還有一台tokuyo按摩椅,讓我們入住期間住的很舒適,而且這裡也有搭配的泌乳師、spa師、洗髮等服務,有塞奶、洗髮、經絡舒壓按摩等需求,在這裡都可以得到滿足! 這裡的客服小姐也都很親切熱情,任何問題她們都會熱心協助處理,有宅配包裹也都會幫忙簽收送來房間給我,真的很方便? 很感謝令和,幫我在做月子期間,將寶寶照顧的很好,我想看小孩打個電話,護理師就會將寶寶推來給我,累了,也可以隨時將寶寶送回嬰兒室給親切的護理師照顧,據我觀察,這裡的護理師人都很好,對寶寶都很有愛心❤️,交給她們顧寶寶可以很放心,對於我的各種問題(餵奶、寶寶安撫方式、惡露、包包巾方式、束腹帶、揹巾等問題)也都可以很親切及專業的回答,真的要給她們一百個讚?,另外她們每天都還會來幫我量血壓,看我身體排惡露的情形,對產婦的健康狀況非常關心,不會有找不到護理師的情形發生。 總之選擇令和,沒有讓我後悔!這裡的缺點就是,我入住後想多住幾天,都沒辦法,因為後面房間都是滿的?
I like Reiwa very much. Reiwa is a newly opened postpartum care home last year. There are only 14 rooms in total. It has a single-family design. The personnel will be able to control the access without complicated. The equipment is also very novel and there will be no strange decoration smell. There are many things to provide, such as breastfeeding clothes, breast warmers, refrigerators, baby bottle sterilization and drying pots, constant temperature electric hot water bottles, wind grass bags, hair dryers, electric milkers, etc. will help you prepare. There is also a tokuyo massage chair in the room. Let us stay very comfortable during our stay, and there are also matching lactator, spa therapist, shampoo and other services. There are milk, shampoo, meridian stress massage and other needs, which can be met here! The customer service ladies here are also very kind and enthusiastic. They will be eager to help deal with any problems. If there is a home delivery package, they will also help sign and send it to my room. It is really convenient ? I am very grateful to Reiwa for helping me take good care of the baby during my confinement period. I want to see the child and call, and the nurse will push the baby to me. When I get tired, I can send the baby back to the baby at any time. The room is taken care of by kind nurses. According to my observations, the nurses here are very good and caring for the baby ❤️, I can rest assured that I can take care of my baby with all kinds of problems (feeding, baby comforting methods, Lochia, the way of wrapping towels, corsets, slings, etc.) can also be answered very kindly and professionally. I really want to give them a hundred likes ?. In addition, they will come to help me take my blood pressure every day. My body discharges lochia, and I am very concerned about the health of the mother. There will be no cases where I cannot find a nurse. In short, choosing Linghe did not make me regret it! The disadvantage here is that I want to stay a few more days after I check in, but I can’t do it because the back rooms are full ?
楊珮慈 on Google

很幸運生第一胎時就讓我找到這間服務好且CP值高的月子中心?? 除了房間很舒適之外,房間內的設備上還很貼心的幫媽媽們準備小獅王的奶瓶消毒鍋、泡奶需要的熱水器、奇哥的溫奶器,讓媽媽們可以很方便的在房間內使用! 在令和做月子真的對媽媽們是很幸福的一件事情,因為這邊服務還有提供薑汁洗髮、專業的泌乳團隊幫媽媽做乳腺疏通、教導正確的擠奶方式、塞奶的疏通方法,最後對我來說最棒的是SPA舒壓,可以減緩我腰酸肩頸僵硬的問題,每次按摩完身體整個放鬆許多。 這裡的護理師也很用心的照顧寶寶,每天都會記錄寶寶的身體狀況(像是吃的奶量、大小便的次數等等)隨時都會關心寶寶的狀態,之前我寶寶的腳血液循環較不好,所以腳比較冰,護理師就很貼心的幫我寶寶準備溫熱水泡腳,之後他的腳就溫暖很多,另外小兒科醫師每週二次會幫寶寶全身檢查,讓媽媽可以很安心,而且護理師們還會一對一的到房內直接教導如何親餵、如何幫寶寶拍嗝一些衛教的知識,對於新手媽媽來說真的是很大的幫助。 令和月子中心不僅考慮到媽媽們的服務,還有顧慮到陪伴照顧者爸爸們的便利性,有提供免費的機械式停車位,尤其在台北市找停車位就是一件很麻煩的事情,直接省去爸爸找停車位的時間。 未來生第二胎也會再次考慮來住令和月子中心 非常推薦給即將生產的媽媽們呦??
I was lucky to find this confinement center with good service and high CP value when I gave birth to the first child?? In addition to the comfort of the room, the equipment in the room is also very intimate to help mothers prepare Little Lion’s baby bottle sterilizer, water heater for milk foaming, and Qi brother’s milk warmer, so that mothers can be in the room very conveniently. Use within! Confinement in Linghe is really a happy thing for mothers, because the service here also provides ginger shampoo, professional lactation team to help mothers with mammary gland dredging, teaching the correct milking method, and stuffing milk. In the end, the best way for me is SPA to relieve pressure, which can alleviate my backache, shoulder and neck stiffness, and relax my body a lot after each massage. The nurses here also take care of the baby very carefully. They record the baby’s physical condition every day (such as the amount of milk eaten, the number of urinations, etc.) and care about the baby’s condition at any time. My baby’s feet had poor blood circulation before. , So the feet are relatively cold, the nurse is very considerate to help my baby prepare warm water to soak the feet, and then his feet are much warmer, and the pediatrician will check the baby twice a week, so that the mother can feel at ease and take care The teachers will also go to the room one-on-one to directly teach how to feed, how to help the baby burp some health education knowledge, which is really a great help for novice mothers. Linghe Confinement Center not only considers the services of mothers, but also considers the convenience of accompanying carers and dads. It provides free mechanical parking spaces, especially finding parking spaces in Taipei City is a very troublesome thing. It directly saves my dad the time to find a parking space. In the future, the second child will be considered again to live in Linghe Confinement Center Very recommended to mothers who are about to give birth ??
yung jie chau on Google

居住15天後心得:整體5星。 行政服務: 行政人員真誠,直接,很多時候會有些小瑕疵,但第一時間都有立刻察覺問題立刻解決,看得出來在行政服務上是有受過訓練出的,同時真誠心裡想的跟表達一致相處起來就非常舒服,所有院內的規定也都非常一致與用心,也會一邊留意疫情影響,同時也照顧到入住的爸媽。 護理團隊: 相信很多爸爸媽媽非常在意這塊,令和團隊大部分護理人員都專業,和善,也非常願意回答問題與教導,尤其推薦祈云護理師,專業親切又很願意教導,在她的指導下對新手爸媽而言真的是一大福音,中間只有一次護理師交接寶貝資訊錯誤的確讓我們有些困擾,不過整體是滿意也居住的舒服的。 環境: 令和接近東門市場,基本上就在市場旁邊,外在能量場稍微雜亂些,畢竟混雜了市場整體有些舊大樓,老建築的能量,但內部環境乾淨明亮,不像后愛那樣的極致舒服,也稱的上有回家舒服能好好休息的水準了。
Experience after living for 15 days: Overall 5 stars. Administrative Services: The administrative staff is sincere and direct. There are often some small flaws, but they immediately detect the problem and solve it immediately. It can be seen that they have been trained in administrative services. It is very comfortable. All the regulations in the hospital are also very consistent and attentive. While paying attention to the impact of the epidemic, I also take care of the parents who are staying. Nursing Team: I believe that many parents are very concerned about this. Most of the nursing staff in Linghe’s team are professional and kind, and they are very willing to answer questions and teach them. I especially recommend Qiyun nurse, who is professional and kind and willing to teach. It's really a great news for parents. There was only one time in the middle of the nurse's handover of the baby's information. It really made us a little troubled, but overall we were satisfied and comfortable living. surroundings: Linghe is close to Dongmen Market, basically next to the market. The external energy field is a little messy. After all, the market is mixed with some old buildings and the energy of old buildings, but the internal environment is clean and bright, not as comfortable as Hou Ai. It is also said to have the level of comfort at home and a good rest.
李宜萱 on Google

去年懷孕期間,在寶寶穩定後,就開始尋找月子中心,因為疫情關係,只能線上介紹,在服務人員視訊帶著我參觀時,覺得令和真的不錯,我喜歡戶數少(14間房),不複雜的環境,標準的護理師比例1:4,和小兒科醫生一星期2次,婦幼醫生一星期一次巡診!! 離院時還帶著剖腹產的傷口來到令和,除了量血壓以外,護理師每天來看傷口和換藥,關心子宮位子和心理狀態,每位護理師都是非常專業的!!(尤其出院頭一天就遇到嚴重塞奶,還好有護理師先幫忙處理,泌乳師的幫忙,才恢復正常)? 入住的32天,每天有營養的餐點,阿姨們的細心打掃,環境不吵雜,完全聽不到外面的任何聲音(對面其實在做房屋工程,但完全聽不到任何聲音),連下著大雨都不知道,可見是有多安靜,可以讓人很放鬆的好好做月子,還有專業的課程,讓我們得到更多育兒知識,明天要離館了,真是依依不捨呀!! 謝謝每位櫃檯人員,護理師,打掃阿姨們!!
During my pregnancy last year, after my baby was stable, I started looking for a confinement center. Due to the epidemic, I could only introduce it online. When the service staff showed me around via video, I thought Linghe was really good. I like the small number of households (14 rooms). room), uncomplicated environment, the standard nurse practitioner ratio is 1:4, and the pediatrician twice a week, and the maternal and child doctor visits once a week! ! When I left the hospital, I came to Reiwa with a caesarean section wound. In addition to measuring blood pressure, the nurses came to see the wound and changed dressings every day, and cared about the position of the uterus and psychological state. Each nurse was very professional! ! (Especially the first day of discharge from the hospital, I encountered severe milk congestion. Fortunately, a nurse helped to deal with it first, and with the help of a lactationist, it returned to normal) ? During the 32 days of stay, there are nutritious meals every day, the aunts' careful cleaning, the environment is not noisy, and I can't hear any sound from the outside at all (the opposite is actually doing housing projects, but I can't hear any sound at all), I don’t know how quiet it is in the heavy rain. It can make people very relaxed and have a good confinement. There are also professional courses that allow us to gain more parenting knowledge. We will be leaving the museum tomorrow. ! Thank you to every counter staff, nurses, and cleaning aunts! !

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