勝益食品廠 - Section 1

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Contact 勝益食品廠

地址 :

103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Section 1, Dihua St, 144號勝益食品廠

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Dihua St

103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Section 1, Dihua St, 144號勝益食品廠
林冠廷 on Google

Very characteristic of early traditional Chinese medicine.
Sandy Peter on Google

台北市觀傳局 目前正在展示雙城故事電視劇至11/12, 值得一看。
Taipei City Views Bureau is currently presenting the Tale of Two Cities TV series until 11/12, which is worth watching.
LK on Google

2019/8/11 came here to buy Hong Kong Xianglanke, the boss is very Asha Li, Huoxiang is angry (price 440), hitting 80% off 350?
Hsiao hsinyiyi on Google

The price of New Year's goods in Taipei rises arbitrarily. Last week (the same is New Year's Goods Street), I bought 380 / jin. As a result, I bought 400 / jin today.
王小花 on Google

迪化街的老屋更新之一,配合公部門「雙城故事」的戲劇式城市行銷,做為主要的拍攝場景。 迪化街為台北早期發展的代表性街道,其地理位置緊鄰淡水河岸,商業貿易往來成就不少名門旺族;淡水河尚未淤積時可直接上貨至屋內,非現在所見之僅剩二進形態閩式建築,其建築主體及外觀裝飾隨著治理者改變衍生各有特色與巧妙之處,目前為公部門商圈再造的重點區域。
One of the oldest house updates on Dihua Street, with the dramatic urban marketing of the "Twin City Story" by the public sector as the main shooting scene. Dihua Street is a representative street in Taipei's early development. Its geographical location is close to the Danshui River bank, and commercial trade has created many famous Menwang people. When the Tamsui River has not yet been deposited, it can be directly delivered to the house. There are only two remaining ones that are not seen now The shape of the Fujian-style building, the main body and the appearance of the building, as the governor changes, have their own characteristics and ingenuity. At present, it is a key area for the reconstruction of the public sector business district.
張忠邦 on Google

I used to work here as a student. The most impressive thing is that there was a large squid freezer in the past...
Li Ivy on Google

走過一甲子的台北市迪化街中藥行「合勝堂」,在夯劇《雙城故事》取景加持下,晉升國內外遊客的追劇景點,合勝堂第二代當家李興順(順哥)當時以不到一半行情的租金,成就這樁美事。人稱「大稻埕黑狗兄」的順哥,見證了迪化街繁華、落寞與新生,他一年工作360天,專賣中藥材及高檔乾貨。順哥花了6年,豪砸3千萬元翻修老宅,不賣不住只為了感念父親!「迪化街百年中藥老店,只剩下乾元蔘藥行,我們合勝堂開了一甲子,第二久。」穿著西裝打著領帶的順哥,一頭黑髮,膚色明亮透光,身材保養得宜,完全看不出已經64歲。.合勝堂原本打通迪化街144號和146號的一樓當成店面,後來因為漏水、白蟻等問題,順哥決定整修,將店面全挪到146號,「這2間都是長方形基地,各80坪,1樓後面是倉庫,2、3樓為客廳及房間。」 挪開144號門前「私人住宅非請勿進」的告示牌,順哥領著本刊記者進入門堂懸掛著「合勝堂」匾額的百年老宅。這裡平時不對外開放,遊客只能在門口「朝聖」。 話雖如此,在老中藥行和文青店交錯林立的迪化街上,合勝堂依然成了打卡新熱點,去年行銷到190國的火紅電視劇《雙城故事》,更到144號取景拍攝,連美國在台協會也在臉書發文推薦,讓合勝堂更火紅了。「我只休大年初一到初五,只要沒出國,我都在這裡。」在合勝堂出生長大到結婚生子的順哥,已在此紮了根,「這是1895年建築物,當時地址是『永樂町四丁目五十番地』(144號)。民國50年,我父親(李維中)花了90萬元買下來,那時一碗什錦麵才5毛。10多年後,我父親再以2500多萬元買下隔壁店面(146號)。」 合勝堂外觀是巴洛克風格的洋樓,內部則為傳統閩式,採三進房(從前門到後院有3道門),分成前後2棟,中間有天井,採光極佳。若3門全開,涼風可貫穿,天花板挑高,內裝全是木料,檜木樓梯還隱隱透著香氣。 「迪化街有77間百年古宅,我們保存最好,有少見的圓木頂梁。這是福州杉木,清末時從大陸來台灣的船,都拿這種木頭『壓艙底』,比較穩;下船後,就被拿到『剝皮寮』剝去樹皮變建材。」順哥指著天花板說。 為了整修144號老宅,順哥前後花了3000萬元,歷經6年才完工。一完工,《雙城故事》導演葉天倫隨即上門借樓拍片,「迪化街一樓店面月租至少25萬以上,那時拍片租借3層樓5個月,我打折只收100萬。」 相當大方的順哥,說著說著突然提問:「你猜現在這房子多少錢?」本刊記者搖搖頭,順哥立刻童心大發比出「YA」說:「現在值2億!」若進行都更改建,利益更驚人。然這棟億元古宅不賣不住也不做生意,順哥只為了紀念父親。「我父親可是台灣的『魷魚乾大王』!」順哥豪氣萬丈地說,「民國36年,父親22歲時,從大陸福建來台灣玩,只帶著旅費,沒想到大陸淪陷,回不去了。因為阿公在福建開中藥行、阿嬤把脈,父親也學了點,為謀生就跑到迪化街,當起中藥行學徒。」 「父親後來在迪化街柱子旁擺小攤賣中藥,後來租下144號,他做人很實在,還因緣際會認識『香蕉大王』陳查某。陳查某有次海運香蕉賣到日本,認為空船回台不值得,就把5艘船裝滿魷魚乾和昆布,運回基隆要賣給我父親。但貨太多,父親吃不下來,陳查某就說:『賣多少(貨)就給多少(錢)。』」 在陳查某的幫助下,李父沒有囤貨壓力,加上當時日本和韓國恰巧發生霍亂,台灣政府規定,東北亞貨品一年內不准進口,李父因此大發利市,後來便買下144號,而合勝堂的魷魚乾生意,也打出名號。當時一箱2000元的魷魚乾,現在一箱要賣2萬。 「沒多久強烈颱風葛樂禮來襲,西北颱讓全省缺糧,我父親又賺一筆。」在順哥心中,父親不只是好人有好報,還相當有遠見,「魷魚乾在運送的過程難免會損傷,父親後來把受損的魷魚乾切成絲販售,『珍珍魷魚絲』就是學他的。」「我父親發現冷凍庫和別人租,每天付租金,存貨、提貨又要費用,乾脆申請工廠證,自家設冷凍庫。」當年擁有冷凍庫的迪化街商家,只有合勝堂和已上市的聯華食品。談起父親,順哥與有榮焉。 話匣子一開,本刊記者也更直白地發問:「那順哥不就是個富二代?」只見他笑回:「哪有!守成不易啊!」「拜託!我不是養尊處優當少爺的!有次騎腳踏車幫父親送貨到三重,5、60公斤的魷魚乾超級重,偏偏台北橋又有坡度,要不是有好心人幫忙推,我連橋都走不過去。」其實,順哥從開明商專畢業後就回家幫忙,直到40歲時,父親才完全放手。他拍拍辦公桌,「這是我父親留下來的,捨不得換。」接著從抽屜及架上翻出好多本老舊的「葵花寶典」。客人買過的商品,我會記下來,下次來,品質價格都相同,而且誰登記在哪一本哪一頁我都知道!」順哥說,沒客人時,他會翻一翻「複習」,「像開了98年的兩喜號魷魚羹,我們合作65年,都會按時送貨,他們都不用特別訂貨。我待人處事都學習父親,常客都買幾十年,也會介紹朋友過來買。」吳小姐已在合勝堂做了20幾年,很感謝順哥總把她當家人對待;20幾年的常客張先生大讚順哥親切又公道,「一試成主顧!」 合勝堂原本只賣中藥及南北貨,順哥接手後,開始販售鮑魚、燕窩及人蔘等高檔食材。國泰集團創辦人蔡萬春的兒子蔡辰男成為常客。蔡辰男創辦知名餐廳「海峽會」時,還特地帶記者到合勝堂,拍攝他買魚翅的照片,「由於禁捕種類增加,,很多人現在都買(魚翅)回去收藏!」順哥說。 弟妹們都出國唸書工作,在美國定居。」身為長子的順哥,獨自留守老店,他共有5個小孩,其中4個留美,把最小的兒子留在身邊跟著他學習,「合勝堂還能繼續下去,靠的就是『大賣場沒有而我們有』的專業,可以客製化服務。去大賣場能馬上抓藥嗎?現在做不到,但未來很難說。」 目前合勝堂年營業額約5000萬元,順哥卻沒買過股票和基金,「我父親說:『不要花錢買一張紙!』」他憶起迪化街出身的台鳳集團,雖然風光上市,最後卻連起家厝都被法拍,讓人看了心很寒,「做一天算一天。」順哥決定腳踏實地守著合勝堂這塊招牌! 以上均為網路資料供大家參考 李老闆本人真的很親切,而且氣色超級好,穿衣服也很有品味呢~
After walking past the one-year-old Chinese medicine store "Heshengtang" on Dihua Street in Taipei City, with the blessing of the ramming drama "Tale of Two Cities", it was promoted as a drama spot for domestic and foreign tourists. Li Xingshun (Shun Ge), the second-generation leader of Heshengtang With less than half of the market's rent, this wonderful thing is achieved. Brother Shun, known as the "Dadaocheng Black Dog Brother", witnessed the prosperity, loneliness and rebirth of Dihua Street. He works 360 days a year and specializes in Chinese medicinal materials and high-end dry goods. It took Shun six years to spend 30 million yuan to renovate the old house, not to sell it, just to thank his father! "The century-old traditional Chinese medicine store on Dihua Street, only Qianyuan ginseng medicine store is left. We opened a Jiazi in Heshengtang, and the second longest." Brother Shun, wearing a suit and tie, has black hair, a bright complexion and a figure. It is well maintained, and it is completely invisible to be 64 years old. .Heshengtang originally opened the first floor of No. 144 and No. 146 of Dihua Street as a store. Later, due to water leakage and termite problems, Shun decided to renovate and move all the stores to No. 146. "These two are rectangular bases, each It’s 80 pings, with the warehouse behind the first floor, and the living rooms and rooms on the second and third floors." Removed the "Private Residence Do Not Enter" sign in front of Gate 144, Shun led our reporter into the centuries-old house where the "Hesheng Hall" plaque was hung in the entrance hall. It is not open to the public at ordinary times, and tourists can only "pilgrim" at the door. Having said that, on Dihua Street where old Chinese medicine shops and Wenqing shops are intertwined, Heshengtang is still a new hot spot for punching cards. Last year, the popular TV series "Tale of Two Cities", which was sold to 190 countries, was shot on 144. The American Association in Taiwan also posted recommendations on Facebook, making Heshengtang even more popular. "I only take a break from the first day to the fifth day of the new year. As long as I don’t go abroad, I’m here." Brother Shun, who was born and raised in Heshengtang to get married and had children, has taken root here. "This is a building in 1895. The address is "Yongle Ding 4 Chome Fifty Fandi" (No. 144). In the 50th year of the Republic of China, my father (Li Weizhong) spent 900,000 yuan to buy it. At that time, a bowl of mixed noodles was only 50 cents. More than 10 years later, my father had Purchased the store next door (No. 146) for more than 25 million yuan." The exterior of Heshengtang is a baroque western-style building, while the interior is traditional Fujian style. It has three entrance rooms (there are three doors from the front door to the backyard), divided into two front and rear buildings, with a patio in the middle, with excellent lighting. If the 3 doors are fully opened, the cool breeze can pass through, the ceiling is high, the interior is all wood, and the cypress staircase is still faintly scented. "There are 77 century-old houses on Dihua Street. We have the best preserved ones. They have rare round wooden roof beams. This is Fuzhou fir. In the late Qing Dynasty, ships from mainland China used this kind of wood to "ballast bilge." Steady; after disembarking, he was taken to the "Bopiliao" to strip the bark and turn it into building materials." Brother Shun pointed to the ceiling and said. In order to renovate the old house No. 144, Shun Ge spent 30 million yuan before and after it was completed after 6 years. Upon completion, "Tale of Two Cities" director Ye Tianlun came to borrow a building to make a film. "The monthly rent for the store on the first floor of Dihua Street was at least 250,000. At that time, I rented a three-story building for 5 months, and I only charged 1 million at a discount." Brother Shun, who was quite generous, suddenly asked: "Guess how much the house is now?" Our reporter shook his head, and Brother Shun immediately made a childlike expression of "YA" and said, "It is now worth 200 million!" The benefits are even more amazing. However, this ancient house with a hundred million yuan will not be sold or do business. Brother Shun only remembers his father. "My father is the "dried squid king" of Taiwan!" Brother Shun said proudly, "In the 36th year of the Republic of China, when his father was 22 years old, he came to Taiwan from Fujian, mainland China to play in Taiwan. He only brought travel expenses. He didn't expect the mainland to fall and he could not go back. Yes. Because Grandpa opened a Chinese medicine shop in Fujian and Grandma took the pulse, his father also learned a bit, so he ran to Dihua Street to make a living and became an apprentice in a Chinese medicine shop." "Father later set up a small stall next to the pillars on Dihua Street to sell Chinese medicine, and later rented No. 144. He was a very real person. He also knew the "Banana King" Chen Chamo by chance. Chen Chamo once shipped bananas to Japan and thought It’s not worth it to return to Taiwan by empty boat, so I filled 5 boats with dried squid and kelp and shipped them back to Keelung to sell to my father. But there were too many goods, and my father couldn’t eat it. Chen Chamou said, "How much (goods) will be sold? Just give as much (money)."" With the help of Chen Chamou, Li's father did not have the pressure to stock up. In addition, cholera happened in Japan and South Korea at that time. The Taiwan government stipulated that Northeast Asian goods were not allowed to be imported within one year. Therefore, Li's father made a big profit and later bought 144. Number, and the dried squid business of Heshengtang is also famous. At that time, a box of dried squid was 2,000 yuan, but now a box is sold for 20,000 yuan. "It didn't take long for the strong typhoon Galeli to strike, Northwest Taiwan made the province short of food, and my father made a fortune." In the mind of Brother Shun, his father is not only good people with good rewards, but also quite visionary. "Dried squid is inevitable during the transportation process. It would be damaged. My father later cut the damaged dried squid into shreds and sold them. "Zhenzhen Squid Shreds" is what he learned." "My father found that the freezer was rented by others. He paid the rent every day, and had to charge for inventory and delivery. Apply for a factory license and set up a freezer at home.” The only merchants on Dihua Street who had a freezer back then were Heshengtang and Lianhua Foods, which were already on the market. Speaking of father, Shun Ge and You Rongyan. As soon as the chatter was opened, the reporter of this magazine also asked more bluntly: "Isn't that brother Shun a rich second-generation?" He laughed back: "Where is it! It is not easy to be successful!" "Come on! I'm not a master and a master! I rode a bicycle to help my father deliver to Sanchong. The dried squid weighing 5 to 60 kilograms is super heavy. It is because the Taipei Bridge has a slope. If it weren’t for a kind person to help push it, I wouldn’t even be able to walk across the bridge.” Actually, Shun was open-minded. After graduating from business school, he went home to help, and his father didn't let it go until he was 40. He patted the desk, "This is what my father left. I can't bear to change it." Then he turned out many old "Sunflower Treasures" from the drawers and shelves. I will write down the products that customers have bought. Next time they come, the quality and price are the same, and I know who registered on which page and page! "Brother Shun said, when there are no customers, he would go through the "review", "Like the Liangxi Squid Soup, which opened in 1998, we have cooperated for 65 years and will deliver on time. They don’t need special orders. I’ll treat people. I learn from my father in everything, regular customers buy for decades, and I will introduce friends to buy it.” Ms. Wu has been in Heshengtang for more than 20 years, and I am very grateful to Brother Shun for always treating her as a family member; Mr. Zhang, a frequent customer for more than 20 years Da Chan Shun is kind and fair, "Try to become a customer!" He Sheng Tang originally only sold Chinese medicine and North and South products. After Shun Ge took over, he started selling high-end ingredients such as abalone, bird's nest and ginseng. Cai Chennan, the son of Cai Wanchun, the founder of Cathay Pacific Group, became a frequent visitor. When Cai Chennan founded the well-known restaurant "The Straits Club," he also brought reporters to Heshengtang to take photos of him buying shark fins. "Due to the increase in the types of banned catches, many people now buy (shark fins) for collection!" said Shun Ge. The younger brothers and sisters all went abroad to study and work and settled in the United States. "As the eldest son, Brother Shun stayed alone in the old shop. He had 5 children, 4 of whom were in the U.S., leaving the youngest son by his side to study with him. "Heshengtang can continue to rely on "there is no hypermarket. And we have "professionals" that can be customized services. Can I go to a hypermarket to get medicine right away? I can't do it now, but it's hard to say in the future. At present, the annual turnover of Heshengtang is about 50 million yuan, but Shun has never bought stocks and funds. "My father said: "Don't spend money on a piece of paper!"" He recalled the Taifeng Group from Dihua Street, although Scenery went on the market, but in the end, even the home of the house was shot for the first time. It made people feel very chilling, "Do a day count every day." Brother Shun decided to keep his feet on the ground and guard the sign of Heshengtang! The above are all internet data for your reference Boss Li himself is really kind, and his complexion is super good, and he has good taste in clothes~
陳泰杰 TJ on Google

見識到這位「大稻埕黑狗兄」。目色好、身段厲害 ,聽他介紹家?的收藏,言談中流露自信、對家庭的驕傲,以及對父親的的尊重。我想,他在商場上絕對是一等一的人才!
I saw this "Dadaocheng Black Dog Brother". He has a good look and a strong figure. Listening to him introduce the collection of his family, his speech reveals self-confidence, pride in the family, and respect for his father. I think he is definitely a first-class talent in the market!

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