采綵設計事業有限公司(預約制) - Section 3

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Contact 采綵設計事業有限公司(預約制)

地址 :

103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Section 3, Chengde Rd, 105號采綵設計事業有限公司(預約制)3樓

網站 : https://www.facebook.com/caicaidesign/
城市 : Chengde Rd

103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Section 3, Chengde Rd, 105號采綵設計事業有限公司(預約制)3樓
Clark Hsieh on Google

Eric Wang on Google

育紳律師 on Google

The lady is responsible and fashionable
廖尉巽 on Google

The designer is very customer-oriented and thinks that it can save you a lot of silver and have a stylish design sense ^^ Super push
顧子涵 on Google

包辦了我的婚紗.喜帖.名片.謝卡.以及專屬於我和老公的logo 真心推薦專業平價,細心.貼心.耐心兼具要求完美的設計師
I arranged the wedding. Wedding invitations. Card. Thank you cards. And exclusive logo of my husband Sincerely recommend professional parity, attentive, caring, patient and perfect designer
梁文秀 on Google

女孩……從小的夢想就是變身成漂亮美麗的白雪公主,在這小小一間看似外表不起眼的店面, 裡面竟然暗藏了許多婚紗好貨, 而且全部由設計師一點一滴手工訂製, 這裡訂做的白紗每件質感都很好,也很符合自己心慕中理想婚紗……謝謝妳幫我完成夢想。
Girl ... from a young age is transformed into a beautiful and beautiful Snow White. In this little shop that looks inconspicuous, there are many good wedding dresses hidden in it, and all are ordered by the designer by hand. Each piece of white yarn made here is very good in texture, and it is also in line with my ideal wedding dress ... Thank you for helping me fulfill my dream.
蔡明釵 on Google

在茫茫設計海中找到了采綵的晴衣老師幫我訂製禮服 一開始給她看的reference其實有點混亂 只知道我想要的是戰士感 但又不想過於陽剛 於是在她的引導之下 選定了皮革X雪紡的組合 摻揉硬派與柔美 加上斜肩設計跟鉚釘綴飾增添我想要的戰士感 在量過各種尺寸後 就開始進入畫設計圖及找皮革的部分 討論的過程也因為設計師找的示意圖十分明確而進行的很順利 而且會不時收到她覺得哪裡可以更好 想要幫我作修改的各種想法 對我這個時尚幼稚園實在是莫大的幫助 在典禮前一晚拿禮服的時候 發現穿起來跟試底胚時相比舒服好多 晴衣說她怕典禮坐整晚會不舒服幫我多放了1吋 真的超貼心超感動 雖然典禮前五天有認真飲控 但是因為上身皮革的皺摺很多層所以是舒適合身的狀態 這真的比把自己勒的要死的禮服好穿很多啊 在離開前還被交代要拉著裙擺走紅毯才會飄逸 拍照時左腳要往前站才會看到腿(這個真的很難我一直忘記 謝謝晴衣的細心❤️
I found the Cai Cai teacher in the vast sea of ​​design to help me customize the dress The reference I showed her at first was actually a bit confusing I just know what I want is a sense of warrior, but I don’t want to be too masculine So under her guidance The combination of leather X chiffon is selected Mix hard and feminine Adding the slanted shoulder design and rivet embellishment add the sense of warrior I want After measuring various sizes I started to get into the part of drawing design drawings and finding leather The process of discussion also went smoothly because the schematic diagram found by the designer was very clear. And she will receive from time to time what she thinks can be better Want to help me make changes It’s a great help to my fashion kindergarten When I got the dress the night before the ceremony I found that it's much more comfortable to wear than when I tried the base embryo Qingyi said that she was afraid that it would be uncomfortable to sit at the ceremony all night and helped me put an extra inch Really super intimate and touching Although there was serious drinking control five days before the ceremony But because the upper body leather has many layers of wrinkles, it is in a comfortable and fit state This is really much better to wear than a dress that strangles yourself to death Before leaving, I was told that I had to pull the skirt and walk on the red carpet to be elegant When taking a photo, you have to stand forward to see the leg with your left foot (this is really hard for me to forget Thank you Qingyi for your carefulness ❤️
林沫呈 on Google

真心推薦這家特有的「客製化訂製婚紗」,除了很美之外,更重要的是設計師會依照妳的喜好來做調整,由於設計師本人太有愛了,好多都直接殺蜜絲給妳全套的,這已經不是CP值啦!是一個爆表的優質呀! 想婚的女孩兒,真的是不要花冤枉錢,然後出來的成品還很失望,設計師兼闆娘就是一個佛心呀! 海派設計師,除了訂製婚紗,還有平面設計、LOGO設計、服裝設計等,詳情就去現場一窺究竟吧!
I really recommend this unique "customized wedding dress". In addition to being very beautiful, the designer will make adjustments according to your preferences. Since the designer is too much in love, many of them directly kill honey Silk gives you a full set, this is no longer CP value! It's a high quality watch! Girls who want to get married really don't spend money unjustly, and the finished product is still disappointed. The designer and board mother is a Buddha heart! Haipai designers, in addition to custom wedding dresses, as well as graphic design, LOGO design, clothing design, etc., go to the scene to see the details!

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