情緒花園 - Zhongshan District

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 情緒花園

地址 :

104, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Changchun Rd, 310號情緒花園

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : http://sentimentgarden.com/
城市 : Changchun Rd

104, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Changchun Rd, 310號情緒花園
曹瑞琴 on Google

「如果我不夠好,你依然會愛我嗎?」 「就算你不夠好,我依然會愛你。」 只是重覆這二句話 小渱老師讓我直接面對了我的內在小孩,之前不敢碰 不想碰的一切再這次輕易的爆破 也經由小渱老師的帶領 我帶著力量好好的擁抱著受傷的小孩 好好的療癒 看著他。療癒後身體跟心靈都變輕鬆了 我知道我的療癒之路還很長 但這次我沒有徬徨跟孤寂感 我知道在這會有人一直陪伴著我 療癒之路不再獨單 感謝遇見了小渱老師及所有情緒花園的療癒師、學長姐及伙伴們
"If I'm not good enough, will you still love me?" "Even if you are not good enough, I will still love you." Just repeating these two words, Mr. Xiaoqi let me face my inner child directly. I didn’t dare to touch everything that I didn’t want to touch before. This time, the easy blasting was also led by Mr. Xiaoqi, and I embraced the injury with strength and strength. The child healed well and looked at him. Body and mind are relaxed after healing I know I have a long way to heal, but this time I don't feel hesitant or lonely. I know that there will be someone here who will always be with me. The road to healing is no longer alone. Thank you for meeting Mr. Xiaoyi and all the therapists, seniors and partners in the emotional garden
Lesley Li on Google

2015年和小渱諮詢開始,當時我才了解,一直以來我以為我跟父親比較疏離,但沒想到影響我最大的是母親! 2019年12月在自己處於一個生命衝擊的狀態下(新公司到職一個月裸辭,這對於「負責任」的我是受到了多麼不適應才有這個勇氣、下定決心提離職),衝馬來西亞上Tima老師帶領的生命啟動力,當時遠在國外做了一次的大清理,那些眼淚,現在又想起來了⋯ 但如同Sofia老師說的,我轉變得很慢,進三並未退一步,所以現在我在這 跟小渱老師一樣同為南部的小孩,那些理所當然的父母的教養,原來深深烙印在我身上成為了底片:母親課題、女性權威課題、無法輕鬆說出口自己的感受與想法、對於某些特質的人沒有耐心 很感謝這次課前面談時小渱老師出的功課,我做了!做了之後感受到無比的輕鬆!原來溝通和說出來是無比的輕鬆、流動,後面轉化不斷發生 (又或者說,當我想要改變的時候,會有恰好的時機到來) 和兩年前的自己不同了,能夠邁開步伐和代表母親的抱枕靠近、審判法官的聲音也比以前有力量,一次一次做得更深
I started consulting with Xiaobi in 2015. At that time, I realized that I always thought that I was estranged from my father, but I didn’t expect that the one who influenced me the most was my mother! In December 2019, when I was in a state of shock to my life (the new company resigned one month after I arrived at the new company, how uncomfortable it was for me who was "responsible", I had the courage to resign) and rushed to Malaysia. I went to the life activation force led by Teacher Tima. At that time, I did a big cleanup in a foreign country. I remember those tears now... But like Mr. Sofia said, I changed very slowly, I didn't take a step back in the third place, so now I'm here As a child from the South like Teacher Xiaoqi, the upbringing of those parents who took it for granted turned out to be deeply imprinted on me and became a negative film: the subject of motherhood, the subject of female authority, the inability to easily express my feelings and thoughts, and some characteristics. of people are impatient Thank you very much for the homework given by Mr. Xiao during the pre-class discussion, I did it! I felt so relieved after doing it! It turns out that communication and speaking are extremely easy and fluid, and subsequent transformations continue to occur (Or, when I want to change, there will be just the right moment) Different from myself two years ago, I can take steps and approach the pillow representing my mother, and the voice of the trial judge is stronger than before, and I can do it deeper and deeper.
陳怡蓁 on Google

昨天上完課後回家其實心很疲累,大概是釋放的冰封已久的情緒,那些不願意回想的記憶瞬間湧現時,需要耗費大量能量去流動、照顧。 也許這對許多人來說是難以理解,甚至再炎上者可能覺得荒誕無理,但直觀感受是,下課後異常的耗弱,很饑餓。 原來我沒有覺察到的生存模式是遭遇重大變故時後,選擇瞬間遺忘,因為我得穩穩的站在這世界生存。 在此之前,我並不覺得這是我的腦思維,我甚至覺得這就叫‘’心情‘’、‘’感受‘’。 在做破冰功課時,不知道為什麼一句話就可以牽引我的情緒,畢竟我之前對於自己的克制力是引以為傲的。 我認為長大了,學會控制情緒比什麼都重要,我人生的哲學—先處理事情,再處理情緒。 我覺得哭是一件很懦弱的事情,可以偶爾得像蜻蜓點水地出現在生活中,若是經常性地如同瓢潑大雨般爆哭,這對我來說就是沒有抗壓性。 從我不開心別人如何評斷我的‘’鏡子‘’練習,到冥想生命中最重要的人給予的‘’生命禮物‘’,都是在豐盛生命的能量。 雖然過程很痛,但這也是成長的一環,學會了‘‘誠實’‘面對自己的’‘心’‘,而不是用’‘腦’‘控制’‘情緒’‘。 上完課後回家發生意想不到的事情⋯⋯我苦思半個月的事情忽然有大曜進,感謝生命帶來的驚喜和喜悅,感謝生命的能量帶來吸引力法則。
When I came home after class yesterday, I was actually very tired. It was probably because of the emotions that had been frozen for a long time. When those memories that I didn’t want to recall suddenly emerged, it took a lot of energy to flow and take care of them. Maybe this is incomprehensible to many people, and even those who are more irritable may find it absurd and unreasonable, but the intuitive feeling is that after class is abnormally exhausted and hungry. It turned out that the survival mode that I didn't notice is that after encountering a major accident, I choose to forget it instantly, because I have to stand firmly in this world to survive. Before that, I didn't think it was my brain thinking, I even thought it was called ''mood'', ''feeling''. When doing ice-breaking homework, I don't know why one sentence can pull my emotions. After all, I was proud of my restraint before. I think growing up, learning to control emotions is more important than anything else, my philosophy of life - deal with things first, deal with emotions later. I think crying is a very cowardly thing. It can occasionally appear in my life like a little bit of water. If I cry frequently like a downpour, it means that I have no resistance to pressure. From my ''mirror'' practice of being unhappy with how others judge me, to meditating on the ''gift of life'' given by the most important person in my life, it's all about enriching the energy of life. Although the process is very painful, it is also a part of growing up. I have learned to ''honest'' 'to face my ''heart'' instead of using ''brain'' 'control' 'emotion''. An unexpected thing happened when I came home after class... I was thinking about things for half a month, and suddenly a big light came forward. I am grateful for the surprises and joy that life brings, and thank the energy of life for the law of attraction.
Ally Huang on Google

感謝小渱老師帶領的情緒花園師資群及助教學姐們持續地支持、陪伴與分享,透過永續複訓的課程支持,還有機會接觸創辦人Tina老師及曉昀老師含金量很高的顱薦手法、身體判讀等課程。 在參加3月份第十一屆療師培訓課程的複訓後,讓我再次下定決心,為自己選擇、創造與負責,透過日常一點一滴踏實地照顧陪伴身體與向內覺察心靈,逐漸無可救藥地好好愛回自己,一步步走向自我身心整合的路途中。
I would like to thank the Emotional Garden teachers and teaching assistants led by Mr. Xiaowei for their continuous support, companionship and sharing. Through the support of the sustainable recurrent training courses, there is also the opportunity to contact the founders, Mr. Tina and Mr. Xiaoyun, who are highly recommended. Hands-on, body reading and other courses. After participating in the re-training of the 11th therapist training course in March, I made up my mind again to choose, create and be responsible for myself. Love yourself in a salvageable way, and step by step towards the road of self-body integration.
沛欣子軒媽媽 on Google

去年10月我接觸了情緒花園課程,持續的用花晶照顧自己! 在這次3月回到複訓課程中,我終於體會到身體鬆了,心就會打開觀點就會鬆了,靜靜的去感受身體每一個部位的流動,很開心我終於回到有知覺有感受的人了。
I took the Emotional Garden class last October and continued to take care of myself with flower crystals! In this recurrent training course in March, I finally realized that my body is relaxed, my heart will be opened, my perspective will be relaxed, and I can quietly feel the flow of every part of my body. I am very happy that I finally return to being conscious. people who feel it.
歐漾 on Google

After joining the emotional garden, my awareness gradually improves. I have a long-term chakra imbalance and a heavy body. After the therapist's course, I learned to understand my underlying needs. I saw that my perspective accompanied my emotions, and I gradually became lighter. I am aware of and accompanying myself. For the rest of my life, I am very happy to have my teacher and sister to accompany me all the way, so that I can always transform my mind and body and love myself, and not be alone. People who want to say goodbye to the past and become a better version of themselves, push the emotional garden.
思盈(SiYing) on Google

The first time I participated in the Emotional Garden course, the Flower Crystal Healing Workshop, and I am currently participating in the 1/8 and 1/15 courses, which makes me more and more relaxed. For things, first see the emotions to accompany the emotions, and then perceive the core, effectively accompany yourself, be with yourself ?
Areal Liu on Google

兩天花晶療癒師培訓課,小渱老師帶領大家使用花晶,馬上就可以看到身體出現不一樣的改變,我從來沒有想過身體的改變也帶動內在的改變。這兩天跟過去認識的朋友碰面,伴侶跟我說,雖然面對同樣的人,但我的攻擊性似乎不見了,而是多了同理,而且沒有勉強自己。 如果不是伴侶提醒,我似乎也沒有察覺這個不同,只覺得當下心情是輕鬆的,我專心聽著對方講的話,感受到她的無助,而不是帶著「我覺得你應該要怎麼做的期待」。原來,當我開始接納自己,我也放下了我與世界的強迫性。就像TINA老師說的,「如果自己身上沒有勾子,外來事件勾不上去的」。 花晶療癒師課程中除了讓我們了解身心互為表裡的原因,也讓我了解原來從身體入手更誠實、更安穩。我是一個非常上腦的人,喜歡講道理,同樣也在生命中很多時候我是逼迫自己得做些甚麼事,講到這裡,我的胸口有一種酸楚感,原來情緒是一層一層被挖出來,再一層一層透過接納而放下。 另外,剛上完兩天課程我也第一次深刻感覺到,原來是可以跟「集體動力」一起合作的。一直以來我習慣孤軍奮戰,覺得這世界沒有人能幫我,恰巧我的組員們也具有同樣的特質。但在小渱老師帶領及助教的陪伴下,我感受到大家想要一起活出嶄新自己的願力,我很慶幸討厭跟人群共處的我跨出了這一步。 而且當願意開始照顧身體時,即使外界發生一樣的事情,我比較不容易被激怒,也不需要找一個理由說服自己應該怎樣。少掉了說服及應該,我覺得我釋放了自己,讓我專注在自己真心想創造的事務上,不再被憤怒分散注意力及失焦。 4天的花晶工作坊、加上4天的療師培訓班上完後,自己使用花晶比過去多了一份願意,願意真心照顧自己,除了平時習慣的分析、覺察、看見,也會留意身體對於事件的感受,並尊重身體的訊息做出行動,真心感謝身體的提醒及回應。
In the two-day Huajing Healer Training Course, Mr. Xiao Wei led everyone to use Huajing, and immediately you can see different changes in the body. I never thought that the changes in the body would also lead to changes in the inner body. I met a friend I met in the past two days, and my partner told me that although I faced the same people, my aggression seemed to disappear, but more empathy, and I didn’t force myself. If it wasn't for the reminder from my partner, I didn't seem to notice the difference. I just felt that I was in a relaxed mood at the moment. I listened to the other person's words attentively and felt her helplessness, instead of expecting "I think what you should do." ". It turned out that when I began to accept myself, I also let go of my obsession with the world. As Teacher TINA said, "If you don't have a hook on your body, you can't hook it up with external events." In the Flower Crystal Healer course, in addition to letting us understand the reason why the body and mind are interrelated, it also made me realize that starting from the body is more honest and more stable. I am a very intelligent person, I like to reason, and I also force myself to do something many times in my life. Speaking of this, I have a sour feeling in my chest. It turns out that my emotions are being dug out layer by layer. , layer by layer, let go through acceptance. In addition, just after the two-day course, I also deeply felt for the first time that it was possible to cooperate with "collective power". I have always been used to fighting alone, feeling that no one in this world can help me, and it happens that my team members have the same characteristics. But under the leadership of Mr. Xiaoyi and the company of teaching assistants, I felt everyone's willingness to live out a new self together. I'm glad that I, who hate living with people, took this step. And when I'm willing to start taking care of my body, even if the same thing happens outside, I'm less likely to get irritated, and I don't need to find a reason to convince myself what to do. With less persuasion and should, I feel like I free myself to focus on what I really want to create, instead of being distracted and distracted by anger. After the 4-day flower crystal workshop and the 4-day therapist training class, I am more willing to use the flower crystal than before, and I am willing to take care of myself sincerely. In addition to the usual analysis, awareness, and seeing, I will also Pay attention to how the body feels about the event, and act with respect for the body's message. I sincerely appreciate the body's reminder and response.

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