長汎假期 台北總公司 - Section 2

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Contact 長汎假期 台北總公司

地址 :

104, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Section 2, Chang'an E Rd, 100號長汎假期 台北總公司3樓

電話 : 📞 +8879
網站 : https://www.everfuntravel.com/
城市 : Chang'an E Rd

104, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Section 2, Chang'an E Rd, 100號長汎假期 台北總公司3樓
HSUN MEI FAN on Google

如有負分會直接給負分,此行是參加科摩多島五日遊,如要參團請謹慎考慮!!! 第一天搭機到峇里島,吃了晚餐就結束了一天的行程。飯店就像是商務旅館一樣,價格大約是1000台幣的旅館。靠近機場,周圍沒什麼好逛的。 第二天,5:30就把我們丟到機場,等待7:30的飛機。明明只有2個行程,只發早餐餐盒,早餐餐盒竟然是2片白吐司。今天的行程只有水鏡洞窟,傳統市場也沒逛,大半時間就在飯店發呆,當地導遊也不會中文,原本再三詢問旅行社,回答會有中文導遊(當地華僑),結果並不是。飯店地處更加偏僻,沒有交通工具,更是哪兒也去不了。 第三天更慘。導遊完全沒有出現,也沒有安排早餐。5:30司機來接我們,我們就餓著肚子參加了一天的跳島行程。在團員用訊息詢問早餐事誼,導遊反怪客人自己沒詢問飯店櫃檯。 第四天,完全沒有活動,領隊也沒有出現,對我們一團4人,不聞不問。這個偏僻的旅館,除了泳池,什麼也沒有,海灘更是髒亂不堪。我們只好自己借了摩托車隨便晃晃。四點司機送我們到機場回峇里島,導遊還是沒有出現。回到峇里島到達餐廳,已經8:10分,而這個吃到飽餐廳9點就要關門了。匆忙的吃了一餐,又立即把我們送去spa,剛吃進去的食物都快吐了。 第五天,還是沒有行程,因為地處偏僻,我們一行四人自行包車去其他的景點溜溜。 這五天行程,只提供了機加酒及機場接送服務。但見到導遊時間很短,多數行程都是自己安排,旅行社確要收1天/10美金的小費。飯店很爛,只為了接近機場,而沒有考慮空白時間讓旅客自由活動。要不就是熱鬧一點的位置,要不就飯店要好一點讓我們享受設施。結果飯店又差地點又偏僻。 飛機時間的安排很差,晚餐時間的安排也很差。吃到飽餐廳只吃40分鐘。無敵海景餐廳卻是天黑後才去,什麼也看不見。早餐只有白吐司還有一餐沒得吃。或許小團,對旅行社來說利潤不高,但接了團就該做好啊,此行程報價45,900元,2餐餐盒,2餐自費,加上住宿...一點都不值這個價錢!! 長汎畢竟是長榮的關係企業,印尼國內航班也是訂廉航,導致行程的時間安排很差,極盡省錢之能事,我們不知道這是長汎的決定?還是當地合作夥伴的安排,現在資訊透明,什麼報價都查得到,我們行前沒有花時間去調查每個細節,是基於對長榮的信任,一旦信任消失,你們就會失去客戶了。
If there is a negative score, it will directly give a negative score. This trip is to participate in the five-day tour of Comodo Island. If you want to participate in the delegation, please consider carefully! ! ! On the first day, I took a flight to Bali and finished the day with dinner. The hotel is like a business hotel, and the price is about NT$1,000. Close to the airport, there is nothing to go around. The next day, we drove us to the airport at 5:30 and waited for the 7:30 plane. Obviously there are only 2 itineraries, only the breakfast lunch box, the breakfast lunch box turned out to be 2 pieces of white toast. Today's itinerary is only a water mirror cave, the traditional market has not been visited, most of the time in the hotel daze, the local tour guides will not be Chinese, originally asked the travel agency repeatedly, answering Chinese guides (local Chinese), the result is not. The hotel is more remote, there is no transportation, and it is impossible to go anywhere. The third day was even worse. The tour guide did not appear at all and did not arrange breakfast. At 5:30, the driver came to pick us up, and we went to the island for a day trip. When the members asked for breakfast with the message, the tour guide blamed the guests for not asking the hotel counter. On the fourth day, there was no activity at all, and the team leader did not appear. I didn’t care about our group of four people. This remote hotel, in addition to the pool, has nothing but the beach is messy. We had to borrow a motorcycle and shake it. The four-point driver sent us to the airport back to Bali, and the tour guide still did not appear. Going back to Bali to reach the restaurant, it is already 8:10, and this restaurant will be closed at 9:00. I ate a meal in a hurry and immediately sent us to the spa. The food I just ate was vomiting. On the fifth day, there was still no itinerary. Because of the remoteness, we and our four people chartered to other attractions. This five-day itinerary only offers machine and airport transfers. But seeing the tour guide time is very short, most of the itinerary is arranged by yourself, the travel agency does have to accept a tip of 1 day / 10 dollars. The hotel is very bad, just to get close to the airport, and does not consider the blank time to allow passengers to move freely. Or is it a lively location, or if the hotel is better, let us enjoy the facilities. As a result, the hotel was in a different location. The schedule of the aircraft was very poor and the arrangement for dinner time was very poor. Eat a full restaurant only for 40 minutes. The invincible sea view restaurant was only after dark, and nothing could be seen. There was only a white toast for breakfast and there was no meal to eat. Perhaps a small group, the profit is not high for the travel agency, but it should be done after receiving the group, this trip offer 45,900 yuan, 2 meal boxes, 2 meals at their own expense, plus accommodation... not worth the price! ! After all, Changpan is a relationship enterprise of Evergreen. Indonesian domestic flights are also cheap flights, which leads to poor schedules and extremely cost-saving. We don’t know if this is a long-term decision. Or the arrangement of local partners, now the information is transparent, and all the quotations are found. We did not take the time to investigate every detail before the trip. It is based on the trust of Evergreen. Once the trust disappears, you will lose the customer.
黃婉琳 on Google

於兩天前聯絡說明旅遊的時間及地點 但遲遲等不到回覆... 兩天後我主動聯絡(因為剛聯絡時發現對方的語氣並不是很好,所以有所擔心),果然...完全忘記這件事,更別說處理及回覆 後來要求我自己上網訂購!!!什麼東西啊...明明手上的折價卷要我跟業務聯絡,那如果自己上網訂購為什麼不在我兩天前時就直接跟我說!!! 我要求換業務員...結果報的是比其他同業貴1200左右,也就是當初雖然旅行社贈送1000元折價券,但報價時會將價格提高... 服務真的太糟糕了 妳說是不是呢?王姓女業務員...
Contact two days in advance to explain the time and place of the tour But I can't wait for a reply... Two days later, I took the initiative to contact (because I found the tone of the other party was not very good when I first contacted, so I was worried), sure enough... I completely forgot about this matter, let alone deal with and reply. Later, I asked me to order online! ! ! What is it... The discount voucher in hand clearly requires me to contact the business, so if I order online, why not just tell me two days ago! ! ! I asked for a change of salesperson... The result was about 1200 more expensive than other peers, that is, although the travel agency gave a discount coupon of 1,000 yuan, the price will be increased when the price is quoted... The service is really terrible Are you right? Female salesperson surnamed Wang...
Ted Liu on Google

I ordered a Kinmen machine to add alcohol, and it was cancelled because of the recent outbreak of the domestic epidemic, and a 30% fee was still deducted. If you insist on getting infected, will your company be responsible?
廖慧如 on Google

連一顆星都不想給,五月因疫情緣故希望免費延期行程,但服務人員卻說澎湖沒有發布三級無法延期,溝通了很久之後,別的人員卻說可以免費延期,機票改至7月也因三級無法出發,卻說行程在三級隔天無法免費改期(機票在三級時,行程在三級隔天,請你告訴我怎麼飛?) 駱姓服務員說改期要付手續費,但另一位負責的行程卻可以免費幫我改期,請問同公司sop不一樣??還是自己想賺業績一直坑客人? 第一次打電話每個人都推卸說不是自己負責的業務,第一次要自己一直打電話過去,我電話費都比退票手續費貴了!這次學聰明了用mail,但駱姓服務員卻愛回不回?? 下次不會再訂長汎了,長榮只有長榮好,旗下的真的沒有比較厲害
I didn’t even want to give it a star. In May, I hoped to postpone the itinerary for free because of the epidemic, but the service staff said that Penghu did not release the third level and it could not be postponed. After communicating for a long time, other personnel said that it could be postponed for free. The ticket was changed to July. I can’t depart on level three, but it says that the itinerary cannot be rescheduled for free on the next day of level three (when the ticket is on level three, the itinerary is on the next day of level three, would you please tell me how to fly?) The waiter surnamed Luo said that there will be a fee for rescheduling, but another person responsible for the itinerary can reschedule me for free. Is it different from the company's sop? ? Or do you want to earn performance and always cheat your customers? Everyone shirks the business that they are not responsible for the first time I call, and the first time I have to call them all the time, my phone bill is more expensive than the refund fee! This time I learned to be smart and used mail, but the waiter surnamed Luo loves to return? ? I won’t book a long-term plan again next time. Evergreen is only good for Evergreen, and the subordinates are really not more powerful.
Lin Ms. on Google

今年八月參加圑費約31000/人(含導遊小費),長汎東京迪士尼團,除了住宿差(飯店老舊、發霉)+餐食差(餐標費用導遊也說明不清)+導遊差(缺乏專業知識、資訊錯誤、景點随便介紹、在遊覽車從第一天賣到最後一天,只有作shopping 最認真,還要團員看iPad 聽她賣),讓我們覺得參加*廉價購物團*!! 向該公司客服反映,僅有機械式答覆:抱歉,我們未來會改善。但對受委屈的旅客缺乏誠意負責。 標榜長榮_直營旅行社的品牌,和長榮航空或飯店提供的服務是二回事的品質,令人失望的旅遊經驗。 未來絶對不會再參加該公司團體(不管團費付多或少,就是*廉價購物團*的品質)
In August this year, the participation fee was about 31,000/person (including tour guide tip), and the Tokyo Disneyland group was long, except for poor accommodation (the hotel is old and moldy) + food and food (the restaurant fee guide is also unclear) + tour guide ( Lack of professional knowledge, information errors, casual introduction of attractions, on the tour bus from the first day to the last day, only the most serious shopping, but also members to watch the iPad to listen to her sale), let us feel that participate in * cheap shopping group *! ! To the company's customer service, there is only a mechanical reply: Sorry, we will improve in the future. However, there is a lack of sincerity and responsibility for the aggrieved passengers. The brand of Evergreen _ Direct Travel Agency, and the services provided by EVA Air or the hotel are two different qualities and disappointing travel experience. In the future, you will never participate in the company group anymore (regardless of whether the group fee is paid more or less, it is the quality of the *cheap shopping group*)
gooo Lin on Google

到底是要退錢了沒。 等了兩年沒退半毛錢。 1萬塊的訂金也要坑。可憐的公司
Are you going to get your money back? Waited two years and didn't get half a dime back. The deposit of 10,000 yuan also has to be pitted. poor company
Chu I on Google

During the New Year's Day in 2020, from Taipei to Cebu, Philippines, the tour fare is doubled. The company price is 48,000 yuan per person. Although we have discounts, we guarantee to stay in a five-star hotel. Poor, the room is very small and musty, the hot water in Bai Hotel is not hot, please ask the room clerk to deal with it, he said it was like this, the bath was very cold and the quality of the food was very poor. There is no quality at all, there are too many people dining, there are not enough plates, and the food is too late to be sold out. Not to mention our mainland tour guide who took us to snorkeling after heavy rain. The walrus was not good. The waves were so large that we went out to watch the sardine storm. There were no lifeguards to take us. Therefore, other members of the parents ’group thought it was too dangerous. Argued directly with the tour guide. Also, the driver drove us to overtake along the road. Everyone was scared. Driving in the urban area of ​​110km, they were all reacting. Do n’t drive so fast. The driver is still me. Can the travel agency be responsible if an accident occurs? What caused everyone to play is not very happy. I know that the group fare is expensive during the Chinese New Year, but we are willing to spend money, but this quality is really dare not to be taught. The quality and the group fare are completely out of proportion. I will definitely not participate again next time. If not, the travel agency should review it.
ilyas mir on Google

Tours at reasonable prices

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