樂脊物理治療所 - Zhongshan District

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Contact 樂脊物理治療所

地址 :

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Fuxing N Rd, 354號樂脊物理治療所3樓

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Fuxing N Rd

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Fuxing N Rd, 354號樂脊物理治療所3樓
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運動醫學『?神經』方面的治療新方式!(供參考);脊醫「脊骨神經醫學」英文是Chiropractic ,在??美國發展120年歷史,首先說明一下,台灣衛福部並未納入國家醫療體系,是很可惜!??香港、??日本、????歐美是基本醫療網;脊醫早已是各種大型賽事、專業運動,都會尋求協助的醫療,不再只是一般按摩師、防護員、復健師;代表??台灣出團的運動,都有脊醫的協助;如果球友“運動傷害”看過『骨科』、『復健科』、『運動傷害科』、試過『民俗療法』,再請試試『脊醫Chiropractic』。 『西醫脊醫』和『中醫整脊』醫理層級不同,細緻入微,不是中醫衍生的,是純西式的醫學,不要混淆智慧,中醫脊醫目的是正骨“理筋”,西醫脊醫全名是「脊骨神經醫學」目的“?神經“傳導,這之中包含(生物力學、神經解剖學)基礎;以「運動醫學」的角度,《運動包含「?神經、?肌肉、?骨骼」3個環節,首先?大腦發出“訊號”後經過“?神經”傳導,命令?肌肉收縮,?骨骼配合》。 【中醫的整脊】包含硬組織的?骨骼,軟組織的?肌肉。 【西醫的脊醫】涵蓋面有?骨骼、?肌肉、?神經組織、?血管組織。 舉例:有?橄欖球員肩膀受傷,3個月冷板凳,看過『骨科』骨骼沒事、『復健科』肌肉組織健康、『運動傷害科』關節筋膜正常、『中醫整脊』理筋復位、『民俗療法』整復推拿;但是”手“卻舉不起來;原因在神經訊號無法全部傳導到手的肌肉,好像“網路訊號”到患部卻斷線,末端沒訊號了;原始有100%的肌肉組織,只收到70%,“力量”無法輸出,所以“動作”無法完成;這時脊醫,透過”X光圖“確認「脊椎」是否移位、並與不同「?肌肉」的平衡性測試,尋找「斷線」的地方,再施予治療,重新?連結,讓橄欖球員肩膀重新復甦過來,球員瞬間兩淚直流;過程沒有開刀也不吃藥!(供參考) (人體脊椎每一“節”裡的神經線路,都控制不同部位???????與?????器官喔!) ?Brown(BR12)棕線,捷運?(中山國中站),步行約?1分鐘。
A new way of treatment in sports medicine "?neural"! (For reference); Chiropractic in English is Chiropractic. It has a history of 120 years in the United States. First of all, it is a pity that the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan has not been incorporated into the national medical system! ??Hong Kong, ??Japan, ???? Europe and the United States are the basic medical networks; chiropractors have long been medical care for various large-scale events and professional sports, and they will seek assistance, not just general massage therapists, protective guards, and rehabilitators; representative ? ?Taiwan's group sports are assisted by chiropractors; if a golfer "sports injury" has seen "Orthopedics", "Rehabilitation", "Sports Injury", and tried "Folk Therapy", please try " Chiropractic'. "Western Chiropractic" and "Traditional Chinese Chiropractic" have different levels of medical principles, and they are meticulous. They are not derived from traditional Chinese medicine, but purely Western-style medicine. Do not confuse wisdom. The purpose of traditional Chinese chiropractic is to set bones and "regulate tendons". The purpose of "chiropractic" is "?nerve" conduction, which includes (biomechanics, neuroanatomy) basis; from the perspective of "sports medicine", "exercise includes "?nerve, ?muscle, ?skeleton" 3 In the link, firstly, the ?brain sends out a "signal" and then transmits it through the "?nerve" to command ?muscle contraction and ?skeletal coordination". 【Chiropractic in Traditional Chinese Medicine】includes ? bones of hard tissues and ? muscles of soft tissues. [Western Chiropractor] covers ? bones, ? muscles, ? nerve tissue, ? vascular tissue. For example: ? Rugby player injured his shoulder and was on the bench for 3 months. He has seen "Orthopedics" with good bones, "Rehabilitation" with healthy muscle tissue, "Sports Injury" with normal joints and fascia, "Traditional Chinese Chiropractic" for tendon restoration, "Folk therapy" rehabilitates massage; but the "hand" cannot be lifted; the reason is that the nerve signals cannot be fully transmitted to the muscles of the hand, it seems that the "network signal" is disconnected when it reaches the affected part, and there is no signal at the end; the original muscle has 100% The tissue received only 70%, and the "strength" could not be output, so the "action" could not be completed; at this time, the chiropractor used the "X-ray map" to confirm whether the "spine" was displaced, and the balance test with different "? muscles" , look for the "broken line", then give treatment and reconnect, so that the rugby player's shoulder can be revived. The players burst into tears instantly; no surgery or medicine was taken during the process! (for reference) (The nerve circuits in each "section" of the human spine control different parts ??????? and ????? organs!) ?Brown (BR12) Brown Line, MRT ? (Zhongshan Junior High School Station), walk for about ? 1 minute.
TheLost Swede (TheLostSwede) on Google

Possibly the best chiropractor in Taiwan.

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