康福牙醫診所 - Section 1

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Contact 康福牙醫診所

地址 :

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Lane 132, Section 1, Nanjing E Rd, 10號康福牙醫診所

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Nanjing E Rd

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Lane 132, Section 1, Nanjing E Rd, 10號康福牙醫診所
王寶勝 on Google

從小就聽說~ 牙痛不是病,痛起來要人命! 自己做服務業40年, 知道最重要的是⋯專業良心服務! 有良心沒專業~苦啊! 有專業沒良心~恨死! 既專業又良心~感恩! 當初循著百大良醫介紹, 定調楊醫師是個俠醫! 心中期期盼盼是真的! 簡單描述就醫經過: 蛀牙抽神經~ 哇勒-竟然全程都沒感覺到痛 就ok了,這真是太神奇啦! (過往只要想到看牙醫, 就害怕那段忐忑不安的過程!) 完全顛覆看牙一定痛的經驗。 可以說,沒經過豐富人生, 你無法想像~ 認識一位專業良醫 是一件多麼幸福的事! 經此役後,多年來就 一直麻煩楊醫師幫我看牙。 內心真實感受⋯⋯ 一定要好好珍惜俠醫, 因為認識他:才知道原來 就醫可以如此的安心, 不必再經歷過往就醫之苦! PS:看到網路上這麼多 泯滅良知霸凌楊醫師的網路酸民, 請問你有真正就醫過嗎? 請註明詳細日期時間地點! 若是沒有, 難道不了解 善有善報惡有惡報 天理昭昭報應不爽?
I’ve heard since I was a child~ Toothache is not a disease, it hurts to kill people! I have been in the service industry for 40 years, Know that the most important thing is...professional and conscientious service! Conscience but not professional ~ bitter! Professional without conscience ~ hate it! Professional and conscientious ~ Thanksgiving! At the beginning, following the introduction of a hundred great doctors, Set the tone that Dr. Yang is a chivalrous doctor! Mid-term expectation is true! Briefly describe the medical treatment: Tooth decay nerves~ Wow-I didn't feel any pain at all It's ok, this is really amazing! (In the past, as long as I thought of seeing a dentist, I am afraid of the uneasy process! ) Completely subvert the experience of seeing toothache. It can be said that without a rich life, You can’t imagine~ Meet a good professional doctor What a happy thing! After this battle, for many years I have been bothering Dr. Yang to see my teeth. Really feel inside... We must cherish chivalrous doctors, Because I knew him: I knew it was Seeing a doctor can be so relieved, No need to experience the pain of medical treatment in the past! PS: See so many on the Internet Eliminate the conscience and bullying of Dr. Yang’s Internet acid people, Have you ever actually seen a doctor? Please indicate the detailed date, time and place! If not, Don't you understand What goes around comes around Tianli Zhaozhao retribution is unhappy?
Y C on Google

各位相信我,這個醫生對待老顧客如何我不知道,但是身為看到報章雜誌的好評前去看診的我,非常的後悔 本身是個看牙醫會非常緊張和懼怕的人,看到報導說這個醫生不輕易拔牙且很知道病患的感受之類....等等 結果我去,這個醫生講的話非但沒有讓我有安撫或是消除緊張的感覺...結果竟然是更讓我陷入恐懼之中......我就這樣擔心受怕好幾天,因為我超怕拔牙的 後來還是鼓起勇氣去親友推薦的另一間牙醫診所,結果人家醫師是好言安撫並且幫我照x光七八次,就是為了更加讓我確認牙齒狀況.....重點是根本不用拔牙,只需做根管治療外加自費牙套保護牙齒........ 本人親身體驗,絕無任何業配,絕無任何拿錢寫文之類的下流之舉 因為牙痛真的讓我心情每天擔心受怕,這幾天都非常不快樂..... 願祝各位都可以找到適合自己的好牙醫 至於這間,各位可以自己去體驗一番,我是絕對不會再去了 本人絕無冒犯這間醫師之意,是我自己親身經驗的結果 希望所有牙醫都可以更有同理心,知道牙痛的心情......真心希望阿
Believe me, I don't know how this doctor treats old customers, but as I saw the good reviews in newspapers and magazines before going to the doctor, I regret it very much I am a person who is very nervous and afraid of seeing a dentist. I read reports that the doctor does not easily pull out teeth and knows the feelings of patients very well... etc. As a result, I went, and the doctor's words did not make me feel soothed or relieved... The result turned out to be even more terrifying... I was so worried and afraid for several days, because I'm terrified of pulling teeth Later, I plucked up the courage to go to another dental clinic recommended by my relatives and friends. As a result, the doctor comforted me and took X-rays seven or eight times for me, just to make me confirm the condition of my teeth... The point is that I don't have to pull my teeth at all. , just do root canal treatment plus self-expenses braces to protect the teeth...... I have personally experienced it, and I have absolutely no karma, and I have never had any indecent actions such as taking money to write articles. Because the toothache really makes me feel worried and afraid every day, and I have been very unhappy these days... I wish you all the best to find a good dentist for you As for this one, you can experience it yourself, I will never go there again I have no intention of offending this doctor, it is the result of my own personal experience I hope all dentists can be more empathetic and know the mood of a toothache... I really hope
Cy Yang on Google

醫德醫術,仁醫仁心! 滿口爛牙四處求醫,楊醫師幫我處理的非常好,非常好的醫師
Medical ethics and medical skills, benevolent doctors and benevolent hearts! My mouth is full of rotten teeth and I am looking for a doctor. Dr. Yang helped me deal with it very well. Very good doctor.
瞿芝榆 on Google

Thank you Dr. Yang for saving my tooth that almost cost a lot of money to do microscopic root canal. My husband's teeth have been bad before, so I came to see Dr. Yang. I really thank you for such a good doctor with medical ethics and medical skills???
Bobbyln Chang on Google

想問一下醫生 因為之前做過根管的假牙長了牙包 在家裡附近的牙醫診所看了醫生說有可能有裂縫 所以也很仁心的跟我說先重作根管再觀察,後來拆了原來假牙帶了臨時牙套後一個月,再檢查還是有排膿現象,後來建議再去別家做顯微鏡檢查(因為那間牙醫診所無此設備),再決定要不要植牙.請問還有其他甚麼方法可以救這牙齒,如果您能建議就真的非常感激了
I would like to ask the doctor because the dentures that have been root canals have grown. I saw the doctor at the dentist near my home and said there might be cracks, so I kindly told me to remake the root canals before observing them, and then they removed them. It turned out that after a month of wearing temporary braces, the dentures were still drained. Later, it was recommended to go to another home for a microscopic examination (because the dentist's office did not have this equipment), and then decide whether to implant the tooth. What else is there? Ways to save this tooth, if you can advise, I would really appreciate it
land lala on Google

康福牙醫不錯,是個會站在病人著想的醫生,我自己現在牙齒是在這邊看的。牙醫的作風比較像是老爹,講話比較直爽(像是我怕痛就會唉唉叫,他會唸一下,但也就是那種開玩笑的口氣),可能執業較久,診間不是那麼現代新穎,但也沒什麼衛生問題。 至於有人在討論的醫療糾紛,我是覺得若原PO真的有不愉快的經驗,其實PO一次就好,不太需要一直用一星洗版,這樣其實有一點對醫生不公允,因為也可能按照醫生原本的治療方式,的確也快要治好了,但您卻提前喊卡。 其實會建議,如果覺得不適合就換別家,本來每個醫生的專長、判斷不會100%一樣,這是一點醫學常識,每個人都要有。
The Kangfu dentist is not bad, he is a doctor who thinks about the patient. I look at my teeth here. The dentist's style is more like an old man, and his speech is more straightforward (like I will scream when I am afraid of pain, he will read it, but that is the kind of joking tone), may have been practicing for a long time, and the office is not so modern and novel , But there is no hygiene problem. As for the medical disputes that some people are discussing, I think that if the original PO really has unpleasant experiences, in fact, it’s good to have PO once, and it is not necessary to use one-star washing all the time. This is actually not fair to the doctor, because it may also follow the doctor. The original treatment method is indeed about to be cured, but you call the card in advance. In fact, I would suggest that if you feel that it is not suitable, you can change another home. Originally, every doctor's expertise and judgment will not be 100% the same. This is a little bit of medical common sense, and everyone must have it.
Julie Su on Google

在網路搜尋牙醫推薦而來,楊醫師說我的情況非蛀牙,是之前補牙填充物鬆脫位移影響,重新補牙即可。 沒想到這個補牙他用全力壓我的牙齦,回去後我的牙齦一連痛了兩週、相鄰牙齒也搖晃;更不要說在那之後,只要進食補牙處瘋狂卡食物卡肉,必須每一次進食完必須立刻使用牙線清潔,因為已經卡到下排牙齒往前推移,下門牙已不對中線。 在這次看牙醫之前我從來沒有恐懼過看牙醫,但這個超級差勁的經驗已經失去還能維持牙齒健康的信心了。
I searched for the recommendation of a dentist on the Internet. Dr. Yang said that my condition was not tooth decay, but it was affected by the loosening and displacement of the previous filling, and I could just refill. I didn’t expect that for this filling, he pressed my gums with all his strength. After I went back, my gums were sore for two weeks, and the adjacent teeth were shaking. You must use dental floss immediately after finishing, because the lower incisors have been stuck and moved forward, and the lower incisors are not on the center line. I had never been terrified of going to the dentist before this visit, but this super poor experience has lost confidence in maintaining healthy teeth.
yenyen Wang on Google

楊醫師是個有醫德也有醫術的醫師。自己的牙齒之前在中部時,牙醫千叮嚀萬囑咐地告知我,我的牙齒狀況很麻煩,千萬不要去牙科診所,一定要去大醫院看牙科,才能處理我的問題也減少我被削的機率。 到台北後,花了很多時間找我能配合的時間及有開診的醫院,但是發現醫師的專長都和我的問題不相關,最後找到康福楊醫師。楊醫師的診很難約,但是,卻是值得等待。 第一次去楊醫師的診,說明自己的狀況後,楊醫師看了看口腔,馬上就知道之前中部牙醫所說的問題,立馬約了下一次較長的時間來處理我的牙齒。也就是在長時間(近2小時)的處理中,我看到楊醫師老江湖的專業。康福診所沒有牙助,所有的東西都是開診前準備好的,楊醫師在看診期間,自己是醫師也是牙助,但是處理的流程如行雲流水,並不會讓病人張嘴久候,然後懷疑醫師去哪兒了。我總共有6顆牙齒需要處理,這個在一般牙科,如果沒被削個半年,大概沒辦法解決。但是在楊醫師這裡,楊醫師不會故意補個牙、檢查個牙齒就要刷健保費,他每次總是很細心、貼心地為病人着想,健保給付哪些,盡量幫病人做好做滿。我後來做將近2個月就從康福“畢業”。真心誠意地感謝楊醫師視病猶親地處理每一個病人的問題,貼心地站在病人角度為病人設想。楊醫師,謝謝您,這麼多年依然堅守崗位,照福人群。
Dr. Yang is a doctor with medical ethics and medical skills. When my teeth were in the middle, the dentist told me that my teeth were very troublesome. I must not go to the dental clinic. I must go to a large hospital to see a dentist, so as to deal with my problems and reduce my chipping. chance. After arriving in Taipei, I spent a lot of time looking for the time I could cooperate with and the hospital that had the clinic, but I found that the doctor's expertise was not related to my problem, and finally found Dr. Kang Fuyang. Doctor Yang's consultation is difficult to make an appointment, but it is worth the wait. The first time I went to Dr. Yang's consultation and explained my condition, Dr. Yang took a look at the oral cavity and immediately knew the problem mentioned by the dentist in the central region. He immediately arranged for a longer time to deal with my teeth. That is, in the long-term (nearly 2 hours) treatment, I saw Dr. Yang's professionalism. There is no dental assistant at Kangfu Clinic. Everything is prepared before the consultation. During the consultation, Dr. Yang is both a doctor and a dental assistant. Doubt where the doctor went. I have a total of 6 teeth that need to be treated. In general dentistry, if it is not cut for half a year, there is probably no way to solve it. But in Dr. Yang's place, Dr. Yang will not intentionally pay for a tooth filling or check the health insurance premium. He always considers the patient's consideration carefully and intimately every time. I later "graduated" from Kangfu for nearly 2 months. I sincerely thank Dr. Yang for handling every patient's problem as a patient, and thinking for the patient from the patient's point of view. Physician Yang, thank you for still sticking to your post for so many years and benefiting the crowd.

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