馬爾斯教育顧問公司 - Section 2

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10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Lane 20, Section 2, Zhongshan N Rd, 2-2號 號馬爾斯教育顧問公司2樓
宜展黃 on Google

認真又專業的顧問公司~ 親切又清楚的幫你處理出國資料及協助你完成所有項目 推薦 KIMI Hou!!!
Serious and professional consulting company ~ Kind and clear to help you deal with overseas information and help you complete all projects Recommend KIMI Hou !!!
H.M. HUANG on Google

我相信很多學生都和我一樣,當回頭來看大學GPA的時候才悔不當初應該好好念書。在大學的時候,我壓根還沒有出國念書的念頭,整天只顧著玩不然就是回宿舍睡覺,對於未來根本一片空白也沒有實際的打算。直到快要畢業前,在我家人的鼓勵下才開始我的美國留學夢,但回頭來看我的GPA….嗯….2.6X,基本上也是一個慘字來形容。但為了圓夢,還是硬著頭皮去考了托福,結果一出來68分,對我來說無疑是雙重打擊,想當然開始有人把我想出國念書這件事當笑話看,連我自己都快看不起自己,信心跌落谷底。 時間過得很快,一下子大學畢業後也沒多想就這樣渾渾噩噩地去當兵了。這一年因為經歷了太多難過的事情,所以托福也沒甚麼準備,所以第二戰考出來一樣爛。我很不甘心,所以那時候我告訴自己退伍後一定要認真讀書好好拚一波,所以我退伍當天就跑去上GMAT課程了,同時也還找了一份工作,以為自己可以兼顧。但事實證明我太不自量力,GMAT比托福還難很多,而且由於大學時期太混,根本沒有把英文底子打好,所以我GMAT念的亂七八糟,甚至把工作辭了專心準備也沒有起色,而且越考越爛,也越來越沒信心… 2018年6月,剛考完第五戰GMAT的我拖著沉重的腳步前往網路上找的代辦機構,其實這時的我已經對我的美國留學夢徹底絕望了,只是想要知道自己還有甚麼方式,但換來的是更多的冷嘲熱諷:“哎呀,你這GPA跟GMAT分數沒救了啦,我們這邊有一個入學門檻低的學校就能夠進去讀…”,去到第二家,結果還是一樣:“你這樣的成績申請前100幾乎不可能啊,除非你用條件式入學,不然你可能只能讀兩三百名的學校。”聽完的當下真的快崩潰了,但在我絕望之時我終於找到願意幫我嘗試的代辦,也給了我很大的信心與鼓勵讓我不要放棄。 首先我得到的一根救命草就是我的代辦鼓勵我抓緊最後機會去考GRE拼看看,在這之前我根本沒有這個念頭,第一是因為我沒碰過GRE,第二是離我申請截止日只剩不到幾個月,一般來說這看似瘋狂的主意似乎時程太趕,但我心一橫就在9月份的時候去報名的GRE課程,並且瘋狂的密集準備,並在11月初的時候一戰就考到320的分數,讓我的帳面成績大大改觀。這件是對我影響很大因為我本來想說我申請商科就是考GMAT,但GRE老實說我真的沒有去想太多,但直到這一刻我才知道原來準備方式不是只有一種,也很謝謝我的代辦給我的提醒。 在準備申請文書的過程中,我才發現原來要準備的東西還是很繁瑣,因為每一間學校都不太一樣,但是在申請期間我除了要應付工作,應付GRE之外,我的顧問和我都會花時間討論我的申請文書,從履歷,讀書計畫到推薦信都要一步一步去打造修改,讓我了解到申請程序上的瑣碎。但是我可以說花時間準備文書並且有專業人士的建議真的會有幫助,我覺得以我的例子來說,我不是不會寫文書,但我一開始的時候缺乏方向,什麼樣的內容才是好的才是有用的,如何在有限的字數下寫到重點,這些都是我後來申請過程中學到的。舉例來說,在寫各校的Essay的時候,我會和顧問討論內容架構,尤其花了很多時間在所謂”缺陷題”上,利用這個機會把自身的劣勢(如低GPA)加以解釋轉化為優勢。 另外一個讓我覺得受益良多的是我的代辦幫我安排的面試指導,如各位版上的大大應該都知道,美國商學院的面試一般來說都會碰到真人面試,我也不例外,但是除了網路上的面經以外,我得到的面試指導真的非常有用,原本我以為我的面試準備回答有回答完整,但是在面試顧問的指導下整個毫不留情的給我全面修正,我這才當頭棒呵發現原來我之前的觀念有多麼錯誤,一般我們只會去想學校會問我們什麼想聽我們什麼,但實際上我們在面試時也要試著去了解Admission方的心態,知己知彼,百戰百勝。在此也非常感謝我的面試顧問給我的幫助,讓我在面對Purdue的真人面試時得心應手。 最後在這樣的情況下,在申請那時候GPA 2.6X,托福9X,一年的工作經驗以及GRE 320的情況下,順利申請到Purdue,Case Western,Arizona State等商學院供應鏈管理學碩士,並將於今年秋季入Purdue就讀。我想在此謝謝我當時的代辦馬爾斯和Thomas顧問一直以來給我的支持和鼓勵,T顧問是個很有耐心,責任感強的顧問也很有效率,經常在我容易緊張的時候給我信心,一開始我還曾懷疑過自己是否能辦到,但事實證明了只要努力一切都還有轉機。我希望把我的故事分享給更多人,藉此表達要圓夢不是不可能,只要透過努力,試著彌補過去的不足仍然有可能翻盤,也希望大家能完成自己的出國留學夢!
I believe that many students like me, when looking back repent college GPA when it should be a good school. In college, I simply have not the idea of ​​going abroad to study, or else all day just to play back to the dorm to sleep, simply a blank for the future and no real plans. Until about to graduate, with the encouragement of my family began to study my American dream, but looking back to see my GPA .... Ah ... .2.6X, basically a miserable word to describe. But in order to realize their dreams, or bite the bullet and go to the TOEFL test, the results came out 68 minutes, for me, is undoubtedly a double blow, some people began to take it for granted I want to go abroad to study it as a joke, even I almost despise myself confidence hit bottom. Time flies, all of a sudden after graduating from college did not think so unexamined go to the army. This year, because after so many sad things, so nothing TOEFL preparation, so the second test out war as rotten. I am not willing, so then I told myself after reading good veterans must seriously fight a wave, so I retired the day ran on the GMAT course, but also still looking for a job, thinking that they can enjoy both. But the fact is I was too overconfident, GMAT Bituo Fu a lot harder, and because the college is too mixed, did not lay the foundation in English, so I read the GMAT mess, even she resigned to concentrate on preparation and no improvement, and the more test more rotten, more and more do not have confidence ... In June 2018, just finished my fifth fight GMAT trudged travel agencies to find the agency on the Internet, in fact, when I have to study for my American dream was devastated, just want to know what way, but in return is more cynical: "Oh, you with GPA GMAT score can not be saved again, and we here have a low threshold for admission into the school will be able to read ...", go to the second house, the result still the same: "you're such a result is almost impossible to apply for the first 100 ah, unless you admission with conditional expressions, or you may only read two or three hundred of the school." After listening to the moment really soon collapsed, but in my despair when I finally found the agency is willing to try to help me, but also gave me a lot of confidence and encouraged me not to give up. First of all I get is the one that came out of my agent encouraged me to seize the last chance to take a look at GRE fight, before that I did not have this idea, first because I have not touched GRE, and the second is from my application deadline Japan only less than a few months, in general, this seemingly crazy idea seems too time course in time, but I Xinyi Heng in September, when to sign up for the GRE courses, intensive preparation and crazy, and in 11 when a fight early on test scores to 320, so that the results greatly improved my book. This is a great influence on me because I was going to say I apply for Business is to test GMAT, GRE, but to be honest I really did not think too much, but until this moment I know that is not the way to prepare only one, thank you very my agent gave me the reminder. In preparing the application documents, I found things had to be prepared is very cumbersome, because each school are not the same, but during my application in addition to cope with the workload, deal with GRE outside, my advisers and I will spend time discussing my application documents, from history, reading letters of recommendation should plan to go step by step to create changes, let me know trivial on the application process. But I can say to take the time to prepare instruments and recommendations of professionals really be helpful, I think to my case, I am not not writing instruments, but lack of direction when I started, and what kind of content only It is good to be useful. How to write the key points with a limited number of words is what I learned in the subsequent application process. For example, when writing the Essay of each school, I will discuss the content structure with the consultant, and especially spend a lot of time on the so-called "defective problem", taking this opportunity to explain and translate my disadvantages (such as low GPA) into Advantage. Another thing that makes me feel a lot benefit is the interview guidance arranged by my agency to help me. For example, everyone on the edition should know that the interviews of American business schools generally encounter live interviews. I am no exception, but In addition to the face-to-face interviews on the Internet, the interview guidance I received was really useful. Originally, I thought that my interview preparation answer was complete and complete, but under the guidance of the interview consultant, I gave me a complete correction without mercy. I found out how wrong my previous concept was. We usually only think about what the school will ask us about what we want to hear from us, but in fact we also try to understand the mindset of the Admission side during the interview. Victory. I would also like to thank my interview consultant for helping me so that I can easily handle the real interview with Purdue. Finally, under such circumstances, at the time of applying, GPA 2.6X, TOEFL 9X, one year of work experience and GRE 320, successfully applied for Purdue, Case Western, Arizona State and other business school masters in supply chain management, and I am going to attend Purdue this fall. I would like to thank my then agent Mars and Thomas consultant for their support and encouragement for me. Consultant T is a very patient and responsible consultant who is also very efficient and often gives me confidence when I am easily stressed. At first I had doubts about whether I could do it, but it turned out that as long as I worked hard, everything would turn around. I hope to share my story with more people, in order to express that it is not impossible to achieve a dream. As long as we try to make up for the past deficiencies, it is still possible to make a comeback. I also hope that everyone can complete their dreams of studying abroad!
Jared Lin on Google

很感謝Thomas, 幫我很多!事情很多顧問都很樂意隨時為我解答,認真地回覆總是讓人感到很安心。會提醒大家哪些事情可以先做,超前佈署,才不會事情都擠在一起搞得到時候一團亂。很慶幸選擇了馬爾斯,協助我獲得了五年全額獎學金的美國博士班。 Mars這邊會談的環境不錯,可以很舒服地和顧問討論留學問題,也會主動提供飲水。
Thank you Thomas for helping me a lot! Many consultants are happy to answer me at any time, and it is always very reassuring to reply seriously. It will remind everyone what things can be done first, and deploy ahead of time, so that things will not be cluttered together to make a mess. Thank you for choosing Mars to assist me in the US doctoral program with a five-year full scholarship. The environment of the Mars meeting is good. You can comfortably discuss the study abroad with the consultant and will also provide drinking water on your own initiative.
謝朋儒 on Google

當初因為我想在申請的雜事上面請人協助處理, 並且有人可以稍微叮嚀我的撰寫文件以及校稿進度, 因此我選擇留學顧問在申請的路上幫助我。 當初我認為我對於所想要的學校已經有明確的候選名單, 所以,我不需要有學校分析這個服務。 我需要的是有人可以盯我的申請文件進度, 還有一路上聽我對於托福考試發嘮叨。 因為我對於申請文件的嚴格要求, 我會去詢問顧問在校稿階段有沒有明顯的限制次數。 我不需要有精美的學校分析手冊, 但是我需要再隔幾個禮拜後有任何文件修改的想法, 我都可以無條件的去對我的文件做修改, 因此這是我當初找顧問的重要審核要素。 此外,我非常重視顧問與我的對話是否在同個頻率上面, 因此我在初步的首次面談時, 假如我無法跟到時候接洽的顧問對話, 那通常我就不會選擇這間留學公司了。 而價錢也是我的考量因素, 因為我認為我不需要太多精美的服務包裝, 我只需要有人幫我校稿並且盯我的申請進度, 因此我不希望服務價格特別高。 綜合許多考量之下,最後我選擇「馬爾斯教育顧問公司」的Thomas顧問。 Thomas顧問會壓我各個申請文件的死線, 並且在我對於校稿後不滿意的部分可以重新來過, 這些的來來回回都十分乾脆, 不會拖延到任何進度。 一路上,顧問也會給我一些心靈雞湯, 讓我知道我的優勢與弱勢, 包裝自己的優勢來克服自己的弱勢, 使得在撰寫申請文件上的品質有所提升。 由於武漢肺炎的關係, 現在也充滿著許多不確定性, 顧問也有創一個學生群組, 讓我們可以與顧問一同討論不同選擇下的優缺點, 還有關注目前最新的武漢肺炎應變進展。 當初因為顧問與我溝通在同個頻率上, 價錢也相當有優勢, 而且做事情不拖泥帶水, 不計較校稿的次數, 使得我在申請的路上相當的順利, 最後申請上我的第一志願。
At first, because I wanted to ask someone for assistance in handling the chores on the application, And someone can slightly slap my writing and proofreading progress, So I chose to study abroad consultant to help me on the way to apply. At first, I thought I had a clear shortlist for the school I wanted, Therefore, I don't need a school to analyze this service. What I need is someone can watch the progress of my application documents, I also listened to my nagging about the TOEFL test along the way. Because of my strict requirements for application documents, I will go to ask the consultant if there is an obvious limit to the number of times during the proofreading stage. I do n’t need a beautiful school analysis manual, But I need to have any idea of ​​file modification after a few weeks, I can unconditionally modify my files, So this was an important review element when I was looking for a consultant. In addition, I attach great importance to whether the consultant ’s conversation with me is on the same frequency, So during my first initial interview, If I ca n’t talk to the consultant I contacted at that time, I usually would not choose this study abroad company. And the price is also my consideration, Because I do n’t think I need too many beautiful service packages, I just need someone to help me proofread and keep track of my application progress, Therefore, I do not want the service price to be particularly high. After many considerations, I chose Thomas Consultant of "Mars Education Consulting Company". Advisor Thomas will suppress the dead line of my application documents, And after I am dissatisfied with the proofreading, I can do it again, These back and forth are very simple, There will be no delay to any progress. Along the way, the consultant will also give me some soul chicken soup, Let me know my strengths and weaknesses, Pack your own strengths to overcome your weaknesses, The quality of writing application documents has been improved. Due to Wuhan pneumonia, Now there are many uncertainties, The consultant also created a student group, Let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different options with our consultants, Also pay attention to the latest Wuhan pneumonia response progress. At first, because the consultant communicated with me on the same frequency, The price is also quite advantageous, And do things without dragging the mud, Regardless of the number of proofs, Made my application process quite smooth, Finally apply for my first choice.
Yu Hung Lee on Google

我在今年初來到馬爾斯,一開始非常擔心和徬徨,因為關於申請美國研究所的時間越來越接進而自己對申請卻還是很陌生。還好透過Kimi的專業分析與解答許多我在申請上的問題,在協助文件批改和撰寫時也給了我許多有用的建議,回復的速度也是相當快。 在她的幫忙以及專業的分析後,我順利的申請上了心中的夢想學校,真的非常感謝Kimi及馬爾斯的幫忙!很慶幸當初自己選擇馬爾斯。
I came to Mars at the beginning of this year. I was very worried and hesitant at first, because the time to apply for the American Institute is getting more and more and I am still very new to the application. Fortunately, through Kimi's professional analysis and answering many of my application questions, I also gave me many useful suggestions when assisting in the revision and writing of documents. The response speed is also quite fast. After her help and professional analysis, I successfully applied to the dream school of my heart. I really appreciate Kimi and Mars for their help! Thank you for choosing Mars.
Jerry Hung on Google

當初決定要留學時,不知道如何準備或是該準備什麼,直到與馬爾斯諮詢後,才發現托福與GRE,該少得都不能少。他們很清楚地跟我說明各個學校系所的專精以所需的成績,並且進一步分析未來畢業後,當地是否好找工作,又或是當地生活費的考量。這些資訊都是需要累積大量的學生經驗才可以提供這樣的分析。在申請上學校之後,後續的簽證與學校溝通的問題,馬爾斯也繼續德提供協助。對我來說,省下不少時間與心力,總而言之,馬爾斯是一間很推薦的代辦機構, 有出國想法的人可以考慮來諮詢看看。
When I decided to study abroad, I didn't know how to prepare or what to prepare. It wasn't until after consulting with Mars that I discovered that TOEFL and GRE should not be less. They clearly explained to me the specialization of various school departments and the required grades, and further analyzed whether the local graduates will find a job or the cost of living. It is necessary to accumulate a lot of student experience to provide such analysis. After applying for school, Mars also continued to provide assistance in the follow-up visa communication with the school. For me, it saves a lot of time and effort. In a word, Mars is a highly recommended agency. Those who have the idea of ​​going abroad can consider consulting.
Hank Hu on Google

When he decided to study abroad, he was ignorant and squandered. He didn't let go of a dangling heart until after consulting Kimi's consultant Kimi. Kimi clearly explained to me the specialization of various school departments with the required grades, and further analyzed whether the local graduates will find a job or the cost of living. It is necessary to accumulate a lot of student experience to provide such analysis. When I selected the school and wrote the SOP, I gave me very professional advice. I was really moved when I finally received the offer from the school. Thank you Kimi and thank you Mars. After applying for school, there is no need to worry about the communication between the visa and the school. Kimi and Mars continue to assist me. For me, it saves a lot of time and effort; in short, I recommend Mars as the agency, and I recommend Kimi as the professional consultant for the agency. If you want to go abroad to see the world, you may wish to consider consulting with Mars.
Sophia Yang on Google

Thanks Mars!

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