
4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 協和婦女醫院/附設產後護理中心/月子中心

地址 :

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Lane 85, Songjiang Rd, 5號協和婦女醫院/附設產後護理中心/月子中心

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 : http://www.woman.org.tw/
城市 : Songjiang Rd

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Lane 85, Songjiang Rd, 5號協和婦女醫院/附設產後護理中心/月子中心
May Hsieh on Google

兩胎都在這裡坐月子,分享一下心得: 門禁管理確實,非必要人士不能隨意進出,令人放心,畢竟產婦只想好好休息。 樓下就有婦產科及兒科,有狀況不必出院就能找得到醫生,若新生兒有黃疸還可以直接推去照光治療,非常便利,也不必擔心看不到孩子。 餐點比前兩年的清淡不少,一開始雖有點不習慣,但有利於產後消水腫,且兼顧營養與熱量,所以還是要給讚。 月中護理師都很專業熱心,有問必答,還有專業國際泌乳顧問協助解決泌乳相關問題,令人不至於手足無措。 硬體雖不算新,可是都很乾淨,該有的設備,像是吹風機、消毒鍋、暖房設備、免治馬桶也都一應俱全。 這次入住還多了洗頭、按摩、泌乳顧問疏通乳腺、新生兒寫真配套服務,媽媽教室課程也都很實用,內容越來越豐富。 最最最最重要的就是費用非常合理,大台北地區找不到CP值這麼高的產後護理之家了,一定要幫他們大力推薦一下! ???
Both babies are confinement here, share my experience: The access control management is indeed, non-essential people can't come in and out at will, which is reassuring, after all, mothers just want to have a good rest. There are obstetrics and gynecology and pediatrics departments downstairs. If there is a condition, you can find a doctor without leaving the hospital. If the newborn has jaundice, it can be directly pushed to the light treatment, which is very convenient, and you don't have to worry about not seeing the child. The meals are much lighter than those of the previous two years. Although I was not used to it at first, it is good for postpartum edema, and takes into account nutrition and calories, so I still want to give it a thumbs up. The nurses in the middle of the month are very professional and enthusiastic, and they will answer any questions. There are also professional international lactation consultants to help solve problems related to lactation, so that you will not be at a loss. Although the hardware is not new, it is very clean, and all the necessary equipment, such as a hair dryer, sterilizer, heating equipment, and toilet bowls, are also readily available. This time, there are more services such as shampooing, massage, lactation consultant dredging breast, and newborn photo. The mother's classroom courses are also very practical and the content is getting richer and richer. The most important thing is that the cost is very reasonable. I can't find a postpartum nursing home with such a high CP value in the Greater Taipei area. I must strongly recommend it for them! ???
Phorlin Lu on Google

本來不認識這間醫院,因為自己是詹醫師接生的孩子,自己懷孕後媽媽的推薦下找到詹醫師現在在協和服務而跑來~ 因為是台北的老字號婦產科,環境無法與其他新婦產科相比,但專業度絕對是第一優先的選擇。 每次到協和產檢都覺得非常舒適,在這裡醫師不會像其他婦產科推銷,基本上好多次自費項目都是我自己提及而醫師給建議,真的有必要醫生才會主動建議我是否要自費加檢。 前陣子看到新聞某私立診所因生產大失血延誤就醫造成的遺憾,當時小小擔心了一下是否在大醫院生產還是比較安全,但後來因為醫師的專業度以及經驗讓我放心非常多~~ 到了生產 住在這裡的幾天也都非常滿意!!醫護都非常非常親切,不論照顧寶寶或是照顧產婦的護理師都讓人放心,傳達非常多的育兒知識,真的非常感謝協和的醫師以及護理人員在這段時間的協助!他們讓我非常感動又感受到很溫暖,若還會生第二胎我還是會選擇到協和生產~
I didn't know this hospital at first, because I was the child delivered by Dr. Zhan. After I became pregnant, I found Dr. Zhan at the Xiehe Service at the recommendation of my mother. Because it is an old-fashioned obstetrics and gynecology department in Taipei, the environment cannot be compared with other new obstetrics and gynecology departments, but professionalism is definitely the first priority. Every time I go to Xiehe obstetrics, I feel very comfortable. The doctors here will not sell like other obstetrics and gynecology departments. Basically, many self-funded items are mentioned by me and the doctor gives suggestions. The doctor will take the initiative to advise me whether it is really necessary. To be checked at your own expense. A while ago, I read the news about the regret of a private clinic's delay in seeking medical attention due to massive blood loss during production. At that time, Xiaoxiao worried about whether it would be safer to give birth in a large hospital, but later, because of the doctor's professionalism and experience, I was very relieved~~ When it came to production, I was very satisfied with the few days I lived here! ! The doctors and nurses are very kind. The nurses who take care of the baby or the maternity are reassuring and convey a lot of parenting knowledge. I really appreciate the assistance of the doctors and nurses of Xiehe during this period! They moved me very much and felt very warm. If I would have a second child, I would still choose Xiehe to give birth~
Hope Lee on Google

因為朋友是在這邊生產坐月子所以才開始認識協和,然後因為意外檢查出子宮肌瘤就轉到協和來給許副院長看。 協和有加收手術技術費與麻醉止痛費的部分(+27000),而且健保病房只有一間的狀況下,因為沒有實支實付的醫療保險,中間還有去兩家綜合醫院去比較(新光與馬階),最後還是選擇了環境單純讓人感到比較安心的協和。 如果有能力負擔單人房的話是最好的,剛好隔壁床媽媽在手術同一天生產,當然陪產的是爸爸,幸好媽媽是自然生產兩天就移駕到樓上月子中心,因為一到半夜的打呼二重唱讓我半夜就被吵起來,一直到早上他們起床我才能開始補眠,而且手術完我也無法動彈,房間小距離近到就睡在我床旁邊而已,真的很慘。 因為考慮到外送餐點不健康而且自己下樓取餐比較困難,所以訂了住院餐點,雖然美味但是不能夠客製不加鹽非常可惜,餐點頗常出現processed food和包裝食飲品,而且價格上也是有問題的,在住院部的手冊與護理站都說明一天是720元的餐費,但櫃檯說是1000元的餐費,我想應該是跟月子中心餐費統一價格,但是住院餐點是比月子中心少了大補跟無限量飲品部分,卻收一樣費用不知道為什麼會這樣,有收到回覆說早餐120中晚餐各400點心80,我是覺得這樣的價格跟內容其實倒不如訂網路上專業的術後產後料理會更好,午晚餐點是3菜1湯+水果,而且食材的來源產地跟調味料的使用都是不透明的。差別就是訂院內餐有人幫忙送到房間。個人是覺得這樣的餐費,住院餐還有很大進步空間,因為術後第一餐的粥點只有附現成的肉鬆跟醬菜,都是營養素質很差的processed food人工食品,而且麵筋酸敗了。 手術的技術跟止痛效果都很好,但是感覺跟其他醫院的手術房不太一樣,跟我過去在大醫院的麻醉過程是很不同的,在大醫院麻醉醫生會過來打招呼問候然後說明一下流程接著就讓你放鬆叫你倒數,在協和因為沒有人跟我說明麻醉流程就突然要我側身開始脊椎消毒,讓我著實嚇到馬上就感到很抗拒,想說全麻不是用點滴嗎幹嘛呢?!如果有好好的說明比較好喔!不然真的讓人感覺很恐怖呢! 整個讓我覺得最專業最令人信任放心的就是住院部的護理站,各位小姐姐們非常的體貼,住院部的軟硬體設施也是非常齊全,在住院的一周(除了剛開始無法睡半夜的前兩天)因為住院部的環境和護理師們,讓我確定選擇協和是十分正確的決定,因為術後的休養與護理也是十分重要的,我覺得就是因為選擇協和所以雖然只是摘除子宮肌瘤但是剖腹後的恢復狀況比預期來的好也快。 整個手術住院的醫療費用是63000元,給同樣沒有實支實付醫療險的網友參考,價格是使用健保病房(單人另外計費),餐費四天4000,有自費防沾黏與可吸收縫線(免拆線),傷口防水敷料是350×4張,會建議使用因為真的很方便,疤痕貼片的部分我是先買2個月份起來,不然其實照護理師建議的回診再買也可以,疤痕貼片就是見人見智了,我是因為非常在乎愛美所以才買醫院比較好的貼片,後來發現其實蝦×買有比較便宜,常可以買到別的媽媽剩下的。 另外,必備的束腹很重要喔,如果像我一樣是臨時要買的話可以在附近的民權東路2段7×號的×寶居家保健生活館買很便宜又好,150元。 總結下來,在協和的住院手術整體經驗是行政管理非常弱,有各部門各自為政的感覺,讓病人常常有問號產生,但只要住院護理站一接手馬上好感度大增,我只能說,如果主治醫師們是協和的明星,那麼住院護理師們就是成就協和的推手們。感謝這些辛苦卻又十分貼心的住院護理師,妳們超棒的! (附上健保房實景照片和一些餐點照片僅供參考) ※真心建議餐點減少processed food與包裝食(飲)品,菜單建議標示出使用的油品及調味料成分 #再次強調如果有保險給付一定要選單人房,休養環境會好非常多!而且因為主要都是單人房的環境也相當非常單純安靜!更加衷心建議知道自己與配偶會打呼的話拜託選擇單人房?自己睡吵到別人真的很不ok? $費用可以刷卡但是要另加1.75%也是別家醫院都沒有的~這點真的不是很便利啊!
Because my friend gave birth to confinement here, I started to get to know Xiehe. Then, because of an accidental detection of uterine fibroids, he transferred to Xiehe to show it to Vice President Xu. Concord has an additional fee for surgical techniques and anesthesia and pain relief (+27000), and there is only one health insurance ward, because there is no medical insurance that is actually paid, there are two general hospitals in the middle to compare (Xinguang and Ma Jie), and finally chose Concord, where the environment is simple and makes people feel more at ease. It’s best if you can afford a single room. The mother next to the bed gave birth on the same day as the operation. Of course, it was the father who gave birth. Fortunately, the mother moved to the confinement center upstairs after giving birth naturally two days later, because it was in the middle of the night. The snoring duet made me quarrel in the middle of the night. I couldn't start to sleep until they got up in the morning, and I couldn't move after the operation. The room was so close that I slept next to my bed, which was really miserable. Considering the unhealthy food delivery and the difficulty of getting the meal by yourself, I ordered the hospitalized meal. Although it is delicious, it is a pity that it is not possible to customize the meal without adding salt. Processed food and packaged beverages often appear in the meal. The price is also problematic. It is stated in the inpatient department's manual and nursing station that the meal cost is 720 yuan a day, but the counter says it is 1,000 yuan. The meal is less than the confinement center, the supplement and unlimited drinks, but the same fee is charged. I don’t know why this is the case. I have received a reply saying that breakfast is 120, lunch and dinner are 400 snacks and 80. I think this price and content are actually It would be better to order professional post-natal food on the Internet. Lunch and dinner are 3 dishes, 1 soup + fruit, and the origin of the ingredients and the use of seasonings are opaque. The difference is that someone will order food in the courtyard and have them delivered to the room. I personally feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the cost of such meals, because the first meal of the porridge after the operation is only with ready-made pork floss and pickles, which are all processed food artificial foods with poor nutritional quality, and the gluten is rancid. . The surgical technique and pain relief effect are very good, but it feels different from the operating rooms of other hospitals. It is very different from the anesthesia process I used in major hospitals. In major hospitals, anesthesiologists will come over to say hello and explain the process. Just let you relax and tell you to count down. At Xiehe, because no one explained the anesthesia procedure to me, I suddenly asked me to turn sideways to start spinal disinfection. I was so frightened that I immediately felt very resisted. I wanted to say that general anesthesia is not a drip. Why? ! It would be better if there is a good explanation! Otherwise it really makes people feel terrible! The whole thing that makes me feel the most professional and trustworthy is the nursing station in the inpatient department. The ladies and sisters are very considerate. The hardware and software facilities in the inpatient department are also very complete. Two days ago) Because of the environment of the inpatient department and the nurses, I made sure that it was a very correct decision to choose Xiehe, because postoperative recuperation and care are also very important. I think it is because of the choice of Xiehe that although it is only removal of uterine fibroids However, the recovery after caesarean section was better and faster than expected. The medical expenses for the entire operation and hospitalization is 63,000 yuan, for reference to netizens who also do not have paid medical insurance. The price is for the use of the health insurance ward (single person is separately billed), the meal cost is 4,000 for four days, with self-pay anti-sticking and absorbable Sutures (without stitches), the wound waterproof dressing is 350×4. I would recommend it because it is really convenient. I bought the scar patch for 2 months first, otherwise I would actually buy it after returning to the clinic as recommended by the nurse It’s also okay. Scar patch is a wiser. I bought a better patch for hospitals because I care about beauty very much. Later I found out that shrimp × is cheaper to buy, and you can often buy leftovers from other mothers. In addition, the necessary corset is very important. If you want to buy it temporarily, like me, you can buy it at the nearby Xbaojujia Health Life Museum, No. 7×, Section 2, Minquan East Road, which is very cheap and good, 150 yuan. To sum up, the overall experience of in-patient surgery in Xiehe is that the administrative management is very weak, and there is a feeling that each department is doing its own work, so that patients often have question marks, but as soon as the in-patient nursing station takes over, the favorability will increase. I can only say that if the main treatment Physicians are the stars of Xiehe, so residential nurses are the promoters of Xiehe's achievement. Thanks to these hard-working and caring hospital nurses, you are awesome! (Attached photos of the health insurance room and some meals are for reference only) ※I sincerely recommend reducing processed food and packaged food (drinks) in meals, and it is recommended to indicate the oil and seasoning ingredients used in the menu # Again, if you have insurance, you must choose a single room, the rest environment will be much better! And because the environment is mostly single rooms, it is quite simple and quiet! I sincerely suggest that if you know that you and your spouse will scream, please choose a single room. $The fee can be swiped by card, but an additional 1.75% is not available in other hospitals~ This is really not very convenient!
Ou Ch on Google

好喜歡協和!! 不管是醫生,護理師,清潔阿姨,送餐阿姨...每一位!是每一位都非常非常nice,之前看了其他人的評論,稱這裡的醫護人員是天使真的太貼切了!!一點都不誇張!! 這裡不像大醫院那麼雜...每個護理師的都可以很專心的照顧媽媽,看診人數也不會像大醫院那麼多...所以也不用等那麼久,這是我很喜歡的地方 生產後病房裝潢雖然沒有那麼新,但乾淨舒適,該備的東西幾乎都幫媽媽準備好了,餐點不油好吃,護理師照顧的則非常仔細,每天耐心的了解媽媽的身體狀況,態度還非常親切、住院期間每天跟他們相處心情都很好...是個可以感受到幸福的醫院... 真心推薦❤️❤️
I love Concord! ! Whether it's a doctor, a nurse, a cleaning aunt, a meal delivery aunt...everyone! Everyone is very, very nice. I read other people's comments before and said that the medical staff here are angels. It's really appropriate! ! No exaggeration at all! ! It's not as complicated as a big hospital... Every nurse can take care of my mother very attentively, and the number of patients will not be as many as a big hospital... So it doesn't take so long, which I like very much place Although the decoration of the post-delivery ward is not so new, it is clean and comfortable. Almost everything that needs to be prepared is prepared for the mother. The meals are not oily and delicious. They are also very friendly, and I feel good to get along with them every day during the hospitalization... It is a hospital where you can feel happiness... Really recommend ❤️❤️
Alex K Lin on Google

Good experience and not too expensive.
Kimmy K on Google

I was been this hospital twice but I feel I wasted my money and time.
Jimmy Liu on Google

great post-partumn service, the rate for this service is also quite reasonable compared to others in Taipei
Anne B on Google

I am an American and heard about this hospital from an American friend who had very positive personal experience here through her pregnancy and labor process. We both value patient care and thorough evaluation and education about medical issues. I found Dr. Calvin online and booked an appointment to consult with him about high-risk pregnancy since I have type 1 diabetes, am older, and have fertility obstacles. Dr. Calvin was educated in NYC, is bilingual and was very thorough with my first exam. He did an exam, sonogram and bloodwork all on site during my appointment. The hospital is small, clean and comfortable and feels like a private clinic. The staff is very warm and helpful. There is also a pharmacy on site, making care very convenient. My husband and I have a journey ahead, but we were both very pleased with our first visit.

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