荳蔻攝影工作室 - Section 1

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Contact 荳蔻攝影工作室

地址 :

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Section 1, Nanjing E Rd, 48號荳蔻攝影工作室 3樓

電話 : 📞 +88789
網站 : http://www.cardamom.com.tw/
城市 : Nanjing E Rd

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Section 1, Nanjing E Rd, 48號荳蔻攝影工作室 3樓
Anita Wu on Google

和另一半之前因為拍家族照有接觸過其他間的婚紗攝影公司 因為不喜歡擺拍的風格,所以認真做功課找自己喜歡的風格,就找到了荳蔻 一進到荳蔻,接待的小勛姐跟Sammi 姐都非常熱情,聊一下就完全抓到我想要的風格,我們也毫不猶豫的馬上就決定交給荳蔻 本身就有控制狂的我,在挑婚紗前做了很多功課,整理了很多喜歡想嘗試的婚紗類型,在挑婚紗當天禮秘佳佳讓我試穿了非常多套,就算是知道不適合我但我想嘗試的,她都不厭其煩的讓我試穿,也有我沒提出,但他覺得適合我的款式,真的試穿了非常多套,荳蔻所有禮服也都喜歡到難以挑選! 拍攝當天的化妝師是恬恬,超級喜歡她幫我化的妝,假睫毛完全不會有不舒服的感覺,整天下來非常照顧我,換裝補妝換造型都超級迅速,三套造型都喜歡到不行! 攝影席琳老師從事前溝通就非常好聊,從聊天過程中認識我們,也知道另一半是比較害羞木訥的個性,所以拍攝當天就叫我盡情的玩耍就好,他會在旁邊捕捉畫面,我們當天真的玩的很開心,從沒想過拍婚紗原來可以玩的這麼瘋狂,臉上都是發自內心的笑容,超級喜歡這種自然風格!最後的成品也都非常完美,完全符合我們當初想要的感覺! 如果你也是喜歡自然風格的照片,選擇荳蔻一定能滿足你的需求! 最後感謝所有荳蔻團隊的夥伴,謝謝你們就像朋友一樣的給予建議、幫助我們完全這個美好的旅程,這是一段非常快樂且難忘的回憶!
I have been in contact with other wedding photography companies because of the family photo shoot. Because I don't like the style of posing, so I did my homework to find the style I liked, and found cardamom As soon as I entered the cardamom, the receptionist Ms. Xun and Ms. Sammi were very enthusiastic. After chatting, they completely caught the style I wanted. We also decided to hand it over to cardamom without hesitation. I'm a control freak myself, so I did a lot of homework before choosing a wedding dress, and sorted out many types of wedding dresses that I liked to try. On the wedding day, I tried on a lot of dresses, even if I knew they weren't suitable for me. What I wanted to try, she took the trouble to let me try it on, and there were some styles that I didn't propose, but he thought they were suitable for me. He really tried on a lot of sets, and all the dresses from Cardamom were so hard to choose! The makeup artist on the day of the shoot was Tian Tian. I really liked the makeup she helped me with. The false eyelashes would not feel uncomfortable at all. She took good care of me all day long. She changed her makeup and makeup very quickly. I like it so much! The photographer, Celine, was very chatty in the pre-communication process. I knew us from the chat, and I also knew that the other half was a shy and dull personality, so on the day of the shooting, I just asked me to play as much as I wanted, and he would capture the pictures next to us. I really had a lot of fun that day. I never thought that wedding photography could be so crazy. The faces are full of smiles from the heart. I really like this natural style! The final product is also perfect, exactly how we wanted it to feel! If you also like natural style photos, choosing cardamom will definitely meet your needs! Finally, thank you to all the cardamom team partners, thank you like friends for giving advice and helping us complete this wonderful journey, it is a very happy and unforgettable memory!
楊朝雄 on Google

(Translated by Google) Thanks to Sister Yixun of Cardamom and Sister Sammi for their enthusiastic introduction from the beginning, the communication of the whole service experience was smooth, and I look forward to the finished photos! 111.4.14 Share articles released At the beginning, my wife locked a few studios, including photography studios and well-known wedding dress companies. Cardamom was the second studio we negotiated with. At the beginning, it was Sister Yixun who introduced us. My sister would first let us know the general situation of the wedding. He also gave us direct advice and transparent information. Even some needs can be adjusted flexibly. Sister Xun also used his years of experience in the industry as a reference for us. We said that we will look at other wedding dresses later. The company is not stingy to tell us what to pay attention to, and we can compare it with each other. The first negotiation was very pleasant, and I thought that 80% of them would choose cardamom. As for why the following analysis ~ Later, I saw 2 well-known wedding dress companies with my wife. The wedding dresses are really beautiful and beautiful, but the price is really not very beautiful.... The important thing is the finished product of the photo. Although the wedding dress is beautiful, the photography style is different. It was completely unable to hit us. It was the kind of solemn and powerful studio shooting that everyone saw in the past. It was really different from the style we wanted. The wedding photos are almost there. So after communicating with my wife, it was too difficult to meet the beautiful wedding dress and the photography style I liked at the same time, but thinking of the finished product of cardamom, although the wedding dress is not the kind of well-known wedding dress with super beautiful handmade (and super expensive), but in fact With good photography, you can still shoot the wedding dress and the whole very beautifully! In addition, the finished cardamom has the texture of a magazine, a fresh and natural lively interaction, which we have not seen in several other stores, and it is also very in line with the style we want. So we canceled the third wedding dress company and asked Sister Xun if we could sign a contract at night~ That's right XD, and the price of cardamom is really very economical for us petty bourgeoisie!! And there is very flexible space , as long as you are willing to speak your mind to communicate~~ ※In cardamom, we can shoot our own story※ I think this is the greatest value of choosing cardamom. Although my wife and I have no story to tell XD, you will see that many sets of new products are very unique. Some people have photographed their growth memories and belong to them. The location and each group are so special that they are not like the wedding photos I have seen before! Before discussing with the photographer, the newcomer will be asked to make a plan. The plan is based on the location, wedding dress, style, makeup, and props you want to shoot. The more detailed you prepare, the more you can discuss with the photographer, the more you can achieve what you want! The photographer we want to be lively and fresh, with a Korean style, is "Mr. Yaowen". My wife and I have no particular idea of ​​where to shoot (usually too little to go out><),只知道大方向且4組都要外拍,耀文老師不嫌麻煩很用心跟我們推薦適合我們的外景、討論路程、跟他會用怎樣的方式拍攝,也會詢問我們會不會有在意那些拍照細節,我們是屬於只要照片好看調色、裁切、沒有置中也全可以接受。耀文老師也會很用心跟我們說髮型、西裝、配件、道具怎樣搭配,想到怎樣的想法都可以拿出來做討論! 在等待拍攝之前的作業上Sammi姊姊跟Ann都會幫我們打理好,提醒我們時間,想到什麼問題跟需要幫忙的也隨時在群組詢問都可以得到解答~所以可以放很空的交給他們,非常的讓人安心~~~敲時間非常有效率!禮服秘書sunny也非常的客氣有親和力的協助太太選擇了適合的禮服,大大節省了我們選擇障礙的時間! 到了拍攝當天我們搭配的造型師是「恬恬老師」,恬恬老師也是人非常的nice、過程中會好好照料我跟太太的妝髮,感覺像是有一個好朋友來協助我們一樣非常親切,也會很熱心幫助拍攝拿道具,替我們想idea怎樣拍比較漂亮。 我們拍攝的地點 1. 三芝villa sugar 2.滬尾漁港 3.水管公園 4.沙崙海水浴場,以上都是耀文老師給我們建議討論出來的XD,可惜當天沒有太多太陽跟藍天,當比起前後兩天下大雨我們已經是很幸運了,耀文老師用他的技術還是拍出了讓我們很喜歡的明亮感!而且同時我們也拍了非常多的風格,也感謝耀文老師一直耐心的引導,也很詼諧的會一直跟我們開玩笑,關心我們會不會累。 外拍反而不會累,因為就像是我們自己出去玩,但有人在旁邊幫你拍照、梳理髮型而已,耀文老師會引導我們去做一些動態他去捕捉,所以拍起來非常的順利且好玩~!!因為我們很少被拍照,有時候一些眼神、跟動作無法馬上到位,耀文老師會盡力的協助,達到我們想要的。 耀文老師、燈光師阿布、恬恬老師都非常親切的幫助我們,所以整天拍下來是非常愉快了,感謝他們給我們很棒的體驗跟回憶,成品我們也非常滿意!選擇荳蔻非常值得~~
林欣儀 on Google

111.04.20拍攝 111.04.19毛片分享 與男友決定結婚後,我就開始在網路上找遍自己想要的婚紗風格,曾經也想自助婚紗的我被荳蔻透明式的套餐價格給吸引了! 一開始Sammi姊和Ann非常熱情的招待我們,跟我們介紹了很多攝影師的作品及荳蔻極美的婚紗,當天與先生也立馬決定把婚紗照交給了荳蔻~ 在拍婚紗照之前Sammi姊和Ann有特別請新人製作一份企劃書,企劃書主要內容是要讓禮秘Sunny、新秘小米老師及攝影師耀文老師更了解新人想要的拍照風格,荳蔻也很貼心的幫新人開一個群組討論有關婚紗的事宜。 試婚紗這一天是禮秘Sunny為我們服務,Sunny也依照我的企劃書提供了幾件我喜愛風格的婚紗讓我試穿,只能說Sunny有夠會選,我試穿了不到10件就選到我心目中的婚紗了~過程中Sunny也會給我一些建議,選擇適合的拍照景點的婚紗。 接下來跟耀文老師進一步的攝影溝通,耀文老師也提供了很多不同的想法給我們,害我在溝通的過程腦子裡充滿著很多的幻想,拍照的當天在耀文老師的指導下,過程有夠搞笑,全程在歡笑中渡過了一整天的拍攝。 拍攝當天最不可缺少的靈魂角色新祕-小米,在她的巧手之下,我彷彿從童話故事裡走出來的公主,超級欣賞小米編出來的髮型,讓我變成超有氣質,喜歡讚讚!
ivy lee on Google

《喜歡荳蔻清新自然的攝影風格,一條龍的專業服務省去不少做功課的時間》 當初在做功課的時候,原本是想預約個人工作室(因為可以檔案全拿),但是發現了個人工作室通常都是跟好幾家禮服公司做配合(方案價格也會不一樣)。然後兩邊你再去敲定檔期做配合。想要預約試穿禮服,禮服工作室通常會希望你先有明確的婚期時間再去做預約。對於有點懶得做功課、又還沒決定婚期、只是想先拍個照片的新娘來說實在有一點麻煩。在網路研究了一下,發現荳蔻本來就是攝影起家的,不同的攝影風格他們幾乎都會,也符合我想要檔案全拿的需求,方案價格透明公開在網路上就查得到。再來就是他們有自己的新娘禮服(很美!不輸禮服公司,沒有加價禮服的問題,都可以挑選)等於我只要對一個窗口就好了!於是我馬上拉著先生預約了第一次諮詢。 接待我們的是奕勛姐姐與Sammi姐姐,介紹方案講解清楚,本來其實沒有要馬上決定,因為婚紗包套內容沒有完全符合我們的需求,原因是不一定會宴客,覺得到時候沒有用到禮服很可惜。(沒有考慮婚紗單拍的原因是檔案無全拿,需要再加價,加一加價格跟婚紗包套差一點而已,而且拍攝的套數也比較少) 最後打動我們讓我們決定下訂的原因是方案能按照客戶需求做微調,我們最後是拍攝四套禮服,宴客保留一套禮服租用,讓我看到荳蔻的貼心跟誠意。(但是若有超時的部分還是要額外付費啦,不過我跟先生可以接受所以就沒關係)有特殊需求可以提出來與他們做討論。 我跟先生沒有特別想要去哪裡拍攝,想要背景有草地、海邊然後拍經典的仙女棒就差不多了。我們的攝影師是耀文老師,在規劃拍攝場地方面也會建議我們要怎麼跑比較順暢跟比較不會超時。最後我們順利在沒有超時的情況下在荳蔻棚內、砲台公園跟沙崙海灘完成四套禮服的拍攝。 耀文老師幽默風趣很會帶動氣氛,也很會指導動作要怎麼擺才會好看。拍攝過程充滿歡笑,沒想到可以用像玩樂的方式完成拍照。新秘小米老師細心又體貼,幫我做的造型跟妝容我都非常喜歡。燈光師阿布為了讓我們拍出漂亮的照片也是忙來忙去真是辛苦了。 沒有特別比價,也許荳蔻提供的方案內容跟價錢不是最漂亮的,但是整體的消費體驗還是蠻不錯的,看到成品也覺得滿意。謝謝荳蔻全體工作人員用心專業的服務,讓我跟先生能有一次愉快的拍照體驗。
"I like the fresh and natural photography style of cardamom, one-stop professional service saves a lot of time for homework" When I was doing my homework, I originally wanted to make an appointment for a personal studio (because I could get all the files), but I found that the personal studio usually cooperates with several dress companies (the price of the plan will also be different). Then you go to the two sides to finalize the schedule for cooperation. To make an appointment to try on a dress, the dress studio will usually want you to have a specific wedding date before making an appointment. It's a bit of a hassle for a bride who is a little too lazy to do her homework, has not decided on a wedding date, and just wants to take a photo first. I researched on the Internet and found that cardamom was originally a photography, and they can almost all have different photography styles. They also meet my needs of getting all the files. The price of the plan is transparent and open on the Internet. Next is that they have their own bridal dresses (very beautiful! No matter the dress company, there is no problem of increasing the price of dresses, you can choose them), which means that I only need to face one window! So I immediately took Mr. to make an appointment for the first consultation. We were greeted by Sister Yixun and Sister Sammi. The plan was explained clearly. Actually, we didn’t have to make a decision immediately, because the content of the wedding package did not fully meet our needs. The reason was that it would not necessarily be a banquet. It is a pity. (The reason for not considering the single wedding photo is that the files are not available, and the price needs to be increased. The price of adding one plus is only a little bit less than the wedding package, and the number of sets taken is relatively small.) In the end, the reason why we decided to place an order was that the plan could be fine-tuned according to customer needs. We finally shot four sets of dresses, and the banquet guests kept one set for rent, which showed me the thoughtfulness and sincerity of Cardamom. (But if there is an overtime part, there is still an extra fee, but my husband and I can accept it, so it doesn't matter.) If you have special needs, you can ask them to discuss. My husband and I don't particularly want to go where to shoot. We just want to have a background of grass and the beach and then shoot the classic fairy stick. Our photographer is Mr. Yaowen, and in planning the shooting location, he will also advise us on how to run more smoothly and not overtime. In the end, we successfully completed the shooting of four dresses in the Cardamom Shed, Battery Park and Sharon Beach without time-out. Mr. Yaowen's humor and wit can bring the atmosphere, and he is very good at instructing how to put the movements to look good. The shooting process was full of laughter, and I didn't expect to be able to complete the photo in a fun-like way. The new secretary, Mr. Xiaomi, is attentive and considerate. I really like the styling and makeup that she helped me with. Abu, the lighting engineer, was also busy in order to let us take beautiful photos. It was really hard. There is no special price comparison. Maybe the content and price of the plan provided by Cardamom are not the most beautiful, but the overall consumption experience is quite good, and I am satisfied with the finished product. Thank you to all the staff at Cardamom for their dedicated and professional service, allowing me and my husband to have a pleasant photo-taking experience.
YICHIH LIN on Google

✶小清新!自然活潑互動感!♥婚紗照首選荳蔻攝影♥ 111.4.6 拍攝 111.5.8 毛片出爐分享文 當初在決定要拍婚紗時,就開始上網選了幾家風格不錯的,其中一家就是荳蔻,在諮詢當天是奕勛姐協助負責招待我們,跟我們介紹了婚紗拍攝的風格,攝影師的拍攝手法,新秘的妝感等等細節,在我們看完價格及參觀禮服後,我跟老公當下討論過後覺得價格有符合我們的預算,禮服也很漂亮,拍照的風格也是我們喜愛的,就決定將拍婚紗照交給荳蔻了。 其中,拍婚紗前荳蔻也會請新人製作企劃書,企劃書內容主要是為了讓禮秘、新秘老師及攝影師更了解我們喜歡的風格,喜歡什麼的樣式的禮服、妝髮、想拍攝的景點等等,企劃書的內容越詳細就能貼近自己想要拍攝出的風格。 荳蔻也會將新人加入一個群組,有任何問題都可以詢問,Sammi姐跟Ann也都會細心地替我們解答,也會貼心的在拍照前一天提醒我們需要注意的小細節。真的是揪甘心♥~ 試婚紗這天是禮秘Sunny幫我接洽服務的,她也會依照企劃書先挑了幾件適合我的給我試穿,試穿後也會拉好裙擺呈現禮服最美的樣子,給陪同的朋友看並且拍照,好讓我們紀錄哪件禮服是我們喜歡的,我不下試穿了快20件禮服吧~ Sunny真的很有耐心及細心地一一解說每件禮服的特色給我,也會適時地給予我建議:) 另外拍照前也還會再約攝影老師來做進一步恰談,溝通拍照當天的內容細節,我們攝影老師是選耀文老師,討論過程中,老師真的不斷提供我們很多想法及建議我們道具可以準備些什麼,結果我們準備了一大箱行李箱外加好幾袋的小道具,就知道我們多期待老師會幫我們拍攝出專屬於我們美照了! 由於我們想拍攝的地點是在宜蘭老家,評估過路程以後,一早先棚拍,拍完以後出發去宜蘭 第一站是大溪車站,其次依序是堪稱最美籃球場、大安廟前平交道、大溪國小以及蜜月灣海邊,以上都是我們自己提供給耀文老師我們想拍攝的地點,及找尋一些我們想呈現的風格照片給老師,可惜當天沒有什麼太陽跟藍天,但比起下雨天,稍微陰天的感覺也讓我們覺得算是幸運了,畢竟就不會滿頭大汗了呀哈哈,畢竟陰天有陰天的美,謝謝耀文老師不斷的用他的幽默來化解我們的緊張,並且很會指導及引導我們動作,如何讓我們放鬆拍照,真的是所謂的邊拍邊玩,讓我們可以呈現出很活潑自然的一面,也可以變的很唯美浪漫,即便不起眼的地方也都能在老師的巧手下拍出美美的照片,實在是真的很棒!推推推爆耀文老師了! 燈光師生哥也是個很細心又負責任,隨時在一旁幫我們整理場地、擺設拍照的小道具,留意新郎衣服跟新娘裙擺,在我們拍照的過程中,也是幫忙我們顧貴重物品,細心的幫我們拿大小包道具,不管在棚內還是棚外也都會貼心的幫新人看頭看尾,整理和清點我們帶的道具,結束拍攝回到攝影棚,也不忘幫忙我們善後這些道具,真的貼心到不行。 新秘是恬恬老師,在一開始看新秘作品時就深深的被恬恬老師的編髮及妝感給吸引住!老師真的是很厲害,貼心的跟我溝通我喜歡的妝髮,拍照當天也是細心的幫我調整眼型,我是個大小眼很明顯的人,在看老師調整的過程中,也會跟新人說明為什麼要這麼做或是為什麼要多畫哪些細節,讓人感到很安心。朋友對於我當天拍攝的妝也很稱讚,每一套禮服所髮型都搭配都讓我好喜歡,回家後一度捨不得卸妝。可惜在1/1下訂荳蔻時,恬恬老師就已經沒有檔期了,無緣在結婚當天可以讓老師再次服務。拍攝的過程中,恬恬老師還很貼心的幫我們側錄很多可愛的小花絮,畢竟當天真的手機幾乎不在身上,結束後看到老師拍的短片時,真的是又驚又喜呀:) 拍攝完約3-4週,可以收到照片,看到毛片的當天真的是沒讓我們失望,好喜歡拍出來自然感,活潑且非常生活化,選照片時都會有選擇障礙,每一張都好想入本,每套都有拍攝出不一樣的感覺及風格,也都有我們想要的和互動感,這種照片以後還是很耐看!!掛在家裡放在手機裡當桌布都好好看的那種,身邊朋友對於我們分享的毛片也都給予高度的讚賞及好評。 整個過程中荳蔻的人都非常的親切及耐心,喜歡拍攝互動自然的新人真的!真的!超級大推荳蔻攝影工作室,當然唯美感俏皮感,荳蔻的攝影老師們都可以竭盡所能地幫新人拍出屬於他們喜愛的風格。 謝謝我們當初選擇了荳蔻,團隊成就了我們這美好的婚紗照片。
✶ Small and fresh! Natural and lively interaction! ♥Preferred cardamom photography for wedding photos♥ 111.4.6 Shooting 111.5.8 Share articles released When I decided to shoot a wedding dress, I started to choose a few good styles on the Internet. One of them was Cardamom. On the day of the consultation, Sister Yixun assisted us in hosting us, and introduced us the style of wedding photography and the photographer's shooting techniques. , Xinmi's makeup and other details, after we read the price and visited the dress, I discussed it with my husband and felt that the price was in line with our budget, the dress was also very beautiful, and the style of taking pictures was also our favorite, so I decided to put The wedding photos are handed over to Cardamom. Among them, Cardamom will also invite newcomers to make a plan before the wedding. The content of the plan is mainly to let the ceremony secretary, the new secretary teacher and the photographer know more about the style we like, what style of dress, makeup and hair we like, and what we want to shoot. Attractions, etc., the more detailed the content of the plan, the closer to the style you want to shoot. Cardamom will also add newcomers to a group. If you have any questions, you can ask them. Sister Sammi and Ann will answer them carefully for us, and they will remind us of the small details that need to be paid attention to the day before the photo is taken. I'm really happy ♥~ On the wedding day, the ceremony secretary, Sunny, helped me contact the service. She would also choose a few pieces suitable for me to try on according to the plan. After trying on the dress, she would also pull up the skirt to show the most beautiful look of the dress and accompany her. My friends watched and took pictures, so that we could record which dress we liked. I tried on almost 20 dresses~ Sunny is really patient and careful to explain the characteristics of each dress to me, and also Will give me advice in due course :) In addition, before taking the photo, I will invite the photography teacher for further small talk to communicate the details of the day of the photo shoot. Our photography teacher is Teacher Yaowen. During the discussion, the teacher really constantly provided us with a lot of ideas and suggestions. We can prepare props What, as a result, we prepared a large suitcase and several bags of props, and we knew how much we expected the teacher to help us take beautiful photos that are unique to us! Since the location we want to shoot is in our hometown in Yilan, after evaluating the distance, we will shoot in the studio early in the morning, and then set off for Yilan after shooting. The first stop is Daxi Station, followed by the most beautiful basketball court, the level crossing in front of Da'an Temple, Daxi Elementary School and the seaside of Honeymoon Bay. These are the locations we provided to Mr. Yaowen that we wanted to shoot, and Looking for some style photos we want to present to the teacher, unfortunately there is no sun and blue sky that day, but compared to rainy days, the feeling of a slightly cloudy day also makes us feel lucky, after all, we will not sweat profusely haha, After all, cloudy days have the beauty of cloudy days. Thank you Mr. Yaowen for constantly using his humor to relieve our tension, and he is very good at instructing and guiding our actions. How to let us relax and take pictures is really the so-called shooting while playing, It allows us to show a very lively and natural side, but also to be very beautiful and romantic. Even in inconspicuous places, we can take beautiful photos under the teacher's skillful hands. It is really great! Tweet Tweet Teacher Yaowen! The lighting teacher and student brother is also very careful and responsible. He is always on the side to help us organize the venue, arrange small props for taking pictures, pay attention to the groom's clothes and the bride's skirt, and also help us take care of our valuables during the process of taking pictures. We take large and small bags of props, whether inside or outside the shed, we will help the newcomers to look at the beginning and the end, organize and count the props we brought, and return to the studio after the shooting, and do not forget to help us deal with the aftermath of these props, really It's too intimate. The new secret is Mr. Tian Tian. When I first saw the works of the new secret, I was deeply attracted by Mr. Tian's hair and makeup! The teacher is really amazing. He communicated with me intimately about the makeup and hair I liked. On the day of the photo shoot, he also carefully helped me adjust my eye shape. It's reassuring to explain why you're doing this or what details you need to draw more. My friends also praised the makeup I took that day. I liked the hairdos and hairstyles of each dress so much that I was reluctant to remove my makeup when I got home. It's a pity that when I ordered cardamom under 1/1, Mr. Tian Tian had no schedule, so he didn't have the chance to let the teacher serve again on the wedding day. During the filming, Mr. Tian Tian also kindly helped us to record a lot of cute little tidbits. After all, the real mobile phone was almost not with him. When I saw the short film made by the teacher after the end, I was really surprised and happy: ) About 3-4 weeks after shooting, we can receive photos. The day we saw the film did not let us down. I really want to enter this book, each set has a different feeling and style, and it also has what we want and a sense of interaction. This kind of photos will still be very attractive in the future! ! Hanging it at home and putting it on the mobile phone as a tablecloth looks good, and the friends around us also highly appreciate and praise the raw films we share. During the whole process, the people from Cardamom were very kind and patient, and they really like to shoot newcomers who interact naturally! real! Super push cardamom photography studio, of course, aesthetic and playful, cardamom photography teachers can do their best to help newcomers shoot their favorite style. Thank you for choosing cardamom, the team made this beautiful wedding photo.
Kingka Lau on Google

[email protected] Chen on Google

Mamura Khodjaeva on Google

Never rent any dress here! Booked a dress month ago with no issues, and one week before my big day the dress has visible issues! One star for returning my money but not my time.

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