谷公館當代藝術有限公司 - Taipei City

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 谷公館當代藝術有限公司

地址 :

105, Taiwan, Taipei City, Songshan District, 敦化南路1段21號 4號谷公館當代藝術有限公司樓之2

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : https://michaelkugallery.com/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
城市 : Songshan District

105, Taiwan, Taipei City, Songshan District, 敦化南路1段21號 4號谷公館當代藝術有限公司樓之2
PoJu Ho on Google

{ 19:00 } 「19:00」藝術家如何重新思考在畫廊呈現展出的概念,命題「19:00」是一般畫廊休息的時間,讓大家彷彿走進一個窺視下班後的畫廊空間,一走進空間的第一件作品《()》兩座彎腰的路燈燈座,好像迎接來到空間的觀眾,也像建築史上「闕」的概念,像是走進另一道門的意象,走進空間中看到許多像是傳統理髮廳門口的轉燈,不同彩色的轉燈裝置,上方是許多大型廠房會使用的抽風系統裝置,育樺姊分享,因為藝術家住家附近有家五金材料店就專門販售這個裝置,所以決定要用這個裝置做一件作品《轉轉》利用許多掛在建築外觀的室外機、抽風系統及轉燈裝置,讓空間翻轉了「內」與「外」的微妙關係,平常只會在戶外看到的這些裝置,反轉到了室內空間呈現,還有兩座轉彎的通風口,讓看似生硬的工業裝置,彎曲的模樣,打破這些室外機規矩矩形的造型。 再轉進空間中,看到地上的一直旋轉的裝置作品《蝴蝶》是傳統市場或自助餐店常會看到的驅蚊、驅蒼蠅的裝置,用蓋菜的網蓋,裡面放置了現成物的花卉鬱金香和人工草皮,用菜蓋隔絕了在外面盤旋的蝴蝶,一種幽默詼諧方式去讓物件對話,再一旁的尿尿小童原型是比利時的尿尿小童雕塑,看到對著牆角尿尿的姿態,觀眾可以從後方窺視《尿尿小童》,也可以看到有點變扭腳微微的彎曲的害羞姿態,走進暗房空間的作品《Waiting》許多錯落在牆面上不同高度的放大鏡,映照在牆面上倒返外部空間的裝置作品《()》及《轉轉》,可以從不同的放大鏡裡看到針孔原理的影像投射在牆面上,另外走進暗房空間會聽到燒火的聲音,是一台筆電螢幕向著牆角,倒映在牆面上的火光,在今天有點冷的天氣,都感覺到好像有一絲絲的溫暖感的作品《火》,很精彩的幾件作品,感覺到藝術家對於生活的觀察紀錄後的轉化,運用現成物也結合過去雕塑系的背景創作出比較縮小比例的空間裝置,很是喜歡,這樣富有幽默感又趣味的創作。 /// 谷公館 Michael Ku Gallery 石孟鑫 個展 /// #谷公館 #石孟鑫 #個展 #現成物 #裝置 #轉轉 #蝴蝶 #waiting #火 #exhibition #taiwanartist #taipeigallery #michaelkugallery #展覽 #跟著寶珠去看展 #跟著寶珠看展去 #跟著寶珠去旅行
{19:00} "19:00" How does the artist rethink the concept of exhibiting in galleries. The proposition "19:00" is the time for ordinary galleries to rest. It makes everyone feel as if they walk into a gallery space after work, and the first step into the space is In the work "()", the two stooped street lamp holders seem to welcome the audience who come to the space, and also like the concept of "que" in the history of architecture, like the image of walking into another door, and you can see many in the space Like the turning light at the entrance of a traditional barbershop, different colored turning light installations, above are the ventilation system installations that many large factories will use, Yu Hua shared, because there is a hardware store near the artist’s home that sells this installation. So I decided to use this installation to make a piece of work "Zuan Zhuan" using many outdoor units, ventilation systems and turning light installations hanging on the exterior of the building to make the space flip the subtle relationship between "inside" and "outside". These devices seen outdoors are inverted to the indoor space, and there are two turning vents, so that the seemingly rigid industrial devices, curved appearance, break the regular rectangular shape of these outdoor units. Turn into the space again, and see the constantly rotating installation "Butterfly" on the ground is a mosquito-repellent and flies-repellent device often seen in traditional markets or buffets. It is covered with a vegetable-covered net and placed ready-made flowers inside Tulips and artificial turf, with a vegetable cover to isolate the circling butterflies outside, a humorous way to allow objects to talk to each other, and the pee boy on the side is a sculpture of a pee boy in Belgium. Seeing the gesture of peeing against the corner, The audience can peek at "Peeing Boy" from the rear, and can also see the shy posture of twisted feet slightly curved. The work "Waiting" that walks into the darkroom space has many magnifying glasses of different heights scattered on the wall, reflecting on the wall The installation works "( )" and "Zuan Zhuan", which are reverted to the outer space, can be seen from different magnifying glasses. The image of the pinhole principle is projected on the wall. In addition, when you enter the darkroom space, you will hear the sound of fire. The screen of the laptop is facing the corner, and the light reflected on the wall, in today’s a bit cold weather, I feel as if there is a touch of warmth in the work "Fire", a few very wonderful works, I feel that the artist has a sense of life After the transformation of observation and recording, the use of ready-made objects also combined with the background of the past sculpture department to create a smaller scale space installation. I like it very much, such a humorous and interesting creation. /// Valley Mansion Michael Ku Gallery Shi Mengxin Solo Exhibition /// #谷公馆 #石孟鑫 #solo exhibition #出成物 #installation #转转 #蝶 #waiting #火 #exhibition #taiwanartist #taipeigallery #michaelkugallery #展 #跟着宝珠去看展 #跟着宝珠看展去 # Follow Baozhu to travel
Yen Winnie on Google

服務人員會抓剛剛好的距離,讓人沒有壓迫感 展覽空間不大不小剛剛好,擺設的方式讓空間很可愛 空間在大樓內,需要刷大樓與該空間的QRCODE實聯制入場唷
The service staff will grasp just the right distance, so that people do not feel oppressive The exhibition space is just right, and the way of decoration makes the space very cute The space is in the building, you need to swipe the QRCODE of the building and the space to enter the venue

展題很棒 現場人員也很熱心的解說 得到一個很愉快的下午
The exhibition title is great The on-site personnel are also very enthusiastic to explain Have a nice afternoon
葉培靈 on Google

隱身在綠意濃蔭的敦化南路上的畫廊,在作家三毛過世三十週年後,辦了(三毛,1976謝春德攝影展) 看了四十多年前攝影家鏡頭下的三毛,心想就是她,永遠的偶像,永遠做自己。在那戒嚴封閉的年代,當時的學子藉由她的筆,看到寬廣的世界,為心靈找到出口,原來人可以像她一樣活著。
The gallery hidden on the green Dunhua South Road was opened after the 30th anniversary of the death of the writer Sanmao (Sanmao, 1976 Xie Chunde Photography Exhibition). I want to be her, always an idol, and always be yourself. In the era of martial law, the students at that time saw the vast world with her pen and found a way out for the soul. It turns out that people can live like her.
Zoe.C on Google

三毛,1976 |謝春德攝影展 9/26-11/14, 2021 「在我有生之日,做一個真誠的人,不放棄對生活的熱愛和執著,在有限的空間裡過無限廣大的日子。」#愛三毛
San Mao, 1976 | Xie Chunde Photography Exhibition 9/26-11/14, 2021 "On the day I am alive, be a sincere person, don't give up the love and dedication to life, and live an infinitely vast life in a limited space." #爱三毛
Michelle Ko on Google

一直很喜歡三毛, 這次有“三毛,1976”不能錯過, 這是謝春德攝影師為了紀念三毛逝世30周年的攝影特展,這些相片是他於1976年專為三毛拍攝的, 每片白淨的牆上沒有任何裝飾,很高興只有三毛, 除了相片,還看到當年三毛給攝影師的信件內容,她沒有想到,跟她不熟識的攝影師竟能把她裏面的自己也了拍出來,很喜歡,她就是一個很真的人, 也有全家福的相片及三毛母親口述自己及擁有這個家,兒孫們的幸福與滿足, 懷著朝聖的心情觀看,服務人員主動提醒,館內允許拍照,太感謝了, 有些相片內會反映它幅的相片,附上我拍的第一張相片,是三毛在藍天下跳耀的“塵揚”,反映著對面那張,三毛坐在紅色沙地上的“想起了”,成了三毛裏的三毛, 附上拍的第二張,在三毛“獨白”裏,有我黑色身形,真是榮幸, 看展當中,有位女性粉絲,難掩興奮之情,想跟展覽相片合拍,但惋惜穿得不夠美,應是想和偶像相片留下一份美麗吧! 非常感激謝春德先生不藏私,把這麼珍貴又有生命的相片拿出來分享, 也感謝谷公館的展室開放 , 讓人擁有美好時刻, 展期到110/11/14,想去看者,請把握最後兩天時間
I have always liked Sanmao, This time there is "Sanmao, 1976" that cannot be missed, This is a special exhibition of photography by Xie Chunde photographer to commemorate the 30th anniversary of San Mao’s death. These photos were taken for San Mao in 1976. There is no decoration on each white wall, I am very happy that there are only three hairs, In addition to the photos, she also saw the content of Sanmao’s letters to the photographer. She did not expect that a photographer who was not acquainted with her would be able to take pictures of herself in her. She liked it very much. She was a very real person. There are also family portraits and Sanmao’s mother dictating herself and the happiness and satisfaction of the children and grandchildren who own this family. Watching in a pilgrimage mood, the service staff took the initiative to remind that photography is allowed in the museum, thank you very much, Some photos will reflect its photos. The first photo I took is attached to Sanmao’s "dust" dancing under the blue sky, reflecting the opposite picture, Sanmao sitting on the red sand, "Remembering了", became the Sanmao of Sanmao, Attached to the second shot, in Sanmao’s "Monologue", I have my black figure. It’s a great honor. During the exhibition, a female fan couldn't hide her excitement and wanted to co-shoot with the exhibition photos, but regretted that she didn't dress well enough, so she wanted to leave a beautiful picture with the idol photos! I am very grateful to Mr. Xie Chunde for not hiding himself, and sharing such precious and living photos. Thanks also to the opening of the exhibition room of Mansion Gu, Let people have good moments, The exhibition will last until 110/11/14. Those who want to see, please grasp the time of the last two days
Melanie Chueh on Google

Good place
Caspar Yu on Google

Art / show plaza, there usually has photography exhibition or the other art show

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