經典數位印刷 吉祥店 - Songshan District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 經典數位印刷 吉祥店

地址 :

105, Taiwan, Taipei City, Songshan District, Jixiang Rd, 39號經典數位印刷 吉祥店

電話 : 📞 +887789
網站 : http://www.jdprinting.com.tw/
城市 : Jixiang Rd

105, Taiwan, Taipei City, Songshan District, Jixiang Rd, 39號經典數位印刷 吉祥店
Jessica Lee on Google

我都是直接用E-mail傳檔案,就可以直接在預定時間前往取件即可,之前有幾次檔案有問題,店員也都會很貼心地告訴我,並給我建議說怎麼做會比較好,真的跟外面的影印店差很多,之前遇過有問題也直接印,害我多花一次錢……或是就把檔案丟回來給我,只跟我說檔案不行,但我不知道哪裡不行啊T_T 所以即使距離比較遠,但我只要有需要,我都會特地到這家店, 門市不大,去的時候總是擠滿了客人,同時又有電話聲不斷響起,整個忙碌到不行,但即使如此,店員仍然非常有耐心,並且親切有條理地服務每一位顧客,讓我打從心底佩服到不行啊! 要是我早就忙到臭臉了吧XD 看到有評論說店員耍大牌,真的很替店員打抱不平,開幕至今我每個月至少都會去一次,只要公司或私下要印東西都會來這裡,從來沒看過店員態度不好,也有遇過幾次客人抱怨為什麼不能馬上取件,店員都還是很有耐心的解釋,除了現場顧客以外,另外也還有信件和電話等案件需要處理,一切都是按照排單順序,其實我自己是覺得他們交件速度真的很快了,我之前去別家等的天數都比這裡久,真的拜託那些人,不要覺得自己花了錢就什麼事都理所當然好嗎?很急很急,大家都很急啊! 阿如果你真的很急,你就應該提早來不是嗎? 人家做東西也需要時間阿,又不是變魔術就變出來對吧!? 不過如此忙碌店員卻只有兩位,有時候甚至只有一位,真的常常會替店員擔心是否有辦法負荷啊!!! 真心建議貴公司應該要再多請一位員工,除了分擔工作讓他們不要這麼辛苦,我相信一定可以提升工作效率,讓這家店更好的!!!
I always use E-mail to send the files directly, and then I can go to pick up the files directly at the scheduled time. There have been problems with the files several times before, and the clerk will also tell me very intimately and give me suggestions on how to do it. , It’s really much different from the photocopying shop outside. I had a problem before and I printed it directly, causing me to spend an extra time...or just threw the file back to me, just told me that the file is not good, but I don’t know where No, T_T. So even if the distance is far away, I will visit this store specially as long as I need it. The store is not big. When I go there are always crowded with customers. At the same time, the phone keeps ringing. The whole thing is too busy. But even so, the clerk is still very patient and serves every customer in a kind and organized manner. Admire it from the bottom of my heart! If I’ve been so busy, XD, I saw some comments that the clerk was playing a big name, and it really helped the clerk. Since the opening, I will go there at least once a month, as long as the company or privately want it. I’ve always come here for printing things. I’ve never seen the clerk’s bad attitude, and I have encountered several customers complaining about why they can’t pick up the item immediately. The clerk still patiently explained. In addition to the on-site customers, there are also cases such as letters and phone calls. It needs to be dealt with. Everything is in the order of the list. In fact, I feel that they are really fast in handing over the documents. The number of days I have been waiting at other homes is longer than here. I really ask those people and don’t think I have spent it. Money is a matter of course, okay? Very urgent, very urgent, everyone is very anxious! If you are really anxious, you should come early, shouldn’t you? People need time to do things, and they change without magic. Come out right!? However, there are only two such busy shop assistants, sometimes even only one. I really often worry about whether there is a way to load it for the shop assistants!!! I sincerely suggest that your company should hire one more employee, except for sharing the work. With such hard work, I believe that work efficiency can be improved and this store will be better!!!
旻ㄓ on Google

撲克牌印刷效果非常棒!!男店員態度認真積極? 要印刷撲克牌可以找他們!!價格公道
Playing card printing works great! ! The male clerk has a serious and positive attitude? Find them for printing playing cards! ! Reasonable price
claire liu on Google

不知道這種連鎖店是不是有老闆的 還是放任職員們裝大牌。連使用大台訂書機裝釘一下報告書都有到隔天的下午1點⋯⋯也不是不付錢,可能案子太小錢太少看不起人吧。因為趕才會使用訂書機呀⋯⋯⋯不然整本給你印也更慢不是嗎?
I don't know if this kind of chain has a boss or let the staff pretend to be big names. Even using a large stapler to staple the report is until 1 pm the next day...It's not that you don't pay, maybe the case is too small and too little money to look down on people. I use the stapler because I’m in a hurry...otherwise it will be slower to print the entire copy, isn’t it?
hsiaochi chang on Google

I have been there many times, even though I have met several different service staff, they are all very good, patient and careful. The communication between output and cutting is also very clear. The output has common color difference, within the normal range, it is a rare output printing shop I can find.
zheya jiang on Google

服務非常好,店員小姐(頭髮到肩瘦瘦的)很專業,動作很迅速,一個人要顧店又要接電話 老闆看到的話請幫她加薪
Alice Ko on Google

新年快樂!謝謝動作快速的店員小姐?我趕時間但前面有人在使用電腦,店員小姐馬上請我用email寄檔案到櫃臺電腦另外幫我印,連操作設定都直接幫我做好,不到5分鐘熱騰騰的文件到手?當然也要正好手機裡有檔案才能配合。 拿了名片,以後可以先寄檔案預約,再過去取貨?。 剛搬到附近,之前都是去超商印貴貴的,以後都來這家了?? 唯一小建議是在位學校旁邊,店面空間其實也不小,但卻只有一台公用電腦,真的很容易塞車?
Happy New Year! Thank you for the fast clerk ? I was in a hurry but someone was using the computer in front of me. The clerk immediately asked me to email the file to the computer at the counter and help me print it. Even the operation settings were directly done for me. It was hot in less than 5 minutes. The files are in hand ? Of course, you have to have files in your phone to cooperate. After taking the business card, you can send the file to make an appointment in the future, and then go to pick up the goods?. I just moved to the neighborhood, I used to go to the supermarket to print expensive, but I will come here later?? The only small suggestion is to be next to the school, the store space is not small, but there is only one public computer, it is really easy to get traffic jams?
Jen Jason on Google

Speedy service and super polite store manager. Can also add the store representative on Skype and contact them directly with any questions or orders.
Dez - on Google

There are a few more printing shops nearby, if only the male clerk is in, try another store. The female clerk is very friendly, helpful, speedy. Willing to solve any problems with the layout. The machines are new, fast. Service says it all, and the price is cheap too for large volumes. I like how it has a glass wall so you can see outside instead of being clamored in cartridge aroma. However, if you get the male clerk, you'd be on your own, the dude can't/unwilling to do basic editing, asks you to service yourself... kinda hard if you're printing double sided and this ain't your machine.

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