防水抓漏飛鼠工程有限公司 - Lane 123

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Contact 防水抓漏飛鼠工程有限公司

地址 :

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 123, Tonghua St, 38號防水抓漏飛鼠工程有限公司

電話 : 📞 +887779
網站 : https://www.leakproof.tw/
城市 : Tonghua St

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 123, Tonghua St, 38號防水抓漏飛鼠工程有限公司
Wen-Yao Lin on Google

The actual construction is completed and the roof leakage problem is solved. Very professional, responsible, and affordable. Recommend! !
Yvonne Liu on Google

有別於一般的抓漏師傅,揹了專業的儀器來,先打開熱水讓水管充滿熱水,再用熱像儀判斷水管位置,另外用來偵測水壓的是誤差值較小的數位式儀器,很快就抓出來是熱水管破裂,並依樓下漏水位置先預判可能破裂處。 這次的經驗真是令人驚艷,原來抓漏可以這麼科學!
Different from the general leak catcher, he carried a professional instrument on his back. First, turn on the hot water to fill the pipe with hot water, and then use the thermal imager to determine the position of the pipe. In addition, it is used to detect the water pressure with a smaller error value. It was quickly discovered that the hot water pipe was broken, and the leaking location downstairs was used to predict the possible rupture. The experience this time is really amazing, it turns out that catching leaks can be so scientific!
鄭淑分 on Google

I am a resident of Taoyuan. From June 106 to June 107, water leaked between the pipes in my house. It has been impossible to resolve the problem for up to a year. The lawsuit upstairs has also lasted a long time. After the test, I came to Taoyuan from Daan District, Taipei to help. Master used a long pipe instrument to take in-depth photo inspections from the second-floor pipe room, and took photos of the leaks to make a disc, so that I could know where the leaks were. They brought this new technological instrument to check, not only to accurately find the pipe breaks, but also to let the hydropower master who came to the construction, after watching the CD-ROM, you can immediately repair the leaks and leaks, which saved me a lot. cost. Thank you Wang Shouyu, Flying Squirrel Engineer.
Chia-ling Chang on Google

Thank you master for helping to confirm the leakage. The equipment and explanation are very professional. I am sorry to let you go south to Hsinchu for a long time to help!
Fizzy on Google

病急亂投醫的結果就是花大錢,還是治不好病。網站上講的很厲害,評價看起來也很好,實際上與一般抓漏沒什麼不同,不如找一個比較好的抓漏師傅來處理。 如他們網站上介紹的,所謂的儀器是“輔助”,意思就是無法靠儀器來判斷問題點,只能輔助,判斷大概的原因。紅外線熱顯像儀也不是想像中的那樣厲害,畢竟它只是偵測表面溫度,有磁磚的地方無法偵測,水泥牆太厚也無法偵測,試問還有多少地方是可以偵測的? 服務團隊是友善的,錢收的很多,但並不會幫你完整的測試所有可能的問題點,最後當然是找不出問題,這就是我覺得他們不專業也不敬業的地方,若真的要找他們,建議要求他們先列出所有會測試的項目,逐一檢視,而不是讓他們隨便測一測就交差了事了。
The result of rushing to the doctor is to spend a lot of money, but the disease cannot be cured. The website is very good, and the evaluation looks very good. In fact, it is no different from general catching. It is better to find a better catching master to deal with it. As introduced on their website, the so-called instrument is "assisted", which means that the instrument cannot be used to determine the problem, but only assistance to determine the approximate cause. The infrared thermal imaging camera is not as powerful as expected. After all, it only detects the surface temperature. It cannot detect where there are tiles, and it cannot detect if the concrete wall is too thick. How many places can be detected? The service team is friendly and collects a lot of money, but it will not help you to test all possible problems completely. In the end, of course, no problems can be found. This is what I think they are not professional and dedicated. To find them, it is recommended to ask them to list all the items that will be tested first, and review them one by one, instead of letting them just take a random test.
Hsiao-Lan Chen on Google

The quality is very poor, and if I forget what I have explained, I will just pretend it is okay, very unpleasant, and the price is high, I really get angry with the money!
Chris Lee on Google

The master is careful and responsible, can understand the inconvenience of running out of water, and try to cooperate as much as possible. During the epidemic, it is especially commendable.
rienzi wagner on Google

高度專業抓漏,器具一應俱全。單單測溼度就可以有表層、3公分和7公分深三種儀器數據,對涉及上下樓的委託客戶非常有說服力。 收費雖高,絕對物超所值。 王主任經驗老練,助手配合嫻熟。兩位都態度從容,回應客戶,耐心反覆測試,為委託人解決困境。建議有抓漏需要者聘用,能務實呈現問題所在,得到信賴。
Highly professional leak catcher, all equipment is available. The humidity measurement alone can have three types of instrument data: surface layer, 3 cm and 7 cm depth, which is very convincing to the entrusted customers who are involved in going up and downstairs. Although the fees are high, it is definitely worth the money. Director Wang is experienced and his assistants cooperate well. Both of them have a calm attitude, respond to customers, and test repeatedly with patience to solve the problem for the client. It is recommended to hire those who need to catch leaks, who can present the problem pragmatically and gain trust.

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