
4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 昭和食堂

地址 :

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 48, Section 4, Ren'ai Rd, 30號昭和食堂

電話 : 📞 +889799
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/joesuito/
城市 : Ren'ai Rd

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 48, Section 4, Ren'ai Rd, 30號昭和食堂
Allen Lo on Google

台北都市傳說的 #昭和食堂,小小的店面一走進去完全有到了日本的深夜食堂的感覺,老闆一邊介紹菜單一邊親手做出一道道超級美味的料理,真的要挑缺點的話就是 #太難訂了啊!#超級預約困難店 「餐酒」 #傳心純米大吟釀 使用山田錦釀造的甘口生酒,帶有濃濃的哈蜜瓜香氣,口感微甜讓人一口接一口! 「餐食」 #炸雞翅 這裡的招牌,超級酥脆的雞翅搭配柚子辣椒,超級好吃! #無花果 搭配胡麻奶油,再灑上杏仁片增加口感,想不到無花果可以這麼做,太強! #麝香葡萄 配上的是Ricotta Cheese跟茴香,完全想像不到的搭配關係可以如此完美,超強! #軟絲印籠 炭烤過的軟絲口感軟嫩,再塞入吸滿醬汁帶有紫蘇香氣的米飯,一口咬下大滿足! #自家製麩 兩種風味的麩,芝麻口味+栗子口味,搭配黃芥末,風味絕佳! #吻仔魚 搭配茗荷,帶有麻油的香氣,很清爽 #牡蠣可樂餅 炸的酥脆的奶油可樂餅就是好吃! #厚岸牡蠣 肥美的牡蠣搭配三種味增調出來的醬汁,口感超級濃郁! #虎蝦 配上蕪菁跟紫蘇,蝦肉的甜跟蕪菁的脆,再配上紫蘇的香氣,很棒的調味! #秋刀魚 抹上秋刀魚肝醬,烤得恰到好處,好好吃! #油醋漬秋刀魚沙拉 酥脆的栗子片完全畫龍點睛,好好吃的沙拉! #國王鮭 灑上滿滿滿的鮭魚卵還有白蘿蔔增加口感 #紅酒燉牛舌 醬汁濃厚口感軟嫩,很讚
Taipei Metropolitan Legend's #showwa canteen, the small storefront feels like a late-night canteen in Japan. The boss introduces the menu and cooks super delicious dishes by himself. If you really want to pick the shortcomings, it is #太难Booked it! #Super Appointment Difficulty Shop "Table Wine" #传心纯米大吟酒 The sweet taste of raw wine brewed by Yamada Nishiki has a strong aroma of cantaloupe, and the taste is slightly sweet, making it one bite after another! "Meals" #炸鸡翼 The signature here, super crispy chicken wings with yuzu chili, super delicious! #图花果 paired with flax cream and sprinkled with almond flakes to increase the taste. Unexpectedly, figs can do this, too strong! #肌香葡萄 It is paired with Ricotta Cheese and fennel. The relationship that you can't imagine can be so perfect and super strong! #软丝印罐 The charcoal grilled soft silk has a soft taste, and then stuffed with rice filled with sauce with the aroma of perilla, you will be satisfied with one bite! #自家制gluten Two flavors of bran, sesame flavor + chestnut flavor, paired with yellow mustard, the flavor is great! #吻仔鱼 paired with Minghe, with the aroma of sesame oil, very refreshing #Oyster Coke Cake The fried, crispy cream croquette is delicious! #厚岸 Oysters The plump oysters are paired with three kinds of miso sauces, and the taste is super rich! #虎虾 paired with turnips and basil, the sweetness of shrimp meat and the crispness of turnips, and the aroma of basil, great seasoning! #秋刀鱼 Spread the saury liver sauce and grill it just right, so delicious! #油酱酸酸香鱼Salad The crispy chestnut slices are the finishing touch, and it's a delicious salad! #King salmon sprinkled with salmon roe and white radish to increase the taste #Red Wine Stew Beef Tongue The thick sauce is soft and tender, which is great
Wei-Fan Chen on Google

只有吧檯的八個座位,一天只收一次翻桌的客人。點菜方式非常特別。當大家都入座之後,主廚會開始介紹牆壁上的菜單,一道一道菜說明食材跟做法。想要點的話就直接跟旁邊負責點菜的服務生說(這個點菜法超有創意,但也超容易點過頭的!每一道都很怕錯過 XD )所有菜餚的呈現都是用桌上的小碟上菜。點完之後,還可以再跟服務生調整一次點菜的數量。 菜很好吃也很有特色。菊芋(長得像薑,吃起來像有牛蒡口感的薯條)、雞翅、白子、雞肝、菠菜沙拉、梅子茶碗蒸、黑鮪魚、和牛舌、半生熟的海老、章魚、烏魚子烤麻糬(包海苔),每一道菜都很好吃,味道濃郁且份量不大。人多的話可以多點不同菜點很多分食。配上清酒跟啤酒實在非常有特色,是一個非常印象深刻的夜晚。 主廚的造型跟個性都很有特色:人不能拍照(他還說拍到他就把你請出去 XD)、點完一輪之後就不能加點(雖然隔壁桌的女孩說他們吃完沒吃飽,主廚還是讓他們點啦)、聽得出來對自己的餐廳很驕傲(到 2023 年都不給訂位啦!) 本店絕對值得再訪,很希望可以把菜色吃完,但重點是不知道何時可以再訪(笑)。
Only the bar seats eight day received only a turn table guests. A la carte approach is very special. When everyone is seated, the chef will begin to introduce a menu on the wall, a dish with ingredients illustrate the practice. If you want to point it directly responsible for ordering the waiter with the next to say (the a la carte method super creative, but also super easy to point too far! Are afraid to miss every XD) All dishes are presented with a small table serving dish. After completion point, you can also talk to the waiter to adjust the number of a la carte. Food is very delicious but also very unique. Jerusalem artichoke (looks like ginger, tastes like fries burdock taste), chicken wings, albino, chicken liver, spinach salad, plum Chawanmushi, bluefin tuna, and beef tongue, half-cooked sea old, octopus, mullet grilled mochi ( pack seaweed), every dish was delicious, rich flavor and a little weight. More people, then you can multi different dishes a lot of eating. Coupled with sake and beer is really very unique and is a very impressive night. Chef style with very distinctive personality: people can not take pictures (he says he'll take you please go out XD), point after completing one can not add a little (although the girl said they had eaten the next table did not eat, chef or let them point it), hear out their restaurant is very proud (to 2023 not to booking it!) We definitely worth revisiting, I hope you can finish the dishes, but the point is I do not know when they can revisit (laughs).
Ice on Google

2022 . 03 . 26 初訪 很喜歡其調味風格與其呈現,大方的調味色彩仍能感受其細緻度與平衡,記憶尤其深刻 翡翠茄子 (翡翠素麵 ) 自製辣油 /日本圓茄 / 雞絲 / 胡麻醬 / 赤味增 / 山椒柚子 / 米醋 層次感很好的一道 取圓茄部位製成柔滑的素麵夾帶著胡麻與赤味增獨特的鹹甜風味和口感是攻入嘴裡的第一部隊,米醋微微的酸感與雞絲的肉香將風味拉的非常開,最後則是辣香豐富的辣油與山椒柚子將風味再度堆疊,喜歡 鹽雞翅 黑羽土雞 / 柚子辣椒 這道沒拍到,雞皮的脆度與肉質的口感掌握的蠻好的 鰹魚生魚片 稻燻鰹魚/ 黃芥末 /蒜頭 肉質處理的優秀,中心微果凍的口感到表皮微脆的口感層次鮮明,蠻驚艷的 櫻花鯛魚 櫻花葉 / 鯛魚 / 櫻花蝦 / 醬油高湯 / 柴魚 / 紫蘇花 / 蕎麥子 雞肝 細緻綿滑的口感一口愛上,內臟的風味處理的很好 豬肉 / 蘿蔔乾 奔放的豬肉香與蘿蔔乾的風味融合的很好,微酸的醋感作為中和劑使風味更亮麗了些,很喜歡的一道 Blue cheese / 柴魚高湯 非常好吃 使用的丹麥風味輕柔的藍乳酪搭配柴魚高湯 本體淡雅的乳酪鹹感與柴魚鮮鹹風味堆疊的很優秀 瑩烏賊釜飯 瑩烏賊 / 木之芽 / 海瓜子高湯飯 / 溏心烏魚子 刷新天花板的一道 底層鮮味爆擊的海瓜子飯,搭配烏魚子和瑩烏賊的鹹鮮滋味,令人眼前一亮,超愛 南瓜蛋糕 溫度、口感、香氣都呈現的很優秀 濕潤的本體因低溫的因素緊實的聚在一起,隨著口中的溫度再逐漸化開,南瓜的香甜氣息也緊追而來,喜歡 黃豆冰淇淋 沒拍到,但也很喜歡 細緻的冰淇淋中仍保有黃豆的顆粒,但顆粒感仍處理的非常細,既視感與風味都呈現的非常好 櫻餅 印象最深的是隨著咀嚼的鹹甜滋味令人討喜 巴斯克 Creamy的蛋糕體在嘴裡溫柔的化開,漂亮的奶香、蛋香、焦香很溫柔的交織在一起,非常棒的一道甜點 以此紀錄
2022 . 03 . 26 First visit I really like its seasoning style and presentation. The generous seasoning color can still feel its fineness and balance, and the memory is particularly deep. Jade Eggplant (Jade Plain Noodles) Homemade chili oil / Japanese eggplant / shredded chicken / sesame sauce / red miso / sansho yuzu / rice vinegar A good layering The round eggplant part is made into smooth plain noodles with the unique salty and sweet flavor and texture of flax and red miso. Open, and finally, the spicy oil and sansho grapefruit stack the flavors again, like salt chicken wings Black Feather Chicken / Yuzu Chili I didn't take a picture of this, the crispness of the chicken skin and the texture of the meat are well controlled bonito sashimi Rice-smoked bonito/yellow mustard/garlic The meat quality is excellent, and the taste of the center micro jelly to the slightly crispy skin is distinct and amazing. Sakura Snapper Sakura leaves / sea bream / sakura shrimp / soy sauce stock / bonito / perilla / buckwheat chicken liver I fell in love with the delicate and smooth taste, and the flavor of the viscera was well handled Pork / Dried radish The unrestrained aroma of pork and the flavor of dried radish are well integrated, and the slightly sour vinegar sense acts as a neutralizer to make the flavor brighter. I like it very much. Blue cheese / bonito stock Very tasty danish light blue cheese used with bonito stock The elegant cheese saltiness of the body and the fresh and salty flavor of bonito are excellent Ying Squid Pot Rice Ginger squid / Ki no bud / sea melon seed soup rice / soft heart mullet roe One way to refresh the ceiling The sea melon seed rice with the umami bursting at the bottom, with the salty and umami taste of mullet roe and squid, is eye-catching, super love Pumpkin Cake Excellent temperature, taste and aroma The moist body is tightly gathered due to the low temperature. As the temperature in the mouth gradually melts, the sweet smell of the pumpkin is also closely followed. I like it. soy ice cream Didn't get it, but I like it The delicate ice cream still retains the soybean particles, but the texture is still very fine, and the visual sense and flavor are very good. cherry cake The deepest impression is that the salty and sweet taste is pleasant with chewing Basque Creamy's cake body melts gently in the mouth, and the beautiful milk, egg, and caramel aromas are intertwined gently. It's a very good dessert. record this
Michael Chiu on Google

Great food
Alex Tsai on Google

Very nice
Justin Tsai on Google

The best causal Japanese restaurant never disappoints
Jacus Long on Google

Mostly traditional Kyoto cuisine. Chef will cook based on seasonal harvest and have access to limited local produce. Very limited seatings. Booking in advance is required.
Summer Wu on Google

Everything was amazing delicious. The staff is friendly and cool, the shop is small with only 7-8 bar seats. The menu is seasonal changed, the deep fried bamboo shoots with shrimps were surprisingly yummy. And chicken liver is a must order. Booking in advance is highly recommended.

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