文城教育學院-信義校 - Section 2

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Contact 文城教育學院-信義校

地址 :

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 2, Xinyi Rd, 222號文城教育學院-信義校5 樓

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Xinyi Rd

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 2, Xinyi Rd, 222號文城教育學院-信義校5 樓
小安莫 on Google

I feel that coming to Wencheng to supplement mathematics allows me to become more familiar with the school's courses, and there will be no problems that I don't understand. Teacher Hong You will not be boring when teaching, often interspersed with some interesting things of her own to drive the atmosphere, and she is patient when analyzing difficult problems. In addition, even if I did not sign up for biology, Mr. Yang would still explain the concept of biology homework for me, so that I can understand the content of the school. For these reasons, I don't hate tutoring so much, and I get good grades in school exams.
游宗騏 on Google

Thanks to the teachers in Wencheng for giving me a significant improvement in my grades in the ninth period, and every time I go to class, the teacher will focus on the exam, and the weekly exam is also a weekly exam that imitates the exam. The reading class on weekdays is really great. In addition to having ten daily questions for you to strengthen physics, chemistry and mathematics, there are also tutors who can solve the problems for you.
8 蔡約耀 on Google

This cram school is really good. The teacher is very humorous and doesn't like to scold people. Although there are only 28 students in each class in the National Hour, and there is no feeling of competition, I have never won the award for 5 people in grades 1 to 6. When I arrived at junior high school, each class had 31 students, and everyone felt that they were preparing for the exam more seriously. It is almost impossible for a person who has never won a five-star award in an elementary school to be ranked in the top 5 of the national high school entrance examination. In addition to thanking me for my willingness to study seriously, my parents for helping me with tuition, and Jesus for helping me, I also want to thank Teacher Yang, Teacher Lai, Teacher Hong You and Teacher Yukai for their teaching.
aries home on Google

小朋友之前讀金華國中,有去過幾家補習班,但小朋友反應都不太好. 之後輾轉聽說附近有一間不錯的補習班,試聽之後小朋友很喜歡,覺得老師上課很有趣,也可以學到很多東西,就在這邊試試看,然後就沒有換過,從一開始的中後段進步到現在都是班排前7,謝謝文城李老師的用心教導!
蔡松汮 Justin on Google

Thank you, Wencheng’s teachers, for keeping my grades at a certain level in the 7th to 8th o’clock in the country, and the teacher will patiently explain it step by step every time in class. If you don’t understand the homework, you can ask the assistant. There are also ten daily questions for you to strengthen physics, chemistry and mathematics, all of which train us to write the answer directly as soon as we see the question! This brings me one step closer to the path of being a scholar.
jeneye H on Google

Since last year, the child has been taking the 6-7 transition course + 7th grade general subjects in Wencheng. Thanks to the teachers of each subject and the professional guidance and care of Mr. Yang, the class instructor, let the children complete school homework and class independently in addition to going to the cram school after school. In addition, I also gradually developed the habit of reading automatically when I got home, and I could solve problems for the teaching assistants in the cram school when I encountered problems that I couldn’t understand, which reduced a lot of trouble at home!
Chen Sweet on Google

謝謝補習班所有老師認真的指導,讓我這次終於三科都能有90以上,而且也進到校排前50了,英文進步很多 ! 每個老師都教得很好,都能讓我融會貫通,段考複習時也給了我們很多考卷去做練習,可以對各式各樣的題目更加的熟練,這裡也像是在學校一樣,有問題都有人來幫助解答,教的內容也不輸給學校老師。希望每一次段考都能考好 !
Thank you to all the teachers in the cram school for their careful guidance. This time, I finally got three subjects above 90, and I also entered the top 50 in the school ranking. My English has improved a lot! We also gave us a lot of exam papers to practice during the Duan exam review, so that we can become more proficient in a variety of topics. It’s like in school here. There are people to help answer any questions, and the content taught is not inferior to the school. teacher. Hope you can pass the exam every time!
lucas tsai on Google

I am honored to come to Wencheng to study mathematics and Chinese, which can improve my grades. The teachers also teach us the subject knowledge very carefully, and also give us a lot of practice questions! I hope that in less than a few months, my grades will be more stable and I will be admitted to my ideal school! Thank you teacher for your guidance!

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