霓可留學工作室 |哈佛校友留學顧問 |留學代辦推薦|留學文件修改|一對一指導服務 - Section 4

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Contact 霓可留學工作室 |哈佛校友留學顧問 |留學代辦推薦|留學文件修改|一對一指導服務

地址 :

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 4, Zhongxiao E Rd, 169號6號霓可留學工作室 |哈佛校友留學顧問 |留學代辦推薦|留學文件修改|一對一指導服務樓之1

電話 : 📞 +8898797
網站 : http://www.nikostudyabroad.com/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
城市 : Zhongxiao E Rd

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 4, Zhongxiao E Rd, 169號6號霓可留學工作室 |哈佛校友留學顧問 |留學代辦推薦|留學文件修改|一對一指導服務樓之1
Y E on Google

真的大推這間留學代辦!! GPA3.2的平凡人也有讀百大研究所一天^0^ 謝謝Rachel老師大力幫助我成功申請到理想中的研究所! 以下是我為什麼一開始選擇霓可&‘使用後’的經驗分享~ 在找代辦之前我也詢問過很多間有名的代辦, 但都不太滿意(很怕付錢前和付錢後兩種態度) (爬了超多代辦的文,所以很謹慎) 後來在高中同學的推薦下也去詢問了霓可留學。 Rachel說話很有條理、親和力佳,也不會強迫推銷買最貴的方案。 當下我是很心動的,但我比較理性,所以回家思考後還是決定選擇了霓可 這是我在家腦補和決定霓可的過程 (個人工作室經營自己的品牌一定會認真對待吧?!) (新開的工作室一定會想要累積好評分吧?!) (而且她之前也有很多成功的申請戰績,講話也很有說服力、人也看起來很好) (對課程有疑問用line問她都回復的很快,感覺很積極) (賭一把了!) 結果真的超幸運!! 遇到了超給力的代辦 從2020/11到現在2021/6(已經錄取了學校)Rachel的態度從未改變過,一樣積極快速地幫我處理很多麻煩的事情,只要我朋友問關於雅思和留學的問題時,我都會強烈的推薦霓可留學(搞得我好像有好處一樣...==),我只是覺得她不止做事超級認真(明明不是她的申請卻比我還積極)而且都是超高品質,真的幫助了我很多很多超級感恩!所以才覺得霓可值得被看見!
Really promote this study abroad agency!! Ordinary people with GPA3.2 also have one day to study at the top 100 institutes^0^ Thank you Mr. Rachel for helping me successfully apply to the ideal institute! The following is my experience sharing why I chose Nico & "After Use" in the first place~ Before looking for an agent, I also asked many well-known agents, But I'm not satisfied (I'm afraid of the two attitudes before and after payment) (Crawled a lot of articles from the agency, so I was very cautious) Later, on the recommendation of a high school classmate, I also asked Nico to study abroad. Rachel is very organized and friendly, and will not force the sale of the most expensive plan. Right now I am very excited, but I am more rational, so after going home and thinking, I decided to choose Nico This is the process of my brain replenishment and decision Nico at home (Personal studios who run their own brands will definitely take them seriously?!) (New studios will definitely want to accumulate good ratings, right?!) (And she also had a lot of successful application records before, her speech was very persuasive, and the people looked good) (If you have any questions about the course, I asked her to reply quickly and feel very positive.) (Got a gamble!) It turned out to be really lucky!! I met an awesome agent From 2020/11 to now 2021/6 (has been admitted to the school) Rachel’s attitude has never changed, and she has helped me deal with many troublesome things quickly and actively. As long as my friends ask questions about IELTS and studying abroad, I will be strong. Nico’s recommendation is that Nico study abroad (makes me good...==), I just think she is not only super serious in doing things (it’s obviously not her application but more active than me), but also super high-quality, really helpful I am so grateful for a lot! That's why I think Ni is worthy of being seen!
Celeste shi on Google

(Translated by Google) Thank you Rachel for letting me transfer to the field/GPA popular/GRE popular and successfully applied for the upper ranking American research institute!! I was lucky to meet Rachel on the Internet. After chatting, I found that the service provided by Rachel was exactly what I needed. In addition, Rachel’s speech was very organized, which could quickly help me figure out the key points I wanted to express and gave me a lot. Useful suggestions, after several considerations, I decided to cooperate! During the cooperation process last year, when I was discussing the draft structure face to face with Rachel, I saw that she pulled out a notebook, turned to a few pages of dense notes and then stopped, pointed out a few lines of the notes and told me that she After reading the official website, I feel that we can write in several directions. I found out that Rachel was very careful to help me read the official website of the program I was applying for and also handwritten notes> <非常非常的仔細認真又可靠! 之後的申請過程也讓人非常的有安心感。改好的每一份文件都很完美,精確的表達了我想展現的優點,還幫我補足了原稿中的很多邏輯缺漏。 謝謝Rachel!! 大推特推霓可留學工作室!!
Sean Hu on Google

真的超級無敵推薦霓可留學,顧問Rachel非常細心又有責任感,從幫忙拯救英文把雅思分數拉高、到依據每間學校的需求做cv跟sop 的客製化處理、到最後的application送出以及錄取後的芝麻大小事,所有申請環節Rachel都照顧的超級周到的,根本當成她自己在申請一樣,比我自己還積極,很感恩Rachel這麼罩,把每件事情都做得如此盡善盡美,讓我無後顧之憂的專心衝刺我的英文考試,並且順利申請上我當初連想都不敢想的美國名校,還是我心目中的第一志願!!! 留學申請過程對英文不好的人真的有夠折騰,數不清有幾次和Rachel 說不想念了啦實在太痛苦了,謝謝Rachel一直沒放棄我不斷給我信心,並以過來人經驗分享調整心態的方法,不然真的好難堅持到最後。 如果你是像我一樣時間有限,要上班還需要同時準備英文考試及申請學校的人,特別推薦來找Rachel,雖然她對有拖延症的學生蠻嚴格(會一直追殺XDD),但只要好好配合,真的可以讓你的英文突飛猛進,而且Rachel指導過後的申請文件,真的太猛了,我自己都無法相信這是我的作品! 總之,來找Rachel不只是來找顧問,更像是交了一個好朋友,讓我的人生更上一層樓!當初選擇Rachel當我的留學顧問,絕對是我人生做過最棒的決定之一!
It’s really super invincible to recommend Nico to study abroad. The consultant Rachel is very careful and responsible. From helping to save English and raising the IELTS score, to customizing cv and sop according to the needs of each school, to the final application delivery and After admission, Rachel took care of everything in all aspects of the application process. It was as if she was applying herself, more positive than me. I am very grateful for Rachel to cover up and do everything so perfect. Let me I have no worries about sprinting for my English test, and successfully applying to a prestigious American school that I didn’t even think about. This is still my first choice!!! The application process for studying abroad is really troublesome for people with poor English. Countless times I told Rachel that I didn’t want to miss it. It was too painful. Thank you Rachel for not giving up. I continued to give me confidence, and shared the adjustments with the experience of others. The method of mentality, otherwise it is really difficult to stick to the end. If you are someone like me who has limited time and needs to prepare for English exams and apply for school at the same time to go to work, I especially recommend to come to Rachel. Although she is very strict with students with procrastination (will always chase XDD), just do it well. With cooperation, your English can really improve by leaps and bounds, and the application documents after Rachel's guidance are really too strong, I myself can't believe that this is my work! In short, coming to Rachel is not just coming to a consultant, it is more like making a good friend and taking my life to the next level! Choosing Rachel as my study abroad consultant was definitely one of the best decisions in my life!
Karen on Google

Super push Mr. Rachel’s one-on-one IELTS writing! Especially it is more suitable for me to be lazy and procrastinate infinitely every day. I used to take IELTS and always listen to the class. Basically, it can be said that the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out. I really hate when I meet Rachel. Feeling late, I didn’t find Rachel until a week before the exam, so I only took a few short classes, but Mr. Rachel was really serious about preparing the content of the class, and I used the fastest method for those who are about to take the exam. Teach me test skills, and even helped me to change my composition and sort out the areas to be improved. Those two weeks were probably the two weeks I spent most earnestly in IELTS. Although I didn’t attend many classes, every class was really rewarding. It's full, it's a great help to my exam!
Weihan Chen on Google

比較過各種大間代辦後決定告訴大家,留學只推薦Rachel! 在八月決定要申請碩班的時候就立刻打電話聯絡Rachel,即使當時還不確定會合作,Rachel 還是超級耐心地和我討論各種需要注意的事項。在選校階段Rachel也和我一間一間的比較Program內容,CV非常注意每個細節,就連動詞的選擇、版面空間的調配都非常注重,最後繳出第八個version真的是無可挑剃!由於是文科轉資訊領域,Rachel超級貼心地整理出撰寫文件需要參考的論文及lab內容給我,閱讀完後對於PS的撰寫真的比較容易切中重點、不偏題。更重要的是手把手教你如何撰寫每一段的PS,而且需要聯絡的時候一定找得到人,這在漫長的準備過程中真的給予我非常大的鼓勵和信心!到最後的面試階段,Rachel整整陪我練習了兩次歷屆面試題,甚至提出額外的題目來測驗我的臨場反應。很幸運地這些事前準備最後讓我上了自己最喜歡的學校,真的超級感謝Rachel的幫助!
After comparing various Oma agents, I decided to tell everyone that I only recommend Rachel for studying abroad! When I decided to apply for a master's program in August, I called Rachel immediately. Even if I was not sure about the cooperation at that time, Rachel was super patient with me to discuss various needs. Notes. In the school selection stage, Rachel and I also compared the program content one by one. The CV pays great attention to every detail, even the choice of verbs and the allocation of layout space. Finally, it is really impossible to submit the eighth version. Pick a shave! Since it is from the field of liberal arts to information, Rachel super-heartedly sorted out the papers and lab contents that I needed to refer to when writing documents. What's more important is to teach you how to write the PS of each paragraph, and you must find someone when you need to contact. This really gave me a lot of encouragement and confidence during the long preparation process! In the final interview stage, Rachel practiced two previous interview questions with me, and even proposed additional questions to test my on-the-spot reaction. Luckily all these preparations ended up getting me into my favorite school, I really appreciate Rachel's help!
Teresa Yu on Google

申請學校真的是一件非常累人的事,尤其我申請設計科系對於外面一般的留學顧問都抱著一點不信任,感覺他們會有點難溝通,沒辦法好好表達我的想法。 超級感謝Rachel在申請的路上一路陪伴,從一開始選定要投的學校到校稿申請文件,Rachel都非常細心仔細幫助我非常多,而且非常好溝通,會再三確認我原文想表達的意思跟她想的是否一樣,讓我可以安心地做作品集。除此之外,在我緊張的時候還會幫我加油打氣,給我除了文件上的幫助外很多心靈成面上的鼓勵,最後能申請上最夢幻的ivy league 又是最符合興趣的program真的非常謝謝Rachel的幫忙,很推薦申請學校可以找Rachel~~
Applying to a school is really a very tiring thing, especially when I apply for a design department, I have a little distrust of the general study abroad consultants outside. I feel that they will be a little difficult to communicate and I can't express my thoughts properly. Thank you very much Rachel for accompanying me all the way on the way to the application. From the selection of the school to be submitted to the proof of the application documents, Rachel has been very careful and helped me a lot, and is very good at communicating. I will repeatedly confirm the meaning I want to express in the original text with her Whether I think the same, let me make a portfolio with peace of mind. In addition, when I was nervous, he would cheer me up and give me a lot of spiritual encouragement in addition to the help on the documents. Finally, I can apply for the most dreamy ivy league and the most interesting program. Thank you very much for Rachel's help, I highly recommend that you can find Rachel when applying for schools~~
薛郁亭 on Google

一口氣申請到好幾間歐美夢校好不真實,最後決定選擇前往Duke University深造,謝謝霓可留學顧問Rachel!!! 這次的申請季真的可以用如火如荼來形容,在8月聯繫到 Rachel 她用心了解我的狀況跟背景還有申請動機,給我很多建議和鼓勵我就決定要跟她合作了! 我很喜歡Rachel用教學的方式來協助我產出漂亮的文件,我也在過程中學習顧問的寫作技巧、思考邏輯,更棒的是彷彿把自己的人生寫成一篇鼓舞人心的故事一般!由於我想申請能源相關領域的碩士,Rachel還非常用心的特別買相關書籍來了解相關領域的專有名詞、趨勢來讓我的申請動機更具有說服力之外也具備專業性。 Rachel也很敬業,除了訊息回超快以外,也很有耐心的聽我的狀況迅速給我解惑。在我產出文件的過程中,因為自己也很想練習寫作,所以經常跟她討論內容的修正,她也很用心的批改給我方向去發揮!每一篇essay都生了好幾個版本,還修改到我們彼此都受不了為止XD 申請過程中我常常因為自己的低GPA感到焦慮,也有時會擔心是不是做錯、沒理解好學校要求的申請條件及細節,多虧有Rachel我才能安安心心的熬過申請和等待的過程。一直到現在申請到學校、選擇和拒絕學校、協助找宿舍、醫療證明還有簽證,她都很熱心的幫我解惑,協助我解決問題。 真的很感謝能夠遇到這麼可愛又像朋友一樣的顧問! Ps. Rachel每件事都親力親為細心掌控每個環節,認真覺得當她的學生好幸福,我已經強力推薦Rachel 給所有身邊想要申請出國的朋友了?
It is unrealistic to apply to several European and American dream schools in one go, and finally decided to go to Duke University for further study, thank you Rachel, the consultant for studying abroad in NICO!!! This application season can really be described as being in full swing. I contacted Rachel in August. She carefully understood my situation, background and motivation to apply. After giving me a lot of advice and encouragement, I decided to cooperate with her! I love Rachel's teaching methods to help me produce beautiful documents, and I also learn the consultant's writing skills, thinking logic, and even better, writing my own life as an inspiring story! Since I want to apply for a master's degree in energy-related fields, Rachel also buys related books very carefully to understand the proper terms and trends in related fields to make my application motivation more convincing and professional. Rachel is also very dedicated. In addition to responding quickly to messages, she also listened to my situation patiently and quickly explained my doubts. In the process of producing documents, because I also want to practice writing, I often discuss with her on the revision of the content, and she also carefully corrects and gives me direction to play! There are several versions of each essay, and they are revised until we can't stand each other XD During the application process, I often feel anxious because of my low GPA, and sometimes worry about whether I have made a mistake or not understanding the application requirements and details required by the school. Thanks to Rachel, I can go through the application and waiting process with peace of mind. Up to now, she has been very enthusiastic in helping me to solve my doubts and help me solve problems. Really grateful to have met such a lovely and friend-like advisor! Ps. Rachel controls every aspect by herself and meticulously. I feel very happy to be her student. I have strongly recommended Rachel to all my friends who want to apply for going abroad?
Rebecca Chu on Google

終於等到最後一間學校的錄取信,全壘打的申請結果,謝謝Rachel!!! 細心可愛溫柔又集結申請編輯翻譯教學專長於一身的顧問! 本身個性很謹慎多慮,但第一次去工作室找Rachel了解完服務內容後我就毫不猶豫當場和Rachel簽約了,因為她專業的分析和誠懇的態度真的很讓人放心,結果事實證明我真的是找到了超級好的顧問、還有一輩子的恩師! 由於英文一直是我從小到大最頭痛的科目,我的雅思之前在外補習了一段不短的時間,考了三次分數都沒有太大的起色(總分最高5.5),考到自信心都沒了,本來打算不考了直接想辦法拿conditional offer,之後再上語言學校,Rachel一直鼓勵我要堅持住,要我一鼓作氣做申請前最後的衝刺,在她的密集輔導之下,我居然在申請截止日前一口氣衝到7.5分,教學過程中,Rachel流利的雙語教學非常符合我需求,而且她教給我的解題技巧超級實用,考試現場很好發揮=) Rachel真的是我遇過最以學生為中心的老師了,不管是選校也好、申請文件也好,都可以深刻感受到Rachel為學生著想的用心,她為了帶我發想文件內容,自己也會學習我申請領域的相關知識,並帶領著我閱讀大量資料後才開始草稿,後來由她修過的內容真的非常令我驚豔,把我的優勢全部展現出來了,甚至比我自己還了解自己的亮點,連系上教授看完我的文件都稱讚是他讀過最有水準的申請文了! 很謝謝Rachel陪我度過這麼難忘的申請過程,為我積極爭取各種錄取機會,我焦慮難過意志消沉的時候,都是Rachel給予我好多溫暖的鼓勵,總之沒有Rachel就不會有今日的戰績,謝謝Rachel成就了我的留學夢,推薦霓可留學給所有想實踐夢想精進自我的學生!!!
Finally, I waited for the admission letter from the last school and the application result of the home run. Thank you Rachel!!! Careful, lovely, gentle, and a consultant who has assembled application, editing, translation and teaching expertise! I have a very cautious personality, but the first time I went to the studio to find Rachel to understand the service content, I did not hesitate to sign a contract with Rachel on the spot, because her professional analysis and sincere attitude are really reassuring. Prove that I really found a super good advisor and a lifetime mentor! Since English has always been the most troublesome subject for me since I was a child, my IELTS study abroad for a long time before, and I did not get much improvement in the score (the highest total score was 5.5), and I lost my self-confidence after the test. , I originally planned to skip the test and find a way to get a conditional offer, and then go to a language school. Rachel always encouraged me to persevere and asked me to do the last sprint before the application. A few days ago, I scored 7.5 points in one breath. During the teaching process, Rachel's fluent bilingual teaching was very suitable for my needs, and the problem-solving skills she taught me were super practical, and the test scene was very good =) Rachel is really the most student-centered teacher I have ever met. Whether it’s choosing a school or applying for documents, you can deeply feel Rachel’s care for students. She also learned the relevant knowledge of the field I applied for, and led me to read a lot of materials before starting the draft. The content that she repaired was really amazing to me, and she showed all my advantages, even more than myself. Knowing my own highlights, even the professor who read my document praised it as the most standard application essay he has ever read! Thank you very much Rachel for accompanying me through such an unforgettable application process and actively fighting for various admission opportunities for me. When I was anxious, sad, and depressed, Rachel gave me a lot of warm encouragement. In short, without Rachel, I would not have today’s record. Thank you Rachel for fulfilling my dream of studying abroad and recommending Nico to study abroad to all students who want to practice their dreams and improve themselves!!!

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