日本伊藤萬游泳學校(台北艋舺校) - Section 2

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 日本伊藤萬游泳學校(台北艋舺校)

地址 :

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Alley 55, Lane 320, Section 2, Xiyuan Rd, 3號日本伊藤萬游泳學校(台北艋舺校)B1

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : https://itoman.com.tw/
城市 : Xiyuan Rd

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Alley 55, Lane 320, Section 2, Xiyuan Rd, 3號日本伊藤萬游泳學校(台北艋舺校)B1
劉希希 on Google

如果能給零顆星,我一定給零顆星,日本伊籐萬的教練說的是一套做的是一套,有位教練說(只要我們付出更多的耐心跟愛心,小朋友就開心,家長就更有信心,我們一起努力吧)但伊藤萬的教練根本沒做到,我覺得這句話必須撤下,沒資格用上,我的兒子就親身經歷了伊藤萬的教學而更害怕去學游泳也對游泳產生了很大的陰影了,9/18之前我兒子才上了幾堂游泳課,但那天9/18那天老師一直要我兒子憋氣游到對岸,這之中還壓著兒子的頭游到對岸才肯放手,兒子因嗆到喝到水而害怕而哭,老師還是要他再繞一圈再過來試,兒子害怕又嗆到而哭,老師就很沒耐性叫我兒子要哭就上去哭,我兒子就聽老師的 話上來站著哭,哭很久,剛才才嗆到喝到水老師又問要下來游嗎?兒子還是害怕不敢下去,老師又讓我兒子繼續罰站在泳池邊繼續讓他哭,之後老師叫我兒子再下泳池再游,但兒子還是害怕就還是哭,老師不耐煩的用一隻手抱我兒子甩到對岸讓兒子自己站在泳池水中面對著上面全部的家長們面前繼續讓他哭”當時我也在上面心痛的看著他被全伊藤萬家長們學員們的面前看著他哭,兒子就害怕又會嗆到水喝到水才會哭,因為剛才的狀況讓他害怕我兒子只不過是幼兒園五歲多的小孩,有需要讓他孤立的被罰站在對岸面對一堆家長讓大家看著他哭嗎?這樣的老師教學是很厲害很威嚴很棒很自以為是很行嗎?之後下課了也沒讓我兒子上來,全校的學員跟老師都集合在我兒子面前準備下課,就讓我兒子獨自一人還被罰站在泳池裡讓大家學員,老師,家長看著我兒子一人站在泳池裡大哭,老師也沒叫我兒子上來準備下課,等到全部學員,老師都走光了,老師才很兇的叫我兒子上來去拿手臂圈,我兒子才聽老師的話上來去拿手臂圈的來走向我,如果是我兒子很皮,不聽話,而被處罰我沒話說,但不是啊,只是因為老師硬壓兒子的頭而嗆到水兒子害怕而哭,老師就用這樣的方式根本就是一種羞辱,而且是在羞辱一個只是正在上幼兒園五歲多的小孩,我兒子雖然才五歲多但他知道他在日本伊藤萬學游泳不開心不快樂還被(羞辱了),他小小年紀他就深深的感受到了,他再也不去伊藤萬,也害怕學游泳了,請問您們日本伊藤萬要如何彌補我的小孩讓他重拾喜歡再想去學游泳? 我只是要讓我的小孩開心學游泳喜愛學游泳,我並不是要讓我兒子成為(游泳選手)所以您們的教學是否有待改進呢? 我也奉勸家長們如要讓小孩喜愛游泳開心學游泳就要審慎思考一下我所PO的話 P.S還有艋舺伊藤萬長官說:10月初中秋連假後會再跟我聯絡後續怎處理解決我兒子心理創傷跟懲處老師的問題,自今10/10號了也沒再來電解決問題,真是一個說話不算話的伊藤萬長官
If I can give a few stars, I will definitely give a few stars. The coach of Itoman in Japan said that one thing is one thing and one thing is one thing. A coach said (as long as we give more patience and love, children will be happy, parents Let’s be more confident. Let’s work hard together.) But Itoman’s coach did not do it at all. I think this sentence must be taken down. It is not qualified to use it. My son experienced Itoman’s teaching and was even more afraid to learn. Swimming also has a big shadow on swimming. My son only took a few swimming lessons before 9/18, but on 9/18 that day, the teacher kept asking my son to swim to the other side with a hold of his breath, and his son’s was still under pressure. The head swam to the other side before he was willing to let it go. My son was scared and cried because he was choking until he drank the water. The teacher still told him to go around and try again. The son was afraid of choking and cried again. The teacher was impatient and told my son to cry. So he went up to cry. My son just listened to the teacher and stood and cried. He cried for a long time. He choked to drink water just now and asked if he wanted to go down to swim. The son was still afraid to go down. The teacher asked my son to stand by the pool and let him cry. After that, the teacher told my son to go to the pool and swim again, but the son was still afraid and cried. The teacher used one hand impatiently. Hold my son to the other side and let him stand in the pool water and face all the parents above and continue to make him cry." At that time, I was also looking at him with heartache and being watched by all Itoman parents and students. When crying, my son is afraid that he will choke until the water reaches the point of drinking. He is afraid that my son is just a five-year-old child in kindergarten. He needs to be isolated and punished to stand on the opposite side. Do the parents let everyone watch him cry? Such a teacher teaching is very powerful, very majestic, and very self-righteous? After the class is over, my son is not allowed to come up, the whole school students and teachers are gathered in front of my son to prepare for the class , I let my son stand alone in the pool and let the students, teachers, and parents watch my son stand alone in the pool crying. The teacher did not tell my son to come up and prepare for the end of class. After all the students, the teacher was gone. The teacher was so fierce that he told my son to come up and get the armband. My son heard the teacher's words. No, it’s just because the teacher forced his son’s head to choke the water and the son was scared and crying. The teacher’s use of this method is basically a humiliation, and he is humiliating a child who is just over five years old in kindergarten. He was more than five years old, but he knew that he was unhappy and unhappy and was (humiliated) when he was learning to swim in Itoman, Japan. He felt it deeply when he was young. He never went to Itoman again and was afraid of learning to swim. How can you Itoman of Japan make up for my child so that he can regain his love and want to learn to swim again? I just want to make my kids happy to learn to swim and love to learn to swim. I don't want to make my son a (swimmer). So does your teaching need to be improved? I also advise parents to think carefully about what I PO if they want their children to love swimming and learn to swim. PS and Chief Manga Itoman said: I will contact me again after the Mid-Autumn Festival in early October. How to deal with the problem of my son’s psychological trauma and the punishment of the teacher. Since 10/10 today, I haven’t called again to solve the problem. Chief Itoman who speaks nothing
Elvis Liao on Google

教練很OK,對學員很嚴格, 繳費方式不太給人方便
The coach is very good, very strict with the students, Payment method is not very convenient
Ivy Chen on Google

兩年前讓小小孩學baby班的游泳 小孩還不會怕 要他做什麼都配合 也常被老師拿來做示範 但每次游泳回去 大概有40-50%機率感冒 而且嚴重到中耳炎(細菌感染 非病毒感染) 跟櫃檯反應 回覆是別的小孩因為游泳反而身體更健康喔~ 後來我還是忍痛停掉 停掉之後也很少感冒 也沒有中耳炎了 總算脫離一直帶去看醫生吃抗生素的生活 在此奉勸有非要讓寶寶參加游泳適應水性迷思的家長 當您的寶寶開始不斷的中耳炎 請適時放下 不一定只有游泳這項運動 池子裡 大人的衣服是一起下去(規定要穿)旁邊兒童區游泳中會有鼻涕 大人的腳垢 抱著小孩踩個幾下的洗腳區 這些污垢都會進到池子 因此裡面絕對不是100%乾淨 任何的游泳池都是 因此如果小孩發展未完善或抵抗力沒那麼好 不要堅持游泳會讓他更健康 會更有抵抗力 no!你只是把他丟到一個更危險的環境 另外也有小兒科醫生建議 因為寶寶耳朵的構造 不建議這麼小游泳 當然如果他游泳後頭好壯壯那當然無礙 還有教學的口吻也供家長參考 因為我家的都是拿來示範 但有的小孩會怕 因此會哭 老師為了要掌握教學的流程(一個接一個)有的真的無法配合進行的 就會被帶到池邊 然後老師會說:「好囉 不要哭囉!不要哭老師就離開 你再哭哭我就回來」 痾~這樣不是把自己變成跟小孩敵對的角色嗎?老師=處罰 老師是沒有這樣對我的小孩講 若這樣講我應該會當場糾正這種帶有威脅的口吻 間接讓小孩覺得「老師是恐怖的」游泳不是應該很開心嗎? 哭還要被威脅 應該要適度讓小孩慢慢習慣 但因為課程時間有限 老師有時間跟教學進度壓力 但用這種口吻我覺得只會讓這小孩往後更懼怕老師 很像老一輩阿嬤威脅孫子 你再哭警察就來了 警察無緣無故黑掉
Two years ago, the children who taught the children to swim in the baby class were not afraid of cooperating with them. They were often used by teachers for demonstrations, but each time they went back to swimming, there was a 40-50% chance of catching a cold and serious otitis media (bacterial infection (Non-viral infection) The response to the counter is that other children are healthier because of swimming ~ Later, I stopped painfully and stopped. After stopping, I rarely have a cold and no otitis media. I finally leave the life of taking the doctor to take antibiotics. Advise parents who want to let the baby participate in swimming to adapt to water myths. When your baby starts to have constant otitis media, please put down in time. It is not necessary to swim only. This sport is for adults in the pool to go together (required to wear). There will be snots on adults' feet. Hold the child on the foot washing area. The dirt will enter the pool, so the inside is definitely not 100% clean. Any swimming pool is so if the child is not perfect or the resistance is not so good, don't insist Swimming will make him healthier and more resistant no! You just throw him in a more dangerous environment. There are also pediatricians who recommend that the baby's ear structure is not recommended for such a small swimming. Of course, if he is strong after swimming, of course there is no. Hinder The teaching tone is also for parents ’reference, because my family is used for demonstration but some children will be afraid, so they will cry. In order to master the teaching process (one by one), some will be taken if they ca n’t cooperate Go to the poolside and the teacher will say, "Okay, don't cry! If you don't cry, the teacher will leave you, cry, and I will come back." Lu ~ Isn't this turning yourself into a hostile character with children? Teacher = punishment. Did n’t the teacher talk to my child like this? If I say this, I should correct this threatening tone on the spot. Indirectly make the child think that "the teacher is terrible." Should n’t swimming be very happy? Crying and being threatened should let children get used to it moderately, but because of the limited course time, the teacher has time and pressure on the progress of the teaching, but with this tone I think it will only make the child more afraid of the teacher like the threat of the grandmother of the older generation. Grandson, if you cry again, the police will come. The police will hack for no reason.
Summer Hsu on Google

固定帶小孩上課,水質乾淨老師還算親切,費用不太貴,每年都有優惠方案,平均一堂課三百多四百而己! 雖然都招收的都是小朋友,但大部份老師沒有教小朋友的專業,應該算陪游,或說只是用一般教學方式教小孩,所以進度一定很慢。尤其是國小以下,語言理解力和肢體協調度都未發展至一定水平,一級卡一年也很正常(共二十五級)。 平均上課一個老師顧七至八人(高級班更多...我看過一個老師顧近二十個.從灰色帽到金色帽) ....因為人多,又各自不同級別,所以老師基本上不會仔細講解,也不會針對單一小朋友缺點特別訓練和建議,頂多就每個月測驗一次,測驗完再跟你講哪個動作沒做對,至於建議完小朋友有沒有改善....下次測驗分曉!但如果下次測驗換一個老師代課,很抱歉,標準可能又不太一樣了。 如果單純想讓小朋友趕快學會游泳的,這裏就不用考慮了,因為絕對會氣到你吐血。但如果想培養小孩定期游泳興趣的,這裏可以考慮,定期游泳對呼吸道過敏似乎還真的有改善效果(親身經驗)。我帶二個小孩上課有五年以上了(不分寒暑),一個從小班,一個一歲多就帶去了,大的當初混了近二年才到黃帽(練踢水),但只一次偶然去外面運動中心上了一期兒童暑期班,結果回伊藤後高歌猛進,幾乎按月必升級。 不過,值得注意的是,即使是小小孩,多次考試沒過關心理也是會有很大挫折感,所以上完課還是要多關心小孩。
With children in class regularly, the water quality is clean, the teacher is kind, and the cost is not too expensive. There are discount plans every year, with an average of more than 300 to 400 per class! Although all recruits are children, most of the teachers do not teach the children professionally. They should be regarded as accompanying tours, or they are only teaching children in general teaching methods, so the progress must be very slow. Especially below elementary school, language comprehension and physical coordination have not yet developed to a certain level, and the first level card is normal for one year (a total of 25 levels). On average, one teacher has seven to eight people in class (more in advanced classes... I have seen a teacher with nearly 20 people. From gray cap to golden cap) .... Because there are many people and different levels, the teachers are basically The above will not explain in detail, nor will there be special training and suggestions for the shortcomings of a single child. At most, it will be tested once a month. After the test, I will tell you which action is not right. As for whether the child has improved after the suggestion... The next quiz will be determined! But if the next test is replaced by another teacher, I'm sorry, the standard may be different again. If you simply want children to learn to swim as soon as possible, there is no need to think about it here, because you will definitely vomit blood. But if you want to cultivate children's interest in regular swimming, you can consider it. Regular swimming seems to really improve respiratory allergies (personal experience). I have brought two children to class for more than five years (regardless of the heat and cold), one has been taken since childhood, and the other has been over one year old. The older one has been mixed for nearly two years before arriving in the yellow hat (practice kicking), but only Once by chance, I went to an outside sports center to attend a summer school for children, but after returning to Ito, I went ahead and upgraded almost every month. However, it is worth noting that even a small child will have a lot of frustration if he fails to pass the exam many times, so he should pay more attention to the child after the class.
chang-cian Li (Busman) on Google

Come on, BABY who wants to learn to swim and save himself! More than 6 months will be fine!
I Ting on Google

The swimming pool is clean, the water quality is well maintained, the counter staff are kind, and the coaches are also very professional. However, there are no barrier-free facilities in this venue. The entrance from the first floor only has stairs B1. If you want to take the elevator, you need to make a big circle to the elevator parking lot of the underground parking lot, then go around to the entrance of Itoman, and climb three more stairs. To reach the gate of Itoman. After entering the door, you have to go down three more steps to reach the counter. In short, even if you are not afraid to go around a large circle to find the elevator in the parking lot, you still have to climb two more stairs to reach the counter, which is very inconvenient for people who push the baby carriage or have limited mobility. Those with barrier-free needs, please don't consider it directly. In addition, the coach teaching method is that the large class system is not the small class system. At the same time, three different levels of students are in the same class together, and the coach cannot take care of each student.
Double Hunag on Google

The environment is large, it is less crowded, and the teachers are very patient!
馮歆雯 on Google

The child has been studying here for more than two years, the coach is very patient?

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