
4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 運筋骨無痛喬骨所(運筋正骨)

地址 :

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Bangka Blvd, 140號運筋骨無痛喬骨所(運筋正骨)

電話 : 📞 +8899878
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/wei671028/%3Fref%3Dbookmarks
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 1:30–10PM
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
城市 : Bangka Blvd

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Bangka Blvd, 140號運筋骨無痛喬骨所(運筋正骨)
葉祐豪 on Google

魏師父一路精亦求精 捉到潮流,發心正有正氣!
Master Wei always strives for perfection all the way, catches the trend, and has a righteous heart!
韓馥徽 on Google

Master Wei’s explanation is particularly reassuring. Dad’s hard-hearing and expressions are also relatively incomplete. Master Wei will patiently explain to the accompanying family members to understand and let the family members know how to follow up with the correct medical treatment to double the recovery of the body. Thank you.
Lala Chang on Google

兩個月前就預約了3/5,今天準時到現場居然說我們的預約已經被取消,因為我們沒有接到電話,就直接把我們預約讓給別人 這種預約流程有很大的瑕疵,如果有這個規矩,應該在我們來電預約的時候就告訴我們,如果客人沒有接電話也應該用簡訊的方式通知,而不應該是直接沒有溝通,就把我們的預約取消,我們還從很遠的地方專程過來,非常的失望,不推薦
I made an appointment for 3/5 two months ago. I arrived on time today and said that our appointment has been cancelled. Because we didn't receive the call, we just gave our appointment to someone else. There is a big flaw in this reservation process. If there is this rule, we should tell us when we call to make an appointment. If the guest does not answer the phone, it should be notified by text message, not directly without communication. The reservation was cancelled, and we also made a special trip from a far place, very disappointed, not recommended
on Google

更新,治療兩周後腰慢慢好轉了,過去在別家針灸一年治不好的病,在這家喬骨所一次就治好了 ####### 師父幫我按了一個半小時,拔兩次罐,送貼布,一樣只收一千五,物超所值了
Update, after two weeks of treatment, the waist gradually improved. In the past, acupuncture and moxibustion in other homes could not cure the disease for a year, but it was cured in this Qiao Gu Institute. ####### Master helped me to press for an hour and a half, cupped the can twice, and sent the stickers, and it was only 1500 yuan. It was worth the money.
chiang stacey on Google

真的非常感謝??郭師傅和魏師傅的耐心和敬業。盡心盡力、不辭勞苦的幫患者解決疼痛。 我的背痛已經一年多了,問題很複雜,看遍各大名醫,各種中西醫治療都沒能解決我的病痛。 謝謝兩位師傅真的是大好人,總是很有耐心不厭其煩的幫我解決疼痛。至上最高的敬意??萬分感謝。
Thank you very much ?? Master Guo and Master Wei for their patience and dedication. Dedicated to helping patients with pain relief. My back pain has been more than a year, and the problem is very complicated. I have seen many famous doctors, and all kinds of Chinese and Western medicine treatments have not been able to solve my pain. Thank you to the two masters who are really good people, always patient and tireless to help me solve the pain. The highest respect ?? Thank you very much.
點點 on Google

有夠扯,令人不敢恭維的預約制度 星期二打電話過去想預約,店家表明到星期六預約都滿了,但是可以幫我排週五的候補,同時當下也問我星期五什麼時段可以,我說我週五放假整天任何時段都沒問題。 結果隔天星期三上班中他們打電話來,但上班中不能接聽電話,事後回撥電話詢問來電的原因,店家居然表示本來週五有位置空出來,所以打電話問我要不要排進去(?但因為我沒接電話,所以他們把候補位置讓給其他人了 是我中文不好還是怎樣?當時預約的時候就已經說了我星期五放假不管哪個時段我都可以等,為何後來變成是我要隨時等你們電話確認,沒接到電話我就不能排候補? 生意很好我能理解,但你們這荒謬的預約制度真的太可笑 有誰能夠整天等你們的確認電話,隨時打來就接起來的?看來要到你們店喬骨看的都是緣分 ------------------------- 看了其他留言,原來不久前才有跟我一樣的受害者,看來店家說要改進也只是講講 ===============4/15更新============== 剛剛氣到掛電話之後,約莫過了一小時又接到店家的電話,表示臨時又有人取消可以幫我安排,問我是否依舊要過去整骨,後來答應了 整體流程很專業,過去之後會先幫你熱敷,趴著熱敷時有個學徒過來在我旁邊跟我說明流程,表示會先熱敷再用機器震動把筋膜稍微軟化,然後會再幫我把筋鬆開,才開始整腿的部份,腰部以上會坐著調整 一開始是學徒過來幫忙鬆筋,後來店長(魏師傅)處理完前一位客人就過來接手,整體手法很柔和,不會覺得疼痛;和魏師傅說明之前車禍右腳有韌帶撕裂,所以拉筋的時候太緊張才導致右腳又扭傷了 師傅很專業會慢慢幫你檢查骨頭那邊有錯位或是異常,然後會用旁邊的模型白骨來講解問題出在哪邊,很有耐心的找出我長期腰背不舒服的原因,然後慢慢地幫我把骨頭復位,很厲害的地方是,腳踝前天扭傷有去看中醫,當時看完走路還是會痛,但魏師傅一併幫我處理好了!他喬完只剩附近肌肉微微的痠痛感,真的很厲害很專業,手法也很柔和。 最後我覺得很值得一提的是,最後結帳時通知我有位置可以過去的學徒小姐姐,居然跟我道歉了,她表示是前一天有個跟我同姓氏的女顧客打電話過去詢問預約,他們以為是我,把我的電話號碼唸給對方核對,對方居然謊稱是我,說沒錯那是她的電話號碼,所以才會不小心把我的預約排給那個人,瞭解原因之後當然是跟店家說「原來是誤會,那沒關係」 整件事情下來我覺得店家的預約制度可能不是非常完善,但是後續補救的處理態度,再加上 師傅100分的專業,非常值得5顆星
There is enough bullshit, the appointment system is not flattering I called on Tuesday and wanted to make an appointment. The store said that the appointments were full by Saturday, but they could help me get a waitlist on Friday. At the same time, they also asked me when I could make an appointment on Friday. As a result, they called at work the next day on Wednesday, but they couldn't answer the phone at work. After that, they called back to ask the reason for the call. The store owner actually said that there was a space available on Friday, so they called me and asked me if I wanted to queue up (? But Because I didn't answer the phone, they gave the wait spot to someone else Is my Chinese not good or what? At the time of the appointment, it was already said that I could wait no matter what time of day I was on holiday on Friday. Why did it later become that I had to wait for your call to confirm at any time, and I couldn’t wait for a call if I didn’t receive a call? Business is good, I can understand, but your ridiculous appointment system is so ridiculous Who can wait all day for your confirmation call and pick up whenever you call? It seems that it is fate to visit Qiao Gu in your shop ------------------------- After reading other messages, it turned out that there was a victim like me not long ago. It seems that the store owner only talked about the improvement. ===============Update 4/15============== After I was so angry that I hung up the phone, I received a call from the store about an hour later, saying that someone could cancel it temporarily and could help me arrange it, and asked me if I still wanted to go there for bone surgery, and then I agreed. The overall process is very professional. After the past, I will help you to apply heat first. When I was lying on my stomach, an apprentice came over and explained the process to me. He said that he would apply heat first, then use machine vibration to soften the fascia a little, and then help me to tighten the muscles. Loosen, just start the part of the leg, the waist will sit and adjust At first, the apprentice came to help loosen the tendons. Later, the store manager (Master Wei) came to take over after dealing with the previous customer. The overall technique was very gentle and did not feel pain. He explained to Master Wei that the ligament in the right foot was torn in the previous car accident, so he pulled When the tendons were too tense, the right foot was sprained again. The master is very professional and will slowly help you check if there is any dislocation or abnormality on the side of the bones. Then, he will use the model white bones next to him to explain where the problem is. He patiently finds out the reason for my long-term low back discomfort, and then slowly Slowly help me reset the bones. The most amazing thing is that I went to see a doctor for a sprained ankle the day before yesterday. At that time, it still hurts when I walk, but Master Wei helped me deal with it! When he finished Qiao, there was only a slight soreness in the nearby muscles, which was really powerful and professional, and the technique was also very gentle. Finally, I think it is worth mentioning that the apprentice lady who notified me that there was a place to go there at the end of the checkout actually apologized to me. She said that a female customer with the same surname as me called the day before to ask for an appointment. , they thought it was me, and read my phone number to the other party to check, but the other party actually lied that it was me, saying that it was her phone number, so they accidentally assigned my appointment to that person, after understanding the reason, of course I told the shop owner, "It turned out to be a misunderstanding, so that's okay." After the whole thing, I think the store's reservation system may not be very perfect, but the attitude of follow-up remediation, plus The master's 100 points of professionalism is very worthy of 5 stars
Tracy Huang on Google

魏師傅 is professional with his service; however, the business practice and ethics is questionable. My family is some how charged differently from everyone else. I did notice that everyone else was paying 1,500 NTD and I am paying 1,800 NTD; however, I assumed there must be some kinds of difference in service....until I referred my mom. When it is time to pay, the receptionist first charged her 1,500 NTD, then she said, oh, you are referred by xxx (me) you are$1,800. I am not kidding you. She was that direct to tell my mom that we need to pay more. When my mom came back, I told my mom that we can continue to observe. As I went through more sessions and have brought my daughters and observed while waiting (because they were late by 45 minutes), everyone else were paying 1,500 NTD and the service is not different...hm... We figured, fine, if we are unethically over charged by 300 NTD as long as 魏師傅 is trying to help me...although my pain never when away. What triggered me to write this review is that they were really unprofessional with their bookings. I had made several reservations months ago; however, during the height of pandemic during April and May, I had to cancel several because I was either exposed to someone tested positive or I had gone in/out of a hospital and I didn't want to bring potential virus exposure to others. When it came to our three appointments on Thursday, first they told us it is only one on Tuesday. I told them that it is incorrect. There are three appointments on Thursday. Then, they asked If I had cancel appointments before. I said yes. Then, they told me it is not Tuesday, it is just one appointment on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. When my daughter and I got there, they told me that we did not have any appointment. When I showed her the Line conversation with confirmed appointment date/time, she was not apologetic at all. She simply asked if we could just wait until the next opening, which is 4:30 p.m. It sounds like if you have made any cancellation before, they feel legitimate to cancel/change your schedule without notifying you first. I do feel bad to cancel them before; however, it is just very hard to control during the pandemic when I will be exposed and bring risk to their clinic. I guess they don't care that I was trying to protect their patients. Thanks to them, I have found another 師傅 who really fixed my problem.
Jakub Michalak on Google

Had a problem with disks pressing on my nerve. The doctor handled it unlike anyone I've seen before and I've been to mamy chiropractors and physiotherapists. The pain almost completely disappeared, the doctor recommended am exercise and gave me hot stickers. Also took extra 15 minutes overtime just to finish the job well. Much appreciated!

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