財興快餐 - Wanhua District

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 財興快餐

地址 :

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Baoxing St, 96號財興快餐

電話 : 📞 +88798
城市 : Baoxing St

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Baoxing St, 96號財興快餐
Tommy on Google

萬華這邊蠻多這種類型的快餐 當天吃招牌快餐 內容物蠻豐富的 飯量也很多 還有一碗味噌湯
Wanhua has a lot of this type of fast food here. Eat signature fast food on the day The content is quite rich a lot of appetite There is also a bowl of miso soup
鄭順 on Google

I originally liked this one, but today I came to eat the poached egg and there was a pile of eggshells?? May I throw the whole omelet and fry it?
王俊儒 on Google

The beef risotto and assorted risotto swordfish risotto are very good, but the other meals have a lot of rice but the amount of leafy vegetables is very small, so I just want to order risotto fried rice every time I come.
C.H. L on Google

S IU on Google

評價:4.2顆星 一、牛肉燴飯、招牌飯、排骨飯、日式快餐、宮保雞丁飯、蘭蒂快餐都不錯。白飯給得比一般店家稍多一點,能吃得較飽。 1.牛肉燴飯:白飯鋪上沙茶牛肉炒空心菜,牛肉片軟嫩,空心菜清脆,有沙茶的香而不過油,味道不錯,沙茶牛肉炒空心菜份量不少。外帶附一個滷蛋,內用則無,另附一片黃蘿蔔,一向都太鹹。最近一次吃,牛肉沒有以前嫩,稍有退步。 2.招牌飯:主菜是紅燒肉、炸雞翅,另有滷蛋及三樣配菜,是店家人氣餐點,紅燒肉以瘦肉製作,外皮不是酥脆型,口感味道較近似港式燒臘店的燒肉,雞翅現炸,外微酥裏嫩,口感味道都不錯。滷蛋入味,配菜不會過油過鹹。 3.排骨飯:排骨實測長寬厚約10*8*0.5公分,另一次實測為11*10*0.8公分,醃過後未裹粉油炸,口感不是酥脆型,紮實而不柴,肉質鮮甜,味道不錯。配菜三樣,芥蘭菜、麻婆豆腐、滷蛋都有到位,店家附贈的蘿蔔乾爽脆,味道也不錯。2022.05配菜變成四樣,青江菜、麵筋、醃小黃瓜都不錯,滷蛋若能滷得入味一點會更好。 4.日式快餐:紅燒肉、煎蛋、蝦子、花枝沙拉和蔬菜,蝦子、花枝都新鮮很彈,附味噌湯。也是店家的人氣餐點。 5.宮保雞丁飯:主菜宮保雞丁微辣,不能吃辣者謹慎。雞丁嫩,搭配硬花生,口感層次豐富,味道也不錯。另有滷蛋、麻婆豆腐、炒芥菜,都有到位,店家的麻婆豆腐微甜不辣,辣椒比較像是配色用。值得一提的是18:00用餐,芥菜是冷的,寒天中若能將菜肴保溫味道會更好,也更暖心暖胃。白飯份量夠,不過軟,口感可以,若能再黏Q一點口感會更好。 6.蘭蒂快餐:主菜有干貝、燒肉、花枝、蒸蛋,另有三樣配菜,本日是高麗菜、海帶粗絲、百頁,附味噌湯。干貝裹粉現炸,外酥裡嫩,花枝切得稍細,若能切稍粗一點口感會更好。蒸蛋內有貢丸切片、肉絲、杏鮑菇片、三色豆,除肉絲稍柴,也還不錯,配菜都有到位,整體份量夠,吃得飽。 7.焢肉飯:主菜焢肉二片,和一般焢肉相較,顏色較白,鹹度適中,但滷汁的香味、甘味並沒有入味,多年來都是這樣的口味。配菜的滷蛋也相同,滷得不夠入味,稍淡而不够鹹。 8.菜頭湯:味道鮮甜,蘿蔔塊味道還不錯。 9.味噌湯:味噌味鮮甜,配料有板豆腐,味道不錯,約450ml。 二、30年以上老店,近年漲了幾次價後,已不便宜,2021.08再漲價,餐食從90元起跳,雖仍維持不錯的品質,CP值已大不如前。(2022.05補充:2022年初財興對面新開了一家生意也不錯的便當店後,感覺財興配菜的份量有增加)
Rating: 4.2 stars 1. Beef risotto, signature rice, pork ribs rice, Japanese fast food, Kung Pao chicken rice, and Randy fast food are all good. The rice is a little more than the average store, so I can eat more full. 1. Beef risotto: The rice is covered with sand tea beef and fried water spinach. The beef slices are soft and tender, the water spinach is crisp, with the aroma of sand tea but not oily, and the taste is good. It comes with a marinated egg outside, but not inside. It comes with a piece of yellow radish, which is always too salty. The last time I ate it, the beef was not as tender as before, a slight regression. 2. Signature Rice: The main dish is braised pork, fried chicken wings, and there are also braised eggs and three side dishes. It is a popular meal in the restaurant. The braised pork is made of lean meat, the skin is not crispy, and the taste is similar to Hong Kong-style roast meat. The roast pork and chicken wings in the store are freshly fried, slightly crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the taste is good. The marinated eggs are delicious, and the side dishes are not too oily or salty. 3. Pork ribs rice: The actual measurement of the length, width and thickness of the ribs is about 10*8*0.5 cm. Another measurement is 11*10*0.8 cm. After marinating, it is not coated with flour and fried. tasty. There are three kinds of side dishes, kale, mapo tofu, and marinated eggs are all in place, and the radish that the store comes with is crispy and delicious. 2022.05 The side dishes have become four kinds. Qingjiang dishes, gluten, and pickled cucumbers are all good. It would be even better if the braised eggs can be marinated a little more. 4. Japanese fast food: braised pork, omelette, shrimps, salad and vegetables, shrimps and flowers are fresh and springy, with miso soup. It is also a popular meal at the restaurant. 5. Kung Pao Chicken Rice: The main dish Kung Pao Chicken is slightly spicy, so be careful if you can't eat spicy food. The chicken is tender and paired with hard peanuts, the taste is rich in layers and the taste is not bad. There are also marinated eggs, mapo tofu, and fried mustard greens, all of which are in place. The store's mapo tofu is slightly sweet and not spicy, and the peppers are more like color matching. It is worth mentioning that the meal at 18:00, mustard greens are cold, if the dishes can be kept warm in cold weather, the taste will be better, and the heart and stomach will be warmer. The amount of rice is enough, but it is soft, and the taste is good. If it can be sticky a little more, the taste will be better. 6. Randy Fast Food: The main dishes are scallops, roasted meat, flower branches, steamed eggs, and three other side dishes. Today is cabbage, thick shredded kelp, 100 pages, and miso soup. The dried scallops are fried in powder, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the flower branches are cut slightly finer, if they can be cut a little thicker, the taste will be better. The steamed egg contains sliced ​​meatballs, shredded pork, slices of king oyster mushrooms, and three-color beans. Except for the shredded pork, it is not bad. The side dishes are all in place, and the overall portion is enough to satisfy you. 7. Roasted pork rice: The main dish is two pieces of roasted pork. Compared with ordinary roasted pork, the color is whiter and the saltiness is moderate, but the fragrance and sweetness of the marinade are not delicious. The marinated egg is the same as the side dish. 8. Cabbage soup: The taste is fresh and sweet, and the radish chunks taste good. 9. Miso soup: Miso is fresh and sweet, and the ingredients are flat tofu. It tastes good, about 450ml. 2. An old restaurant with more than 30 years. After several price increases in recent years, it is no longer cheap. In 2021.08, the price will be increased again. The meal will start from 90 yuan. Although it still maintains a good quality, the CP value is not as good as before. (2022.05 Supplement: After opening a new bento shop opposite Caixing in early 2022 with good business, I feel that the amount of Caixing side dishes has increased)
Chi on Google

速度蠻快的 主菜不錯吃 配菜無法挑 表現普通
very fast Main dish is delicious The side dishes can't be picked, the performance is ordinary
Mydearfifi Lee on Google

好吃的便當店 這次點的是招牌快餐 還有附湯 料多實在 燒肉好吃 雞翅炸得很好 蝦子也很新鮮 油炸的蛋美味 飯也很好吃 吃飯時間人滿多的 但不會等很久 值得再回購
Sunny Farmer on Google

An affordable and delicious bento shop. This time I ordered the signature rice and the signature fast food. The signature rice has half-boiled poached eggs and two side dishes. The main meal is fried chicken wings and roast pork (this time add 35 yuan to replace the ribs, the meat is harder but tasty, very delicious), the signature fast food In addition to side dishes, fried chicken wings and roasted meat, there are also very fresh shrimps and small rolls, which is really satisfying. When booking this lunch box for a meeting, I think the attendance rate should be very high.

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