老牌豬血湯 - Section 2

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Contact 老牌豬血湯

地址 :

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Section 2, Guiyang St, 180號老牌豬血湯

電話 : 📞 +88998
城市 : Guiyang St

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Section 2, Guiyang St, 180號老牌豬血湯
台北西門-emma on Google

I haven’t bought it many times in my neighborhood. I bought a piece of fruit on my way home. The chili is very spicy, and the pork blood soup is not very small. Fried noodles 40, pork blood soup 40, and fried rice noodles. Dried slatted meat soup. The fried noodles will be topped with braised pork sauce and minced garlic, which is not bad! Next time I will buy dried slats and fried rice noodles to eat at home. If you don’t want to eat too much for a midnight snack, you can buy pork blood soup to eat.
Bowen C on Google

還不錯的小攤子 大腸豬血湯 看起來有點貴 但是實際吃起來 料很多 湯頭清淡不油膩 隔壁有臭豆腐攤販 臭豆腐不會很臭 剛炸好現吃 外皮十分酥脆 泡菜不會太酸 搭配臭豆腐剛剛好~~
Good little stall, large intestine pig blood soup looks a bit expensive But it tastes a lot, but the soup is light and not greasy. There is a stinky tofu vendor next door Freshly fried and freshly eaten Just right with stinky tofu ~~
陳希傑 on Google

20年老店 多吃豬血的7大好處 1、豬血血中含鐵量較高,而且以血紅素鐵的形式存在,容易被人體吸收利用,處於生長發育階段的兒童和孕婦或哺乳期婦女多吃些有動物血的菜餚,可以防治缺鐵性貧血,並能有效地預防中老年人患冠心病、動脈硬化等症。 2、有抗癌作用。 醫學實踐證明,豬血中的微量元素鈷可防止惡性腫瘤的生長。科學家從豬血中分離出1種名為「創傷激素」的物質,它可將壞死和損傷的細胞除掉,並能作用於受傷組織,使其逐漸痊癒並恢復正常功能。這在其他食品中是難以獲得的。 3.能抗衰老。豬血多磷脂,而磷脂能使乙醯膽鹼量增加,使神經細胞之間的聯繫迅速,從而改善人的記憶力。因此,有早期老年性痴呆症的患者宜多吃豬血 4、豬血含有維生素K,能促使血液凝固,因此有止血作用。 5、豬血還能為人體提供多種微量元素,對營養不良、腎臟疾患、心血管疾病的病後的調養都有益處,可用於治療頭暈目眩、吐血衄血、崩漏血暈、損傷出血以及驚厥癲癇等症; 6、除此之外,豬血還能較好地清除人體內的粉塵和有害金屬微粒對人體的損害;現代醫學研究發現,豬血中的蛋白質經胃酸分解後,可產生一種消毒及潤腸的物質,這種物質能與進入人體內的粉塵和有害金屬微粒起生化反應,然後通過排泄將這些有害物帶出體外,堪稱人體污物的「清道夫」。因此,常吃豬血能排出體內有害物質。 7、對於正在減肥的朋友們來說,豬血無疑是一種極好的食物,因為它含有的豐富的鐵質,能防止減肥的朋友們減肥減到貧血。 豬血價廉物美,堪稱「養血之玉」 血:蛋白質的平均含量為相當於豬肉的倍、雞蛋的倍,而且是優質全價蛋白質(含有人體的種必需胺基酸)。豬血還含有一定量的卵磷脂和鐵質,以及人體所需的多種微量元素。豬血所提供的正鐵血紅素,比其它亞鐵鹽所提供的鐵更容易被人體吸收和利用。 1、以血紅素鐵的形式存在且含量較高,易吸收。處於生長發育階段的兒童和孕婦或哺乳期婦女多吃些有動物血的菜餚,可以防治缺鐵性貧血,並能有效地預防中老年人患冠心病、動脈硬化等症。 2、提供多種微量元素。對營養不良、腎臟疾患、心血管疾病的病後的調養都有益處,可用於治療頭暈目眩、吐血衄血、崩漏血暈、損傷出血以及驚厥癲癇等症; 3、含有維生素K,能促使血液凝固,因此有止血作用。 4、抗衰老。豬血多磷脂,而磷脂能使乙醯膽鹼量增加,使神經細胞之間的聯繫迅速,從而改善人的記憶力。因此,有早期老年性痴呆症的患者宜多吃豬血。 5、抗癌 醫學實踐證明,豬血中的微量元素鈷可防止惡性腫瘤的生長。科學家從豬血中分離出1種名為「創傷激素」的物質,它可將壞死和損傷的細胞除掉,並能作用於受傷組織,使其逐漸痊癒並恢復正常功能。這在其他食品中是難以獲得的。 6、人體污物的「清道夫」。能較好地清除人體內的粉塵和有害金屬微粒對人體的損害。現代醫學研究發現,豬血中的蛋白質經胃酸分解後,可產生一種消毒及潤腸的物質,這種物質能與進入人體內的粉塵和有害金屬微粒起生化反應,然後通過排泄將這些有害物帶出體外,因此,常吃豬血能排出體內有害物質。 7、幫你減肥減到底。對於正在減肥的朋友們來說,豬血無疑是一種極好的食物,因為它含有的豐富的鐵質,能防止減肥的朋友們減肥減到貧血。 以上就是《「血豆腐」冬季食用的7大好處》的全部內容,想了解更多精彩內容,請繼續關注豬OK網。責任編輯:阿林 點我分享到Facebook 相關文章  吃豬血的7大好處 2014-12-27 豬血:蛋白質的平均含量為74%,相當於豬肉的4倍、雞蛋的5倍,而且是優質全價蛋白質(含有人體的8種必需胺基酸)。豬血還含有一定量的卵磷脂和鐵質,以及人體所需的多種微量元素。豬血所提供的正鐵血紅素,比其它亞鐵鹽所提供的鐵更容易被人體吸收和利用。  冬季吃豬血的6大好處 延緩衰老 2016-11-16 冬季人體新陳代謝速度會減慢,是一個很好的養生季節。食療是冬季養生中比較重要的一方面。很多人都喜歡在冬季時候吃豬血,豬血又稱液體肉、血豆腐或是血花等,中醫認為,豬血味甘、苦,性溫,具有補血美容、有解毒之功效。此外豬血含有豐富的維生素、蛋白質、鐵、鈣等。  冬季常吃豬血的7大好處 2015-02-26 豬血的營養十分豐富,素有「液態肉」之稱。據測定:每100克豬血含蛋白質16克,高於牛肉、瘦豬肉蛋白質的含量,而且容易消化吸收。豬血蛋白質所含的胺基酸比例與人體中胺基酸的比例接近,非常容易被機體利用,因此,豬血的蛋白質在動物食物中最容易被消化、吸收。  豬血有什麼營養作用?這些人千萬不要吃豬血?卻很少人知道 2018-01-03 豬血的營養十分豐富,我們祖先已經積累了很多關於豬血的吃法,比如說血腸、血豆腐等等,可以說都是美味。據測定:每100克豬血含蛋白質16克,高於牛肉、瘦豬肉蛋白。  多吃豬血的7大好處 2016-05-30 你喜歡吃豬血嗎?在吃火鍋時有些人一定要涮豬血吃那麼,豬血都有哪些營養價值呢?  冬季吃豬血的好處 2016-02-14 核心提示: 豬血雖然是一種非常上火的食物,但是其功效也不一般,特別是冬季吃豬血有很多好處,比如防寒御冷。下面我們來看看冬季吃豬血的好處。  豬身上這一寶比補藥厲害百倍 2017-04-27 豬血是一種健康保健品,其營養豐富,蛋白質含量高達18.9%,與豬肉相當,我國傳統醫學認為豬血有「利腸補豬血血,清除腸濁垢」之功效。現代醫學證實:豬血中的血漿蛋白被人體中的胃酸等分解後產生的物質具有解毒、潤腸的作用。  豬血能排毒,4類人不宜吃 2018-01-26 這主要是豬血中的膽固醇含量較高,進食後易加重病情,這些患者經常是會用還會出現頭暈、頭痛、肢體麻木等症狀。  豬血有什麼營養價值?什麼樣的人千萬不要吃豬血? 2017-11-25 豬血(豬紅),又稱液體肉、血豆腐和血花等,味甘、苦,性溫,有補血美容的功效。豬血富含維生素B2、維生素C、蛋白質、鐵、磷、鈣、尼克酸等營養成分。據本草綱目記載,豬血味咸,性平,主治,可生血、瘴氣、中風、跌打損傷、骨折及頭痛眩暈。那麼,豬血的營養價值是什麼呢?  常吃豬血對人體有哪些好處!特別是經常接觸粉塵的職業人員可常吃 2018-03-04 它的蛋白質平均含量高達74%,是豬肉的4倍,雞蛋的5倍,而且是優質全價蛋白質,還容易消化吸收。1、防止缺鐵性貧血因為豬血含鐵量較高,並且是以血紅素的形式存在,容易被人體吸收利用。  豬血有什麼功效?吃豬血還能有這麼多好處? 2018-05-03 豬血含鐵量非常豐富,吸收率較高。鐵是造血所需的重要元素,人體缺乏鐵元素將患缺鐵性貧血,貧血病人常吃豬血可以起到補血的作用。  每天了解一種食材——豬血 2017-02-27 豬血【別名】液體肉,血豆腐,血花【營養信息】豬血通常被製成血豆腐,是最理想的補血佳品之一。1.豬血的營養十分豐富,素有「液態肉」之稱。豬血蛋白質的含量要高於牛肉、瘦豬肉,而且容易消化吸收。  豬血的壞處和好處都有哪些 2017-04-27 豬血相信很多人都吃過,有些不知道的人會覺得豬血怎麼吃,難道要喝嗎,其實豬血放置一會就會自然凝固這樣吃起來就會方便很多。豬血有很多好處,但是有好處往往也都有壞處,今天我們一起來好好了解下豬血都有哪些好處和壞處。  中醫建議冬季進補多吃豬血美容抗衰還排毒 2016-01-07 豬血:蛋白質的平均含量為 74%,相當於豬肉的 4倍、雞蛋的 5倍,而且是優質全價蛋白質 (含有人體的 8種必需胺基酸 )。豬血還含有一定量的卵磷脂和鐵質,以及人體所需的多種微量元素。豬血所提供的正鐵血紅素,比其它亞鐵鹽所提供的鐵更容易被人體吸收和利用。  吃豬血或動物血製品,會對人體有害嗎? 2018-05-09 豬血中添加甲醛;豬血中含有大量激素;豬血中含有豬機體的新陳代謝廢物,多食無益…眾所周知的是,豬血可以「以血補血」,它具有良好的補血功能,這是因為豬血中含有豐富的極易被人體吸收的血紅素鐵。  豬血又被稱為「血豆腐」!原來它對人體有這6個好處 2018-01-26 豬血是我們生活中常見的一種食材,價格便宜,但是營養價值卻不少。**1、防止缺鐵性貧血:**因為豬血含鐵量較高,並且是以血紅素的形式存在,容易被人體吸收利用。  豬血的營養價值 2016-11-24 功效有理血祛瘀、止血、補血、利大腸、殺蟲之功效;中醫認為,豬血可醫治干血癆。禁忌人群高膽固醇血症、肝病、高血壓、冠心病患者應少食;凡有病期間忌食;患有上消化道出血階段忌食。適宜人群一般人群均可食用。  聽說豬血可以清肺,是真的嗎? 2018-07-02 豬血被人們所鍾愛,是因為它具有補血的作用,其實它還有清肺的作用,今天就讓我們一起來了解一下吧。豬血中的血漿蛋白被人體內的胃酸分解後,產生一種解毒、清腸分解物,能夠與侵入人體內的粉塵、有害金屬微粒發生化合反應,而且還可以幫助人體清除毒素。  這種紅色的豆腐,幫你補血、抗衰老 2018-02-03 很多外國人都會感到驚訝,但對中國人來說,它可以吃,比如豬血。豬血作為一種常見的物質,在生活中是一種常見的美味,吃豬血是一件很平常的事。  豬紅吃的對,營養又保健! 2015-12-25 豬血(豬紅):又稱液體肉、血豆腐和血花等,味甘、苦,性溫,有解毒清腸、補血美容的功效。一、豬紅的營養價值豬血富含維生素B2、維生素C、蛋白質、鐵、磷、鈣、尼克酸等營養成分。據本草綱目記載,豬血味咸,性平,主治,可生血、瘴氣、中風、跌打損傷、骨折及頭痛眩暈。  常吃豬血對人體有這麼多好處! 2018-03-03 豬血是我們生活中常見的一種食材,它的蛋白質平均含量高達74%,是豬肉的4倍,雞蛋的5倍,而且是優質全價蛋白質,還容易消化吸收。
20 years old shop 7 benefits of eating more pig blood 1. Pig blood has a high iron content and exists in the form of heme iron, which is easily absorbed and utilized by the human body. Children and pregnant or lactating women in the growth and development stage eat more dishes with animal blood, which can be prevented Iron deficiency anemia, and can effectively prevent middle-aged and elderly people suffering from coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis embolism. 2. Has anti-cancer effect. Medical practice has proved that the trace element cobalt in pig blood can prevent the growth of malignant tumors. Scientists have isolated a substance called "trauma hormone" from pig blood, which can remove necrotic and damaged cells, and can act on injured tissues to gradually heal and restore normal function. This is difficult to obtain in other foods. 3. Can resist aging. There are many phospholipids in pig blood, and phospholipids can increase the amount of acetylcholine, make the connections between nerve cells quick, and thus improve people's memory. Therefore, patients with early senile dementia should eat more pig blood 4. Pig blood contains vitamin K, which can promote blood coagulation, so it has a hemostatic effect. 5. Pig blood can also provide a variety of trace elements for the human body, which is beneficial to malnutrition, kidney disease, and post-care care of cardiovascular disease. It can be used to treat dizziness, blood vomiting, epilepsy, haemorrhagia, bleeding and convulsions Epilepsy embolism; 6. In addition, pig blood can better remove the damage of human body dust and harmful metal particles to the human body; modern medical research has found that the protein in pig blood can produce a kind of disinfection and moisturizing after digestion by stomach acid This kind of substance can react with the dust and harmful metal particles that enter the human body, and then take these harmful substances out of the body through excretion, which is called the "scavenger" of human dirt. Therefore, often eating pig blood can excrete harmful substances in the body. 7. For friends who are losing weight, pig blood is undoubtedly an excellent food because it contains rich iron, which can prevent friends who lose weight from losing weight to anemia. Pig blood is cheap and good quality, it can be called "blood nourishing jade" Blood: The average protein content is twice that of pork and eggs, and it is high-quality full-price protein (containing essential amino acids of the human body). Pig blood also contains a certain amount of lecithin and iron, as well as various trace elements required by the human body. The heme provided by pig blood is more easily absorbed and utilized by the body than the iron provided by other ferrous salts. 1. It exists in the form of heme iron and has high content, which is easy to absorb. Children and pregnant or lactating women who are in the growth and development stage eat more dishes with animal blood, which can prevent iron deficiency anemia, and can effectively prevent middle and old people from suffering from coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. 2. Provide a variety of trace elements. It is beneficial to malnutrition, kidney disease, and post-care rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease. It can be used to treat dizziness, dizziness, hematemesis, haemorrhagic bleeding, injury bleeding and convulsions and epilepsy; 3. Contains vitamin K, can promote blood coagulation, so it has a hemostatic effect. 4. Anti-aging. There are many phospholipids in pig blood, and phospholipids can increase the amount of acetylcholine, make the connections between nerve cells quick, and thus improve people's memory. Therefore, patients with early senile dementia should eat more pig blood. 5. Anti-cancer Medical practice has proved that the trace element cobalt in pig blood can prevent the growth of malignant tumors. Scientists have isolated a substance called "trauma hormone" from pig blood, which can remove necrotic and damaged cells, and can act on injured tissues to gradually heal and restore normal function. This is difficult to obtain in other foods. 6. The "scavenger" of human dirt. It can better remove the damage of dust and harmful metal particles to the human body. Modern medical research has found that the protein in pig blood is decomposed by stomach acid to produce a disinfectant and intestinal substance that can biochemically react with dust and harmful metal particles that enter the human body, and then excrete these harmful substances Taken out of the body, therefore, often eating pig blood can excrete harmful substances in the body. 7. Help you lose weight in the end. For friends who are losing weight, pig blood is undoubtedly an excellent food, because it contains rich iron, which can prevent friends who lose weight from losing weight to anemia. The above is the entire content of "The 7 Benefits of" Blood Tofu "for Winter", if you want to know more exciting content, please continue to pay attention to the pig OK network. Editor in charge: Alin Click me to share to Facebook related articles  7 benefits of eating pig blood 2014-12-27 Pig blood: The average protein content is 74%, which is equivalent to 4 times that of pork and 5 times that of eggs, and is a high-quality full-price protein (containing 8 essential amino acids of the human body). Pig blood also contains a certain amount of lecithin and iron, as well as various trace elements required by the human body. The heme provided by pig blood is more easily absorbed and utilized by the body than the iron provided by other ferrous salts.  6 benefits of eating pig blood in winter 2016-11-16 The body's metabolism will slow down in winter, which is a good health season. Diet therapy is an important aspect of health maintenance in winter. Many people like to eat pig blood in winter. Pig blood is also called liquid meat, blood tofu, or blood flower. Chinese medicine believes that pig blood is sweet, bitter, and warm in nature, and has the effect of nourishing blood and detoxifying. In addition, pig blood is rich in vitamins, protein, iron, calcium and so on.  7 benefits of eating pig blood in winter 2015-02-26 Pig blood is very nutritious and is known as "liquid meat". According to the determination: 16 grams of protein per 100 grams of pig blood, higher than the protein content of beef and lean pork, and easy to digest and absorb. The ratio of amino acids in pig blood protein is close to the ratio of amino acids in the human body, and it is very easy to be used by the body. Therefore, the protein in pig blood is most easily digested and absorbed in animal food.  What is the nutritional effect of pig blood? Don't these people eat pig blood? But few people know 2018-01-03 The nutrition of pig blood is very rich. Our ancestors have accumulated a lot of ways to eat pig blood, such as blood sausage, blood tofu, etc., which can be said to be delicious. According to the determination: 16 grams of protein per 100 grams of pig blood, which is higher than that of beef and lean pork.  7 benefits of eating more pig blood 2016-05-30 Do you like to eat pig blood? Some people must eat pig blood when eating hot pot. So, what are the nutritional values ​​of pig blood?  Benefits of eating pig blood in winter 2016-02-14 Core Tip: Although pig blood is a very hot food, its efficacy is not ordinary. Especially in winter, eating pig blood has many benefits, such as cold and cold protection. Let's take a look at the benefits of eating pig blood in winter.  This treasure in pigs is a hundred times more powerful than tonic 2017-04-27 Pig blood is a kind of health care product, which is rich in nutrients and has a protein content of up to 18.9%, which is equivalent to pork. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pig blood has the effect of "enriching the intestines and supplementing the blood of the pigs and removing intestinal turbidity." Modern medicine has confirmed that the plasma protein in pig blood is detoxified and the intestines can be detoxified by substances produced by the decomposition of stomach acid in the human body.  Pig blood can detoxify, so 4 types of people should not eat 2018-01-26 This is mainly due to the high cholesterol content in pig blood, which can aggravate the condition after eating. These patients often experience dizziness, headache, and limb numbness.  What is the nutritional value of pig blood? Who should never eat pig blood? 2017-11-25 Pig blood (pig red), also known as liquid meat, blood tofu and blood flower, is sweet, bitter, warm in nature, and has the effect of blood and beauty. Pig blood is rich in vitamin B2, vitamin C, protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, niacin and other nutrients. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, pig blood tastes salty, calm, and attending. It can produce blood, malaria, stroke, bruises, fractures and dizziness. So, what is the nutritional value of pig blood?  What are the benefits of eating pig blood often? Especially professional staff who are often exposed to dust can eat often 2018-03-04 Its average protein content is as high as 74%, which is 4 times that of pork and 5 times that of eggs, and it is high-quality full-price protein, which is easy to digest and absorb. 1. Prevent iron-deficiency anemia because pig blood has a high iron content and exists in the form of heme, which is easily absorbed by the body.  What is the effect of pig blood? There are so many benefits of eating pig blood? 2018-05-03 Pig blood is very rich in iron and has a high absorption rate. Iron is an important element required for hematopoiesis. The lack of iron in the human body will cause iron-deficiency anemia. Anemia patients often eat pig blood to play a role in blood.  Learn about an ingredient every day-pig blood 2017-02-27 Pig Blood [Alias] Liquid Meat, Blood Tofu, Blood Flower [Nutrition Information] Pig blood is usually made into blood tofu, which is one of the best blood supplements. 1. The nutrition of pig blood is very rich, known as "liquid meat". The content of pig blood protein is higher than beef and lean pork, and it is easy to digest and absorb.  What are the disadvantages and benefits of pig blood 2017-04-27 Pig blood is believed to have been eaten by many people. Some people who do n’t know how to eat pig blood should drink it. In fact, the pig blood will naturally coagulate for a while, so it will be more convenient to eat. Pig blood has many benefits, but the benefits often have their disadvantages. Today we come together to understand the benefits and disadvantages of pig blood.  Chinese medicine recommends to take more tonic in winter to eat pig blood beauty anti-aging and detoxification 2016-01-07 Pig blood: The average protein content is 74%, which is equivalent to 4 times that of pork and 5 times that of eggs, and is a high-quality full-price protein (containing 8 essential amino acids of the human body). Pig blood also contains a certain amount of lecithin and iron, as well as various trace elements required by the human body. The heme provided by pig blood is more easily absorbed and utilized by the body than the iron provided by other ferrous salts.  Will eating pig blood or animal blood products be harmful to humans? 2018-05-09 Adding formaldehyde to pig blood; pig blood contains a lot of hormones; pig blood contains metabolic waste of the pig body, and it is useless to eat more ... It is well known that pig blood can "make up blood with blood", which has a good blood-enriching function, because Pig blood is rich in heme iron that is easily absorbed by the body.  Pig blood is also called "blood tofu"! It turns out that it has these 6 benefits for the human body 2018-01-26 Pig blood is a common ingredient in our lives. It is cheap, but it has a lot of nutritional value. ** 1. Prevention of iron deficiency anemia: ** Because pig blood has a high iron content and is in the form of heme, it is easily absorbed by the body.  The nutritional value of pig blood 2016-11-24 Efficacy: It has the effects of rationalizing blood, removing blood stasis, hemostasis, nourishing blood, benefiting the large intestine and killing insects. Chinese medicine believes that pig blood can cure dried blood tuberculosis. Contraindicated patients with hypercholesterolemia, liver disease, hypertension, coronary heart disease should eat less; avoid eating during illness; patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding stage. Suitable for the general population can be eaten.  Is it true that pig blood can clear lungs? 2018-07-02 Pig blood is loved by people because it has a blood-enriching effect. In fact, it also has a lung-cleansing effect. Let us take a look at it today. Plasma protein in pig blood is decomposed by stomach acid in the body, and produces a detoxification and intestinal decomposition product, which can combine with dust and harmful metal particles that invade the body, and can also help the body remove toxins.  This red tofu will help you to nourish blood and fight aging 2018-02-03 Many foreigners will be surprised, but for the Chinese, it can be eaten, such as pig blood. As a common substance, pig blood is a common delicacy in life, and eating pig blood is a common thing.  Pig red is right, nutrition and health care! 2015-12-25 Pig blood (pig red): also known as liquid meat, blood tofu and blood flower, etc., sweet, bitter, warm in nature, has the effect of detoxification and clearing the intestines, blood and beauty. 1. The nutritional value of pig red Pig blood is rich in vitamin B2, vitamin C, protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, niacin and other nutrients. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, pig blood tastes salty, calm, and attending. It can produce blood, malaria, stroke, bruises, fractures, and headache and dizziness.  Eating pig blood often has so many benefits to the human body! 2018-03-03 Pig blood is a common ingredient in our lives. Its average protein content is as high as 74%, which is 4 times that of pork, 5 times that of eggs, and it is high-quality full-price protein. It is also easy to digest and absorb.
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The pork blood soup is good, the fried rice noodles topped with minced pork is delicious and even more pleasant!
吳宏文 on Google

豬血有煮熟,大腸料理的剛好, 不會太爛還帶有點嚼勁。 現場除了炒麵炒米粉,隔壁攤的臭豆腐也可以點。 餐後付錢,吃飽請別忘給老闆娘錢。
The pig blood is cooked, and the large intestine is just right. It's not too bad and has a bit of chewy. In addition to fried noodles and rice noodles, you can also order stinky tofu from the stall next door. Pay after the meal. Please don't forget to pay the lady boss if you are full.
羅昌明 on Google

Often come to take out for internal use, closed on Wednesdays. It is rare to find traditional snacks with such an authentic taste. The chili is also very unique. The meatballs are Q bomb, the soup is sweet and delicious, and the proprietress and eldest sister who cook the noodles are super friendly.
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The fried noodles have the ancient flavor of the central and southern parts, and there are a lot of pig blood in the pig blood soup~ I highly recommend people who come to Taipei to work hard and miss the taste of the central and southern parts to taste it!
S EN on Google

The chow mein sauce is very good, the noodle body lacks some Q strength. The large intestine pig blood soup is delicious, with leeks and sauerkraut. The soup and large intestine are very flavorful, but not oily, and the pig blood is very tender.

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