黑武藏10元壽司 桃園中正店

3.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 黑武藏10元壽司 桃園中正店

地址 :

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Zhongzheng Rd, 512號黑武藏10元壽司 桃園中正店

電話 : 📞 +889989
網站 : https://biaodan100.com/web/formview/5de64ce9fc918f2c6415803d
Opening hours :
Wednesday 1–11PM
Thursday 1–11PM
Friday 1–11PM
Saturday 1–11PM
Sunday 1–11PM
Monday 1–11PM
Tuesday 1–11PM
城市 : Zhongzheng Rd

Chris Liu (RS) on Google

The sushi is cheap and delicious. The point is that the shopkeepers are super nice. They are willing to provide a little more mustard and soy sauce packets, so you don't have to go to the supermarket to buy the spicy mustard sauce. It's really great ?????? ????
CCWXAGA on Google

這一間黑武藏跟其他間落差很大,叫的花枝壽司和章魚壽司都不新鮮,我第一次遇到花枝壽司腥到我吃不下去的,勉強吃下第一個之後另外兩個都丟掉了。 感覺是個別店的問題,其他間黑武藏壽司就不會有這種情況。
This black Musashi is very different from other rooms. The Hanaede sushi and the octopus sushi are not fresh. The first time I encountered the Hanaede sushi that was too fishy for me to eat. After I managed to eat the first one, the other two were lost. It seems to be the problem of individual restaurants, and other black Musashi sushi will not have this situation.
xiang yun wang on Google

卡了4單等了30分鐘一單都沒做 只做現場客就不要接單 可以按關閉 浪費大家時間 第一次問說要等很久 第二次問說50分鐘 製餐時間都已經超過了30分了 可以在扯一點沒關係 捏個壽司是要多久笑死人
Stuck on 4 orders, waited for 30 minutes, didn't make a single order, only on-site customer, don't take orders You can press close to waste everyone's time The first time I asked, it was a long wait The second time I asked, the 50-minute meal preparation time has already exceeded 30 minutes. It doesn't matter how long it takes to make sushi
陳鵬安 on Google

浪費時間去兩次現場都沒備好讓人買 老闆忙著做外送單也沒空多理你 只叫你去旁邊掃QR Code線上預訂 可能可以快一點 不用浪費時間去了 老闆感覺不差你這個客人 做線上的就賺飽了
Waste of time to go to the site twice, not ready for people to buy The boss is busy making delivery orders and has no time to pay attention to you. Just ask you to scan the QR Code to book online, maybe it can be faster Don't waste your time, the boss doesn't feel bad for you, the guest Make money online
王笑笑 on Google

懂生鮮的意思嗎?都柴的是怎樣?生魚片?放幾個月了? 叫了30顆 芥末醬油只給兩包 我還有15顆沒得沾? 吃到一半還要去全聯買芥末
Do you understand the meaning of fresh food? What is Du Chai's? Sashimi? How many months have it been? I ordered 30 pieces of wasabi soy sauce for only two packs I still have 15 untouched ? Halfway through eating, I have to go to Quanlian to buy mustard
Ben Kuo on Google

食材新鮮、尤其是炙燒,讓人流連忘返, 可以現點現做,老闆很熱情、有型, 也有點餐平台,聚餐、會議都很方便、漂亮!
The fresh ingredients, especially the burnt, make people linger, You can make it to order. The boss is very enthusiastic and stylish. There is also a dining platform, which is very convenient and beautiful for gatherings and meetings!
王小俞 on Google

點了這些東西卻沒有送到生魚片握壽司 第一次點這間的10元壽司卻讓人失望 希望下次能注意一點
Ordered these items and it wasn't delivered to the sashimi nigiri The first time I ordered 10 yuan sushi here, but it was disappointing Hope to be more careful next time
Macro Lin on Google

便宜,種類多,晚間生意不錯所以食材輪轉還蠻快的是好事 不過好像每種壽司和飯間都會抹類似沙拉醬的就微甜醬料,有時會顯的妨礙魚料的味道
It's cheap, there are many kinds, and the business is good in the evening, so it's a good thing that the rotation of ingredients is quite fast However, it seems that every kind of sushi and rice has a slightly sweet sauce similar to salad dressing, which sometimes hinders the taste of the fish.

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