滿園產後護理之家 - Lane 415

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Contact 滿園產後護理之家

地址 :

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Lane 415, Guangfu S Rd, 2號滿園產後護理之家3樓

電話 : 📞 +88877
網站 : https://taipeimonyan.business.site/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday 9AM–8PM
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
城市 : Guangfu S Rd

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Lane 415, Guangfu S Rd, 2號滿園產後護理之家3樓
呂小呱 on Google

三胎都在這裡滿園產後護理之家,老闆娘貼心關心每位產婦飲食及身體復原狀況,讓我感覺就像回到娘家ㄧ樣舒適自在❤️非常推薦!優質月子中心 滿園產後護理之家!
The third child is here in the postpartum care home of the full garden. The proprietress cares about the diet and physical recovery of each mother, making me feel as comfortable and comfortable as returning to my mother's home ❤️ Highly recommended! High-quality Confinement Center Full Garden Postpartum Care Home!
Mimi Tsai on Google

第一天入住就覺得很棒了~空間雖然不是很大,但整體空間規劃很舒適!闆娘和護理人員都很nice,原本入住的房間設備有點問題,有空房就馬上幫我換,服務真的很好耶~ 吃貨最最最滿意的就是餐點的部分,現煮健康又好吃的月子餐? 疫情期間也做好實聯制,停止訪客探訪,令人覺得安心 總之,覺得CP值很高,有二胎一定再來?
I felt great when I checked in on the first day~ Although the space is not very large, the overall space planning is very comfortable! Ban Niang and the nursing staff are very nice. The room equipment I stayed in was a bit problematic. If there is a vacancy, I will change it for me immediately. The service is really good~ The most satisfying thing about food is the part of the meal. Freshly cooked healthy and delicious confinement meal? During the epidemic, we will also implement a joint system and stop visits by visitors, which makes people feel at ease In short, I think the CP is very high and I will definitely come again if I have a second child?
urausa419 on Google

我非常重視月子餐一定要現煮,於是認真做功課後,幸運的找到了滿園,餐點每餐現煮,營養美味,份量十足。 交通環境便利,先生下班後還可以去國父紀念館慢跑一下。 賴姐與護理師們都好親切,像在娘家坐月子一樣的舒服自在。 如果有第二胎,會再來這邊坐月子喔!
I attach great importance to the fact that confinement meals must be cooked fresh, so after doing my homework, I was fortunate enough to find Manyuan. Every meal is freshly cooked, nutritious and delicious, and the portion is full. The transportation environment is convenient, and Mr. can go for a jog at the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall after get off work. Sister Lai and the nurses are very kind, as comfortable as confinement at her parents' house. If there is a second child, I will come to confinement here again!
Diva Hung on Google

第一胎選擇了滿園,很感動這裡的護理師願意照顧兔寶。入住的30天裡我和寶寶都得到很好的照顧及關心,在這裡可以好好休息擠奶,又不用擔心吃的問題。個人最喜歡湯品,尤其鱸魚湯的魚肉真的蠻好吃的。 這裡的護理師很親切,有任何問題也都很願意指導新手媽咪,謝謝賴姊還有護理師在我心情低落的時候安慰扶持我,現在為人母,我會一天天變堅強的,謝謝你們。。。
The first child chose Manyuan, and I was very moved that the nurses here were willing to take care of the rabbits. During the 30 days of stay, my baby and I have been well cared for and cared for. Here, we can rest and express milk without worrying about eating. Personally, I like soup the most, especially the fish in the sea bass soup is really delicious. The nurses here are very kind and willing to guide new moms if they have any questions. Thank you Sister Lai and the nurses for comforting and supporting me when I was feeling down. Now that I am a mother, I will become stronger day by day, thank you you. . .
Chin-Hsuan Hu on Google

The price is close to the people, you can have a good rest and relax, and take care of the baby very carefully. My baby is very clingy, and the head nurse will respond to the baby's needs well. Sister Lai also gives professional advice on some of the baby's conditions. The room is comfortable. If there is any need to adjust and pay attention, I can deal with it in time with the nurse or sister Lai. The portion of the meal is sufficient, and I look forward to the soup and drinks in the afternoon the most every day~
Mily我是米粒米粒是我 on Google

如果妳跟我同樣想找個像家一樣溫馨的月子中心;如果妳也想找有自備廚房現煮好吃的中式月子餐;如果妳想在月子期間好好休息睡到爽調養好身體,聽我的~“滿園‘’是妳最好的選擇!! 不管是對於寶寶的照護或者媽媽常常冒出各式各樣的問題,賴姐以及護理師們都用專業細心耐心用心對待 ,尤其是對未來充滿未知的新手媽媽,都會像朋友般給予鼓勵支持。 環境雖然不比高級月中,但該有的設備都不會少,每天都會有專人進來清潔整理環境,乾乾淨淨、簡簡單單的,住起來很有家的感覺~ 飲食的部分,滿園有自備廚房也都可以依需求提出客製化,餐點看起來家常樸實,但這段時間認真吃認真喝,該補的都會補到,身體也復原得很快。(媽媽本人試吃外面的月子餐覺得太可怕,沒味道以及可怕的便當味,我覺得吃完一個月會崩潰,心裡有陰影˙ˊˋˋ,在來參觀滿園的那一天下午剛好廚房端出香噴噴的魚湯,直接被吸引走,也是我當天下訂的原因之一) 這段時間真的會有渡假交朋友身心休息的感覺,所以已經開始遊說老公生第二胎的時候要直接住好住滿順便托嬰~~ 小補充:如果有想餵母奶的媽咪~建議出院前跟泌乳師預約時間(入住月中第一天),暢通乳線,就不用經歷塞奶脹奶石頭奶,千萬不要等痛到不行才預約!!(滿園有配合的泌乳師,第一次都有優惠)
陳珮怡 on Google

在好朋友的推薦之下來滿園坐月子,因為是第一次生產,有很多跟寶寶有關的疑問,賴姊跟護理師都不厭其煩的幫我解惑,降低新手爸媽的不安,雖然不是大型的月中,但小小的更能照顧到每個產婦跟寶寶。 我挑選最大間的房間,隔音很好,會聽得到小小的車流聲但不影響休息,餐點新鮮豐富,有第二胎的話一定會再回滿園作月子
On the recommendation of a good friend, I came to Manyuan for confinement. Because it was the first time I gave birth, I had many questions about the baby. Sister Lai and the nurse took the trouble to help me solve my doubts and reduce the anxiety of new parents. A large mid-month, but a small one can take care of every mother and baby. I chose the largest room. The sound insulation is very good. I can hear the small traffic noise but not affect the rest. The meals are fresh and rich. If there is a second child, I will definitely go back to the full garden for confinement
Solene Lee on Google

In a warm and comfortable environment like home, there are nutritious, healthy and delicious confinement meals prepared by Auntie's good craftsmanship every day! A six-star hotel-style confinement center should have almost everything here! I sincerely thank Sister Lai and all the nurses for taking good care of the baby and mother ❤️

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