御兒信義產後護理之家 - Section 5

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Contact 御兒信義產後護理之家

地址 :

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Section 5, Xinyi Rd, 109號御兒信義產後護理之家2樓

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://royalbaby.tw/
城市 : Xinyi Rd

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Section 5, Xinyi Rd, 109號御兒信義產後護理之家2樓
Vanessa Ling on Google

超級推薦做月子選御兒 環境很棒 房間很舒適 最重要是食物超好吃? 御兒有厲害的中央廚房 可以依照媽媽們的需求做調整 還有無限供應的養生茶可以喝 嬰兒室的護理師都很專業 安撫寶寶超有一套 好厲害?? 新手媽媽來這邊完全不會焦慮 任何問題她們都很專業耐心的教導 就算親子同室也常常會關心媽媽和寶寶的狀況 真的很感謝她們? 御兒的每位人員都很親切 不論是嬰兒室、廚房、清潔還是櫃檯的人都很好 下一胎一定還是選「御兒」❤️
Super recommended for confinement Great environment and comfortable room Most importantly, the food is delicious ? Yu'er has a great central kitchen Can be adjusted according to the needs of mothers There is also an unlimited supply of health tea to drink The nurses in the nursery are very professional There is a super set to soothe the baby, it's amazing?? New mothers will not be anxious at all when they come here They are professional and patient in teaching any questions. Even if the parent and child are in the same room, they often care about the condition of the mother and the baby I really appreciate them ? Everyone at Yu'er is very kind Whether it's baby room, kitchen, cleaning or counters are nice The next child must still choose "Yu Er" ❤️
陳怡芳 on Google

對於新手媽媽的我來說,選擇在御兒產後護理之家坐月子,這決定真的是太對了! 裝潢設計很加分,房間乾淨明亮,住起來很舒適。這裡氣氛很好,不論是客服、廚房大姐、清潔大姐及護理師,每個人都很親切很好聊像家人一樣,寶寶和媽媽都被照顧的很好。(因應節日還有額外的驚喜~) 特別感謝嬰兒室的護理師們! 每位真的都很專業、親切、細心,每天關心媽媽的身體狀況,剛到月中時塞奶擠奶問題她們都能馬上提供協助,任何產後問題及寶寶照顧上的問題,護理師們都很耐心且專業的提供解答或建議,每天也都會跟媽媽說明寶寶身體健康狀況,讓媽媽安心。 另外,這裡有自己的廚房,每天現做餐點,菜色都很多元豐富不會一直重複,素食餐點也有喔!重點是好吃?,每餐都吃光光,有特別需求廚房都會調整。 總而言之,真的是很棒的體驗,謝謝御兒每位成員的照顧。
For me as a new mother, choosing to confine my child at the Yu'er Postpartum Care Home is really the right decision! The decoration design is a plus, the room is clean and bright, and it is very comfortable to live in. The atmosphere here is very good, whether it is the customer service, the kitchen eldest sister, the cleaning eldest sister and the nurse, everyone is very friendly and chats like family, and the baby and mother are well taken care of. (There are additional surprises for the festival~) Special thanks to the nurses in the nursery! Everyone is really professional, kind, and attentive. They care about the mother's physical condition every day. They can provide immediate assistance when it comes to milking problems in the middle of the month. Very patient and professional to provide answers or suggestions, and explain the baby's health status to the mother every day, so that the mother can feel at ease. In addition, there is its own kitchen, where meals are made fresh every day. The dishes are very diverse and rich and will not be repeated all the time. There are also vegetarian meals! The point is to be delicious?, every meal is eaten up, and the kitchen will be adjusted if there are special needs. All in all, it was a really great experience, thank you for taking care of every member of Yuer.
馬志菁 on Google

因為疫情關係所以線上參觀完第一家月中就直接下訂了,入住後覺得自己當初果斷的選擇沒有錯。 1. 地點好:跨年的時候下樓就可以看到101的煙火。 2. 交通方便:離象山捷運站三分鐘的距離,方便親友探視。 3. 餐飲:我喜歡清淡口味的食物,覺得御兒的餐很符合我的口味。 4. 服務:客服人員、護理人員、清潔人員和送餐人員都很親切,有任何疑問都可以詢問他們。聖誕節的時候還有幫寶寶們穿上可愛的聖誕裝當送給爸媽的禮物,揪甘心。 5. 裝潢:房間的裝潢看得出精心設計,整潔明亮。有一大片的窗戶,不會讓人覺得一直關在房間裡透不過氣。會客室也很漂亮。 6. 課程:除了護理人員有教授如何幫寶寶洗澡餵奶洗屁屁等照護方式以外,每個禮拜也有很多媽媽教室可以上,雖然有時夾雜著一些廣告活動,但還是可以獲取有益的資訊。
Because of the epidemic, I made a reservation directly after the first online visit in the middle of the month. After I checked in, I felt that my decisive choice was not wrong. 1. Good location: you can see the fireworks of 101 when you go downstairs on New Year's Eve. 2. Convenient transportation: three minutes away from Xiangshan MRT Station, convenient for relatives and friends to visit. 3. Food: I like light food, and I think Yu'er's meal suits my taste very well. 4. Service: Customer service staff, nursing staff, cleaning staff and food delivery staff are all friendly and you can ask them if you have any questions. At Christmas, I also help the babies put on cute Christmas clothes as gifts for parents. 5. Decoration: The decoration of the room is well-designed, clean and bright. There are a large number of windows, which will not make people feel that the room has been closed and breathless. The reception room is also beautiful. 6. Courses: In addition to nursing care methods such as bathing, feeding and washing the baby's ass, there are also many mothers' classrooms that can be held every week. Although some advertising campaigns are sometimes mixed, useful information can be obtained.
狸狸 on Google

這裡環境很適合休息做月子,我住的房間面對信義路五段,房間採光良好,御兒位於二樓,房內看出去窗外是一片綠意(行道樹),搭配小木屋咖啡色係與木質地的室內裝潢,整體瀰漫渡假氛圍,使人心情放鬆。 御兒有自己的廚房,三餐現煮現送,能針對產婦的飲食習慣客制化餐點,我的飲食習慣比較特別,不敢吃肉和魚,但敢吃有殼類海鮮,月子餐便以蛋奶素為主,有時候會搭配蝦子、干貝的有殼類海鮮、吃得很放心,不需要遷就全素套餐。 由於疫情,媽媽教室的課程都改成線上進行,避免群聚。目前約入住兩週,我們入住後就常把寶寶推到房間進行母嬰同室,身為新手父母在這期間常常hold不住,常找護理師進來救援,因此從護理師身上學到衛教知識與照顧新生兒方式,還附加N次的真人示範。這裡是個產婦想休息可以盡情放空耍廢,想要學習也可以盡量學的地方。
The environment here is very suitable for rest and confinement. The room I live in faces the fifth section of Xinyi Road. The room is well-lit. Yuer is located on the second floor. The room looks out of the window is a green (street tree), with the coffee color of the cabin and wood. The interior decoration of the place, the whole pervades the holiday atmosphere, making people feel relaxed. Yu'er has her own kitchen, three meals are cooked and delivered right away, and the meals can be customized according to the eating habits of mothers. My eating habits are quite special. I dare not eat meat and fish, but I dare to eat shellfish The meal is mainly ovo-vegetarian, and sometimes it is accompanied by shellfish such as shrimp and scallops. It is very safe to eat, and there is no need to settle for a vegan meal. Due to the epidemic, classes in the mother's classroom have been changed to online to avoid crowds. At present, we stay for about two weeks. After we move in, we often push the baby to the room for mother and baby to share the room. As a new parent, we often cannot hold it during this period, and we often find a nurse to come in for rescue. Therefore, we learned the knowledge of health education from the nurse. With the way of caring for newborns, there are also real-life demonstrations for N times. This is a place where mothers who want to rest can be free to play as much as they want, and where they can learn as much as possible if they want to study.
Han Han on Google

餐點好吃、菜色很豐富,湯水的份量很足夠,我在做月子的倒數幾天有去健檢,第一次看到報告顯示沒有脂肪肝?每天都吃很好,也很健康~ 每天都有一壺壺的解渴茶可以自行取用,茶飲是裝在保溫瓶內不是大茶桶,在房內可以隨時喝到熱茶超棒! 時常會有泡腳的藥包,在天冷的時候窩在房內用熱水泡腳很舒服,房間裝潢很美,我們的房型是面靜巷,每天都在很舒適的環境下起床~ 這是我們第一次當爸媽,護理師教了我們許多育兒的知識及方法,讓我們再遇到狀況時能夠有能力處理,以及都很有耐心的回覆我們的各種疑問,並且及早和我們討論後續嬰兒照顧的方法,對於新手爸媽的我們來說真的給予很大的幫助 有時候我們嘗試母嬰同室到微崩潰—還在熟悉換尿布、洗屁股、安撫嬰兒—護理師都會神救援我們? 或者偶爾因為母奶的關係自己心很累,護理師也有給我鼓勵打氣?❤️並且幫我調適心情,給我正確的觀念 除了很照顧寶寶之外,對身為媽媽的我也很照顧! ~以下更新~ 回家後第4天寶寶的屁股有尿布疹,在御兒的期間護理師教了我們好幾次曬屁屁的方法還有要注意的地方,曬了2天後有比較好了~ 我們自己回家帶孩子的這幾天有覺得在月中學到很多東西,除了我們和孩子的作息還在磨合之外,很多事情都有學到所以能夠快速應對的感覺 還有一天微塞奶也是用護理師教我的方法推開了~
The meals are delicious, the dishes are very rich, and the soup is full of water. I went to the health check in the last few days of the confinement period. For the first time, I saw the report that there is no fatty liver ? I eat very well every day, and it is also very healthy~ Every day, there are pots of thirst-quenching tea that you can take by yourself. The tea is packed in a thermos instead of a large tea bucket. You can drink hot tea at any time in the room, which is great! There are often medicine bags for foot soaking. When it is cold, it is very comfortable to soak your feet in hot water in the room. The decoration of the room is very beautiful. This is the first time for us to be parents. The nurse taught us a lot of parenting knowledge and methods, so that we can be able to deal with the situation again, and patiently answer our various questions, and talk to us as soon as possible. Discuss the methods of follow-up baby care, which is really helpful for new parents Sometimes we try to share the room with the mother and baby until we break down - we are still familiar with changing diapers, washing buttocks, soothing the baby - the nurses will help us ? Or occasionally I feel very tired because of my mother's milk, and the nurse also encourages me ?❤️ and helps me adjust my mood and give me the correct concept In addition to taking good care of the baby, I also take good care of me as a mother! ~Update below~ On the 4th day after returning home, the baby's buttocks had diaper rash. During Yuer's period, the nurse taught us several times how to dry the buttocks and what to pay attention to. After 2 days of sunbathing, it will be better~ In the past few days when we went home and brought our children, we felt that we learned a lot in the middle of the month. In addition to the fact that we and our children are still adjusting to their schedules, we have learned a lot of things, so we feel that we can deal with them quickly. Another day, the micro-plugged milk was also pushed away by the method taught by the nurse~
Raúl Tsai on Google

簡單乾淨的月中,就在象山捷運站出口走路2分鐘,交通方便。月中的服務人員都非常親切,護理師也都很專業,特別是住進去的前三天護理長都特別給老婆很多經驗分享,消減媽媽的擔心與不適。每週還有婦產科醫師與小兒科醫師駐點諮詢,讓寶寶與媽媽的照顧更萬無一失。隨著時間的進行,護理師也會建議並試著讓媽媽有更多獨自處理寶寶的時間,循序漸進讓媽媽可以上手避免回家後生疏的窘境。多元的課程讓媽媽可以有很多育嬰、衛教和保養恢復等課程,即使退房了還是會邀請媽媽上一些重要的課程非常貼心。合作的泌乳顧問非常專業與厲害,入住第一週能獲得馬上幫助與知識,也可以線上諮詢讓媽媽沒有煩惱。每天定時嬰兒室消毒與清潔房間,讓媽媽的作息蠻好掌控的。御兒有自己的廚房,口味濃淡、忌口食物都可以即時反應,菜單也會提前公佈下月菜單讓媽媽提早規劃。下午茶除了原本的湯品或點心,常常會有額外業配廠商增加驚喜,豐富程度也是超級有誠意的。遇到節慶也會有特別點心或餐點,我們入住期間剛好遇到5/1勞動節竟然出現半隻小龍蝦也是醉了(太厲害了吧)。最後不得不誇入住禮讓媽媽回家後根本不用特別再買寶寶衣服很貼心,哺乳衣跟月中同款讓媽媽還能沈浸在月中的tempo,還有月中同款哺乳枕真的太開心了。最後的最後是,在信義區但有這麼經濟實惠的價格,讓小資夫妻感覺壓力減半真的很推薦其他爸媽來參觀比較。 後記:退房一個月,老婆接到護理師打來的關懷電話,還記得當初寶寶就很愛吃會爆哭的特徵(哈),交換一下心得也很親切告知有問題都歡迎跟月中諮詢,超級貼心 補充一下缺點:月中是使用鍋爐系統,我們住比較便宜的房型(靠信義路)離鍋爐比較遠,熱水會來的比較慢(老婆只抱怨這點),但水量水壓都非常夠力,小抱怨一下總體還是很滿意的
Vivian S. on Google

I stayed here for 15 days after 2 weeks at another moon center so I can do a pretty honest comparison of the two. The food here is spectacular. Everything is tasty and they can customize the food for you. They eliminated lamb and innards and even longan for me and replaced it with beef and other fruits that I like. Every main meal has a side dish of fruit which is really nice. Seriously I wonder why other places can't make the food just as tasty, this place has the best moon food I've ever tasted (Included the ones that deliver to your house). If you live close by, you can order their lunch and dinner for 1000NT and arrange for your own delivery or just pick it up. The location is also superb, I choose the side facing the million dollar condos and it is very nice and quiet. The bed is more traditional but they arranged a softer bed for me and added a futon so it's nice and soft to my liking. They really go above and beyond to make my stay comfortable. The layout of the room isn't exactly the best, but it's fine. Meal deliveries has to come all the way into the room since there is no table near the door. Internet speed is amazingly fast here. 75mb per second when I tested it, which allows for smooth streaming of Netflix which I enjoyed immensely. All the rooms have been remodeled but some are prettier than others. At first I got this room that really was not my style which looked like a faux victorian room but they quickly switched me to another room. I peeked in some of the rooms which are nice and bright, and they all seem pretty although it might be a little more local taiwanese style. The care for the mom and baby is average compared to the other moon center, they are helpful and you can see into the nursery basically 24 hours a day. I booked here for great food and they did not disappoint. If food is your priority as well (omg I can't stand moon food anywhere else) this is the place for you. They are very accommodating and helpful and they provide everything you need (clothes, diapers, fresh towels, Chinese herbal tea, Chinese herbal packs for bathing, and fast internet!) It's worth checking this place out!
Sunny on Google

Had such a wonderful experience staying at this postpartum center. The bed, pillows and blankets were really comfortable. The decor is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. The nurses were all really caring, experienced and helpful. They continually checked in on me and my newborn, making sure my questions were answered and that I felt supported. They're also really flexible. Whether you would like to bottle feed or breastfeed, they respect and support your choice as a mom. The meals were excellent as well as you can see from all the previous reviews. This center has its own kitchen so the food are all made fresh daily. They do switch up the meals so you don't get the same meal multiple times during your stay. You can also request for extra bowl of rice and side dishes so your husband or child can enjoy the meals as well. I also loved the location of this center. It's walking distance from a really nice and large park we would take our older child to when she visits. The front desk also has a good selection of toys for her to choose from and play with when she visits. It’s also close to department stores in the 101 area if you want to go out for a walk. The center offers lots of helpful classes for moms including yoga, baby care and also a craft class for your older child. I would highly recommend this place to other moms. I don't believe they speak English though just FYI. Just writing this review in English since my English is better than Chinese. :)

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