鮨亭日式料理 - Shilin District

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 鮨亭日式料理

地址 :

111, Taiwan, Taipei City, Shilin District, Fugang St, 137號鮨亭日式料理

電話 : 📞 +88889
城市 : Fugang St

111, Taiwan, Taipei City, Shilin District, Fugang St, 137號鮨亭日式料理
Esther Wu on Google

先說結論:一顆星是因為食物有熟,寧可吃711也不會再回訪。 週六晚用餐,因為客滿,所以進店告知有三位,讓我們在外等候,未告知等候號碼或順序。 (前面有一組比我們晚到但先闖進去所以就安排入座) 大約5分鐘以後,外場服務員告訴我們雙人座加椅子可以嗎,想說大概吃一下沒關係擠擠就好 (但實際就是單桌根本放不下3人餐點的桌子) 入座以後發現這個問題,主動與店家要求稍後有4人桌要換桌, 結果外面還有一對夫妻帶幼兒園年紀的小孩,進來說:因為他們有小孩,所以要坐4人桌 然後老闆來了一句:「剛剛你們說可以坐單桌的,所以不能換。」 (附帶一提,他們點了一盤炒飯+一盤烏龍麵,所以單桌也是可以用餐,小朋友也可以坐有靠背的椅子即可,因為他們也沒有兒童餐椅) 等到餐點上了一半的時候,稍早跟服務人員反映的“無法放下餐點”這個情況,非常肉眼可見如附圖的樣子發生了,於是再度詢問服務人員:「請問桌子擺不下要怎麼用餐呢?」 外場服務人員回頭看老闆,老闆沒說話,然後看到另外一桌4人桌用餐完畢,才緊急收桌幫我們更換, 接下來上菜,定食主菜在其他餐點吃完一半了發現未送來,與服務人員反應,廚房才發現沒做,所以把不知道哪裡已經燙好放在鍋子裡的雞肉放到烤箱上烤, 其實還有一份手卷沒上菜,反應以後大概7-8分鐘才再度詢問是否有送手卷來,告知沒有才上菜。 整體餐點,就是食物有熟,調味普通。 炸蝦烏龍麵:有清湯白菜烏龍麵,搭配一隻炸蝦、一隻炸魚、4-5塊蔬菜 (但貴店有炸魚烏龍麵,說真的吃炸蝦烏龍麵吃到有炸魚蠻驚喜的,乾脆改名「綜合天婦羅烏龍麵」比較貼切) 泡菜牛肉鍋:泡菜甜口(而且是廚師直接用手抓放進鍋裡煮)、一堆高麗菜心一整塊的菜、還有肉片,一碗白飯 照燒雞腿定食:櫻花蝦炒飯、魚味增(清)湯-只有魚腥味、照燒雞腿附高麗菜絲跟薑片 以及用餐完會獲得滿滿的油煙味,因為半開放式廚房,根本沒有所謂的抽油煙設備可言 以前在此店也吃過帶皮的生魚片,非第一次用餐,但都沒有感受到店家料理或服務有改善 P.S.店家的壽司是用白色的毛巾蓋著,一般而言是以白色棉布覆蓋,提供給大家參考
Let me start with the conclusion: one star is because the food is cooked, I would rather eat 711 than visit again. I had dinner on Saturday night. Because it was full, I told them that there were three people in the store and let us wait outside without telling the waiting number or order. (There was a group in front of us who arrived later than us but broke in first, so we arranged to be seated) About 5 minutes later, the outfield attendant told us whether it’s okay to add a double seat and a chair. I want to say that it’s okay to eat and squeeze. (But the fact is that a single table can't fit a table for 3 people) I discovered this problem after I got seated, and I took the initiative to ask the store to change tables for 4 people later. As a result, there was a couple outside with kindergarten-age children. They came in and said: Because they have children, they have to sit at a table for 4 people. Then the boss said: "Just now you said that you can sit at a single table, so you can't change it." (Incidentally, they ordered a plate of fried rice + a plate of udon noodles, so a single table can also be eaten, and children can also sit on chairs with backrests, because they don’t have children’s dining chairs either) When the meal was halfway through, I told the service staff earlier that the situation of "cannot put down the meal" was very visible to the naked eye as shown in the photo. So I asked the service staff again: "How can I eat if the table cannot be set? Woolen cloth?" The outfield service staff looked back at the boss, but the boss didn’t speak, and then saw that the other table with 4 people had finished eating, and then urgently closed the table to help us replace it. Next served, the main dish of the set meal was half finished and found that it hadn’t been delivered. After reacting to the service staff, the kitchen realized that it hadn’t been cooked, so I put the chicken that I don’t know where it was cooked and put it in the pot on the oven. bake, In fact, there was still a hand roll that was not served. After the reaction, it was about 7-8 minutes before I asked if there was any hand roll, and it was served only when it was told. The overall meal is that the food is cooked and seasoned. Fried shrimp udon noodles: udon noodles with clear broth and cabbage, paired with a fried shrimp, a fried fish, 4-5 pieces of vegetables (But your store has fried fish udon noodles. If you really eat fried prawn udon noodles, it is a pleasant surprise to have fried fish, so it is more appropriate to change the name to "comprehensive tempura udon noodles") Kimchi Beef Pot: Kimchi is sweet (and the chef directly puts it in the pot and cooks), a pile of cabbage hearts and a whole dish, sliced ​​meat, and a bowl of rice Teriyaki chicken legs set meal: Sakura shrimp fried rice, fish miso (clear) soup-only fishy flavor, teriyaki chicken legs with cabbage and ginger slices And after the meal, you will get a full smell of oily smoke, because the semi-open kitchen has no so-called oily smoke equipment at all I have eaten sashimi with skin in this restaurant before. It is not the first time I ate, but I have not felt any improvement in the restaurant’s cooking or service. The sushi in the P.S. shop is covered with white towels, generally covered with white cotton cloth, for your reference
Amir Chang on Google

想要吃低脂餐所以點了生魚片定食,結果上了一大盤炒飯,我傻眼。 不過炒飯很好吃,所以我還是把它吃完了。減肥就… 明天再說吧
I wanted to eat a low-fat meal so I ordered the sashimi set meal, and I ended up with a big plate of fried rice, and I was dumbfounded. The fried rice was delicious though, so I finished it anyway. Just lose weight... Let's talk about it tomorrow
Yuan on Google

定食的炒飯、湯份量很足夠!食物都好好吃 服務態度親切,好想吃水蓮,會再來吃的 工作人員的小朋友在店裡跑來跑去有點危險 油煙大了一些
The fried rice and soup for the set meal are plenty! food is delicious Friendly service, really want to eat water lotus, will come again It's a little dangerous for the staff's children to run around in the store The smoke is bigger
SC Yuan on Google

部分品項這個月上漲了,例如綜合生魚片、蟹膏壽司 食物還蠻新鮮的 圖片分別是 綜合生魚片、生魚片蓋飯(250)、烤秋刀魚 口味不錯 不過價格偏貴 適合偶爾來吃奢侈一下
Some items have gone up this month, such as comprehensive sashimi, crab paste sushi The food is quite fresh The pictures are Mixed sashimi, sashimi rice bowl (250), grilled saury Good taste But the price is too expensive Suitable for occasional luxury
派翠克美食記 on Google

這家日式料理位於台北士林的住宅區內,菜單豐富,料理美味,而且分量很足夠,假日回台北都會來吃的店 鮮蝦握壽司 90元 熟成的鮮蝦配上哇沙米加醬油,一口吃下的風味,會想要一口接一口 日式炸豬排定食 250元 來鰭亭的必點推薦就是定食,這次點的是炸豬排定食,這份量適合兩人份,大大一盤的"櫻花蝦炒飯"+鮮魚味噌湯+主食炸豬排;便宜的價格就可以吃到日式料理,只有在鰭亭才吃的到啦! 茶碗蒸 50元 店家的茶碗蒸使用了柴魚高湯去製作的,每一口都能聞到柴魚的香味, 搭上軟嫩的蒸蛋在配上香菇 肉片 蝦仁和貢丸。 炒時蔬 90元 這盤炒時疏居然是派翠克的最愛"水蓮",大火快炒的水蓮口感清脆, 不軟爛,90元可以吃到水蓮真的是太幸福啦!非常的物超所值。 IG:patrickfood2022
Tim Fairweather on Google

Beautiful salmon belly sashimi and hand rolls - will be back
VIVIAN KUO on Google

LOVE this place. Sushi is so cheap and fresh! Staffs greet people energetically and are very helpful! Too bad there's no Uni today :( Definitely come back to try other food!
Panpaporn Jantrasakaowong on Google

I ordered fried rice with salmon but in reality you need to imagine that they put salmon inside. Hahaha most of the taste of fried rice is the taste of dry shrimp. However they cook all food well.

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