綠居室內裝修系統櫃設計 - Section 5

4.7/5 基於 7 評論

Contact 綠居室內裝修系統櫃設計

地址 :

111, Taiwan, Taipei City, Shilin District, Section 5, Zhongshan N Rd, 647號綠居室內裝修系統櫃設計號

電話 : 📞 +888
城市 : Zhongshan N Rd

111, Taiwan, Taipei City, Shilin District, Section 5, Zhongshan N Rd, 647號綠居室內裝修系統櫃設計號
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11/29更新:完工至今雖然出過幾次後續問題,但林總監都有積極處理,值得肯定,故從1星改為3星 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 裝潢前陸續諮詢過廚x櫃、三x美福、x航、愛x爾、綠x傢俱、歐x、Go_zGO等,因為和綠居一開始諮詢的過程最順利,雖然價格不是最便宜,但為了好的服務,設計費10%、監工費10%也給好給滿。但是付訂後,態度、工程、價錢計算上就開始出紕漏,故給一星(文長如下提供參考)。 一、態度方面: (一) 拖延:多次未在約定時間內回覆,或已讀不回。例如要緊急安裝的玻璃,約好隔天告知能否施工,逾時未回。油漆施工和合約上要求的牌子不同,雖然立刻打電話詢問,但僅被告知會轉達設計師,稍晚發現油漆牌子用錯,也馬上用line通知,但兩個問題等到午夜都沒回應如何處理。烤漆玻璃安裝時發現費用變便宜,便宜多少的具體報價,也是追問了兩三次後才回覆。承諾尾款發票在收款後兩三天內拿給客戶,但超過一個禮拜都沒消息,詢問後才知用寄的(就是因為怕寄丟才會約當面給)。 (二) 忘性大:答應客戶的事經常忘記。例如油漆色卡、天花板色卡都未準時提供,油漆色卡一開始還給錯牌子。蹭破家具答應會當天修補,沒補,問了之後說改天補,改天還是忘。網路線壓條事先告知不要油漆,照漆。插座面板非合約品牌,事前提醒不要裝,照裝。合約寫明發票和出貨資料每次付款後給,第一期款收了以後完全忘記,都要主要要才記得。 (三) 不細心:多次位置量錯、尺寸畫錯、報價算錯。例如衣櫃淺抽內徑多估,與客戶再三強調的高度不符。衣櫃的內櫃寬度量錯,裝在內櫃的多個拉籃尺寸也就從小尺寸變大尺寸,價錢也就被加倍多估。系統櫃進場當天大雨,運送來的板子未完整包覆,局部被淋濕,事後才在擦乾。 (四) 專業度不足:前面提到的衣櫃內櫃,不只尺寸畫錯、報價算錯,一開始用中立柱做法,臨到最後簽約關頭突然說這樣不安全,要改櫃內櫃做法,多了好幾千,安全問題要最後才發現?然後報價單加了櫃內櫃的費用,卻沒刪掉中立柱的費用……只顧公司不少收,客人的權益卻未主動告知。此外,浴室門檻都拆掉要裝上新的,才發現門檻寬度比門框小,才說因為是現成品,尺寸沒辦法調整,要訂做才能符合門框寬度 (頭洗一半,還能怎樣?)。浴室排風扇也是要安裝了才發現比窗框小,裝不上去。事前強調要可抽出的板子,裝好後才發現被門片擋到,抽不出來。說沒看過某些零件所以不知道、不會裝、要客戶放棄,直到客戶找出資料證明可以買到才要裝,結果只買外殼沒買內件,跑了多趟才裝好,非常浪費時間,現場來監工的人員說真的態度不錯,但是不夠專業與細心。身為設計師應該要主要提出建議,卻只會一個口令一個動作,身為顧客一點都沒有省心 的感覺,比直接找工頭施工還累...(10幾年前家中裝潢是直接找木工處理,只需要按耐木工師傅一人還比較輕鬆) (五) 代替客戶做決定卻沒有事先告知:要6500K的燈,拿6000K的貨,事後才說因為沒6500K。裝錯牌子.漆錯油漆.玻璃門一碰就掉.系統櫃刮傷....都需要顧客自己一項項檢查,有被抓到才要善後,設計師現場監工都不知道在監督什麼...只監督有無做完? (六) 3D圖和實際顏色落差很大,詢問後才說是軟體關係,可以調整。和態度有關的點在於,色差那麼明顯依然交給客戶,為什麼不先調整一下避免誤會? 二、施工方面: (一) 工班水準參差不齊,好的很好,差得很差:地板沒貼保護工程就拆家具(合約上有保護工程,是收費項目),拆下來就扔地板上,要客戶反應後才貼保護,還漏貼電梯地板,害客戶被鄰居投訴。系統櫃把手、門片有磨損、刮痕、髒污或破裂,照樣安裝,大半夜12點的還在替師傅粗糙的施工品質想解決辦法,最後把手全換新,門片大量拆回工廠修補……隔天,同一組師傅繼續施工,事先提醒過請留心不要再犯錯,但師傅依然把衣櫃門片裝反,毛邊也黏不緊,裝完當天晚上一拉門,就脫落。非常不用心。 (二) 和工班溝通不良,答應客戶的事情沒做:禁菸,師傅照抽。幫清垃圾,但師傅把要回收的家具拆成垃圾,佔掉垃圾車空間,變成客戶得自行處理垃圾。第一天的保護工程要PVC+夾板,只貼PVC,部分PVC還直接擺地上,沒貼膠帶,會滑動,踩到會摔跤的,都是要求後隔天才來補齊。粗清最差,說好的一天變半天,師傅甚至拒絕施作綠居答應的項目,藉口很多,直接打電話找綠居反應也沒用……為什麼找這種不負責任的師傅呢?合約的細節都要一樣樣去盯,我們都只要求補做沒要求賠償,但一而再再而三的發生,真的讓人身心俱疲 (三) 叫不動工班:櫥櫃的玻璃滑門容易脫落、邊框割手、玻璃與邊框不齊,師傅來了好幾趟卻始終說沒問題,率居設計師明明知道有問題還硬想過關,直到客戶表明驗收不過不付尾款,才拆回修補。期間綠居完全說不上話,任憑師傅堅持己見,浪費大家時間。 三、價錢方面: (一) 算錯錢:收了訂金卻忘記,要客戶再付一次。請款與合約不同,要客戶發現才知道算錯。前面也提到,尺寸量錯所以多算錢,不只一次。 (二) 事後追價:客戶確認合約價格後才打牆,隔天說打太多超出合約價格,要加錢。前面提過浴室排風扇安裝問題,因為要裝的窗口太大,排風扇裝不上(排風扇是綠居挑的),要多釘一塊板子,居然推薦客戶在浴室用木材製成的系統櫃板子,要求改防潮發泡板,也要加錢。瓦斯爐下方櫥櫃裡面有安裝一塊接油水的板子,因為每天開伙,簽合約的當下就強調須可拉出方便清潔,裝好後發現板子被下櫃門片擋到拉不出來,居然說只要拆掉門片就可以把板子拉出來,如要不拆門片,原本五金得改成大角度五金,也要加錢(再三爭取過後,設計師才免強同意不收費,但這就是設計上的疏失,好像當初尺寸根本量假的,誰能接受一個需要拆門片才能打開的抽屜?)。【信賴專業所以付了設計費,卻得到一堆有問題的設計,綠居自己失誤卻都不承認,只會要客戶加錢改善,實在不合理。】 (三) 簽約前未告知如果追加項目不在合約裡,價錢無優惠:合約的工程費和系統費都打85折(這是綠居主動給的優惠,不是客戶要來的,再次強調一切費用都沒殺過價,只有在諮詢後突然一周內要求要馬上簽約才有85折優惠,因為公司要漲價,這點有點不滿,但基於信任綠居也只要求升級幾個拉欄材質,就火速付了訂金),但事後追加的工程項目,綠居以超出合約為由堅持不打折,但10%設計費和10%監工費照收。【建議真要選擇率居的朋友,所有合約一定要儘量詳細,不做再刪】 四、心得:雖然綠居承諾會修補的都有補,但事前在監工、挑選工班上多用一點心,事後雙方就不必再花時間精力善後,施工過程中幾乎每一天都有問題,一直針對這些早已多次討論過的東西在善後,非常沒效率,我們家裡每天都要有人在現場,晚上下班還要趕回去確認每一項內容都非常類。此外,合約上白紙黑字寫好的東西也多次不正確,這些都要客戶親自檢查才會發現…付錢買專業,卻凡事都要自己來,很辛苦,也很失望。唯一給一星的理由,是被派來監工的人員,一位小龜是臨時被派出,因為之前接洽的黃小姐在多次確認合約的部分一直出現漏洞,不是該補的沒補,就是該修改的只修改一半,約好的事情無下文,所以在簽訂合約時要求換人處理才換上小龜,小龜經驗不足但是態度上很客氣,也是辛苦她在雙方中間當橋樑。 五、給想要選擇綠居的你: 1.務必監工,每天的施工內容都要檢查並拍照,方便之後確認修補狀況。 2.要細心,合約上的項目、尺寸、金額、設計圖等內容,尤其修改處,每一項都要詳細檢查逐條核對。 3.有耐心,等回問題、回報價、回工班何時有空etc.。 4.主動收集資料,如有特殊需求或工法,除了註明在合約上,施工當天也要再次確認。如果有疑慮寧可不施工,等一切資訊確定了再做,避免做錯了再改,要改又要再另約時間,另約時間就可能碰到前面提過的問題,影響心情。 坦白說綠居整體的服務下來,實在是讓人勞心勞力... 以上,完全真實的經驗談,提供給大家參考。目前施工終於完成也付清尾款,希望後續的使用上不會有常需要保固的地方,這樣付出的心力也值得了
11/29 update: Although there have been several follow-up problems since the completion of the project, Director Lin has actively dealt with it. It is worthy of recognition, so it changed from 1 star to 3 stars. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Before the decoration, I consulted kitchen x cabinet, three x Meifu, x airline, love x, green x furniture, Euro x, Go_zGO, etc., because the process of consulting with Green House was the smoothest, although the price is not the cheapest, but the price is not the cheapest, but For good service, the design fee is 10%, and the supervision fee is 10%. However, after the payment was made, the attitude, engineering, and price calculations began to leak, so give one star (the text is as follows). First, the attitude: (1) Procrastination: Many times did not reply within the agreed time, or have not read back. For example, if the glass is to be installed urgently, it is necessary to inform the next day whether it can be constructed or not. Paint construction and contract required different brands, although I immediately called to ask, but was only told to convey the designer, later found that the paint brand is wrong, but also immediately use the line notice, but the two questions wait until midnight did not respond to how to deal with. When the paint glass was installed, it was found that the cost became cheaper, and the specific price of the cheaper glass was also replied after two or three times. The promised final invoice will be given to the customer within two or three days after the receipt, but there is no news for more than one week. After the inquiry, I will know that it will be sent (it is because I am afraid that the loss will be given in person). (2) Forgetting big: The things that promise customers are often forgotten. For example, paint color cards and ceiling color cards are not provided on time, and the paint color cards are initially given the wrong brand. Broken furniture promised to be repaired the same day, did not make up, after asking, said to change the day to make up, change the day or forget. The net route beading in advance informs not to paint and paint. The socket panel is not a contract brand, and it is reminded not to install it beforehand. The contract states that the invoice and the shipping materials will be given after each payment. After the first payment is received, it will be completely forgotten. (3) Not careful: multiple positions are wrong, the size is wrong, and the price is wrong. For example, the inner diameter of the shallow pumping of the wardrobe is overestimated, which is inconsistent with the height that the customer repeatedly emphasizes. The width of the inner cabinet of the closet is wrong, and the size of the plurality of pull baskets installed in the inner cabinet is also increased from a small size to a large size, and the price is doubled. The system cabinet was raining on the day of the arrival. The board that was transported was not completely covered, and it was partially wet. It was dried afterwards. (4) Insufficient professionalism: The cabinets mentioned in the above mentioned cabinets are not only wrong in drawing, but also wrong in quotes. At the beginning, they used the method of center pillars. At the end of the contract, they suddenly said that this is not safe, and it is necessary to change cabinets. Thousands, security issues will be discovered at the end? Then the quotation added the cost of the cabinet, but did not delete the cost of the center column... Only a lot of the company’s income was received, but the customer’s rights were not announced. In addition, the bathroom door sills were removed and installed to the new one, only to find that the sill width is smaller than the door frame, it is said that because it is a ready-made product, the size can not be adjusted, to be customized to meet the door frame width (head wash half, what?) . The bathroom exhaust fan is also installed to find that it is smaller than the window frame and can not be installed. Prior to emphasizing the board that can be extracted, it was found that it was blocked by the door piece and could not be pulled out. I said that I have not seen some parts, so I don’t know, I don’t want to install them, I want the customers to give up, until the customer finds out that the information can be bought before they can be loaded. As a result, I only buy the shell and I don’t buy the internals. Time, the people who came to supervise the work on the spot said that the attitude was good, but not professional and careful. As a designer, I should mainly make suggestions, but only one password and one action. As a customer, I have no feeling of worry. It is more tired than looking for a foreman directly. (10 years ago, the home decoration was directly looking for woodworkers. Processing, only need to be a woodworking master is still relatively easy) (V) Instead of the customer to make a decision but did not inform in advance: to 6500K lights, take 6000K goods, afterwards, because there is no 6500K. The wrong brand is printed. The paint is wrongly painted. The glass door is knocked off. The system cabinet is scratched.... All need the customer to check one item. If they are caught, they must be rehabilitated. The designer on-site supervisor does not know what to supervise. ...only supervised whether it is done? (6) The difference between the 3D map and the actual color is very large. After the inquiry, it is said that it is a software relationship and can be adjusted. The point related to attitude is that the color difference is still clearly given to the customer, why not adjust it first to avoid misunderstanding? Second, construction: (1) The level of the work class is uneven, the good is very good, the difference is very bad: the floor is not attached to the protection project, the furniture is demolished (the contract has a protection project, it is a charge item), it is thrown down and thrown on the floor, asking the customer to react After the protection, it also missed the elevator floor, causing customers to be complained by neighbors. The handles and door pieces of the system cabinet are worn, scratched, dirty or cracked, and they are installed as usual. At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the rough construction quality of the master is still being solved. Finally, the handles are completely replaced, and the door pieces are largely removed and repaired. ...... The next day, the same group of masters continued construction, reminded in advance, please be careful not to make mistakes again, but the master still put the wardrobe door in reverse, the burrs are not sticky, and when the door is finished, the door will fall off. Very careless. (2) Poor communication with the work class, and promised that the customer did not do it: smoking, the master took photos. Help the garbage, but the master dismantled the furniture to be recycled into garbage, taking up the space of the garbage truck and turning it into a customer to dispose of the garbage. The first day of the protection project should be PVC+ splint, only PVC, some PVC is also placed directly on the ground, no tape, will slide, stepping on the wrestling, are required to fill the next day. The roughest is the worst, saying that a good day is half a day, the master even refuses to act as a green house promised project, excuses a lot, it is useless to call directly to find a green house response... Why find such an irresponsible master? The details of the contract should be the same, we only ask for compensation without compensation, but it happens again and again. (3) Calling the non-work class: the glass sliding door of the cabinet is easy to fall off, the frame is cut, the glass and the frame are not uniform. The master has come a few times but always said that there is no problem, and the designer knows that there is a problem and still wants to pass. It is not until the customer indicates that the acceptance is not paid, and the repair is removed. During the period, the green house couldn’t say anything, let the master stick to his own opinion and waste everyone’s time. Third, the price: (1) Miscalculation: If you have received the deposit, you forget it and ask the customer to pay it again. The payment is different from the contract, and the customer must know that it is wrong. As mentioned earlier, the size is wrong, so more money is calculated, not only once. (2) After-the-fact price recovery: The customer only hits the wall after confirming the contract price. The next day, he said that he played too much and exceeded the contract price. I mentioned the installation problem of the bathroom exhaust fan in the front, because the window to be installed is too big, the exhaust fan can not be installed (the exhaust fan is picked by the green house), and it is necessary to nail a board, and the system cabinet board made of wood in the bathroom is recommended. Change the moisture-proof foam board and add money. Inside the cabinet below the gas stove, there is a board for oil-watering. Because it is open every day, the contract is now stressed that it must be pulled out for easy cleaning. After the installation, the board is blocked by the door of the lower cabinet. If you want to remove the door, you can pull the board out. If you want to change the door hardware, you have to change the hardware to a large angle hardware. You have to add money. After repeated efforts, the designer will not agree to charge, but this is the design. Loss, as if the size was originally fake, who can accept a drawer that needs to be removed to open the door?). [Reliance on professionalism, so I paid the design fee, but I got a bunch of problematic designs. I didn’t admit it when I made a mistake, but I only want customers to add money to improve it. It’s really unreasonable. 】 (3) Before signing the contract, it was not informed that if the additional project is not in the contract, the price is not favorable: the contract and the system fee are all 15% off (this is the preferential offer given by Green House, not the customer is coming, re-emphasizing all expenses) Did not kill the price, only after consulting a sudden request for a contract within a week to get a 15% discount, because the company wants to raise prices, this is a bit dissatisfied, but based on trust Green House only requires upgrading a few pull bar materials, it is fast The deposit was paid), but after the project was added afterwards, Green House insisted on not exceeding the contract, but 10% of the design fee and 10% of the supervision fee. [Recommendation really want to choose a friend who lives at home, all contracts must be as detailed as possible, do not delete again] 4. Experience: Although the Green House promises to be repaired, it will be used in the supervision and selection of the work. Before the event, the two parties will not have to spend time and energy. The construction process has problems almost every day. These things that have been discussed many times in the aftermath are very inefficient. Everyone in our family is on the scene every day. When I get off work at night, I have to go back and confirm that everything is very class. In addition, the things written on the black and white of the contract are also incorrect many times. These customers have to personally check to find out... paying for the profession, but everything has to come by itself, very hard and disappointing. The only reason for giving one star is the person who was sent to supervise the work. A small turtle was temporarily sent out because the Miss Huang who had contacted the company has repeatedly found a loophole in the part of the contract. It is not the supplement that does not make up. The modification is only half of the modification. The appointment is not the following. Therefore, when the contract is signed, the replacement is required to be replaced with the turtle. The turtle is not experienced but the attitude is very polite. It is also hard for her to be a bridge between the two sides. 5. For those who want to choose a green house: 1. Be sure to supervise the work, and the daily construction contents should be checked and photographed, so that the repair status can be confirmed after the convenience. 2. Be careful, the items, dimensions, amounts, design drawings, etc. on the contract, especially the revisions, each item must be checked in detail for each item. 3. Be patient, wait for the problem, return the price, when the return to work is available. 4. Proactively collect data. If there are special needs or construction methods, in addition to the contract, the construction day should be reconfirmed. If you have doubts, you would rather not work. If all the information is determined, do it again, avoid making mistakes and then change it. If you want to change it, you have to make another appointment. At other times, you may encounter the problems mentioned above and affect your mood. Frankly speaking, the overall service of the green house is really hard work... Above, completely true experience, for your reference. At present, the construction is finally completed and the final payment is paid. I hope that there will be no need for warranty in the subsequent use, so the effort is worthwhile.
iwen chou on Google

在農曆年前的合作過程中,親身體會到綠居的專業及熱誠,尤其繆設計師在整個合作過程中提供許多專業建議,並主動積極協助處理許多問題,讓我及家人感到相當放心。 對於最終的裝潢呈現也很滿意。 我也希望如此愉快的合作經驗能讓更多人去體會。
During the cooperation process before the Lunar New Year, I personally experienced the professionalism and enthusiasm of Green House. In particular, the designer Miao provided many professional suggestions throughout the cooperation process, and actively assisted in handling many issues, which made me and my family feel quite at ease. Very satisfied with the final decoration presentation. I also hope that such a pleasant cooperation experience will allow more people to experience it.
Michelle Miou on Google

Before I was going to decorate the children's room at home, I asked the designer of Shilin Store. The design was very enthusiastic to provide decoration suggestions and material descriptions, and provided wood chips for us to compare. We also have our requirements for construction quality.

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