興順發機車行 - Section 7

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Contact 興順發機車行

地址 :

112, Taiwan, Taipei City, Beitou District, Lane 344, Section 7, Chengde Rd, 8號興順發機車行

電話 : 📞 +8887778
城市 : Chengde Rd

112, Taiwan, Taipei City, Beitou District, Lane 344, Section 7, Chengde Rd, 8號興順發機車行
柯基 on Google

超爛 爛到炸 只能說超級坑 希望大家不要踩雷 價錢貴 技術不好,拆車拆很久, 火星塞說進口的收500元 上網查一顆130元,幫忙加水箱水,以前加都沒有被收過錢,可能我運氣好都遇到不錯的店家,在這邊加500ML收550元我上網查一罐500ML 65元,難道要跟我說開個螺絲加水的工錢要485元? 老闆很客氣沒錯,但收的金額很不客氣
It’s so bad that it can only be said to be a super pit. I hope you don’t step on the mine. The price is expensive. The technology is not good. It takes a long time to dismantle the car. The spark plug said that the imported one costs 500 yuan. I have been charged. Maybe I was lucky enough to meet a good store. Add 500ML and charge 550 yuan here. I checked a can of 500ML 65 yuan online. Would you like to tell me that opening a screw and adding water costs 485 yuan? You’re right, but the amount charged is very rude
Fran on Google

這老闆真的黑心並且技術不佳 換個電瓶1000 最後假裝好意說幫你接電腦檢查一下機車 結束說檢查要500 一開始完全沒說要錢 甚至還不會把機車時間調整正確 我的機車換電瓶是不需要把整個機車座椅拆開的 老闆卻整個都拆開才有辦法換 最後還一直不停推銷要我換其他零件 生意這樣做真的不行 存心想坑人 要不是因為機車剛好在路口壞掉 真的是強烈建議大家不要來這裡修車 非常不舒服的修車體驗 這附近還有非常多間車行 建議大家優先選擇其他車行 非萬不得已不要選這間
This boss is really black-hearted and poorly skilled Change a battery 1000 Finally, pretend to be kind and say to help you pick up the computer and check the locomotive The end said that the inspection will cost 500 At first he didn't say anything about asking for money I can't even adjust the locomotive time correctly My locomotive does not need to disassemble the entire locomotive seat to change the battery The boss has to take apart the whole to have a way to change In the end, I kept selling and asking me to change other parts It’s really impossible to do business like this, deliberately trying to cheat others If it wasn't for the locomotive just broke down at the intersection I really strongly recommend that you don’t come here to fix your car Very uncomfortable car repair experience There are many car dealerships around here It is recommended that you choose other car dealers first Don't choose this if you have to
YunTing Pan on Google

It’s too much. The locomotive key was accidentally thrown in the car with the bag. As a result, it cost 600 yuan to open a car with a big opening. Before asking someone to unlock it, it only cost two to three hundred. This car shop is twice as expensive as the outside. , I also told us that this is the market price, and later I said that it would be 500 yuan, think about spending money to eliminate the disaster, who told me to accidentally throw the key in the car, but this car dealer will never come again.
楊授惇 on Google

油箱突然爆裂,不得不找一間最近的車行,等我上來看評價的時候已經來不及了。 10/19下班時間去修理,等了一個工作天,貨還沒送到,還要追加更換墊片,墊片沒壞只是舊了,老闆說之後要換不好拆,他說已經開價4850了,盡量給我成本價,其實好不好拆不關我的事,工錢是你們在賺,賺了多少自己心裡有數。 以下是老闆給的明細:
The fuel tank suddenly burst and I had to find the nearest car dealership. It was too late by the time I came to look at the evaluation. 10/19 to repair after get off work hours, waited a working day, the goods have not been delivered yet, but the gasket is not broken, but the gasket is old, the boss said that it will not be easy to remove afterwards, he said that the price has been 4850 , Try to give me the cost price, in fact, it’s not my business whether it’s good or not. The wages are what you make, and you know how much you make. The following is the details given by the boss:
洪梓薰 on Google

價格昂貴,還會不斷推銷更換貴的零件,說不用老闆臉色還會鐵青 某次換了大燈&燈座,騎兩個月燈又壞了,去別家修理才知道原來用了規格不符的燈泡.....期間老闆還不斷推坑換陶瓷燈座(但較貴),說了換普通的即可,還不放棄的說「這樣容易燒壞喔、要想清楚喔」等語,殊不知等他拿出燈座時有瞥到上面的接線竟然有絕緣膠布(這樣敢說是用新的零件?) 而更換時,雖然我不懂其構造,但以一般人的常識應該知道換新的東西絕對不是把新的零件的線剪斷再接上去(當時覺得怪,但因尊重老闆專業而沒過問,回頭再看當時應該問到底...) 整個更換零件的過程還在看來看去,找來找去,真不知道是不會換...還是非專業人士.... 總之不會再光顧這家店!!!!!絕對不會!!!!也希望大家光顧之前不妨先看清楚問清楚....以免吃虧....
The price is expensive, and will continue to promote replacement of expensive parts, saying that the boss’s face will be ashamed without the boss One time I changed the headlights and lamp holders, and after riding for two months, the lamp broke again. I went to another home to repair it and found out that I used a bulb that didn’t match the specifications... Expensive), you can just change to the ordinary one, and I don’t give up and say "It’s easy to burn out, please think about it clearly" and so on. He didn’t know that when he took out the lamp holder, he caught a glimpse of the wiring on it and there was insulating tape ( Do you dare to use new parts?) When replacing it, although I don’t understand its structure, I should know that replacing something new is definitely not cutting the thread of the new part and then connecting it with the common sense of ordinary people. Look at the question at the time...) The whole process of replacing parts is still looking at it, looking around, I really don’t know if it’s not going to be changed... or is it a non-professional person... Anyway, I will never visit this store again!!!!! Absolutely not!!!! I hope everyone may wish to read and ask clearly before patronizing... so as not to suffer...
Jason Huang on Google

4年前皮帶在這邊斷過,就在這邊換。指定要原廠皮帶收1500, 當時也沒注意。 隔天順便回認識的車行幫忙檢查傳動,結果發現是副廠皮帶,只好多花一筆錢換回原廠,很生氣的跑回去罵老闆,也沒退我錢。 附近有更多的好選擇,車有問題千萬不要進去。
The belt was broken here 4 years ago, so I'll change it here. The original belt was designated to collect 1500, but I didn't pay attention at that time. The next day I went back to the car dealer I met to help check the transmission. It turned out that it was the auxiliary factory belt. I had to spend an extra money to exchange it back to the original factory. I was very angry and ran back to scold the boss, but didn't refund me. There are more good choices nearby, don't go in if there is a problem with the car.
LAI Sadsdd eh on Google

如果不是要給星一點都不想給 晚上10點車壞掉推車推到一半老闆開門 以為老闆會很好 結果把傳動打開發現只是普利珠有磨損 他說皮帶龜裂 我說那我車上有 可以順便幫我裝嗎 他說沒問題 拿來 裝完之後問他多少1200??? 一顆普利珠10塊 算他50 五顆 才兩百五 幫換皮帶 工本費算200吧 是欺負我 晚上沒地方修車嗎 破地方以後再也不會來 拜託看到評價的 真的不要來
If it wasn't for a star, I wouldn't want to give it at all At 10 o'clock in the evening, the car broke down and the cart was pushed halfway, the boss opened the door Thought the boss would be nice As a result, I opened the transmission and found that only the pulley beads were worn. He said the belt was cracked and I said I have it in my car, can you help me install it by the way? He said no problem, bring it and ask him how much is 1200 after installing it? ? ? A Puli bead is 10 yuan, count him 50, five, only 250 Help to change the belt, the cost is 200, it's bullying me No place to fix the car at night Please see the reviews, really don't come
lee Koyama on Google

約15年前曾在附近斷皮帶,先問了換sv max 皮帶價錢1000裝到好,覺得合理就去了,想不到最後羊入虎口,老闆很客氣但開始叫你換東換西,換皮帶還要倒車強迫換機油,拆了傳動後叫你換普利珠、大彈簧、有的沒的,因為想說皮帶報價合理剩下就沒問價錢就讓他裝,最後算錢時我傻了,都天價,我永遠記得傳動小海綿算500其他更不用講了付了好幾千離開,最肚爛的是竟然漏了機油最後還沒加進去,還好一騎出去是紅燈,老闆過來叫我回去,然後說剛機油錢沒算到,火都快上來了,機油又要亂報價,最後叫他拿最爛的油我能騎回家就好,他還真的叮嚀這個真的很爛,你回到家要趕快換掉,我心想這麼爛的東西你都敢賣哦。想不到他竟然還能開到現在沒倒。
About 15 years ago, I broke the belt in the vicinity. I first asked to replace the sv max belt at 1000 and installed it. I thought it was reasonable. I didn’t expect that in the end the sheep came into the tiger’s mouth. The boss was very polite but started to ask you to change things. I want to reverse the car and force the oil change. After dismantling the transmission, I will ask you to replace the pulley beads, large springs, and some without. Because I want to say that the price of the belt is reasonable, I will let him install it without asking the price. I was stupid when I finally calculated the money. The price is sky high. I will always remember that the small sponge for transmission is 500, not to mention paying thousands of dollars to leave. The worst thing is that the oil leaked and finally didn’t add it in. Fortunately, it was a red light when I rode out, and the boss came and called me. I went back, and said that the oil money was not counted, the fire was about to come up, and the oil had to be quoted indiscriminately. Finally, I asked him to get the worst oil I can ride home. He really warned that this is really bad, You have to replace it as soon as you get home, I thought you would sell such a rotten thing. I can't believe that he can still drive and not fall down.

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