三軍總醫院北投分院門診處 - Beitou District

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Contact 三軍總醫院北投分院門診處

地址 :

112, Taiwan, Taipei City, Beitou District, Zhonghe St, 250號三軍總醫院北投分院門診處

電話 : 📞 +8889988
網站 : https://beitou.tsgh.ndmctsgh.edu.tw/
城市 : Zhonghe St

112, Taiwan, Taipei City, Beitou District, Zhonghe St, 250號三軍總醫院北投分院門診處
an na xuan on Google

櫃臺人員態度差 東西錢用丟的 怎樣欠他錢喔 需要用丟的嗎? 素質那麼差不要開了
The attitude of the staff at the counter is bad. I lost money for things. How can I owe him money? Do I need to lose money? Don't open up with such poor quality
吴冠驹 on Google

櫃檯人員真的TMD的那個態度讓人火大… 真的很無言,就是不知道才問妳們,結果在那邊用不爽的態度在回答問題… 拜託,就是不懂才問妳們啊,要不然我問妳幹嘛? 真的是
The attitude of the staff at the counter really makes people angry... I’m really speechless, I just asked you not knowing, but I answered the questions with an unhappy attitude... Please, I just ask you if I don’t understand, otherwise I ask you why? Really are
on Google

櫃檯阿姨態度超級差沒長官出來管一下嗎? 其他醫護人員態度都很好很熱心,還會說不要跟他計較。
The attitude of the aunt at the counter is so bad. Did the chief take care of it? The other medical staff have a very good attitude and are very enthusiastic, and they will say not to care about him.
Hao Ren Zhou on Google

這是什麼樣的一間軍醫院啊 從一開始進門的疫情管制就沒做好 量體溫消毒跟健保卡檢入只有量體溫 再來就是櫃檯阿姨的態度問題 我只是初診一個地方沒寫拿個筆 回來寫前後不到一分鐘就叫我重新抽號碼牌 傻眼到爆 該給病患資料沒給,找錢還找錯 一直有人來插隊拿資料或詢問都不用抽號碼牌 我拿筆寫個字就重排了真搞笑 再來就是醫務人員訓練好像不足 機台操作一直有問題 前一個女的網路掛號還要叫人家現場再掛一次 那幹嘛網路掛啊扯 反正來這就是一整個莫名奇妙場面混亂 拜託能不能有個好一點的動線順序 又或者有個有能力人的把櫃檯換掉啊
What kind of military hospital is this? The epidemic control at the door has not been done since the beginning Temperature measurement, disinfection and health insurance card check-in, only temperature measurement Next is the attitude of the aunt at the counter I just didn’t write a place for the first visit and take a pen Ask me to draw the number plate in less than a minute before and after I come back Dumbfounded I didn’t give the patient information, and I found the wrong money when I was looking for it. There is no need to draw a number plate if someone always jumps in to get information or ask questions I took a pen to write a word and rearranged it, so funny Then there seems to be insufficient medical staff training Machine operation has been problematic The previous female's online registration has to be asked to hang up again on the spot Why are you talking online? Anyway, this is a whole inexplicable chaos Please, can you have a better flow sequence? Or maybe someone who has the ability to replace the counter
謝豔秋 on Google

掛號小姐態度超差,自己的朋友可以插隊,超傻眼 領藥的藥劑師,對待領藥的老人,很不包容心 整個團隊是否需要整頓,真是懷了三總的名聲
The attitude of the registered lady is too bad, her friends can cut the queue, she is very dumbfounded The pharmacist who received the medicine was very intolerant towards the elderly who received the medicine Whether the whole team needs to be rectified is really pregnant with the reputation of the three generals
Tiffany Hsu on Google

要做勞工體檢的務必看一下這篇 1. 8:30開始現場掛號,醫院大門也是8:30才會開,所以不用太早來。(掛號家醫科-勞工體檢) 2. 在這裡提醒大家,這間的體檢內容是要自己勾選的,櫃檯小姐會用很兇的口氣問你有沒有看過現場玻璃上的內容,請自行確認好再進行掛號。(基本上一般勞工體檢項目就是照他玻璃上範例的那張紙,全部金額大概1,900) 3. 掛號完過1分鐘再健保卡插卡報到,他們系統資料跑很慢,太快報到會顯示失敗。過號要重新插卡喔,他是以報到時間為看診順序。 4. 進診間後遞交填好的資料,並確認勾選要檢查的項目,出去外面等護理師開好批價單。*記得要先抽號碼排隊等批價*,繳完費再敲診間門通知護理師可以進行檢查。 4. 由於負責體檢護理師只有一位(她要測身高/腰圍/血壓/視力/聽力/還要抽血….),她應該是最忙最累的,請多點耐心等她叫到你再進去診間,檢查完會請你出去等,最後會拿到一張上面有提醒看報告的時間。 5. 這間醫院沒有照X光儀器,要去新民街急診(大門進去左邊就是急診)那邊進行,所以如果你只有抽血或驗尿,可以在中和街原地進行檢驗。但如果你也要照X光,護理師會告知你直接去新民街做X光/尿液/抽血。 6. 新民街做檢驗非常快速,因為位置都在同一區,基本上10分鐘內解決。 結論: 1. 掛號和批價都要記得抽號碼牌 2.要有耐心等,趕時間、或預算較低的人可以考慮去別間醫院檢查(這間體檢費用較高)。 3. 由於這間網路上資訊實在太少,可能現場人員都被問的很煩,口氣難免不太好,大家就互相體諒。(不想受氣就去別間~)
If you want to do a labor medical examination, you must read this 1. On-site registration starts at 8:30, and the hospital gate will not open until 8:30, so you don’t have to come too early. (Registered Home Medical Department - Labor Physical Examination) 2. I would like to remind everyone here that you have to check the contents of the physical examination in this room. The lady at the counter will ask you in a fierce tone if you have seen the contents on the glass at the scene. Please confirm it yourself before registering. (Basically, the general labor examination item is the piece of paper according to the example on his glass, and the total amount is about 1,900) 3. After 1 minute after registration, insert the health insurance card and register. Their system data runs very slowly. If the registration is too fast, it will show failure. After the number is over, you need to re-insert the card. He takes the check-in time as the order of consultation. 4. After entering the consultation room, submit the filled-in information, confirm that the items to be checked are checked, and go outside to wait for the nurse to issue a price list. *Remember to draw a number first and wait in line for the approval*, after paying the fee, knock on the door of the clinic to notify the nurse that the examination can be carried out. 4. Since there is only one nurse in charge of the physical examination (she needs to measure height/waist circumference/blood pressure/vision/hearing/blood drawing...), she should be the busiest and most tired, please be patient and wait for her to call you Go to the clinic again, you will be asked to go out and wait after the examination, and finally you will get a reminder with the time to read the report. 5. There is no X-ray machine in this hospital, so you need to go to the emergency department on Xinmin Street (the emergency room is on the left when you enter the gate), so if you only have blood or urine tests, you can perform the test in place on Zhonghe Street. But if you also want to take X-rays, the nurse will tell you to go directly to Xinmin Street for X-rays/urine/blood drawing. 6. The inspection on Xinmin Street is very fast, because the locations are all in the same area, and it is basically solved within 10 minutes. in conclusion: 1. Remember to draw a number plate for registration and appraisal 2. Be patient and wait. Those who are in a hurry or have a lower budget can consider going to another hospital for examination (this one costs more for the examination). 3. Since there is too little information on the Internet, it is possible that the on-site personnel were very annoying and their tone was inevitably not good. Everyone should be considerate of each other. (If you don't want to get angry, go to another room~)
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