福德祠 - Section 1

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Contact 福德祠

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114, Taiwan, Neihu District, Section 1, Kangning Rd, 236號福德祠

電話 : 📞 +8879
城市 : Kangning Rd

114, Taiwan, Neihu District, Section 1, Kangning Rd, 236號福德祠
Chloe Lin on Google

Hon Wei Lin on Google

陳泓宇 on Google

啟民翁 on Google

Established in 1955, a small temple that worships the God of Ford. This temple donated fields for Jiangantai in the Qing Dynasty. It was used as the cost of the Temple of Ford and the Temple of Jane. There are ancient stone tablets and written instructions next to it.
劉景華 on Google

Hiding in a house, it feels a bit like a home temple. The main sacrifice is Lord Ford, with two furnaces.
張琨甫 on Google

摘錄自台北市內湖區公所網頁: 祠內供奉土地公、土地婆神像與信眾簡公夫婦神主牌位,構成雙雙對對的搭配,再加上簡公碑,即同時於一地出現告示碑、墓園和福德祠,三者共處,在臺灣堪稱首例。現今每年農曆二月初三日祭拜六角頭土地公婆和簡公夫婦;同時,清掃簡公墓塚。 此祠由內湖庄六角頭於中華民國癸卯年重修,值得留意的是內有嘉慶三年(西元1798年)官方所立奉憲立碑,又稱簡公碑,碑文記載簡乾恭立遺囑,欲將所擁有的遺產田租,作為內湖庄六角頭(內湖梘頭、頂番仔陂、下番仔陂、港墘、山腳和新陂尾六處聚落)福德祠香火錢、簡公忌祭和填補陂岸修蓋田寮費用。因遺產糾紛,業戶莊耆(何士蘭家族和內湖庄福德祠神明會代表)代替告官;為防止日後簡姓族人冒繼控爭,特由官府李明心同知的批示,立碑作曉諭。 在臺灣地區,同時出現告示碑、墓園和福德祠,三者相處一地,且祠內供奉信徒(簡公夫婦)神主牌位,謂為首例。 民國四十四年,重修福德祠;五十二年間,墓園由附近山坡遷至現址;五十九年,告示碑亦從他處遷到福德祠與墓園間的正後方。碑文曾收錄於「北碑集成」。 碑碣原文如下: 特授福建臺灣北部淡防縂捕分府加五級、紀錄十次李,為乞准存案事。 嘉慶元年四月十八日,據劉和稟稱「簡乾恭之田交本庄福德宮為香灯,付值年炉收管,同伊夫婦祭掃,俾孤祀不滅」等情,并抄粘遺囑一紙。據此,經何前任飭差協同議覆。續據業戶何士蘭郎何振同庄耆陳美萬等覆称「請將簡乾恭田業充入本庄福德祠,值年收管,以杜爭佔,孤祀不致殄滅」,隨飭差取結。 旋據簡行先以買囑、業戶混抵等事,告何士蘭混稟田租歸福德祠。即據業戶、庄耆等具結,交差稟繳,批准充入福德祠。之後,又據簡轉妹等以緌陳等事呈称「簡燕宗三子簡奕剛,立與簡乾恭為孫」,並據繳嗣書,均經批飭。迨汪前任,簡行先、簡奕剛等以隔省同宗胄繼,屢控貪圖簡乾恭田業;並據簡三興等告何士蘭等藉祠瞞稟佔業等情,經查卷批斥各在案。復經諭飭業戶何士蘭、庄耆人等,將簡乾恭夫婦尸位並將寔收田租作何開銷,妥議稟覆,並本分府查催去後。茲據業戶何士蘭、庄耆陳美萬等,遵諭議覆前來;除批示外,合行給示勒石。 為此,示仰該庄業戶何士蘭、庄耆陳美萬、張天祐、陳萬強、邱華啟、陳生模、林泮火,同庄民人等知悉:其簡乾恭夫婦尸位,即著值年福首附入福德祠奉祀。至遺業田租,除納業戶課粟外,寔收小租粟二十四石,遞年歸福德祠香灯粟十石;簡乾恭夫婦忌祭粟十四石,填埔坡岸、脩蓋田寮粟四石,亦著值年福首收管,以垂永遠。倘嗣後仍有簡姓冒繼控爭,許該庄耆、業戶、保甲等,即拏解究。其各凜遵,勿違!特示。 嘉慶參年拾月廿八日,給發內湖庄曉諭。
Excerpted from the website of the Neihu District Office in Taipei City: The temple enshrines the statues of Di Gong and Di Wu God and believers Jian Gong and his wife and the master tablet, which form a pair of pairs. With the Jian Gong stele, a notice monument, a cemetery and a Fude Temple appear in one place at the same time. , Is the first case in Taiwan. Nowadays, every year on the third day of the second month of the lunar calendar, we pay homage to the father-in-law and Jian Gong's couple in Hexagon Head Land; at the same time, we clean the cemetery of Jian. This temple was rebuilt by the hexagonal head of Neihu Village in the Republic of China in the Kui Mao year. It is worth noting that there is an official stele erected in the third year of Jiaqing (1798 AD), also known as the Jian Gong stele. I want to rent the inherited land as Neihuzhuang Hexagon Head (six settlements in Neihu Jiantou, Dingfanzibei, Xiafanzibei, Gangqian, Shanjiao and Xinbeiwei) Fude Temple incense money, Jian Gongji Sacrifice and fill up the cost of repairing Tianliao in Pi'an. Due to inheritance disputes, the business family Zhuang Qi (the representative of the He Shilan family and the Gods Association of Neihu Zhuang Fude Temple) took the place of suing the official; in order to prevent the people of the Jian surname from risking further prosecution in the future, the official Li Mingxin and Zhizhi were instructed to erect a stele as an instruction. In Taiwan, a notice monument, a cemetery, and a Fude Temple appear at the same time. The three coexist in the same place, and the worshippers (Jiangong couple) are enshrined in the temple. In 1949, the Fude Temple was rebuilt; in fifty-two years, the cemetery was moved from a nearby hillside to its current location; in fifty-nine years, the notice monument was moved from elsewhere to the back of the Fude Temple and the cemetery. The inscription was once included in the "Beibei Collection". The original text of the monument is as follows: Specially awarded to Fujian and Taiwan’s northern part of the total arrest sub-government to add five levels, record ten times of Li, for begging to save the case. On April 18 of the first year of Jiaqing, according to Liu He’s report, "Jian Qian Gongzhi’s field was handed over to Benzhuang’s Ford Palace as an incense lamp, paid for the year’s furnace to receive it, and the Iraqi couple paid homage to them, and the solitary sacrifice was immortal." Stick a piece of paper on the will. Based on this, the predecessor Ho has a collaborative discussion. He Shilanlang, He Zhentong, Chen Meiwan, and others replied, "Please fill Jian Gan Gongtian industry into the Fude Temple of the village, and take it in every year, and fight for the occupation, and the solitary sacrifice will not be annihilated." According to Jian Xing, he first accused He Shilan of renting the land to Fude Temple with purchase orders and mixed tenants. That is, according to the recognizance of the business household, Zhuang Qi, etc., the report is submitted and approved to be charged into the Fude Temple. After that, according to Jian Zhuanmei and others, according to Xu Chen and others, he submitted that "Jian Yigang, the third son of Jian Yanzong, and Jian Qiangong were grandsons." According to the letter of heir, both were approved. The predecessors of Yin Wang, Jian Xingxian, Jian Yigang, etc., followed the same clan from across the province, repeatedly accused of coveting the land industry; and according to Jian Sanxing and others, He Shilan and others used the temple to conceal the occupation and other information. . The survivors He Shilan, Zhuang Qi, etc. were replied to the deceased family members, including Jian Qiangong's corpse, and the requisition of land rent for expenses. According to the business owners He Shilan, Zhuang Qi, Chen Meiwan, etc., they will follow the instructions and reply; in addition to the instructions, they will cooperate with Shireshi. For this reason, the real estate owners He Shilan, Zhuang Qi, Chen Meiwan, Zhang Tianyou, Chen Wanqiang, Qiu Huaqi, Chen Shengmo, Lin Panhuo, Tongzhuang Minren, etc. knew that the corpses of their husbands and wives were concise and graceful. Fu Shou is attached to Fu Fu Temple for worship. As far as the land rent of the legacy industry is concerned, in addition to the small rented millet, twenty-four stones will be collected from the small rented millet, and the fragrant lamps and ten stones will be returned to Fude Temple. Covering Tianliao millet with four stones is also worthy of the first year of blessing to be taken over forever. If there are still disputes over Jian’s surname, Xu Kai Zhuang Qi, Yehu, Bao Jia, etc., will be investigated. Everyone abides by it, don’t violate it! Special. On the 28th day of the eighth month of the year of Jiaqing, an encyclical was issued to Neihu Village.
Frank Lee on Google

On the right side of Fude Temple, there is a Jian Gong stele, which was erected in the third year of Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty (1798); the stele records Jian Qiangong's will and wants to rent the estate he owns as the Hexagon Head of Neihu Village (Neihu Jiantou) , Dingfan Tsaipi, Xiafan Tsaipi, Gangqian, Shanjiao and Xinpiwei six settlements) Fude Temple incense money, Jian Gongji sacrifices and fill up the costs of repairing and building Tianliao. Due to inheritance disputes, the business family Zhuang Qi (the representative of the He Shilan family and the Gods Association of Neihu Zhuang Fude Temple) took the place of suing officials; in order to prevent the people of the Jian surname from risking further prosecution in the future, the official Li Mingxin was instructed by Li Mingxin to set up a stele as an instruction.
awha Chen on Google

福德祠廟右碑亭,額刻「奉憲立碑」四字 嚴禁爭佔福德祠祀業碑記 本件碑記係清嘉慶三年(西元一七九八年)淡水撫民同知李明心給立告示,緣以內湖庄簡乾恭無嗣而將其田業捐為福德祠香田,簡氏夫婦牌位得以附祀,煙祀不滅;然有簡姓同宗冒繼爭產,屢生控案;歷經何茹連、江楠二位同知審理,至此定案,勒石嚴禁侵佔上述田業,並言明收租支用情形,以垂永遠。 碑碣原文 特授福建臺灣北部淡防縂捕分府加五級、紀錄十次李,為乞准存案事。 嘉慶元年四月十八日,據劉和稟稱「簡乾恭之田交本庄福德宮為香灯,付值年炉收管,同伊夫婦祭掃,俾孤祀不滅」等情,并抄粘遺囑一紙。據此,經何前任飭差協同議覆。續據業戶何士蘭郎何振同庄耆陳美萬等覆称「請將簡乾恭田業充入本庄福德祠,值年收管,以杜爭佔,孤祀不致殄滅」,隨飭差取結。 旋據簡行先以買囑、業戶混抵等事,告何士蘭混稟田租歸福德祠。即據業戶、庄耆等具結,交差稟繳,批准充入福德祠。之後,又據簡轉妹等以緌陳等事呈称「簡燕宗三子簡奕剛,立與簡乾恭為孫」,並據繳嗣書,均經批飭。迨汪前任,簡行先、簡奕剛等以隔省同宗胄繼,屢控貪圖簡乾恭田業;並據簡三興等告何士蘭等藉祠瞞稟佔業等情,經查卷批斥各在案。復經諭飭業戶何士蘭、庄耆人等,將簡乾恭夫婦尸位並將寔收田租作何開銷,妥議稟覆,並本分府查催去後。茲據業戶何士蘭、庄耆陳美萬等,遵諭議覆前來;除批示外,合行給示勒石。 為此,示仰該庄業戶何士蘭、庄耆陳美萬、張天祐、陳萬強、邱華啟、陳生模、林泮火,同庄民人等知悉:其簡乾恭夫婦尸位,即著值年福首附入福德祠奉祀。至遺業田租,除納業戶課粟外,寔收小租粟二十四石,遞年歸福德祠香灯粟十石;簡乾恭夫婦忌祭粟十四石,填埔坡岸、脩蓋田寮粟四石,亦著值年福首收管,以垂永遠。倘嗣後仍有簡姓冒繼控爭,許該庄耆、業戶、保甲等,即拏解究。其各凜遵,勿違!特示。 嘉慶參年拾月廿八日,給發內湖庄曉諭。
The right stele pavilion of Fude Temple, with the four characters "Fengxian Standing Stele" It is strictly forbidden to conquer Fude Temple's ceremonial stele This stele is written in the third year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1798), and Li Mingxin, who was a common knowledge of Danshui Fumin, gave a notice. The reason was that Jian Qiangong in Neihu Zhuang had no heir, so he donated his field to Fude Temple Xiangtian. The tablet of the Jian family was attached. Sacrifice, smoke ritual is immortal; however, the same clan surnamed Jian went on to fight for property, repeatedly prosecuting the case; after He Rulian and Jiang Nan two co-knowledge trial, so far, Le Shi strictly forbids the occupation of the above-mentioned fields, and clearly states that it will collect rents and expenditures. Use the situation to hang forever. Original inscription Specially awarded to Fujian and Taiwan’s northern part of Taiwan to add five levels to the total arrests, and record ten times of Li, for begging to save the case. On April 18 of the first year of Jiaqing, according to Liu He’s report, "Jian Qian Gongzhi’s field was handed over to Benzhuang’s Ford Palace as an incense lamp, paid for the year’s furnace and collected it. Stick a piece of paper on the will. Based on this, the predecessor He has coordinated a reply. He Shilanlang, He Zhentong, Chen Meiwan, and others replied, "Please fill Jian Gan Gong Tianye into the Fude Temple in this village, and take it in every year, and fight for the occupation, and the solitary sacrifice will not be annihilated." According to Jian Xing, he first accused He Shilan of renting the land to Fude Temple with purchase orders, mixed tenants and other matters. That is, according to the recognizance of the business household, Zhuang Qi, etc., the report is submitted and approved to be filled into the Fude Temple. Later, according to Jian Zhuanmei and others, according to Xu Chen and other matters, "Jian Yigang, the third son of Jian Yanzong, should be the grandson of Jian Qiangong," and according to the letter of inheritance, both were approved. The predecessors of Wang Wang, Jian Xingxian, Jian Yigang, etc., followed the same clan from across the province, repeatedly accused of coveting the land industry; and according to Jian Sanxing and others, He Shilan and others used the temple to conceal the occupation and other information, and the investigation criticized each of the cases. . The reply was sent to the business owners He Shilan, Zhuang Qi, etc., to take the corpse of Jian Qiangong and his wife and to collect the land rent for any expenses, and to file a proper reply, and after the investigation and urging by the branch government. According to the business owners He Shilan, Zhuang Qi, Chen Meiwan, etc., they will follow the instructions and reply; in addition to the instructions, they will cooperate with Shireshi. For this reason, the real estate owners He Shilan, Zhuang Qi, Chen Meiwan, Zhang Tianyou, Chen Wanqiang, Qiu Huaqi, Chen Shengmo, Lin Panhuo, Tongzhuang Minren, etc. knew that the corpses of the couple’s corpses were simple and graceful, meaning the value of the year. Fu Shou is attached to Fu Fu Temple for worship. As far as the land rent of the legacy industry is concerned, in addition to the small rented millet, twenty-four stones will be collected from the small rented millet, and the fragrant lamps and ten stones will be returned to the Fude Temple. Jian Qiangong and his wife are not allowed to worship the fourteen millet stones, fill the slopes and repair the slopes. Covering Tianliao millet with four stones is also worthy of the first year of blessing to be taken over forever. If there are still disputes over Jian’s surname, Xu Kai Zhuang Qi, Yehu, Bao Jia, etc., will be dealt with. Everyone abides by it, don’t violate it! Special. On the 28th day of the eighth month of the Jiaqing entrant, an encyclical was issued to Neihu Village.

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