阿桂蛋餅東湖店 - Section 3

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 阿桂蛋餅東湖店

地址 :

114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Alley 21, Lane 189, Section 3, Kangning Rd, 3號阿桂蛋餅東湖店

電話 : 📞 +88979
城市 : Kangning Rd

114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Alley 21, Lane 189, Section 3, Kangning Rd, 3號阿桂蛋餅東湖店
Liv Lin on Google

造訪前還有點擔心前面這麼多好評是不是像其他店那種評五星換優惠的結果,吃完後認真同意大家的意見!真的好好吃喔,還馬上買了辣椒醬❤️ 高麗菜捲餅份量真的很飽,菜餡還有加粉絲和豆乾塊,調味清爽適中,餅皮焦香脆。 奶茶好喝濃郁。 辣椒醬是很棒的生椒味,然後真的好辣但吃光沒問題!難怪人人說必加~
Before the visit, I was a little worried that so many positive reviews were the result of giving five-star discounts like other stores. After eating, I seriously agreed with everyone's opinions! It's really delicious, I bought the chili sauce right away ❤️ The cabbage burrito is really filling. The filling is also filled with vermicelli and dried tofu pieces. The seasoning is refreshing and moderate, and the crust is charred and crispy. The milk tea is delicious and rich. The chilli sauce is a great raw chilli flavour and then really spicy but no problem eating it all up! No wonder everyone says it must be added~
簡銘輝 on Google

一直都是阿桂蛋餅的忠實粉絲? 推薦豬排蛋餅+高麗菜! 滿滿的芋泥蛋餅也是首推! 闆娘記性超級好,上次餐點不小心搞混,為了做補償免費請吃一頓!(已經過一個禮拜還記得……) 優質的蛋餅和服務!推!
I've always been a big fan of Agui's Egg Cake ? Recommend pork chop omelette + cabbage! The full taro omelette is also the first recommendation! Banniang has a very good memory. I accidentally mixed up the meal last time, so please have a free meal for compensation! (It's been a week and I still remember...) Excellent quiche and service! push!
安娜 on Google

The cabbage omelette is crispy and delicious. What’s more special is that there are a few vermicelli in it to set off the different tastes and a hint of freshness.
林晏萍 on Google

點選了高人氣高麗菜蛋餅,脆脆的外皮,滿滿的高麗菜夾帶冬粉,加上阿桂辣椒醬,辣味香氣四溢,口感.飽足感.視覺一併到位,重點一份也才45元,cp值高到爆表,大姊人很好,也非常客氣,芋頭也是她天天凌晨起床自製的好吃到爆炸,等等再帶一份芋頭肉鬆回家????? 隔壁情侶完勝一個堡3份蛋餅,好吃程度你就知道了吧?????
I ordered the popular cabbage omelette, with crispy skin, full of cabbage with winter noodles, plus Agui chili sauce, the spicy aroma is overflowing, the taste, satiety, and the vision are all in place, and the key point is one. The serving is only 45 yuan, and the cp value is so high that the eldest sister is very nice and very polite. The taro is also made by her to get up in the early morning and it is so delicious that it explodes, and I will bring another serving of taro meat floss home ???? ? The couple next door won 3 omelettes in a fort, you can know how delicious it is ?????
Louis Chen on Google

第一次買了八百元的蛋餅 個人(首)推薦 招牌高麗菜蛋餅,內含調味過的高麗菜冬粉等配方,很夠味。 酸菜口味,還有花生粉,整體口感與味覺也是很特別。 二訪 現場吃更是加分啊!雖然現場位置不多(裡面約2-3人+外面2小方桌),現場食用更是滿足。 另外一提,冷泡茶系列也是很棒,吃蛋餅配個茶類,很搭! 最後總結,各總口味都試過一輪,其實各種口味都很好吃,依照每個人的口味喜好挑選囉!喜歡吃甜的也可以點芋頭花生蛋餅,也很有飽足感。芋頭是老闆每天早上現打現做的...加上老闆非常親切,讓我不是住內湖的人,有到內湖必訪之處。 餅皮比較: 1.一般蛋餅皮與捲餅都很酥脆。 2.蛋餅皮的咬下去口感很像薄片酥碎了。 3.捲餅很像抓餅的感覺,相對有飽足感。
I bought an 800 yuan omelet for the first time Personal (first) recommendation The signature cabbage omelet contains seasoned cabbage noodles and other recipes, which is very flavorful. The taste of sauerkraut, and peanut powder, the overall taste and taste are also very special. Second visit Eating on the spot is a plus! Although there are not many places on site (about 2-3 people inside + 2 small square tables outside), eating on site is more satisfying. In addition, the cold brew tea series is also great. Eating an omelet with tea is a great match! Finally, I have tried all the flavors for a round. In fact, all flavors are delicious. Choose according to everyone's taste! You can also order taro peanut quiche if you like to eat sweet, it is also very satisfying. The taro is made by the boss every morning... and the boss is very kind, so I am not a person who lives in Neihu, and there are places that I must visit when I go to Neihu. Pie crust comparison: 1. Generally, omelet crusts and burritos are very crispy. 2. The taste of the omelette crust after biting down is like thin slices and crumbled. 3. The burrito has the feeling of grabbing a cake, and is relatively full.
火神蛾ウルガモス on Google

今天的早餐是這家阿桂蛋餅 我點了2個蛋餅 薯餅 綠茶 老闆娘很親切 得知招牌是高麗菜蛋餅 個人吃了之後也蠻推的 內餡很像水煎包 用料很紮實 我自己不太喜歡吃那種硬硬脆脆的蛋餅皮 但是微濕的內餡跟皮的脆度結合的很剛好 大推 還有無糖的冷泡綠茶 25塊還很大杯 划算 下次再帶朋友3個人一起來吃其他不一樣的口味
Today's breakfast is this Agui's Egg Cake I ordered 2 omelettes hash browns green tea The proprietress is very kind. I learned that the signboard is the cabbage omelette. I personally recommend it after eating it. The filling is very similar to the fried buns. I don't really like to eat that kind of hard and crunchy egg pie crust, but the slightly moist filling combines with the crispness of the crust very well. There is also sugar-free cold brewed green tea, 25 yuan is still a large cup, cost-effective Next time, I will bring 3 people with friends to eat other different flavors
Tammy Hsieh on Google

蛋餅真的好好吃!餅皮酥脆、用料豐富,料好實在。 招牌高麗菜蛋餅裡面有滿滿的高麗菜跟冬粉,很推薦! 三心蛋餅內餡含有玉米、肉鬆、鮪魚,也很好吃! 西西里雞腿蛋餅,煎的雞腿再加上酥脆蛋餅皮,讓人吃得超滿足! 喜歡吃辣的人別錯過老闆娘自製的辣椒醬,炒得很香。 鐵架上的三明治也很推薦唷,要早一點出門才買得到多種口味,芋泥花生推薦給喜歡芋頭愛好者,家人、同事都讚不絕口。 早餐品項外帶、內用都好吃,有時間的話推薦可以現場吃,口感更是讚! 是東湖用心的好吃早餐店!老闆娘親切可愛,服務貼心。 需要一些待侯時間,趕時間的人建議提前加line預訂餐點。
The omelette is really delicious! The crust is crispy, the ingredients are rich, and the ingredients are good. The signature cabbage omelette is full of cabbage and winter noodles, highly recommended! The filling of the three-heart omelet contains corn, meat floss, and tuna, and it is also delicious! Sicilian chicken thigh quiche, fried chicken thighs with a crispy quiche crust, makes it super satisfying! If you like spicy food, don't miss the owner's homemade chili sauce, which is very fragrant. The sandwiches on the iron rack are also highly recommended. You have to go out early to get a variety of flavors. Taro puree peanuts are recommended for taro lovers, and their family and colleagues are full of praise. The breakfast items are delicious for take-out and internal use. If you have time, it is recommended to eat them on the spot, and the taste is even better! It is a delicious breakfast restaurant in Donghu! The proprietress is kind and lovely, and the service is considerate. It takes some waiting time, and those who are in a hurry are advised to add a line to book meals in advance.
833369 roxy on Google

週末近中午電話預訂外帶 韭菜蛋餅、芋頭肉鬆蛋餅(生意超好!竟然要等1小時?) 皮酥脆 餡料多 不加醬也很有味道 隔週末line預訂 現場內用~ 果然還是現做現吃最酥香美味!擺盤也賞心悅目? 嗜吃辣者~必加闆娘特製辣椒醬?
On weekends near noon, call to order takeaway leek egg cake, taro meat floss egg cake (the business is super good! It took 1 hour to wait ?) Crispy skin, lots of stuffing, delicious taste without sauce Book online every other weekend for on-site use~ Sure enough, it is still the most delicious and delicious! The platter is also pleasing to the eye ? Those who like spicy food~ must add Pan Niang's special chili sauce?

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