漿糊蛋餅(高纖燕麥餅皮 | 少油少鹽健康飲食) - Section 3

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 漿糊蛋餅(高纖燕麥餅皮 | 少油少鹽健康飲食)

地址 :

114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Lane 189, Section 3, Kangning Rd, 24號轉角店漿糊蛋餅(高纖燕麥餅皮 | 少油少鹽健康飲食)一樓

電話 : 📞 +889778
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/JiangHu.Egg.Pancake.Roll/
城市 : Kangning Rd

114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Lane 189, Section 3, Kangning Rd, 24號轉角店漿糊蛋餅(高纖燕麥餅皮 | 少油少鹽健康飲食)一樓
好好 on Google

真材實料,用心味蕾感受得到,吃了會讓人想念的蛋餅~ 還貼心現場製作素食者可以食用的辣醬?️? 喝了會讓想念的鮮奶茶☕️ ?地瓜蛋餅+?玉米+蔬菜+?花生醬-吃了超飽嘴,滿滿的飽足幸福感?
The real material, you can feel it with your heart and taste buds, and you will miss the egg cake after eating it~ He also made hot sauce that vegetarians can eat on the spot?️? Drink fresh milk tea that will make you miss ☕️ ? Sweet Potato Omelette + ? Corn + Vegetables + ? Peanut Butter - Eating super full mouth, full of satiety and happiness?
Jasmine Lin on Google

服務:親切、有禮、熱情 環境:簡單、乾淨,雖是小本生意但老闆在衛生紙上也願意提供Costco的 醬料:感受的到老闆的用心,建議若是點有甜味內餡ex:醬燒雞里肌,可直接搭配辣椒醬即美味 蒜蓉醬-雖沒有滿滿的蒜味,不死鹹不死甜,但搭配蛋餅剛剛好,不搶蛋餅的風采 辣椒醬-特別,感覺有點沙茶的口感,不會很辣,搭配有餡料的蛋餅剛剛好 餐點:別於一般粉漿蛋餅的軟糊或油膩,清爽適合沒有吃過粉漿蛋餅者試試,不愛太軟或太油粉漿蛋餅愛好者更一定要試 醬燒雞里肌+雙蛋-粉漿餅皮軟硬適中,帶有點微微脆感,雞里肌為肉塊,有感口但不柴,用料實在 豆乳+綠茶:清爽,搭配蛋餅剛剛好 再放 : ?????
Service: cordial, courteous, warm Environment: Simple and clean, although it is a small business, the boss is also willing to provide Costco's on toilet paper Sauce: I can feel the boss's intentions. It is recommended that if you order sweet stuffing ex: Sauce roasted chicken tenderloin, it can be directly paired with chili sauce for deliciousness Garlic Sauce - Although it is not full of garlic flavor, it is not deadly salty or sweet, but it is just right with the egg cake, not to steal the style of the egg cake Chili sauce - special, it feels a bit like sand tea, not too spicy, just right with the omelette with fillings Meal: It is different from the soft paste or greasy of ordinary custard omelettes. It is refreshing and suitable for those who have never eaten custard omelettes. If you don't like too soft or too oily custard omelettes, you must try them. Sauce-roasted chicken tenderloin + double eggs - the flour paste crust is moderately soft and hard, with a slightly crispy feeling. The chicken tenderloin is a piece of meat, which is tasty but not woody. The ingredients are real Soymilk + Green Tea: Refreshing, just right with omelette Replay: ?????
陳圓圓 on Google

漿糊蛋餅餅皮的特色就是口感是軟Q的,外面比較少見,所以想吃酥脆餅皮的可以直接先Pass。 這次二訪點了蔬菜蛋餅和花生醬肉鬆蛋餅,先上google看了菜單才致電訂餐,衝著菜單上寫蔬菜蛋餅搭配「自製紅醬」才想說來試試,結果吃到時完全沒有?蔬菜份量蠻多的,但感覺只有用水川燙過沒有調味,雖然吃的到蔬菜的甜味,可是整體味道還是略顯單薄,需要加大量的醬才有味道?還蠻失望的?不知道如果蔬菜用炒的會不會好一點。 反倒是花生醬肉鬆蛋餅很讓我驚艷!花生醬味道非常濃郁,而且還能吃到花生顆粒,跟肉鬆的搭配也完全沒有違和感,下次還會想點的選擇?歐對了,兩個口味吃完也不會有餅皮的油膩感,這點我覺得蠻加分的? 後來才發現該店家的臉書時常有更新,建議各位可以上臉書查看最新菜單,還有更多口味。 - 更 感謝店家耐心回覆,我也有仔細閱讀,對於蔬菜的烹調方式有誤會十分抱歉,也希望你們越來越好!
The special feature of the pasty crust is that it has a soft and Q texture, which is relatively rare on the outside, so if you want to eat the crispy crust, you can just pass it first. During my second visit, I ordered vegetable quiche and peanut butter quiche. I first went to Google to read the menu before calling to order. I just wanted to try the vegetable quiche with "homemade red sauce" on the menu. The result was complete. No ? There are quite a lot of vegetables, but I feel that they have only been blanched in water without seasoning. Although the sweetness of the vegetables is eaten, the overall taste is still slightly thin. You need to add a lot of sauce to have the taste. I am quite disappointed. No Know if the vegetables will be better if they are fried. On the contrary, the peanut butter quiche is amazing! The peanut butter is very rich in flavor, and you can also eat peanut particles. There is no sense of conflict with the meat floss. Next time, I will think about the choice ? By the way, the two flavors will not have the greasy crust after eating. I think this is quite a plus ? Later, I found out that the store’s Facebook page was updated frequently. I suggest that you can check the latest menu on Facebook, and there are more flavors. - Even Thank you for your patience to reply. I also read carefully. I am very sorry for the misunderstanding of the way the vegetables are cooked, and I hope you will get better and better!
Chris Ho on Google

First time here and ordered the peanut butter frittata. The peanut butter is so delicious that I want a thick slice of peanuts. But the peanut butter doesn't seem to go well with the batter omelette, so I'll try other flavors next time. The custard quiche himself is excellent, push
Ouo LIN on Google

2022/03 開一段時間了,一直沒來試試。 點了拔絲(起司)蛋餅及鮪魚蛋餅。蛋餅不是酥脆形的,QQ的口感(有點像粄條),口味內餡也算是蠻大方的,因為不是酥脆形蛋餅所以吃起來不會很油,下次會試試其他口味看看。
2022/03 It's been a while and I haven't tried it. Ordered the custard (cheese) omelette and tuna omelet. The egg cake is not crispy, the texture of QQ (a bit like a bun), and the filling is quite generous. Because it is not a crispy egg cake, it will not taste very oily. I will try other flavors next time.
T.T Huang on Google

有別于傳統蛋餅 漿糊的蛋餅皮較軟,這間店的皮做的是比較厚實 點了肉鬆蛋餅,蛋味很香 可惜店家的醬油膏太鹹了,個人吃不習慣…
Different from traditional omelette The battered omelette skin is softer, the skin of this shop is thicker I ordered the meat floss omelette, the egg taste is very fragrant It's a pity that the store's soy sauce paste is too salty, I'm not used to eating it...
Ellie Kuo on Google

原本期待像古早味的麵糊蛋餅,但其實老闆很用心的去改良成低油低鹽的粉漿蛋餅,很Q很對味也不太有負擔。 ?️當看價目表時會倒抽三口氣,但吃過後便吃得出來老闆食材是下重本的,自然掏錢掏得甘願 ?蔬菜蛋餅+蒜辣皮蛋 (蔬菜是高湯燙過保留的清甜,配上老闆自製的蒜辣皮蛋,愛吃辣的真的別錯過) ?蔥明絕鮪+乳酪絲(有點像改良版的愛之味鮪魚罐頭 ? 清爽不油膩,搭配我超愛的乳酪,不用加店家的蒜味醬油就很有味道) 對於習慣一般市售西式蛋餅的客人建議別來,老闆自製麵粉餅皮QQ好吃,清爽不油膩的改良式的古早味粉漿蛋餅,值得再訪。 喔,對了!好吃的食物值得等待。(就是等待龜毛的老闆做好啦)
I originally expected a batter omelette like the ancient style, but in fact, the boss took great care to improve it into a low-fat and low-salt flour omelette, which is very good in taste and not too burdensome. ?️When I look at the price list, I will take three breaths, but after eating it, I can see that the boss's ingredients are expensive, so I am willing to pay for it. ?Vegetable Omelette + Preserved Garlic Egg (Vegetables are sweet and sweet after being blanched in broth, paired with the owner's homemade preserved garlic egg, don't miss it if you love spicy food) ?Scallion tuna + shredded cheese (a bit like an improved version of canned tuna with flavor of love ? Refreshing and not greasy, paired with my favorite cheese, it tastes great without adding the store's garlic soy sauce) For customers who are used to the Western-style egg cakes sold in the general market, it is recommended not to come. The owner's homemade flour cake skin is delicious, refreshing and not greasy, and the improved ancient-style flour and pulp egg cake is worth visiting again. Oh, that's right! Good food is worth the wait. (Just waiting for Turtle's boss to do it)
pei hsun chiu on Google

The old-fashioned battered omelet has a soft texture. I usually order a cheese flavor omelet, but this time I ask to add preserved egg sauce with garlic and chili on a whim. It was amazing, the flavor of the whole omelet were improved (stunning). I found that the boss was very particular about putting the omelettes neatly in the box every time, as if he was taking his children seriously.

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