
4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 內湖新觀念高中數學

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114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Section 3, Chenggong Rd, 168號內湖新觀念高中數學2 樓
鄭婷瑜 on Google

When I was in middle school, mathematics was a troublesome and annoying subject for me, because I couldn't get a sense of accomplishment from it, so I alienated him even more. I was studying in the summer vacation before Zhongshan Girls' High School. I felt that there should be some changes and I started to look for tuition classes. I did n’t like the large class system before the high school, so I chose the new concept of small class math tuition classes. I met Teacher Hong, so I followed the steps of Teacher Hong to learn. Because it is a small class system, the teacher can take care of each student's situation. During class, students will be named to answer questions to ensure that we are thinking synchronously, and the teacher often discusses with me where It should be strengthened and given me a lot of suggestions, so that I had no confidence in mathematics. I gradually did not hate or even get a sense of accomplishment from it. In the school's segment exam, I can almost maintain 80 or even 1% of the total math semester in three years. Although the class is relatively compact and there will not be too much rest time, it is also because in this way, you can learn a lot of things each time, and at the end of each class, there will be an exam to test the effectiveness of your own learning, although compared with other tuition The class will be more difficult, but as long as I follow the steps of the teacher and do all the things that I should do, I think progress is certain. In the past three years of the new concept, I feel that I have improved a lot. I also got 93.6 points in the final test and went to the Faculty of Finance of the University of Political Science. Thank you Mr. Hong for so kindly guiding us. What I learned was not only mathematical problems. Skills, and reading methods that can be applied in many places, allow me to turn my fear of math into self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Thanks to the new ideas and teacher Hong for the growth that has brought me to the present. I believe in hard work. There will be gains without hard work, and there will be no gains if you work hard with the teacher.
YingSyuan Chen on Google

國中的我非常排斥數學,是我最差的科目。曾在國小到高中都有的安親班式數學班補過習,也有去台北車站動輒上百人的大補習班上過課,但是成績都沒有顯著的起色。 上了高中後,我來到了只教高中數學的新觀念,在洪老師的特訓之下,數學逐漸成為我拿手的科目。每次上課老師都會補充很多必考題型,清楚的歸納重點,讓我們更有效率的學習;時不時的點學生回答問題,讓大家聚精會神,上課不恍神。 雖然一週要上兩次課真的很累,每次都還要小考,但這也是讓我們每天算數學,保持手感的好方法;每次小考考完都要確實訂正好才能回家,考不及格的話還要另外約時間來補考,正因為這樣的不辭辛勞,讓新觀念的學生各個都是班上的數學好手,更讓以前總是纏著別人問問題的我,在高中變成了大家問問題的對象。 在這裡除了學習數學,洪老師也會鞭策我們、鼓勵我們,分享許多讀書方法還有豐富的人生體驗。在高三課業壓力大的時候,每次和老師聊聊都能有新的體悟;在灰心喪志的時候能重新燃起鬥志,繼續勇敢追尋夢想,我覺得這是在新觀念收獲最多的地方。畢竟數學只有在求學階段會派上用場,但是對人生的態度卻是一輩子的。 我很幸運的在剛上高一時就來到了新觀念,在溫馨的大家庭中學習成長,三年都沒有離開;更從一開始的害怕數學、時常補考,到最後考上了心目中的第一志願──政治大學。我很感謝這裡給我的一切,希望學弟妹們都能來到這裡,跟著洪老師的腳步一起逐夢踏實。
I am very excluded from mathematics in the middle of the country and it is my worst subject. I have been rehabilitated in the mathematics class of the parents' class in the small to high school. I also went to the big class in the Taipei station for hundreds of people, but the results did not show significant improvement. After I was in high school, I came to a new concept of teaching high school mathematics. Under the special training of Hong teacher, mathematics gradually became my subject. Every time the teacher will add a lot of compulsory questions, clearly summarize the key points, let us learn more efficiently; from time to time, students answer questions, let everyone concentrate, and class is not blasphemy. Although it is really tiring to take two classes a week, I have to take a small test every time, but this is also a good way for us to calculate mathematics every day and keep the hand feeling; every time the small test is finished, we must correct it to go home. If you fail the exam, you have to take another time to make up the exam. It’s because of this hard work that the students of the new concept are all mathematics masters in the class, and let me always be entangled in others to ask questions, and become high school in high school. Everyone asks the object of the question. In addition to studying mathematics, Mr. Hong will also spur us, encourage us, share many reading methods and have a rich life experience. When the high school class is under great pressure, every time you talk to the teacher, you will have a new understanding. When you are discouraged, you can rekindle your fighting spirit and continue to bravely pursue your dreams. I think this is the place where the new ideas are most harvested. After all, mathematics will come in handy only during the schooling period, but the attitude towards life is a lifetime. I was very fortunate to have come to a new concept when I was in the first year of high school. I grew up in a warm family and didn't leave for three years. I was afraid of mathematics from the beginning, often taking exams, and finally I was admitted to the mind. Aspiration - a political university. I am very grateful for everything that has been given to me here. I hope that my brothers and sisters can come here and follow the footsteps of Teacher Hong.
吳郭魚 on Google

我從國中的時候就是出名的靠天分念書,平常上課發呆聊天,段考前隨便念念就可以考的不錯, 直到會考也是混混噩噩的就考上了附中,所以我也沒什麼打算改變我的讀書方法。 高一時沒出什麼問題,混一混就過去了,高二的時候我的數學成績開始飛快下降,但出於某種不明原因,當時我的其他所有科目都處於上升狀態,也就掩蓋過了數學一直變弱的問題,直到二下某次段考我的數學好像只考了三四十分,雖然排名並沒有退步,但終於被我媽發現了問題,決定幫我找間補習班拯救我的數學。 我還記得來第一次來新觀念上課時,手上轉著魔術方塊,遲到了大概一個小時,那時我對我的數學天分依舊充滿信心,不過實力卻已經與以前天差地遠,那天我第一次在新觀念考試,記得是27分吧,而也是附中但是一類的李佳澄考了八九十分,我才真正發現我的數學已經大不如前,不只是因為數資的同學太強而顯得我數學不好。 那天晚上,洪老跟我講了很多東西,從分析我為什麼會越來越差,為什麼我應該還有救,怎麼救數學,怎麼念書,怎麼面對高中課業,從頭到尾幫我重新整理了面對高中的態度,雖然已經二下,不過從那時候開始,我才真正開始接觸高中數學。 在沒有基礎的情況下,我在新觀念的三次向量小考分數加起來還不到80分,不過經過洪老每次下課後的特別輔導,我在矩陣的小考考出了好幾次90多分的成績,這也為我重新學習數學帶來了莫大的信心。(20~30 -> 80~90) 在之後的章節表現雖然沒有矩陣這麼好,但是通常考的分數也還可以接受,從此我的數學開始步入正軌…(段考30~40 -> 70~80) 高三開始複習學測後,我重新把之前落下的進度補齊,趁著別人複習的時候把以前該學的學會,再加上一些練習,在學測前終於把該學的學完,後來學測也考的還可以(數學14級 總級69級),得到香港理工大學生物與生化系的全額獎學金加生活費補助(16萬港幣/學年 約臺幣64萬/學年 4年共64萬港幣/256萬臺幣)不過最後在洪老面試特訓班的幫助下,我錄取了台大生化科技與台大生命科學系,最後我選擇了台大生化科技作為我的大學學系。 洪老使用說明(3要) 作業要寫:洪老的作業難度適中,量通常也不會太多,在學測範圍完全掌握(閉著眼睛都可以14級以上)之前,最好都要寫,小考分數會變高算是額外的好處 講話要聽:上課要聽是基本的,不然你來幹嘛,另外洪老是考試大師毋庸置疑,大部分的建議都很好用,雖然洪老常一講講很久(厲害的人或本來就會的可以趁機偷寫作業?),不過通常聽了都是很有用的 問題要問:不管什麼問題,數學的課業的時間分配的或是各種疑難雜症都可以問,不過問之前要做好被唸的心理準備 我對唸數學的看法 數學重點就三個 信心 手感 實力 信心:很多人會怕數學,怕數學的人數學永遠拉不起來,因為怕會讓你少算、不想算,更不可能對數學產生興趣,陷入惡性循環。像我一向對自己充滿自信,就算在我好幾次都考20~30的時候,我也一直相信我一定救的回來,對自己有信心是數學變好的第一步。以前會怕,可以從“相信自己至少可以搞懂這題”開始慢慢培養信心,最好是可以產生興趣 手感:數學很重視fu,就是靈光一閃那種,不會的題目突然算出來,麻煩的題目突然想到特殊解法,超常發揮通常就是手感好的關係,反之,手感冷掉的話,會的題目也可能突然寫不出來,或是鬼打牆算不出來,培養手感就是靠寫題目,平常多寫,多練,手感自然會好,接近考試沒時間時則是練個幾題難度適中的(根據考試難度)維持就好 實力:一切的根本,除非你是天才型的大神(拉馬努金 陶哲軒之類的)不然沒有實力做基礎,一切都是空談,而實力也是從練習得到 總而言之 實力是一切的基礎 手感決定實力能發揮多少 而信心是得到實力和手感的必要條件 得到這三者的方法則是練習和培養信心 那洪老能提供什麼呢? 1.阻止你耍廢 讓你多練數學 2.上課精準 教的基本上都會用到 不會覺得浪費時間 也不常遇到題目沒上過的情況 3.課後輔導 解決各種疑難雜症 幫助培養信心 結論 如果是以考試為目標的唸數學,找洪老就對了 To 學弟妹們 洪老在考試用數學方面絕對是頂級的大師,洪老很多對考試的看法和觀念也對提升成績非常有幫助,學弟妹們,不要被其他補習班華麗的裝潢和無聊的笑話矇騙,補習班能有效提升成績才是真的,所以說看到的學弟妹們啊,聽我的,多拉同學去試聽看看課程,幫洪老衝衝人氣,大家一起砥礪學習。也幫自己找個可以增進數學能力的好地方 謝了:D
When I was in middle school, I was famous for studying by talent. I usually went to class and chatted in a daze. I could do well by reading just before the exam. Until the college entrance examination was too awkward, I was admitted to the attached middle school, so I had no plans to change my study method. There was no problem in my first year of high school, and my first year of being mixed up was over. In my second year of high school, my mathematics scores began to decline rapidly, but for some unknown reason, all my other subjects were on the rise, which covered up mathematics. I kept getting weaker until the second stage of my math test. It seemed that I had only scored 30 or 40 points in the math test. Although the ranking did not degrade, my mother finally found the problem and decided to help me find a cram school to save me. mathematics. I still remember the first time I came to class with a new concept, I turned the magic cube in my hand, and I was late for about an hour. At that time, I was still confident in my mathematical talents, but my strength was far from before. In the new concept exam, I remember it was 27 points, and it was also in the attached middle school. But after Li Jiacheng in the first category took 80 to 90 points, I really found that my maths has been much worse than before. It is not just because the mathematics is too strong. It seems that I am not good at math. That night, Mr. Hong told me a lot of things, from analyzing why I was getting worse, why I should still be saved, how to save math, how to study, how to face high school tasks, and helped me rearrange my face from beginning to end. Although my attitude towards high school has been second, it was only from that time that I really started to get in touch with high school mathematics. Without a foundation, my three vector quiz scores in New Concepts add up to less than 80 points, but after the special tutoring of Mr. Hong every time after class, I have scored more than 90 points in the matrix quiz several times. The results, which also gave me great confidence in relearning mathematics. (20~30 -> 80~90) In the following chapters, although the performance is not as good as the matrix, the scores usually tested are still acceptable. From then on, my mathematics has been on the right track... (Duan test 30-40 -> 70-80) After I started to review the test in the third year of high school, I made up the progress I had lost before. I took advantage of the review of others to learn what I should have learned before, plus some exercises, and finally finished what I had learned before the test. Those who take the test can also take the test (mathematics 14-level total level 69), and receive a full scholarship plus living allowance from the Department of Biology and Biochemistry of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (160,000 Hong Kong dollars / academic year approximately NT$ 640,000 / academic year 4 years total of 640,000 Hong Kong dollars / (2.56 million Taiwan dollars) However, with the help of Mr. Hong’s special interview training class, I was admitted to the National Taiwan University Biochemical Technology and National Taiwan University Life Sciences Department, and finally I chose National Taiwan University Biochemical Technology as my university department. Hong Lao Instructions (3 points) Homework should be written: Hong Lao’s homework is moderately difficult and usually not too much. It is best to write before the scope of the test is fully grasped (with eyes closed, it can be above level 14). The quiz score will increase. extra benefits Listen to the speech: It’s basic to listen in class. Otherwise, why are you here? In addition, there is no doubt that Mr. Hong is a master of exams. Most of the suggestions are very useful, although Mr. Can those who will take the opportunity to secretly write homework?), but it is usually very useful to listen Questions to ask: no matter what the problem is, you can ask about the time allocation of mathematics or various intractable diseases, but you must be psychologically prepared before asking My view on studying mathematics There are three key points in mathematics Confidence, feel, strength Confidence: Many people are afraid of mathematics, and those who are afraid of mathematics will never be able to do mathematics, because they are afraid that they will make you undercalculate, do not want to calculate, and it is even more unlikely that you will become interested in mathematics and fall into a vicious circle. Like I have always been confident in myself, even when I took the 20-30 exam several times, I have always believed that I will be saved. Having confidence in myself is the first step in getting better in mathematics. I used to be scared, so I can slowly develop my confidence from "believe that I can at least understand this question". It is best to be interested Hand feeling: Mathematics attaches great importance to fu, which is the kind of problem that flashes of inspiration. Suddenly it is calculated. Troublesome problems suddenly think of special solutions. Extraordinary performance is usually related to good hand feeling. On the contrary, if the hand feels cold, the problems that will be possible are also possible. Suddenly you can’t write it out, or you can’t figure it out when a ghost hits the wall. To develop your hand feel is to write questions. Usually write more and practice more, the hand feel will naturally be better. Difficulty) Just maintain Strength: the foundation of everything, unless you are a genius god (Ramanujan, Tao Zhexuan, etc.) or you don’t have strength as the basis, everything is empty talk, and strength is obtained from practice all in all Strength is the foundation of everything Feel determines how much strength can be played And confidence is a necessary condition for strength and feel The way to get these three is to practice and cultivate confidence So what can Mr. Hong provide? 1. Prevent you from playing waste and let you practice more math 2. Accurate in class, basically all teaching will be used, will not feel wasted time, and will not often encounter situations where the problem has not been taken 3. After-school counseling to solve various incurable diseases and help build confidence Conclusion If you are studying mathematics with the goal of exams, you can find Mr. Hong To school brothers and sisters Mr. Hong is definitely a top master in mathematics for examinations. Many of Mr. Hong’s opinions and concepts on examinations are also very helpful to improve his grades. Younger students, don’t be fooled by the gorgeous decoration and boring jokes of other cram schools. It’s true that you can effectively improve your grades. So the students who I saw, listen to me, Dora went to audition to see the courses, to help Hong Lao Chong popular, everyone study together. I also helped myself find a good place to improve my math skills. Thanks: D
Hua Feng (封印解除的封) on Google

其實每次經過新觀念補習班樓下,看到跑馬燈上出現我的名字、申請學校、數學成績15級時,還是會覺得有點不可思議,因為在我高二踏進新觀念補習班以前,我對於自己數學的想像是:不要粗心,盡力就好。 從前我以為高中數學只要自己讀過並且完成學校作業,就能應付學校段考,但後來發現高中課程內容繁雜,連段考都不是靠自己就能夠消化整理再吸收。在高二開始我選擇加入「新觀念數學」,在洪老師的認真指導下,我的數學開始穩定的進步,一週兩堂課很扎實,尤其是每次上完課的小考,是我認為非常重要的學習方式,因為除了能快速檢視自己小章節的學習成果,重要的是每一次的訂正很確實,老師能仔細掌握每個同學的狀況,並且給予適當的輔導,我覺得這是我在新觀念中得到最好的協助,而這也是我選擇小班制補習班的重要優勢之一。 洪老師的教學非常認真,除了上課補充許多各版本重要習題,也整理有效學習的筆記,並在掌握各個學生的學習狀況及能力之後,對每個人都有不同的教學模式。我從新觀念補習班,得到的不只是學習數學的方法,更是培養良好的讀書習慣和對自己未來負責任的態度。尤其在升上高三的高壓時期,洪老師分享許多升學及人生經驗,督促我在數學以及其他課業必須全力以赴,才能讓成績中上的我,以認真換得15級分的好成績。而申請入學的階段,老師也給我很多建議和幫忙,讓我順利考上政大經濟系。 高中升上大學的階段,有別於以往的求學歷程,你或許會遇到許多學習上的困難,也或許會因為未來迷惘而苦惱。但是我相信只要跟著新觀念補習班,一定可以如我在這裡一樣,踏實的完成自己的夢想。
In fact, every time I go through the new concept tutoring class and see my name on the marquee, apply for a school, and grade 15 mathematics, I still feel a little unbelievable, because before I stepped into the new concept cram school, I was The imagination of your own mathematics is: don't be careless, try your best. I used to think that high school mathematics can handle the school exams as long as I have read and completed school assignments. However, I found that the high school curriculum is complicated, and even the exams are not absorbed on my own. At the beginning of my second year of high school, I chose to join the "New Concept Mathematics". Under the careful guidance of Teacher Hong, my mathematics began to progress steadily. Two classes a week were very solid, especially the small test every time I finished the class. I think it is very An important way to learn, because in addition to being able to quickly review the learning outcomes of your own small chapters, it is important that each revision is very true. The teacher can carefully grasp the situation of each student and give appropriate counseling. I think this is my new I get the best assistance in my ideas, and this is one of the important advantages of my choice of small class cram schools. Mr. Hong’s teaching is very serious. In addition to the many important exercises in the class, he also organizes the notes for effective study. After mastering the learning situation and ability of each student, he has different teaching modes for everyone. I have learned from the new concept tutoring class not only to learn mathematics, but also to cultivate good reading habits and a responsible attitude towards my future. Especially during the high-pressure period of the third year of high school, Mr. Hong shared a lot of studies and life experience, and urged me to do my best in mathematics and other courses, in order to let me in the middle of the score, in order to earn a good score of 15 points. At the stage of applying for admission, the teacher also gave me a lot of advice and help, so that I can successfully go to the economics department of Zhengda University. The stage of high school going to college is different from the previous study process. You may encounter many difficulties in learning, and you may be troubled by the confusion in the future. However, I believe that as long as I follow the new concept tutoring class, I will be able to fulfill my dreams as I am here.
Yoyo Lau on Google

我到學測後才來到新觀念,雖然才短短的幾個月,但在洪老師的幫助下,也從學測數學10級分進步到指考數乙100分。之前一直有在幾百人的大補習班補數學,上課時間極長,回家作業的習題是跟電話簿一樣厚的大雜燴,儘管認真聽課,數學成績也起伏不定,到了學測後我才覺悟我在數學這科所投入的心力與成果不成比例,應該要換一種學習方式,不然指考也只會重蹈覆轍學測的失敗。 一來到新觀念我就覺得這裡的同學都很厲害,讓我很想要跟上大家的腳步一起努力。在新觀念上課,洪老師會點同學回答問題,所以要非常專心,補習數學不再只是把黑板上的算式抄下來,然後回去看感覺好像都懂其實沒有學會,而是在課堂上就跟著老師一起思考。我覺得在這裡每個禮拜上兩次課而且都要考試對不管被動還是積極的學生的很有效,因為可以馬上檢視學習成果,在短時間內就把學到的東西掌握起來,在準備大考時這樣的模擬訓練是必要的,因為要考高分更需要策略跟技巧。另外,考完試老師會一題一題檢討,不只是發下詳解,這讓我在同樣的題目下訓練自己學會不同的解法,也可以與同學一起討論,了解每個題目背後的出題精神與觀念。最後,每次訂正完考卷一定會一個一個檢查,有哪裡不清楚的都可以直接問洪老師,而不是像在大補習班要排隊等很久才能問到品質參差不齊的解題老師,更重要的是,老師會與我們討論考不好的原因還有要注意的地方,經過這樣一次次的改正自己考試時的盲點,調整自己寫考卷的心態,面對數學我不再像以前那麼害怕,因為我清楚地知道自己學到了什麼,也對學起來的東西印象深刻。還是要再次感謝洪老師教我們的不只是數學,更有許多在每科都受用的讀書方法,除了自己的企圖心和努力之外,讀書用對方法,絕對能更有效率。
I came to New Concepts only after the test. Although it was only a few months ago, with the help of Teacher Hong, I have progressed from 10 points in the test mathematics to 100 points in the math test. Previously, I had been supplementing mathematics in a large cram school with hundreds of people. The class time was extremely long. The homework exercises were as thick as a phone book. Even though I attended the class carefully, my mathematics scores fluctuated and I realized it after the test My effort in mathematics is out of proportion to the results. I should change my learning method, otherwise the test will only repeat the failure of the previous test. When I came to New Concept, I felt that the classmates here were very good, and I wanted to keep up with everyone's footsteps and work hard together. In class with new concepts, Mr. Hong will ask his classmates to answer questions, so he must be very attentive. Remedial math is no longer just copying the calculations on the blackboard, and then going back to see that it feels like they understand that they have not learned it, but just follow the teacher in class Think together. I think that having two classes every week and taking exams is very effective for both passive and active students, because you can check the learning results immediately and master what you have learned in a short time, when preparing for the big exam Such simulation training is necessary because it requires more strategies and skills to test high scores. In addition, after the exam, the teacher will review each question one by one, not just posting detailed explanations. This allows me to train myself to learn different solutions under the same questions. I can also discuss with my classmates to understand the spirit and spirit behind each question. Concept. Finally, every time the examination papers are revised, they will be checked one by one. If you are unclear about anything, you can directly ask Mr. Hong instead of waiting a long time in a large cram school to ask the problem-solving teacher with uneven quality. More importantly Yes, the teacher will discuss with us the reasons for bad exams and what we should pay attention to. After correcting my blind spots in exams and adjusting my mentality of writing exam papers, I am no longer as afraid of mathematics as before, because I know exactly what I have learned, and I am deeply impressed by what I have learned. I would like to thank Mr. Hong again for teaching us not only mathematics, but also many reading methods that are used in every subject. In addition to my own ambition and hard work, reading using the right methods can definitely be more efficient.
張靜葳 on Google

其實我的數學不算好,所以從國中就開始補數學。因為不喜歡大班制無法顧及所有學生是否確實理解吸收的教學特性,所以我都選擇小班制就讀。而升上高中後,在學姊推薦下,我選擇加入新觀念。 三年前第一次踏入新觀念,除了環境很舒適、燈光很柔和、牆上貼滿各種學長姐豐功偉業的閃亮榜單,印象最深的就是洪老師長的很高,高到我有點害怕。不過實際上課後,我發現洪老師很專業,會在講義上東補充西補充,還會給很多補充題目,而我常常在學校平常小考或段考時看到相似的題型。 除此之外,洪老師有多年教學經驗,知道學生通常會卡住或弄錯的地方,會不厭其煩的再三說明,讓你問到懂。如果真的無法理解,也可以下課再出去繼續問,老師絕對解釋到你完全吸收。 洪老師也會特別找人出來說話、餵心靈雞湯,針對每個人給予不同的建議,告訴我們如何改進學習方式。如果有各種學習或其他方面的疑難雜症,也可以去諮詢洪老師,不過要做好聽~很~久的準備:D 但聽完都會有醍醐灌頂、發現人生新方向的感覺啦。 待在新觀念三年,我的數學成績都維持一定水平,段考甚至拿過100分,最後學測也成功考到15級。雖然一度不太喜歡數學,但感謝洪老師一路提攜,不放棄我,三年後我才能有如今的成績。 以下附註新觀念就讀須知: 1.相信洪老師:第一條永遠是最重要的,都來上課了,請相信老師。老師不會害你,老師會帶你飛。 2.認真上課:上課認真聽,筆記抄不完沒關係,重要的是要聽懂。如果確實理解,其實也不需要看筆記。 3.乖乖考試:考試目的不是羞辱你,而是測試你有沒有確實搞懂每一個觀念和細節。而且多練習才能保持數學手感,才能在學校考試時提高自信和最終成績。 4.詳細訂正:不論是作業或考試,一定沒有人每次都滿分。洪老師在考卷對完答案後會一題一題檢討,不管是猜對、猜錯、寫對、寫錯,很可能都有漏掉細節或錯誤的觀念,透過訂正才能抓出來。仔細訂正才能更進一步了解自己都錯哪裡,有方向性的去改善。 5.確實完成作業:洪老師的作業量其實不算多,應該都能在上課前完成。而且還會有一個附加作用,在新觀念的小考成績會提高。
In fact, my math is not good, so I started to supplement math from middle school. Because I don't like the big class system, it can't take into account whether all students really understand the teaching characteristics of absorption, so I choose the small class system. After entering high school, I chose to add new ideas on the recommendation of my sister. Three years ago, I stepped into a new concept for the first time. In addition to the comfortable environment, the soft lighting, and the shining lists of various senior elder sisters on the wall, the most impressive thing is that Mr. Hong is very tall, as high as me. feel a little scared. But in fact, after class, I found that Mr. Hong is very professional. He will add some supplementary questions in the handouts and give many supplementary questions. I often see similar question types in the school's usual quiz or section exam. In addition, Mr. Hong has many years of teaching experience and knows where students usually get stuck or make mistakes, and he will take the trouble to explain again and again so that you can understand. If you really don’t understand, you can go out after class and continue to ask. The teacher will definitely explain that you are completely absorbed. Teacher Hong will also find someone to speak, feed the soul chicken soup, give different suggestions for each person, and tell us how to improve the learning method. If you have a variety of learning or other intractable diseases, you can also consult Teacher Hong, but you must be ready to listen for a long time: D But after listening to it, you will feel like you are empowered and discover a new direction in life. After staying in New Concept for three years, my mathematics scores remained at a certain level. I even scored 100 points in the section test and successfully passed the 15th grade in the final test. Although I didn't really like math at one time, I would like to thank Mrs. Hong for supporting me along the way and not giving up. I will not be able to get my results until three years later. The following notes new ideas for studying: 1. Believe in Teacher Hong: The first is always the most important. It's all coming to class. Please trust the teacher. The teacher will not harm you, the teacher will take you to fly. 2. Take class seriously: listen carefully in class, it doesn't matter if you can't copy notes, the important thing is to understand. If you really understand, you don't actually need to read the notes. 3. Obedient exam: The purpose of the exam is not to humiliate you, but to test whether you really understand every concept and detail. And more practice can keep the math feel, and improve the self-confidence and final grades in school exams. 4. Detailed corrections: no matter it is homework or exam, no one will get full marks every time. After correcting the answers in the examination paper, Mr. Hong will review each question one by one. Whether it is a correct guess, a wrong guess, a correct or a wrong, it is likely that there are missing details or wrong concepts, which can be caught by correcting. Only by carefully correcting can you further understand where you have gone wrong and have a directional improvement. 5. Really complete the homework: Teacher Hong's homework is actually not too much, and should be able to be completed before class. And there will be an additional effect, in the new concept of quiz results will improve.
林功德 on Google

「高中數學不再像國中一樣簡單,不能在靠單純上課、腦袋想想、天份就行,而是需要方法,而新觀念就是給予你方法的地方」 #建立數學的基礎 我記得剛來新觀念的時候,就被考試嚇到,考試不僅非常難,數量更是超越了以往,這讓一開始的我非常挫折,而洪老師則是花了很多的時間跟我聊聊,分析一下我的狀況,我為什麼無法再像以前一樣唸數學,而從高一的一開始我便知道如何唸數學。 #哥教的不只是數學 洪老師跟以往補習班老師不同的地方,我想就在於他教的不只是數學,他不單單在乎你數學的成績,他更教的是高中讀書的方法。從國中以來英文一直是我的一大罩門,而到了高中,面對更多更難的英文,英文成了我的夢魘,而洪老師在我高一第一次段考後便發現了我的問題,之後就一直叮嚀我要好好背單字,也多虧了洪老師的叮嚀,大考時英文不再是我的拖油瓶。 #去更好的地方 學測放榜,我的成績是四科53級分,當時的我希望能早點上岸,於是我就向洪老師提出了填成大的想法,但洪老師十分的反對我的決定,他認為我能去更好的地方,我的實力不只有這樣,於是下定決心準備指考內容。指考放榜,我的數乙考到100分,而我也錄取了台大生傳系,若沒有了洪老師的建議,我根本上不了台大。 #給學弟妹的話 高中最徬徨的莫過於在求學過程找不到方向,而洪老師便是我的引路人,他曾給予過我正確的方向,一次又一次的引導我,在此推薦給所有想要認真學習的學弟妹們!
吳昕儒 on Google

在國中,除了理化之外,每次段考都把我整體平均拉低的科目就是數學了,平常數學小考時我也總是體驗到挫敗感,後來去了一對一的補習班之後,沒有作業也沒有練習考試,會考數學最後也只考到A而已,所以剛考完會考之後我就來新觀念補數學了。 在新觀念,是小班制的上課方式,只有洪老師在上高中數學,很專精又有品質保證。上課時,老師除了講解不同的題型之外,還有作筆記提醒我們重要的觀念、用這個公式應該要注意什麼、不同解法的使用時機、如何看到題目聯想到解題方法的思路等等,也會不停的點人回答問題,讓我們認真參與上課。平常有問題去問洪老師時,老師也總是耐心的回答,除了引導我想出這題怎麼做之外,更是告訴我他是如何從看到題目進而聯想到怎麼解題的。每次回家都有作業,要在下次上課時交,上課完也都要考試,讓我們藉由常常練習來熟悉考試的感覺。考完試後,洪老師除了逐題講解,要求我們要訂正完畢之外,更是會一個一個學生看訂正,並且跟我們說他發現我們有哪裡出了問題、要怎麼加強與改進。 在新觀念上課,讓我覺得很充實。之前總是以為我反應慢、比較笨、思考不會轉彎,但是經過紮實的觀念講解、大量的題目與考試訓練後,我發現我的思考變靈活了,有時看到題目就能馬上聯想到它想要考什麼,甚至常常上課時還能預測洪老師的下一句話會說什麼、想考我們什麼觀念。學校的小考與段考也變得得心應手,段考幾乎每次都能考85分以上,也考過三次100分,這跟盲目刷大量題庫之後看過每個題型不同,我覺得是透過紮實的觀念加上練習適量的題目所得來的成果,讓我的邏輯思考與直覺能夠更敏銳、反應能夠更迅速。 而洪老師除了教我們數學外,更是會不時跟我們分享有用的讀書方法、正確的學習態度,以及在現實世界裡學歷是多麼重要,並為我們加油打氣。對於每一個學生的狀況,洪老師都很熟悉並且關心,是很認真盡責又可靠的老師。在申請大學的迷惘階段,我也有諮詢過洪老師,大學面試的部分,更是透過老師幫我們練習數次與提點要訣,讓個性內向的我對面試有了些信心,最後成功透過個人申請正取上臺大圖資。 雖然我除了國英數之外,其他科目都不怎麼強,但是透過在學分比較重的這三科的成績,讓我在中山女高段考時幾乎每次都有班排前五或前三名,即使物理化學不好還選了三類組就讀,最後還是能以第二名議長獎畢業。這一切都要感謝洪老師,讓我重新對數學有了自信。 進入新觀念,雖然不輕鬆,但是只要跟著洪老師的指導,與同學們一起腳踏實地的努力,就一定能夠戰勝數學,在新觀念留下充實的回憶!

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