築間幸福鍋物 內湖成功店

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Contact 築間幸福鍋物 內湖成功店

地址 :

114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Section 4, Chenggong Rd, 34號築間幸福鍋物 內湖成功店1樓

電話 : 📞 +88797
網站 : https://www.jhujian.com.tw/
城市 : Chenggong Rd

114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Section 4, Chenggong Rd, 34號築間幸福鍋物 內湖成功店1樓
Claire Lin on Google

用餐時間2022.3.30 22:00左右 離家最近的店,步行就能到,很喜歡!很方便!終於可以不用特地還要騎車過去737了。 且跟737的比,還多了很愛的明果冰淇淋可以選擇(荔枝跟波羅蜜口味非常好吃還有果肉,大推) 雖然跟其他小火鍋比起來有略貴一些,但肉片跟湯頭及海鮮都很新鮮、好吃,值得這個價位,認真要說缺點大概就是服務人員不夠吧,平日的離峰時間,肉品也是等了很久才上桌,加湯不一定能找到服務生…不過,我相信會越來越好的,人手也會補足。
Meal time around 2022.3.30 22:00 The nearest store from home is within walking distance. I love it! very convenient! Finally, I don't have to ride a bike to the 737. And compared with 737, there are more Minguo ice cream to choose from (lychee and jackfruit taste very delicious and pulp, big push) Although it is slightly more expensive than other small hot pots, the meat slices, soup and seafood are fresh and delicious, and they are worth the price. Seriously, the disadvantage is probably that there are not enough service staff. During the off-peak hours on weekdays, meat products are also waiting. It took a long time for the table to be served, and the soup may not be able to find a waiter... However, I believe it will get better and better, and the staff will be replenished.
Mika Huang on Google

非用餐時間現場只有3桌客人,以這麼少客人的情況下送餐速度偏慢,食材跟其他分店一樣品質差不多,服務態度不錯、胡椒湯底跟西湖店比起來較淡、胡椒味也不夠。 除湯底有點失望大致上都不錯。
There are only 3 tables of guests on site during non-dining hours. With so few guests, the delivery speed is slow. The quality of the ingredients is similar to that of other branches. The service attitude is good. Except the soup base was a bit disappointing and generally good.
April on Google

The service attitude is very good and the menu is introduced warmly. The meat and seafood are fresh, and it is very cost-effective to give 10 points on the member's birthday.
C Mira on Google

服務人員態度不會不好 但上菜太慢 平日晚上用餐沒有到爆滿 有看到的服務人員至少五個 白飯講兩三次能不能先上 點餐後半小時才來 肉盤則是白飯上來後提醒才來 湯都乾了一半 加湯也是講了三次 週圍客人走很久都沒收 不知道在忙什麼 加了高湯(看起來像開水)反應味道太淡 服務人員說請廚房處理 結果拿一碟鹽巴出來... 無法另外處理沒關係但拿鹽巴有點難以理解
Liu Becky on Google

預約時間抵達時先做實聯制、酒精消毒、溫度測量,預訂人確認性氏、電話號碼,然後帶位入座,接著放置菜單做出選項 離開座位區時,需配帶口罩及手套,醬料區的配料很少,後補的速度也不快,只能解讀為 人手不足,所以慌亂無章 火鍋中途加湯也是要先告知外場工作人員,還不准消費者自個兒動手,結果就是等到快黏鍋了,更慘的是,沒有確認是何種湯底,抓了就倒,消費者反應湯底不對,可以幫忙換一鍋新湯底,可以避免錯誤發生,為何做事要急急忙忙、慌亂到不行,連上個菜盤都能打翻在餐桌邊,灑落ㄧ地 後續會再訪嗎? 或許會,但 決不會是正餐時間
When the appointment time arrives, first do the real contact system, alcohol disinfection, temperature measurement, the booker confirms the sex, phone number, and then takes a seat, and then puts the menu to make options When leaving the seating area, you need to wear a mask and gloves. There are few ingredients in the sauce area, and the speed of replenishment is not fast. It can only be interpreted as a lack of manpower, so you are in a panic. When adding soup to the hot pot, you must first inform the outfield staff. Consumers are not allowed to do it by themselves. The result is that they wait until the pot is almost sticking. What is even worse is that the soup base is not confirmed. If the soup base is wrong, you can help change a new pot of soup base to avoid mistakes. Why do things have to be in a hurry and panic? Even the last dish can be knocked over on the table and spilled on the ground. Will you visit again in the future? Maybe, but never dinnertime
Yueh Lee on Google

尼克到處吃美食 IG: nickeatfood on Google

☕️??????? #尼克到處吃美食 ☛#築間幸福鍋物 ☛ CP值超高的最強火鍋店 位於內湖捷運站附近,步行約4分鐘。店內走的是日式風格,環境空間舒適寬敞,提供多款肉品、海鮮選擇,份量十足,還有無限量供應飲料、冰品。菜盤的用料也超豐富⋯ 開到凌晨4點,是宵夜的好選擇❤️喜愛吃火鍋的絕對不能錯過~ ☛ 肉品 #美國濕式熟成背肩沙朗牛肉鍋(大)$580 肉的品質非常好,油花分佈均勻,口感軟嫩不柴,份量很多每ㄧ片都超大ㄧ片。 #松阪豬肉鍋 (大)$580 肉質鮮嫩Q彈有嚼勁,肉質帶有脆脆的口感,不會油膩, 每ㄧ口都超滿足。 ☛ 湯底 #鮮菇奶香湯底 $70 濃郁奶香味不膩口,搭配滿滿的鴻禧菇,不用沾醬料就好好吃? #秘煉老熬牛髓湯 $40 清燉牛肉湯頭,清爽不膩口,搭配牛肉最適合了。 ☛ 附餐 #烏龍麵 #牛滷飯 $30 粒粒分明的米飯是我最喜歡的,淋上秘製牛滷汁香氣逼人,不會過於油膩ㄧ下就吃完了?好想再來ㄧ碗啊~~ ⊛店 名:#築間 內湖成功店 ⊛地 址:台北市內湖區成功路四段34號1樓 ⊛時 間:11:00 - 04:00 ⊛電 話:(02) 2795-2275 ⊛捷 運:內湖捷運站(步行約4分鐘) ☛ I G : @jhujianshabu #內湖美食#內湖火鍋#火鍋#築間幸福鍋物#新北 #台北#宵夜#內湖宵夜#築間#love #food#台灣美食#美食紀錄#到處吃美食
吳崇彥 on Google

前一陣子內湖的成功路先後開了兩家涮涮鍋店,『錢都』走平價的路線,『築間』屬中高價位,這兩家連鎖鍋物店的知名度都蠻高,各有吸引的客層! 上週造訪『築間』,店內的用餐環境還不錯,但疫情期間與他人併桌中間加了隔板,感覺擁擠了一點! 當天點的《老饕牛肉鍋》、《紐西蘭嫩羊肩鍋》與《美國濕式熟成背肩沙朗牛肉》三款肉質都還不錯,菜單上也明確標示哪些是組合肉,算是很誠實的作為;菜盤頗為豐富,較少加工食品的火鍋料;冰淇淋則有明治與泰國兩種品牌,其中的泰國冰淇淋較少出現在餐廳裡,《黃金榴槤》與《泰式奶茶》口味特殊,值得一嚐! 來此消費可先加入會員,除了可累計消費點數外,也有優惠的禮物券! ##以上是個人的用餐心得分享,實際口感因人而異,僅供參考!
A while ago, Neihu’s Chenggong Road opened two shabu-shabu restaurants. “Qiandu” has a low price, while “Zhujian” has a medium and high price. the guest layer! I visited Tsukuma last week, and the dining environment in the store is not bad, but during the epidemic, a partition was added in the middle of the table with others, which made it feel a little crowded! The three types of meat that I ordered on the same day, "Old Beef Hot Pot", "New Zealand Tender Lamb Shoulder Hot Pot" and "American Wet Aged Back Shoulder Sirloin Beef", were all of good quality, and the menu also clearly indicated which meat was a combination, which was considered very good. Honest act; the dishes are quite rich and the hot pot ingredients with less processed food; the ice cream has two brands of Meiji and Thailand, among which the Thai ice cream is rarely seen in the restaurant, "Golden Durian" and "Thai Milk Tea" Special taste, worth a try! Come here to spend, you can join the membership first, in addition to accumulating consumption points, there are also preferential gift coupons! ##The above is the sharing of personal dining experience, the actual taste varies from person to person, for reference only!

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