景美順天宮 - Section 1

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116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District, Lane 137, Section 1, Xinglong Rd, 86號景美順天宮

電話 : 📞 +8898
城市 : Xinglong Rd

116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District, Lane 137, Section 1, Xinglong Rd, 86號景美順天宮
蘇育嫺 on Google

jun jie yu (世自在) on Google

Grandma and mother often visit the Mazu Temple
hw c on Google

白天要念經,晚上又要唱卡拉OK,很吵! 讓人厭惡。
It is noisy to read the scriptures during the day and sing karaoke at night.
hacker6320 on Google

假日開擴音器念經 吵死人
Holiday open megaphone chanting
凱____莉 on Google

我真的恨透了每次假日 要唸佛經就唸佛經 可以不要用擴音器大聲播 播到一定要家家戶戶都聽到嗎? 假日想要的就是休息 而不是被自以為是的行為 讓人早上被吵醒 被逼的一定要聽聽聽聽聽 要唸 麻煩 小 聲 點 ! 唸給你們自己人聽就好==
I really hate to read the sutra every holiday Can you do it loudly with a megaphone Do you have to hear every broadcast? All I want for holidays is rest Instead of being pretentious, it makes people wake up in the morning Those who are forced must listen Mind you, please be quiet! Just read it to your own people ==
惠程王 on Google

任何宗教都是自由 心之所向皆佛光 正面能量從善如流 悟道之路自尋找
Any religion is free Buddha's light is everywhere in the heart Positive energy flows from goodness Self-seeking the road to enlightenment
29楊秉霖 on Google

蓮師藥師佛甘露法 渣渣寺(岔岔寺)是藏傳佛教噶舉派寺院。属于以持金剛佛、大成就師帝洛巴、那諾巴、瑪爾巴和密勒日巴,及歷代白帽、红帽和黑帽噶瑪法王傳承的正宗法門噶舉利美不分派。一直修行四教戒密法。 是由傳承中最有證量的上師配製,通常包括證悟上師們個人收藏的甘露丸,稀有材料,及加入歷代傳承祖師及大德們的舍利。許多高僧大德, 大成就者,於那些高證量傳承上師的個人稀有珍藏,及過去歷代承願再來的傳承大師或大德們的舍利,包括了傳承上師智根法王過去幾世的舍利, 及無數傳承上師等大成就者,高僧大德們的舍利如密勒日巴、第一世大寶法王的所有成就大師如大司徒及高證量瑜伽士大德們極大加持能量,在渣渣寺院的藥師佛祈請大法會及蓮花生大師祈請法會中,受到數以千計的仁波切及喇嘛們的加持。 隨身攜帶這定會提供所有你需要的加持, 給予你免除於惡疾,障礙, 厄困,負面能量及邪惡咒詛的保護力量。 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 普巴扎西 仁波切開示 最近我給有緣的信眾分發了一些甘露丸,那麼甘露丸有什麼功德呢? 甘露丸不僅是在高原地區製作的聖物,其中也包含了很多的加持品。 因此平常把甘露丸佩戴在身上或者放在包裡,不僅可以起到辟邪的作用,若需要時吃上一兩粒,還可以預防各種疾病。 當今時代雖然科學發達,但是我們所呼吸的空氣已含有諸多毒素,乃至飲食之中也不可避免地含有很多化學成分,而當這些毒素積累到一定程度之時,世上就有可能會產生無法治療的疾病。 雖然現前我們身上還沒有發生這樣的事情,可誰又知道哪天就會發生在我們身上呢,因此若能做些預防也是挺好的。 從修行的角度而言,由於它本身就是加持品的緣故,因此有助於我們消盡煩惱,並且能令功德逐漸增上,也就是說,他可以改變我們的命運,這也不正是我們最大的心願嗎? 無論是從事世間還是出世間的事業,我們不都希望事業能夠一帆風順嗎?因此能夠時時佩戴或者服用甘露丸,都將有助於我們圓滿心願。 正如 蓮花生大士所言:“ 於三千大千世界之微塵佛作無量之供養,若將甘露丸佩帶頸上之功德,超勝修持三世諸佛之剎土者十萬倍。若將恆河沙劫佛尊觀於頂輪頂禮與甘露丸置梵穴頂禮,二者之功德相似。” 因為甘露丸是十方三世一切諸佛菩薩的總集壇城,所以一切壇城也都已經聚集在一顆甘露丸之中,所以它的加持力是非常大的。 家裡若有小孩,那麼平時給小孩吃上一兩粒,也可以讓小孩越來越聰明。平時很多疾病都來自於前世的業障現前,那麼消盡業障自然可以得到無病和長壽。 我想世上若真有長生不老的聖藥,甘露丸可能就是其中之一吧,因為至少它可以消盡我們的煩惱。 當然我們也並不是說,今天你吃了甘露丸,就真的能長生不老,而是說甘露丸有助於我們消盡煩惱,所以可以無病長壽。 如果你的業力非常沉重,那麼吃幾顆甘露丸是否能轉變,這個我就不確定了。 當然有些人對佛法很有信心,對甘露丸也有信心,即便他患有多麼嚴重的疾病,依靠信心和甘露丸的加持而逐漸來康復乃至改變命運,這樣的例子也不勝枚舉。 因此甘露丸的功德非常不可思議,平時若能時時佩戴在身上非常好。
Guru Rinpoche Medicine Buddha Nectar Method Zhazha Temple (Chacha Temple) is a Kagyu monastery of Tibetan Buddhism. It belongs to the authentic Kagyu Limei inherited from the Vajra Buddha, the great master Tilopa, Nanopa, Marpa and Milarepa, and the Karma Hammams of White Hat, Red Hat and Black Hat. Has been practicing the Four Precepts and Tantra. It is prepared by the most proven master in the lineage, and usually includes the nectar pills collected by the enlightened masters, rare materials, and relics added to the ancestors and great virtues of the generations. Many eminent monks and great virtues, great achievers, in the personal rare collections of those high-certified lineage masters, and the relics of lineage masters or great virtues who have promised to come back in the past generations, including the past few lives of the lineage master Zhigen The relics, and the great achievers such as countless inherited masters, the relics of the eminent monks such as Milarepa, all the accomplished masters of the first Karmapa such as the Da Situ and the high-level yogis greatly bless the energy, The Pharmacist Buddha Prayer Ceremony and Guru Padmasambhava Prayer Ceremony at the Zhazha Monastery were blessed by thousands of Rinpoche and lamas. Carrying this with you will surely provide all the blessings you need, giving you protection from maladies, obstacles, distress, negative energies and evil curses. .................. Puppa Tashi Rinpoche's teaching Recently, I distributed some nectar pills to destined believers. So what are the merits of nectar pills? Ganluwan is not only a holy artifact made in the plateau area, it also contains many blessings. Therefore, usually wearing Ganlu pills on the body or in a bag can not only play a role in warding off evil spirits, but if you need one or two pills, you can also prevent various diseases. Although science is advanced in today’s era, the air we breathe already contains many toxins, and even our diet inevitably contains many chemical components. When these toxins accumulate to a certain level, the world may produce incurable diseases. disease. Although such things have not happened to us right now, who knows which day it will happen to us, so it would be nice if we could do some prevention. From the perspective of spiritual practice, because it itself is a blessing product, it helps us to eliminate our worries and gradually increase our merits. In other words, it can change our destiny, which is not our greatest Your wish? Whether we are engaged in worldly or out-of-world careers, don't we all hope that our career will be smooth sailing? Therefore, being able to wear or take Ganlu pills from time to time will help us fulfill our wishes. As Guru Padmasambhava said: "The dusty Buddha in the three thousand great worlds makes immeasurable offerings. If the nectar pill is worn on the neck, it will be 100,000 times better than those who have practiced the three Buddhas. Hesha Jie Buddhism is viewed at the top of the chakra and the Ganluwan is placed at the Sanskrit point. The merits of the two are similar." Because Ganluwan is the collective mandala of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Ten Fangs and the Third World, all the mandalas have been gathered in one Ganluwan, so its blessing power is very large. If there are children in the family, then giving them one or two pills at ordinary times can also make them smarter. Usually, many diseases come from the karma of the past life, so the elimination of karma will naturally lead to disease-free and longevity. I think if there is a holy medicine for immortality in the world, Ganlu pills may be one of them, because at least it can eliminate our worries. Of course, we are not saying that if you take nectar pills today, you can really live forever, but that nectar pills help us eliminate our worries, so we can live longer without disease. If your karma is very heavy, I'm not sure whether taking a few nectar pills can change it. Of course, some people have confidence in the Dharma and also have confidence in Ganluwan. Even if he suffers from a serious illness, relying on faith and the blessing of Ganluwan to gradually recover and even change his destiny, there are too many examples. Therefore, the merits of Ganlu pills are very incredible, and it is very good if they can be worn on the body from time to time.

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