彰新洗衣店 - Wenshan District

3.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 彰新洗衣店

地址 :

116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District, Zhangxin St, 38號彰新洗衣店

電話 : 📞 +8898
網站 : https://laundry-429.business.site/
城市 : Zhangxin St

116, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wenshan District, Zhangxin St, 38號彰新洗衣店
一個小小的遊戲主播 on Google

張自強. Wilson Chang on Google

Kiki Fang on Google

老闆娘 洗衣專業?
Boss Laundry Professional ?
daniel chen on Google

The proprietress is very polite, there is a set of clothes management
周小咪 on Google

This is super bad. The basic use of the poor can not describe this store. Sending a wash says that the first payment is not billed. Say the phone number. It is impossible to say this when you pick up the money again. Really blackhearted laundry
Taiwan Zen on Google

Professional technology, friendly service, long time to open, it is not easy to accumulate for many years. The number will be written on the label, which is a problem. If you mind, please tell them first.
小5 on Google

The purpose of delivering laundry is to be clean from the inside out. As a result, the store’s furniture is marked on the washing label without the customer’s consent. The clothes are semi-transparent, and you can see the mark written on the washing label from the outside... super dumb! Just write the washing label, and write the other one directly inside the clothes...what about it! Super disrespect for guest's clothes!
N H on Google

我把自身的經驗分享在這裡,如果剛好是會看評價要找洗衣的人,你們可以參考一下我的個人經驗。這一次的經驗讓我感到非常生氣、不愉快!也因為這次的經驗,真的是以後謝絕再把衣服送到這裡洗。把我非常喜歡、非常寶貝的洋裝、衣服送這裡洗,但沒想到真的是令人傻眼的結果。 (1)我送了三件洋裝、一件上衣、兩件外套,剛剛回家檢查其中一件洋裝,發現上面竟然有兩個小黑點髒污根本沒有洗掉(有圖為證)而且因為洋裝是米白色,髒污其實超明顯,但我心裡認為或許這是油污或是其他非常難清潔的液體等等,我不先怪店家,但我也試著用洗臉的肥皂慢慢搓洗兩個黑點,哇!令人覺得驚訝的事情來了!髒污只是因為被我用肥皂搓洗,竟然就洗掉了!還洗得乾乾淨淨,我甚至找不到原本髒的地方是哪裡(有圖為證)這也讓我感到生氣,店家收了錢,不是應該要展現出最專業、最細心的服務成果嗎?請問這是怎麼回事?真的是讓人覺得花了冤枉錢。由於另外兩件洋裝都是深色的,所以我覺得算了,一點都不想檢查了!對於一件米白衣服上面的黑色污點都不會注意到的店家,我下次絕對不會再來這裡,這次花了一千多元,真的就當作學個經驗。 (2)我總共送洗六件衣服,所以我是提了一個非常大、非常堅固的紙袋過去送洗,但剛剛去拿衣服,沒想到老闆娘竟然是直接給我衣架掛著的衣服,我詢問我當初裝的紙袋呢?她竟然說沒有留、而且也不會留紙袋,也抱怨說每天的紙袋太多了,都會直接拿去回收!聽到這種回答我真的是無限一百個傻眼,今天如果不是我開車或騎車,請問我要直接提著六件衣服離開嗎?然後老闆娘還接著抱怨說,之前也有客人反應紙袋被丟掉了,還說是名牌的等等等..。我心想,都已經不只一、兩個客人和妳反映了!為什麼還要丟掉客人的紙袋?紙袋不是什麼多貴的東西,但我認為,如果你們的作法一貫是會丟掉客人原本裝的袋子,客人送過去時,告知一下是個禮貌,也不會讓客人沒有準備就兩手空空的去拿衣服!真的是很傻眼!然後老闆娘還笑嘻嘻的說,她之前還回客人說「好啦!要什麼紙袋我以後都留著給你啦!我這裡超多紙袋的!」(問題不在於是什麼紙袋好嗎?是你們該先告知客人,因為一般人都會以為去拿衣服時,也會留著原本的袋子還回來,如果沒有留,至少也該給個袋子裝吧!) ★補充後續:我也打了電話給店家,正好是老闆娘接,告知她有一件衣服很明顯沒洗乾淨,竟然回我「喔~因為那一件是有洞洞的蕾絲所以沒有用燙的,我沒有發現到。」這種說法真是讓人起疑,不是洗完就要檢查嗎?會讓我懷疑有洗衣服嗎? 然後她也告訴我,請我送回去再給她重洗。我也直接說,我當初以為是不是嚴重油污,自己搓洗看看竟然洗掉了,衣服已經洗乾淨了。老闆娘竟然回我「喔!那你衣服已經洗掉了!那就好了啊!衣服洗乾淨就好了!」 ????????真的是傻眼!老闆娘全程一句道歉都沒有!真的是對不起和道歉都沒有!還說我自己處理完就好了!然後她也直接說她不會賠我這一件的退費,因為是我自己把衣服洗乾淨了!(這樣的態度怎麼對得起消費者?把衣服洗乾淨本來就是店家的責任)接著最傻眼的來了!她開始提到紙袋的事情,指責我沒有先告訴她紙袋要留著,如果有告訴她,她一定會記錄,一定會留,要我自己多注意、提醒她。??????聽到這裡我真的生氣了!一把火上來!我直接告訴她,我並不知道店家的做法是統一回收客人帶過去的紙袋,如果會,那應該是店家要告訴消費者,也就是我!而不是我去提醒! 老闆娘還反駁說「阿我們就是一般都會回收啊!」我回「那是你們的作法,你們這樣覺得!但我覺得的就是都會留,你要先告訴我!沒有袋子裝我要怎麼拿回家?」接著老闆娘還繼續鬼打牆一直說著紙袋的事情...完全就是模糊衣服洗不乾淨的重點,態度真的是超差!口氣有夠差勁!比客人還要大聲!後來我實在受不了直接說「紙袋真的是小事啦!重要的是你們沒把我衣服洗乾淨啦!」她才安靜!但也一樣咬得很死就是不退錢! 最後非常免強的說,下次再去送洗,告訴她,她折一點錢。我想老闆娘自己也很明白啦!我不可能再回去了!連一件衣服都洗不乾淨,誰敢再回去,再折我多少錢都不會再去!傻眼! 這次的經驗完完全全讓我感受到不專業、態度也很差,除了以後再也不光顧外,也給各位參考!我看評價大家說老闆娘客氣態度好,這個在我去送洗時,真的也是如大家說的一樣態度好。但是呢!當遇到問題時,尤其是店家自身的問題時,你們再來看看她的態度好不好了!不予置評!
I share my own experience here. If it happens to be someone who will look for a laundry after review, you can refer to my personal experience. The experience this time made me feel very angry and unhappy! Because of this experience, I really refuse to send my clothes here for washing in the future. I sent my favorite and very precious dresses and clothes to be washed here, but I didn't expect it to be a dumbfounding result. (1) I gave three dresses, a top, and two coats. I just went home to check one of the dresses, and found that there were two small black spots on it and the dirt was not washed off at all (the picture is proof) and because The dress is off-white, and the dirt is actually very obvious, but I thought that maybe it was oil stains or other very difficult to clean liquids, etc. I don’t blame the store first, but I also tried to slowly scrub both with soap Black spots, wow! Surprising things are coming! The dirt is only washed away because I scrubbed it with soap! It’s still clean, and I can’t even find the original dirty place (the picture shows it), which makes me feel angry. The store has collected the money, shouldn’t it show the most professional and attentive service results? ? May I ask how is this going? It really makes people think that money was spent wrongly. Since the other two dresses are both dark, I don’t want to check it at all! For a store that won’t notice the black stains on an off-white dress, I will never come here again next time. This time I spent more than one thousand yuan, which is really an experience. (2) I sent a total of six clothes for washing, so I brought a very large, very sturdy paper bag to wash it, but just went to get the clothes, I didn’t expect the lady boss to give me clothes directly on the hanger, I asked Where is the paper bag I packed? She even said that she didn't keep or will not keep paper bags. She also complained that there are too many paper bags every day, so she would directly take them for recycling! I was really dumbfounded when I heard this answer. If it wasn't for me to drive or ride a bicycle today, would I just leave with six clothes? Then the proprietress continued to complain that some customers had reported that the paper bag was thrown away, and that it was a famous brand, etc... I thought to myself, more than one or two guests have reflected on you! Why throw away the guest's paper bag? Paper bags are not expensive things, but I think that if your practice is always to throw away the original bags of the guests, it is polite to inform the guests when they deliver them, and they will not let the guests go to get the clothes empty-handed! Really dumbfounded! Then the proprietress said with a smile, she said to the customer before, "Okay! I will keep any paper bags for you in the future! I have so many paper bags here!" (The question is not what paper bags are it? You should tell first Guests, because most people think that when they go to get the clothes, they will keep the original bag and return it. If not, at least they should put it in a bag!) ★Additional follow-up: I also called the store. It happened to be the lady boss who answered and told her that there was a piece of clothing that was obviously not cleaned. She actually replied to me "Oh~ because that piece is lace with holes, so it’s not hot. I didn't find it." This statement is really suspicious, isn't it necessary to check after washing? Will it make me suspect that there is laundry? Then she also told me, please send me back and wash her again. I also said directly, I thought it was serious oil stains at first, but I scrubbed it to see if it was washed off, and the clothes were already washed. The lady boss actually replied to me "Oh! Your clothes are already washed! That's all right! Just wash your clothes!" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Really dumbfounded! The lady boss did not apologize during the whole process! I am really sorry and no apology! I also said that I can handle it myself! Then she also said directly that she would not compensate me for this refund because I washed the clothes myself! (How can such an attitude be worthy of consumers? It is the store's responsibility to wash the clothes) Then the most dumbfounded! She began to mention the paper bag, accusing me of not telling her to keep the paper bag first. If she told her, she would record it and keep it. I should pay more attention to it and remind her. ? ? ? ? ? ? I was really angry when I heard this! Come on fire! I told her directly that I didn’t know that the store’s practice was to uniformly recycle the paper bags brought by customers. If so, it should be the store’s telling the consumer, that is, me! Instead of me reminding! The proprietress also retorted, "Ah, we usually recycle it!" I replied, "That's what you do, you think so! But what I think will be kept. You have to tell me first! How can I take it home without a bag? ??" Then the lady boss continued to hit the wall and talked about the paper bag...it was completely obscuring the point that the clothes were not clean, the attitude was really terrible! The tone is bad enough! Louder than the guests! Later, I couldn't stand it and said directly, "Paper bags are really trivial! The important thing is that you didn't wash my clothes clean!" She was quiet! But it's the same if you bite so hard that you won't be refunded! In the end, she said very strongly that she would go to the laundry next time and tell her that she discounted a little money. I think the lady boss herself understands it! I can't go back again! Even a piece of clothing can't be washed clean. Who dares to go back, I won't go again for any discount! Dumbfounded! This experience completely made me feel unprofessional and poor attitude. Apart from never patronizing it again, I will also give you your reference! I think that everyone said that the proprietress was very polite. When I went to send the laundry, it was really as good as everyone said. but! When you encounter problems, especially the store’s own problems, come and see if her attitude is good! No comment!

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