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Contact 17公里海岸自行車道

地址 :

Taiwan, 新竹市北區17公里海岸自行車道

網站 : https://www.maproomexplorers.com/post/coastal-bike-route

Taiwan, 新竹市北區17公里海岸自行車道
落星氏 on Google

很好騎,來回34k很爽。 怕累的,可以租電動的QQ
Very good ride, 34k back and forth is cool. If you are tired, you can rent an electric QQ
Peckie Chu on Google

自行車步道規劃得很好,有些路比較窄,不太好會車,一路上風景很美,有鬱鬱蔥蔥的樹林,也有涼風徐徐的海景,傍晚時分還能看到美麗的日落! 附近很多腳踏車出租店,周圍的收費停車場都是一小時30元,建議汽車可以停在腳踏車店的免費停車場;體力不好人強烈建議租電動腳踏車,騎一般腳踏車來回34公里還滿累的。
The bicycle trails are well planned, some roads are narrow, and it is not easy to meet cars. The scenery along the way is beautiful, there are lush forests, and there are seascapes with cool breeze, and you can see beautiful sunsets in the evening! There are many bicycle rental shops nearby, and the paid parking lot around is 30 yuan per hour. It is recommended that the car can be parked in the free parking lot of the bicycle shop; people with poor physical strength are strongly recommended to rent electric bicycles.
Leolee on Google

規劃非常好的自行車道。(但部分路段目前還在施工)必須繞道。 如果平常沒在鍛鍊身體,要騎全程來回,建議你租電動自行車。 2小時一般人基本上是無法來回,要租3小時,時間比較充裕可以沿途欣賞濕地生態、風車景觀。 建議騎車時間。 春夏下午5-7點。 秋冬下午3-5點。(但風大禦寒衣物要準備) 因為傍晚騎比較不熱,再加上這裡有無敵夕陽美景。 最佳騎車季節。春3-6月、秋9-11月
Planning a very good bike lane. (However, some sections are still under construction). A detour must be made. If you are not exercising normally, you have to ride the whole journey back and forth. It is recommended that you rent an electric bicycle. It is basically impossible for ordinary people to go back and forth for 2 hours. They have to rent for 3 hours. There is plenty of time to enjoy the wetland ecology and windmill landscape along the way. Recommended cycling time. 5-7 pm in spring and summer. 3-5 pm in autumn and winter. (But you need to prepare warm clothes for windy weather) Because the evening ride is not hot, and there is an invincible sunset view here. Best cycling season. Spring March-June, Autumn September-November
yang jyeaeric on Google

規劃良好、景觀有特色的自行車道,尤其濕地生態非常豐富,沿途也都有乾淨的公共廁所。所以不管是騎車或散步都是很棒的一條路線。 但是有二個問題,第一,自行車道雖然夠寬足以讓四台自行車並行,但是並不夠二台四人(電動)車會車,以至於即時是非假日的今天,還是能看到幾次驚險地會車場面,公單位應該要好好跟當地業者好好溝通一下。第二、施工維護絕對是好事,但是否應該在適當距離外設立告示牌及替換路線說明,以今天9K的路基施工來看,從11K一直騎到施工處前10來公尺才用二條黃色施工布條攔住道路,結果就一堆人到那裡被迫回頭,也沒有替代路線的指引路標。對一條知名而規劃這麼棒的自行車道而言,我覺得一定有哪裡不太對勁吧?
Gem brot on Google

Ilike you
Jonnel Dosado on Google

It's a good place
fantastic being on Google

Great place for relaxation with friends and family. Great food as well.
Peter on Google

No interruption during 17km ride, you can enjoy the ride as well as the view

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