詠盛餅店 - Ren’ai District

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 詠盛餅店

地址 :

200, Taiwan, Keelung City, Ren’ai District, Rensi Rd, 31號詠盛餅店

電話 : 📞 +8897
城市 : Rensi Rd

200, Taiwan, Keelung City, Ren’ai District, Rensi Rd, 31號詠盛餅店
陳淑貞 on Google

The white bean paste cake is very delicious, not very sweet, the bean paste cotton is not biting, the skin is thin and the filling is much, and the price is cheap.
蔡小蓮 on Google

I bought it once before and thought it was delicious. The small pastry is crispy on the outside and the filling is sweet but not greasy. I can't help but take one bite after another. This time I came to Keelung Renai Market to repurchase again ~ only noticed the name of the store: Yongsheng Cake Shop ~ push
Gem Cheng on Google

各式餅類都在誘人的展現著,吸引你的目光 一副欠吃的樣子,於是.... 忍不住 手滑了 買起來! 內餡有料 咖哩調的超夠味 好吃! 基隆美食 真的不會讓人失望呀 讚! ?春節前夕 是賣年糕 發糕,餅類商品要電話預訂
All kinds of cakes are displayed attractively, attracting your attention I look like I owe something to eat, so I can’t help it. I slipped my hands. Buy it! It’s stuffed and the curry is super flavorful! Keelung cuisine really won’t disappoint! ?On the eve of the Spring Festival, they sell rice cakes and send cakes. Please call reservations for cakes.
Angel (Angel) on Google

拿破崙還蠻好吃的 但漲了5元沒關係 怎麼還縮水成這樣子了 唉 也沒發票 也不要做成這樣啊 我們是一直支持老店的
Napoleon is pretty delicious, but it’s okay if it goes up by 5 yuan Why has it shrunk like this? Oh, there is no invoice, so don’t make it like this We have always supported the old store
吳清華 on Google

價格親民,品質不錯.貨真價值 修改評價:食品無加註明製造日期保存期限也未顯示,購買日到食用三日時間,發現食品的內餡疑似有發霉.
The price is close to the people, the quality is good. The real value Modified evaluation: The food does not indicate the date of manufacture and the shelf life is not displayed. From the date of purchase to the consumption of three days, it is found that the filling of the food is suspected to be moldy.
王秋慧 on Google

This is the first time I bought egg yolk crisps, 35 yuan is very large, dense, um... much better than the one nearby, I will buy other ones when I go to Keelung next time. I bought a small one today, a little unfulfilled.
Sharia Su on Google

I have eaten many famous yolk cakes in Taipei, but they are really delicious and cheap! Not sweet!
Luna Sung on Google

好吃到爆表爆棚,看起來很不起眼,但是爆炸好吃的,真是非常慶幸有看到評價買了 鹹蛋糕超大一條,售價100,非常超值,料好實在,肉鬆夾層好像不用錢,很厚一層,整個口感就是傳統料好實在的鹹蛋糕,兩天內就立刻吃完了 咖喱肉餅,好險買了大的,也太好吃了吧,香料很獨特,口齒留香,肉是一大塊的,不是肉末肉碎那種,酥皮很有層次,吃起來很過癮,爲何這麼好吃?! 芋頭酥有鹹蛋黃,皮薄餡多,不甜膩,芋頭香味很足,口感很綿密 隔天經過忍不住買一口酥,好好吃,又酥又香,外層薄酥脆,鳳梨餡個人覺得有點偏甜,紅豆餡剛好,配茶跟咖啡很適合,真的會停不下來,一口接一口,很邪惡的點心
It's so delicious that it bursts out, it looks very inconspicuous, but it's delicious, I'm really glad I saw the reviews and bought it The salty cake is very large, the price is 100, it is very good value, the material is good, the meat floss sandwich seems to be free of money, it is very thick, the whole taste is the traditional salty cake with good ingredients, and it was eaten immediately within two days The curry patty, I bought a big one, and it was delicious. The spices are very unique, and the mouth is fragrant. The meat is a big piece, not minced meat. The crispy skin is very layered and tastes very good. Fun, why is it so delicious? ! Taro crisps have salted egg yolk, thin skin and lots of stuffing, not sweet and greasy, full of taro aroma and dense taste The next day after passing by, I couldn’t help but buy a bite. It was delicious, crispy and fragrant. The outer layer was thin and crisp. The pineapple filling was a bit sweet, and the red bean filling was just right. It was very suitable for tea and coffee. I really couldn’t stop. Take a bite, wicked dim sum

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