媽咪寶貝產後護理之家 - Banqiao District

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Contact 媽咪寶貝產後護理之家

地址 :

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Chongqing Rd, 262號媽咪寶貝產後護理之家5樓

電話 : 📞 +888988
網站 : http://www.mamibabylove.com.tw/
城市 : Chongqing Rd

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Chongqing Rd, 262號媽咪寶貝產後護理之家5樓
李苔甄 on Google

六年前懷第一胎入住媽咪寶貝,當時對於護理師們貼心的照顧留下好印象,得知懷第二胎時,不加思索直接回訂,入住這段期間,護理師們和櫃檯客服都很親切的關心媽媽是否睡好吃好、傷口恢復餵奶狀況等等,讓媽媽能輕鬆坐月子,再加上媽咪寶貝有自己的廚房,所有餐點現做現送,也是我很喜歡的地方。 今年過年剛好在坐月子,無法和家人一起圍爐,媽咪寶貝還準備了一個貼心驚喜,為寶寶們拍攝了賀年照片,讓每位媽咪驚艷,真的太謝謝媽咪寶貝。
Six years ago, the first child was in Mommy Baby. At that time, he left a good impression on the care of the nursingist. When he learned that the second child, he did not think of thinking directly, staying during this period, the careters and counter Customer service is very kind to care, do you sleep well? Wound restore the feeding situation, etc. Like place. This year, I have just been sitting on the moon. I can't make a surrounding furnace with my family. Mommy Baby has prepared a surprise, photographing the New Year's photo for the baby, so that every mommy is stunning, really too much Mummy Baby.
黃義翔 on Google

感謝網友們的推薦,讓我第一次住月子中心留下好的回憶。 運氣好抽到房間升等,讓我們荷包輕鬆不少,幸好是住九坪的房間,浴室跟房間的裝潢跟動線和格局是我喜歡的。 如果我再生二寶一樣會選擇媽咪寶貝,這邊每個環節都做的很到位。而且都很親切超乎我的期待,這邊有很多媽媽都是帶大寶再次入住。 本來老婆不敢洗頭,要出關的時候才享受洗薑汁洗髮真的很讚 還有這邊的spa按摩超級舒服,不知道是不是老婆真的太累了!
Thanks to the recommendation of netizens, let me stay in the confinement center for the first time and leave good memories. I was lucky enough to get a room upgrade, which made our purse a lot easier. Fortunately, I live in a nine-square-meter room. The bathroom and room decoration follow the line and pattern are what I like. If I had a second treasure, I would choose mommy baby. Every link here is done very well. And they are very kind and beyond my expectation. There are many mothers here who bring Dabao to stay again. Originally, my wife didn’t dare to wash her hair, so she only enjoyed the ginger shampoo when she was out of customs. It’s really great. And the spa massage here is super comfortable, I don’t know if my wife is really tired!
Cindy Tang on Google

(Translated by Google) At the beginning of pregnancy for 4 months, the main points of the Confinement Confinement Center with Xiansen were 1. Passed the evaluation by the Ministry of Health Service. 2. Convenient transportation, close to the natal family and Xiansen Company. 3. It can be jaundiced in situ without being sent to the hospital. Finally, I visited 4 places before and after, and finally came to the corner of the mommy baby (yeah). In addition to fully meeting the standards of our husband and wife, thanks to Xinyu’s warm reception and introduction, we received a lot of discounts and gifts (such as living more One night, room upgrade, lactation dredging, shampoo and beauty, rehabilitation course, baby photography photo) After the actual check-in, the mommy baby even exceeded the expected CP value. The confinement center plays an important role in connecting after discharge from the hospital and before returning home. In addition to giving mothers a comfortable and warm rest place, the medical profession provides full parenting support and health education knowledge to relieve the inexplicable postpartum mothers Unhappy mood, pressure of milking, division of labor between husband and wife, etc. In addition, the care of the baby is also very grateful for being a mother. When the mother and the baby are in the same room, they can answer and be on the call, and reflect the baby’s condition at any time to let you know. , Obstetricians and gynecologists, nutritionists) to monitor the health of the mother after childbirth. The environment does not take the luxurious route, win with warmth! There is also a floor-to-ceiling balcony that allows me to see the sky outside (after all, during the epidemic, it is very boring to be closed in the room if there is no external window><")整潔維護不在話下,尤其浴室非常乾淨XD阿姨們每天入房清潔,替換衣物。月子餐也有別多數的月中都是外訂廠商,媽咪寶貝設置中央廚房,每天由廚師現做直送,份量要求或有不敢吃或不滿意的菜色,可反映隨時調整。 地點甚是方便,若對開車上下班的爸比來說,對面即有平面與地下停車場。若想外食,附近真心不少美食可選擇(本人在附近居住30年,有開業存活的店家幾乎都是老店)。媽媽若想外出閒晃,對面有寶雅、全聯,走沒多久更有卡多摩,隨時可以手滑補貨XD 很謝謝先森的荷包,還有謝謝自己把孩子健康地生下,月中的日子快結束了,樸實無華的育兒生活即將來臨。感幸這中間落角了媽咪寶貝20幾天,接受了很多人的幫助,期待幸有二寶可再回歸。 PS最後補充!可以原地黃疸照光的月中真的很推!寶寶的黃疸值通常會在出院時達到高峰,若沒有設備的月中則會請父母帶回醫院照光觀察,其實這是相當麻煩(我認為),一來看不到寶寶緊張焦慮,二來爸比需要多請假。媽咪寶貝就有黃疸照光的設備,醫護會每天監測數值回報,更給予正確的衛教資訊讓新手父母安心,不讓媽媽陷入是不是母奶吃不夠的自責圈圈裡。
IRIS LEE on Google

第三次入住了。懷孕時,就好期待月中生活!來這就像回娘家一樣的親切。 護理師、客服、清潔人員到送餐人員,每個人都十分親切,專業。有任何大小事都會幫忙處理、有問必答。 餐點好吃,營養均衡,每天都吃的很飽。 新增了一對一視訊,不用去嬰兒室,24小時隨時可以看到寶寶。 因為疫情,沒有產後瑜珈課程。但美髮、美容還是有的,謝謝媽咪寶貝,在這度過了無憂無慮的一個月~
Yi Chu Liu on Google

Since the first child had a good experience, the second child decided to check in for the second time. This time, the camera lens was added, so that the baby can be seen at any time in the room. The nurse is still professional and friendly, and the customer service staff at the counter are also very friendly if you have any questions. Actively assisting with processing, and also cleaning auntie daily cleaning and changing the bed bag regularly, which made me feel very relaxed during the confinement period and could have a good rest, and the baby was also well taken care of, push~
黃瓊毅 on Google

時隔四年,第二次入住真心覺得太讚了~ 很少有地方是讓人覺得越來越滿意, 媽咪寶貝做到了~ 不論是房間設施,餐點,人員的服務態度上上下下每個都超級親切!!! 櫃檯、護理師、打掃阿姨、送餐阿姨~每個都超棒的!!! 且現在還有新增可以看到寶寶的即時視訊... 我覺得媽咪寶貝是一直再進步也真的很在乎產後媽咪的感受~都會關心有沒有哪邊覺得可以改善,我隨口說一句覺得養肝茶太淡,就立馬幫我換一壺,且也真的濃的好好喝~ 另外洗頭、spa、通乳課程都很棒!!! 雖然自費但很值得~ 可惜我已經封肚了,不過真心推薦媽咪寶貝~
After four years, the second stay is really amazing~ There are few places where people feel more and more satisfied, Mommy baby did it~ Whether it is room facilities, meals, and the service attitude of the staff, everyone is super friendly! ! ! The counter, the nurse, the cleaning aunt, the food delivery aunt~ every one of them is awesome! ! ! And now there is a new addition to see the baby's instant video... I think Mommy and baby are always making progress and really care about how Mommy feels after giving birth~ I will care about whether there is any side that I think can be improved. I casually said that I think liver nourishing tea is too weak, so I immediately changed a pot for me, and It's also really strong and delicious~ In addition, the shampoo, spa, and breast milk courses are all great! ! ! It's worth it though~ It's a pity that I have already sealed my belly, but I really recommend Mommy baby~
Agustina Lin on Google

尚稱溫馨的月中,設備普通,嬰兒照護的護理師們都很親切也很樂意分享育兒新知,清潔阿姨們都很有熱情,每天都會聊上幾句,但另一方面行政、客服問題很多,在此不贅述,總之就是沒有效率和準確度,房間隔音算好,唯獨因為周邊有醫院,會有救護車的聲音無法被完全隔絕,頻率算高,淺眠的媽咪們要注意。 餐食像是稍微精緻的家常菜,每天有泌乳茶和養肝茶供應,包含點心有時會有水果、蛋糕、西米露之類的,早餐則會有清淡版的義大利麵或三明治、夾餡麵包,都很像媽媽自己做的,提供給想要入住的準媽媽們參考。
Shang said it is a warm mid-month, the equipment is ordinary, the nurses who take care of the baby are very kind and willing to share new knowledge about parenting, and the cleaning aunts are very enthusiastic and chat a few words every day, but on the other hand, there are many administrative and customer service problems. , I won't go into details here. In short, there is no efficiency and accuracy. The sound insulation of the room is good. Only because there is a hospital nearby, there will be ambulance sounds that cannot be completely isolated. The frequency is high, and light sleepers should pay attention. The meals are like slightly more delicate home-cooked dishes. Lactation tea and liver nourishing tea are provided every day, including snacks, sometimes fruit, cake, sago, etc. For breakfast, there will be light versions of pasta or sandwiches, The stuffed bread is very similar to what my mother made herself, and it is provided for the reference of expecting mothers who want to stay.
許硯茹 on Google

四年前第一次入住時就覺得選擇媽咪寶貝很溫馨!四年後懷上第二胎就跟先生說這胎還是要選擇媽咪寶貝,不僅客服人員、嬰兒室的護理師連送餐人員、打掃阿姨每一位都很親切也會關心是否需要幫忙,任何問題都願意協助處理! 這次因為是第二胎,升等為最大房型讓大寶也可入住,只可惜沒有住到我想要的房間~但增加了一對一寶寶視訊,方便爸爸媽媽在房間就能看到寶貝的狀況! 因疫情關係少了瑜珈跟外部課程還有寶寶寫真~好可惜啊!但疏乳、美髮美容一樣有~這對產後媽媽很重要!!超推的~尤其是現煮的餐點,新鮮又好吃,我幾乎都吃光光~哈⋯ 可惜要封肚了!以後一定會很懷念媽咪寶貝~
When I first stayed four years ago, I felt that choosing Mommy Baby was very warm! Four years later, when I was pregnant with my second child, I told my husband that I still have to choose Mommy Baby. Not only the customer service staff, the nurses in the baby room, but also the food delivery staff and the cleaning aunt are very kind and care about whether they need help. Willing to help with any questions! This time, because it is the second child, I upgraded to the largest room type so that Dabao can also stay in the room, but unfortunately I didn't get the room I wanted~ But one-to-one baby video has been added, so that parents can see the baby in the room. situation! Due to the epidemic, there are fewer yoga and external courses and baby photos~ What a pity! But breast reduction, hairdressing and beauty are the same~ This is very important for postpartum mothers! ! Super recommended~ Especially the freshly cooked meals, fresh and delicious, I almost ate them all~ Ha... Too bad it's going to be closed! I will definitely miss Mommy and baby in the future~

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